Calling External Command From Powershell Plugin - powershell

I have an application process that runs in IBM UrbanCode. The process uses a Powershell Script that uses the CloudFoundry CLI. Our application process runs on an agent on which the CloudFoundry CLI is installed and available on the Path. Strangely enough, the Powershell plugin doesn't know that the CloudFoundry CLI is on the path. Echoing out the path via the plugin itself confirms this.
Currently, our application process looks like:
Copy CloudFoundry CLI into UCD's workspace at the start of the job.
Execute various CloudFoundry commands via the following sytax: .\cf login -u foo -p bar -o baz -s bart
I want to avoid copying the client into the workspace and having to use the .\cf sytax in order to make the scripts more portable.
How can I get the Powershell plugin to respect the Agent's path?

Sounds like the user that your powershell agent is running under does not have CloudFoundry in its path. options are
1. Ensure the PATH variable is set system wide.
2. instead of copying the CloudFoundary CLI you could manually add the path to CloudFoundry before you run the script
Note: this will only persist for the current session.
To test that you have CloudFoundary in the path you can use
Get-Command cf


Execute powershell script with gitlab-runner on local windows machine

I do have following setup:
a win PC with gitlab-runner installed (working)
a powershell script running on the same PC is starting an application
a gitlab server to connect this local PC and starting the powershell script
Now when starting the powershell script directly from the local PC, the application starts and terminates after done - working as expected. When starting the same powershell script with the gitlab server (yml-file) then I can see that the application has been started (new process in taskmanager) but it is not running as well it never terminates.
When manually end the task I see that gitlab terminates again.
what could be the root cause?
is it possible to run the powershell script with gitlab-runner? I think there is a way with the command "exec". How does the command looks like when calling the powershell script?
is it possible to run the application not in the background in order to see whats going on?
thanks in advance
I think there is a bug with the gitlab runner on windows.
No matter which shell you configure in the config.toml the runner
will always use cmd.exe for an exec local run.
Specify the --shell argument to override the default cmd.exe shell:
> gitlab-runner exec shell your_job --shell pwsh
If you run this locally in your project, it outputs to .builds/, so add this to your .gitignore because git will see it and think you might want to add a submodule.

How to load environment variables in a remote AIX machine through ssh while running script from Jenkin pipeline?

We are using some custom modules in our Perl automation framework which runs through Jenkin pipeline. Recently we got package not found error for all custom modules while executing test cases in AIX servers as latest Perl version is installed there . So we tried to add "PERL5LIB" in the path as mentioned in document
We added "export PERL5LIB=/home/foobar/code" in /etc/profile of the AIX server and script getting executed without any issue when running from local AIX machine.
But we have Jenkin pipeline to execute the scripts in AIX server using ssh. Now when we do SSH to the AIX server in the pipeline script the variables that we have set in /etc/profile does not load and we get package not found error.
Question: How can I load the profile in the AIX server while running it from pipeline? or is there any other way to handle this. Before executing script I want to export PERL5LIB in remote AIX server through pipeline (only once) and the I should not get package not found error.
Below solutions I have tried :
Load the /etc/profile: ssh AIX server ./etc/profile (using dot since source not working in AIX)
Adding this line "export PERL5LIB=/home/foobar/code" in .ssh/environment in AIX server and set PermitUserEnviorment yes
Appreciate any help on this.
Assign values to variables the usual way:
ssh user#host 'export PERL5LIB=/somepath; echo $PERL5LIB'
user#hosts's password:
ssh user#host '. /etc/profile.local; echo $PERL5LIB'
user#hosts's password:
If you have to execute multiple commands, create a script and upload it to the target computer, for example:
scp user#host:"$SCRIPTNAME"
ssh user#host "$SCRIPTNAME"
This is solved with below changes.
Step 1: Edit ~/.ssh/environment. Add variable PERL5LIB="/path of the module/"
Step 2: Edit /etc/ssh/sshd_config. Change variable PermitUserEnvironment from no to yes. Uncomment it if commented. This will enable access of environment variables to SSH.
Step 3: Restart SSHD service. (This is imp. I had tried step 1 and 2 before also but not restarted the service so solution was not working)
We can create a script and run it before executing automation test from pipeline.

How can I make a SSH tunnel command into a service on Windows 10?

