Wildlfy Swarm YAML properites file - wildfly

i'm trying to run swarm with custom parameters, when I pass the properties options on command line, the server detects these options and runs properly, for example when I run this command :
java -jar test.jar -Dswarm.https.certificate.generate=true
it generates a certificate and starts https on a specific port.
Now according to swarm documentation it's better to use a yaml config file, so I have created one with the properites I wanted. However when I specifiy the path to my yaml file in the command line :
java -jar test.jar -S C:\Users\x17\test\modules\wsserver\project-default.yml
in this case, the file containing the properties is ignored, and the server starts with a default configuration.
Should the project-default file be in a specific folder in my project ? does anybody have an idea how to solve this issue ?

There's a difference between -s and -S. The -S option, that you're trying to use, is used for selecting a project-*.yml file that's packaged together with the application, inside the uberjar. For example,
java -jar app-swarm.jar -S local
means that the file project-local.yml packaged inside the application is used.
If you want to set a full path to the YAML file, you need to use -s:
java -jar app-swarm.jar -s .../path/to/project-defaults.yml
See the documentation for more info: http://docs.wildfly-swarm.io/2018.1.0/#configuring-an-application-using-yaml

Can help you to figure out the issue.
String stringProperty;
is valid CDI injection solution.


How to run a pytest-bdd test?

I am not understanding how to properly run a simple test(feature file and python file)
with the library pytest-bdd.
From the official documentation, I can't understand what command to issue to run a test.
I tried using pytest command, but I saw the NO test ran.
Do I need to use another library behave to run a feature file?
I figured out trying for 2 days,that ,
for running a pytest-bdd test, there are certain requirements, at least in my view.
put both the feature file and python file in the same directory (maybe this can be changed with configuration files)
the python file name needs to start with test_
the python file needs to contain a method of which name will start with test_
the method starting with test_ , need to be assigned to the #scenario sentence
to run the test, issue pytest command in the same directory(maybe it is also configurable)
After issuing you will only see the method with the name starting with test_ has passed, but all the tests actually ran. To test, you can assert False in any #when or #then annotated method, it will throw errors.
The system contained : pytest-bdd==3.0.2 (copied from pip freeze output)
Features files and python files can be placed in different folders using the bdd_features_base_dir hook provided by pytest-bdd; I think it is better having features files in different folders too.
Here you can see a working example (a simple hello world BDD test):
https://github.com/davidemoro/pytest-play-docker/blob/master/tests/pytest.ini (see bdd_features_base_dir in [pytest] section)
If you want to try out pytest-bdd without installation you can use Docker. Create a folder with inside your pytest BDD files and if you want a separate features folder targeted in bdd_features_base_dir and run:
docker run --rm -it -v $(pwd):/src davidemoro/pytest-play:latest
I've found out, that in the python file you don't have to put:
the method starting with test_ , need to be assigned to the #scenario sentence
You can just add: scenarios("") - to allow the tests to be started, which are using steps defined in this specific python file.
Remember to import scenarios!: from pytest_bdd import scenarios
Code example
pytest -v path_to_test_file.py
Things to note here..
Check format of feature file as filename.feature
Always __init__ modules, otherwise test-runner will not find test files
Glue right step definitions to test function
Add feature in features module
If you are using python3 execute test with python3
python3 -m pytest -v path_to_test_file.py

Calling External Command From Powershell Plugin

I have an application process that runs in IBM UrbanCode. The process uses a Powershell Script that uses the CloudFoundry CLI. Our application process runs on an agent on which the CloudFoundry CLI is installed and available on the Path. Strangely enough, the Powershell plugin doesn't know that the CloudFoundry CLI is on the path. Echoing out the path via the plugin itself confirms this.
Currently, our application process looks like:
Copy CloudFoundry CLI into UCD's workspace at the start of the job.
Execute various CloudFoundry commands via the following sytax: .\cf login -u foo -p bar -o baz -s bart
I want to avoid copying the client into the workspace and having to use the .\cf sytax in order to make the scripts more portable.
How can I get the Powershell plugin to respect the Agent's path?
Sounds like the user that your powershell agent is running under does not have CloudFoundry in its path. options are
1. Ensure the PATH variable is set system wide.
2. instead of copying the CloudFoundary CLI you could manually add the path to CloudFoundry before you run the script
Note: this will only persist for the current session.
To test that you have CloudFoundary in the path you can use
Get-Command cf

