Karma check build environment - karma-runner

In the karma.conf.js you can set what browsers to use e.g. :
browsers: [
Is there anyway in this configuration file to see what the build environment is e.g. Windows or Linux and then only run the tests in the appropriate browsers.
I basically don't want to have to keep changing the config file for karma every time I switch a OS.

After looking into Node.js I found out that you can get the operating system with the following call:
var os = require("os");
With the os variable I was then able to do simple if/else statements with os.type:
I would then assign the appropriate browser options to the browser array in the config object.
browsers = ["Chrome","Firefox"];
All this logic was done inside the Karam.conf.js file but before the module.exports = function() call.


problem loading in ${localEnv:TOKEN} into devcontainer.json

In my devcontainer.json for vscode, I am trying to load in a build variable. This variable is on my local machine's environment, my code looks like the following:
//build arguments
"build": {
"args": {
"TOKEN": "${localEnv:TOKEN}"
It seems like it works when I put in a direct string, or something like "${localEnv:HOME}", but it is not picking up this custom one. which is strange because I can do 'printenv TOKEN' and it prints out correctly.
any ideas on what I may be doing wrong?
Add your export BLA=1 to .profile, this was the only way VScode was able to pass through env variables to the devcontainer.
"name": "devcontainer",
"build": {
"dockerfile": "${localWorkspaceFolder}/Dockerfile",
"context": "${localWorkspaceFolder}",
"remoteEnv": {
"FOO": "${localEnv:FOO}",
"BAR": "${localEnv:BAR}",
First, ensure that you have the VS Code Terminal -> Integrated: Inherit Env setting set to true. This is described on the Advanced Container Configuration page:
If that doesn't fix your problem (it didn't for me), here are some of the workarounds that I have found:
Set the variables in your ~/.bashrc file (or export them temporarily in the terminal) and start VS Code from a bash prompt (the executable is code).
$ export TOKEN=tokenvalue
$ code
Set the variables in your ~/.pam_environment file (these are available session wide and are inherited by applications started with the launcher). You will need to logout and login or reboot for these to apply.
Set the environment variables in one of your VS Code settings files (user or workspace) using the Terminal -> Integrated Env: Linux setting:
// Object with environment variables that will be added to the VS Code process to be used by the terminal on Linux. Set to `null` to delete the environment variable.
"terminal.integrated.env.linux": {
"TOKEN": "tokenvalue"

unable to specify path to javascript file in Karma

My JS file (which I need to test) is /JasmineTest/src/mySource.js. It has myObj object
return a;
My Jasmine spec file is /JasmineTest/spec/mySpec.js. It tests myObj
describe("Jasmine sample suite",function(){
it("tracks that spy was called",function(){
In karma, I have specified the spec file location as
files: [
when I start Karma in /JasmineTest, the test gives error
Chrome 60.0.3112 (Windows 10 0.0.0) Jasmine sample suite tracks that spy was called FAILED
ReferenceError: myObj is not defined
at UserContext.<anonymous> (spec/mySpec.js:4:9)
I tried exporting myObj module.exports = myObj; and importing it in spec file using require('../src/mySource.js') but I got error require is not defined
How do I make myObj visible in the specs file?
Karma doesn't know how to do module requiring unless you configure it specially to do bundling. In general I would expect to use the same sort of bundling in Karma as you do for your web app, so Webpack or Browserify or similar.
Another way is to list mySource.js in under the "files" field in karma.conf.js, which will just execute it and put myObj in as a global, but that doesn't scale very well.

How to run particular protractor test case from command prompt

I am successfully able to run the protractor scripts. Below is the protractor.config.js file which I am using to run the protractor scripts.
var Jasmine2Reporter = require('protractor-jasmine2-screenshot-reporter');
var HtmlReporter = require('protractor-html-screenshot-reporter');
var jReporter=new Jasmine2Reporter({
dest: './protractor-result',
fileName: 'protractor-demo-tests-report.html'
var reporter=new HtmlReporter({
baseDirectory: './protractor-result', // a location to store screen shots.
docTitle: 'Protractor Demo Reporter',
docName: 'protractor-demo-tests-report.html'
exports.config = {
allScriptsTimeout: 11000,
specs: [
'testCaseOne.spec.js' // Hardcoded to run single script.
'*.spec.js' // to run all scripts.
capabilities: {
'browserName': 'chrome'
baseUrl: 'http://localhost:8000/app/',
framework: 'jasmine2',
I am successfully able to run the protractor scripts. Below is the protractor.config.js file which I am using to run the protractor scripts
To run above file, I used below command.
$ npm run protractor
My Expectation:
Now, I would like to run the single protractor script from command prompt. How this can be achieved? This will be useful when I will try to run the protractor test cases from any test management tool.
Can anyone please help me on this.
Try this:
protractor protractor.conf.js --specs='specs/run-just-this-spec.js'
If you want to run a specific test you need use jasmine2 and pass the grep option. https://github.com/angular/protractor/blob/19139272d190dd9c1888d9c3fc2f480f7c6c8edb/docs/jasmine-upgrade.md
Additionally to the given answers, you can use suites, which are sets of specs:
You can have suites which consist only of one spec.
You can run particular spec like this:
protractor --suite=my-suite-name
Also you can temporarily exclude suite or spec in Jasmine using xdescribe and xit (just type x before describe or it).
Also you can focus on particular suite or spec in Jasmin using fdescribe and fit (just type f before describe or it).
Use the node.js process.env object.
var w00t = process.env.TESTED || '*';
exports.config = {
allScriptsTimeout: 11000,
specs: [
w00t + '.spec.js'
Prepend TESTED=testCaseOn when you start protractor to execute the desired spec. To execute all scripts add nothing so that *.spec.js will be called.