I have a very simple command in powershell to start SSH tunnels:
ssh -N -L 28777:localhost:28778 myapp-db
What's the simplest way to make this a service, so I can run:
start-service db-tunnel
etc on Windows 10? I've read an old article on doing this and it involves using C#, which seems way too complex for such a simple task.
PowerShell is not necessary. Here's one way:
Install the Windows Server 2003 Resource Kit Tools package somewhere and get the files instsrv.exe and srvany.exe.
Use srvany.exe to create the service using the ssh.exe program and its parameters using the information in Microsoft help article 137890.
For example:
instsrv "SSH Server" "C:\Program Files (x86)\Resource Kit Tools\srvany.exe"
Of course, specify whatever service name you want and the path and filename of srvany.exe.
Next, use the registry editor to go to HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\SSH Tunnel (or whatever you named the service) in the registry and create a Parameters subkey. In the Parameters subkey create an Application value (REG_SZ type):
C:\Program Files (x86)\ssh\ssh.exe
(or whatever - the path and filename to your ssh executable).
You can also create the values AppDirectory (REG_SZ) to specify the starting directory for the executable, and AppParameters (REG_SZ) to specify the parameters to the executable; e.g.:
-N -L 28777:localhost:28778 myapp-db
You can substitute the use of the NSSM tool mentioned by BenH in his comment if you prefer that tool and are allowed to use third-party software.
To make something into a service, you would need to compile your script into an executable. This can be done via PS2EXE.
What may work just as well for you is making a function in powershell, Start-DbTunnel, and making that import into your powershell session on start. You can do this by loading functions in the foloowing path:
or for the ISE
Inside those files, I have
$PSprofilePath = "C:\Users\cknutson\Documents\WindowsPowershell"
$items = Get-ChildItem "$PSprofilePath\functions"
#Set-Location "$PSprofilePath\functions"
$items | ForEach-Object {
. $_.FullName
Set-Location C:\
Any scripts containing functions, or otherwise will be run each time you open a powershell host.

Is it possible to log all powershell commands run on a machine?

We have some .net applications running on a server that run powershell scripts. Is there a setting where we can log every single powershell command run on that machine, without modifying our existing applications? I already tried start-transcript . That command only captures the commands run in the current session.
I believe Microsoft calls what you're after "Over the Shoulder Transcription". It's described here, and will be available in WMF5.

Startup Task not running on Azure Cloud Service role

I'm having difficulties trying to setup a startup task in an Azure role.
The ultimate goal is to disable RC4 cipher, along with other SSL configurations. In my (VS2012Express) project (solution partially achieved following another answer here in SO that led me to ) I created a Startup.cmd file like this:
# Execute powershell command to disable RC4 and imporve SSL security settings
ECHO Batch started >> "StartupLog.txt" 2>&1
PowerShell -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted .\HardenSSL.ps1 >> log- HardenSSL.txt 2>&1
HardenSSL.ps1 is the PowerShell script from the previous link. Both the .cmd and .ps1 scripts are placed in the application root directory, marked as "Content" with properties set to "CopyLocal=Always".
In my service definition, I put this:
<Task commandLine="Startup.cmd" executionContext="elevated" taskType="background"></Task>
Now, when I deploy the application to Azure, "nothing" happens. I configured the role instance to allow remote desktop, connected to the machine. I verified the scripts where published, and there were no log files, RC4 still enabled. I tried to manually run the .cmd and the machine runs the scripts to completion, disables RC4 and restarts. So the scripts are actually "correct".
The problem is that the scripts are not getting fired up at startup. I may be wrong, but I don't see anything related looking Windows events. Actually, the server now keeps all the configurations, but I have to be sure the scripts get executed in case I'll have to publish to new instances/cloud services.
I also tried to:
1. place the scripts on a child directory
2. create other 2 "simpler" .cmd that just create a log file with "script started" to exclude problems related to the .cmd calling the PowerShell script.
None of those scripts got executed.
Hope I've been sufficiently clear, any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you in advance,
Reading through various discussions, I missed one very important thing: the script files are actually published in 2 distinct places, one being inside the /bin folder.
Ex: I placed my scripts in a /StartupScripts folder in my project, and when I connect via Remote Desktop to the Azure server I find the scripts both in "approot/StartupScripts" and in "approot/bin/StartupScripts".
The scripts the are actually executing are those placed inside the "bin" folder. the real problem is that I have probably a path problem inside the .cmd since I now found the execution logs with an error.
Now I will try to change it up and update the question here on SO.
In the end it was indeed a problem with a path in my Startup.cmd file: .\HardenSSL.ps1 could not be found if the StartUp Task pointed to a subfolder.
Solution was to place both Startup.cmd and HardenSSL.ps1 files in the application root, remove the ".\" part when calling the PowerShell Script and all worked well.
Anyway, I would like to suggest anyone to pick this other solution I found in stack exchage:
It links to a NuGet package that does the same thing as the script I found on the link to github in the original post, just "better"; mainly:
Better configuration of cipher suites, with support for ForwardSecrecy for all reference browsers on SSLLabs
Retain SSL support for Internet Explorer 8 on windows XP (unfortunately still a necessity for us)