Rename the Single .exe file name parameter using command line IsCmdBld.exe Installshield

How do I specify the name for the executable using the command-line version of Installshield. I'm looking for the command line switch
I need to create a package based on the version I pass.
For ex : If I pass - 2.2.0,
ISCmdBld.exe -p "\Path\BuildProject.ism" -y %RELEASE_VERSION% -? MY_COOL_APP_%RELEASE_VERSION%.EXE
I need to know the switch (indicated as ? here) which will create MY_COOL_APP_2.2.0.exe after building and running the command line InstallShield build tool.
I tried using the values from the path variables at build time
ISCmdBld.exe -p "\Path\BuildProject.ism" -y %RELEASE_VERSION% -l MYPathVar="MY_COOL_APP_%RELEASE_VERSION%"
I have associated the value of the path variable for the single .exe file in the Project-->Settings-->Application tab but still the build gives me the default setup.exe
Much appreciate your inputs
There is no parameter for IsCmdBld.exe that directly changes the name of the resulting setup.exe file. For a couple predetermined names you could make multiple release configurations and select them (with -r, or product configurations via -a), but for your case that is unlikely to scale. Instead you should consider one of the following:
Use automation (perhaps invoke a .vbs script) to edit the release configuration, and then build the project
Build to a known name, and then rename the resulting file as the next step in your build script

How to run the job within springbatchadmin.war from the command line?

How to run the job within springbatchadmin.war from command line?
I used the following command in command prompt to run the job.
D:\apache-tomcat-6.0.35\webapps\springbatchadmin>java -classpath "lib\*;src" com.companyname.batch.BatchLauncher job1Cfg job1
But I got the error and I cannot run the job.
Please give me right directions.
If you are using tomcat for deploying the admin, then the .war file should have deployed itself into a folder as soon as you start the server once. Now you can trace to the location of the xml files inside that folder, and execute jobs from command-line.
eg: in my case, the xml files are in the folder,
So just in case you want to run a job (say 'abcJob') inside an xml, say 'xyz.xml',
use the command,
java org.springframework.batch.core.launch.support.CommandLineJobRunner "tomcat\webapps\my_project_war\WEB-INF\classes\springbatch\xyz.xml" "abcJob" parameter1=value1 etc
While running from command-line, you can also set the classpath variable to some constant location, so that you can run all relative jobs with reference to that location. (in my case it is'tomcat\webapps\my_project_war\WEB-INF\classes')
So I would use the command,
java org.springframework.batch.core.launch.support.CommandLineJobRunner "classpath*:springbatch/xyz.xml" "abcJob" parameter1=value1

Executable file to run java on CentOS 5

I'm trying to make a simple file so I can call it in SSH and it will start my minecraft server.
I tried making a batch file called start.bat with this code:
java -Xmx512M -Xmx512M -jar craftbukkit-1.2.5-R1.0.jar nogui
However, when I run it in SSH:
$ cd /Minecraft/server_1/
$ start.bat
The SSH returns that it is an invalid or unknown command. Is there any other way I can make a quick command/file to start my server? What file extensions would I use to get this working? It works if I paste that java command in SSH and run it, but I'd rather have a file.
The current working directory is not included in your PATH by default because it is a security risk on multiuser systems. (And a potential annoyance even on machines that are single user.) You would use ./start.bat to start the program.
Since you're using Windows naming conventions, I presume you also forgot to set the execution mode bit -- and you probably also forgot the shebang line at the top of the file.
Try this:
java -Xmx512M -Xmx512M -jar craftbukkit-1.2.5-R1.0.jar nogui
Run chmod 500 on this file. (Strictly speaking, 555 could also work, if you didn't mind other people on the machine executing the file. But they don't need to, so don't let them.) See the chmod(1) manpage for more details on the modes -- 1 bits mean executable, 2 bits means writable, and 4 bits means readable -- thus, 5 is executable and readable.
Then, when you want to run the script, run it like this:
cd /Minecraft/server_1
Note the ./ -- that means the shell should start the search for the executable program in the current working directory. (It could be ./bin/start.bat if your current working directory had a bin subdirectory with a start.bat executable file.)
Is start.bat executable? Make sure you have #!/bin/sh as the first line of the file. Also the directory is probably not in in the path, so try this:
$ chmod 555 start.bat
$ ./start.bat