How do I run only certain tests in karma?

I have karma config set up correctly, config file, running in the background, just great. As soon as I change and save a file, it reruns the tests.... all 750 of the unit tests. I want to be able to run just a few. Short of manually hacking the config file or commenting out hundreds of tests across many files, is there any easy way to do it?
E.g. when running command line server tests using say mocha, I just use regexp: mocha -g 'only tests that I want'. Makes it much easier to debug and quickly check.
So now I feel foolish. mocha supports a very narrow version of regexp matching.
This runs all tests
describe('all tests',function(){
describe('first tests',function(){
describe('second tests',function(){
This runs just 'first tests'
describe('all tests',function(){
describe.only('first tests',function(){
describe('second tests',function(){
You can also do it.only()
I should have noticed that. Sigh.
You can do that at karma startup time unfortunately, not at runtime.
If you want to change it dynamically you have to put some more effort.
Say you want to focus on a specific set/suite of tests from the beginning, on the karma-mocha plugin page there's this snippet of code to do what you want:
module.exports = function(config) {
// karma configuration here
// this is a mocha configuration object
client: {
// The pattern string will be passed to mocha
args: ['--grep', '<pattern>'],
In order to make the <pattern> parametric you have to wrap the configuration file in a Configurator that will listen CLI and customize the karma configuration for you.
Have a look to this SO answer to know how to setup a very simple Configurator.
I have same question and this is my workround by a little change on karma.conf.js.
In fact, take an argument from command line and modify the pattern in "files".
I use minimist to parse the argument list.
In config file:
/* Begin */
var minimist = require('minimist');
var argv = minimist(process.argv);
var testBase="test/unit";
var testExt=".spec.js";
var unitTestPattern = testBase+'/**/*'+testExt;
if ("test" in argv){
unitTestPattern = testBase+"/"+argv["test"]+testExt;
/* End */
module.exports = function(config){
files : [
unitTestPattern, //place here
// 'test/unit/**/*.spec.js', //replace this
run in command prompt:
karma start test/karma.conf.js --single-run --test #TEST_CASE_FILE#
a nice extension that can help here is karma-jasmine-html-reporter-livereload
or karma-jasmine-html-reporter https://www.npmjs.com/package/karma-jasmine-html-reporter?__hstc=72727564.86845f057bb4d741f59d578059e30644.1443860954685.1453095135802.1453138187458.37&__hssc=72727564.1.1453138187458&__hsfp=2285154675
It creates a debug page in which you can run each test individually. very useful for large projects!
1) In your karma.conf.js get the params from the terminal:
var files = (process.env.npm_config_single_file) ? process.env.npm_config_single_file : 'test/test_index.js';
2) In order to run a single test you will need to set an option object with all your configuration (Without files and preprocessors):
var option = {
webpack: {
// webpack configuration
// more configuration......
3) Set your files path and preprocessors:
option.files = [
{pattern: files, watch: false}
option.preprocessors = {};
option.preprocessors[files] = [ 'webpack', 'sourcemap' ];
// call config.set function
4) Run in the terminal:
npm test --single_file=**/my-specific-file-spec.js
For more information check this PR:
There are different ways to do it.
Use --grep option. The disadvantage of this is that all the tests are preprocessed before running the specific test suite.
Use .only method. Disadvantage same as no. 1. Using both 1 and 2 method my node process used to crash often saying out of memory.
Limit the files options for processing. This is super fast.
Limit preprocessing to certain folder like Unit or Integration folder.
For this I have used custom cli option --only and in the karma config
const modules = config.only;
and in the the files pattern
files: typeof modules === 'string ? '[`tests/**/${module}/**/*.(test|spec).js`]: 'tests/**/*.(test|spec).js'
Advantage: Developers can run only certain tests when they make a small change way faster by limiting in the preprocessing phase.
You can also use combination of no.3 and no.1 or 2.

How to run only one feature file when running protractor with cucumber?

I have multiple feature files and I would really love to run just one file or just one scenario or just one tag.
I know I could just provide one file in my specs in my cucumberConf.js, but I would like to run it once without fiddling with my cucumberConf.js.
Which arguments do I need to type in when running protractor?
in protractor's config:
cucumberOpts: {
tags: [
in the feature file
Scenario: Run this Scenario
Given user does some action
Then something should happen
Scenario: ignore this Scenario
Given user does some action
Then something should happen
The easiest way to do this would be to use the --specs option.
protractor --specs=specs/testA.js e2e-conf.js
use the specs array in protractor config file. E.g.
specs: [ 'test/features/xxx.feature' ],