Facebook messenger bot reaction notification - facebook

I have created my messenger bot and I am sending optedin user messages.
However I would like also to handle their reactions to my messages.
My callback url is working ok, for messages sent by them, for read events etc, but no reaction information.
Does anybody know if this is possible at all?

Currently there is no webhook event sent for reactions, and no way to detect them.

Today there is a webhook to handle reactions


Facebook Message Webhook Event : How to identify that the message is a reply/comment of a Page Story?

I have a bot running well receiving messages through the Facebook message webhook event. Everything works well when the user sends messages through the messenger app.
But When a user replies to the page story, it generates an incoming message as if it was a standard one and it's not possible to handle this context which is completely different form a user initiated conversation.
Any idea how to receive to differentiate a "standard" message from a "reply to page story" one ? Thx
There is no way to differentiate between these two entry points/sources. Both will trigger a regular message event with no specific attributes added that would allow you to differentiate the source/entry point.

Facebook bot not receiving messaging_game_plays webhook events even though webhook is subscribed to those events

I'm testing a facebook instant games app and want my bot to collect messaging_game_plays events to log user data at the end of a play session.
I've set up an app page, app, and uploaded a build that I have moved to the testing stage. I also have a bot with a public webhook that I have successfully verified. The webhook is currently subscribed to messaging_game_plays as well as messages. I have simple echo functionality built into the bot and can spin up the messenger app on my phone, message the page, and receive an echo perfectly.
The problem arises when I go to the games section of my messenger app, play the game, and then exit the game. I expect my bot to receive a messaging_game_plays event per https://developers.facebook.com/docs/messenger-platform/reference/webhook-events/messaging_game_plays/, but I don't receive any indication in the logs of the bot server that anything has called the webhook (even after waiting a significant amount of time).
So my question is/questions are: am I missing something that is required for the messaging_game_plays to be sent to my bot? Is there anything that I need to add to my app-build specifically for this event to trigger? Is launching the game on my phone and exiting the game sufficient for testing this event?
I've searched forums and documentation with no luck but maybe I've missed something along the way. I have checked this question: Facebook Messenger webhook setup, but not triggered, and that helped me successfully trigger messages events which I am getting, I just can't seem to collect messaging_game_plays events.
I am rather new to this process so I may be missing something small, any help would be greatly appreciated!
For reference:
app webhook subscriptions
What does your fbapp-config.json file say? If your bot opt-in parameter is 'opt_in_dev' or 'opt_in_public' you will need to call the subscribeBotAsync method to subscribe your user to the bot before any webhooks will be sent.
Messenger bots will need to be opt-in only from January 19th (see here: https://www.facebook.com/fbgaminghome/blog/important-game-bots-update).
We're making this change to ensure a better player experience.
If you want to transfer player data without requiring the bot to be opted-in, you can use standard JavaScript fetch/XMLHttpRequest with getSignedPlayerInfoAsync to avoid tampering.

How to detect standby event from Messenger?

Using Messenger Handover protocol I can pass the control to inbox when user requests to talk to a human. I want the bot to listen on standby in order to take the control back when user requests it. The problem seems that the bot doesn't listen on standby.
My Facebook page is subscribed to Standby event and Webhooks integration is enabled in my Messenger app. In DialogFlow the Facebook Messenger integration is set. In the fulfillment code I don't receive requests after handing the conversation thread control over to inbox.
Please help!
I have an idea for this, but actually I'm not sure if it wil work, I'll just post it to see if anyone maybe has tried it.
I think you should create an own webhook, this is going to be subscribed in the Facebook App Messenger Webhook in Facebook Developers Portal.
You will have to set your this webhook to receive all the corresponding events from Facebook, like 'messaging', 'standby, 'messaging_handovers', etc (currently 'messaging' event is used to send the messages from users, and 'messaging_handovers' and 'standby' are used to switch control from bot (DialogFlow in your case) to another app (could be inbox page).
Then, you will have to set up your webhook, depending on the callback received, like this:
- If request_thread_control callback is send: the webhook should send a pass_thread_control to the second reciver
- you will have to set up a protocol to activate take_thread_control, to return the ownership of the conversation to the bot
- In any other callbacks (asuming the rest are for the messages send to the bot), the webhook should send them to Dialogflow using a client of it inside your webhook, evaluating if the bot has the ownership of the conversation or another app has (again could be another app or inbox)
As I said, it's just an idea, I'm not sure if it will work. Hope it helps somone!
https://developers.facebook.com/docs/messenger-platform/handover-protocol/pass-thread-control (Passing Thread Control to the Page Inbox (Live Chat))
https://developers.facebook.com/docs/messenger-platform/handover-protocol/request-thread-control#page_inbox (Requesting Thread Control From the Page Inbox)
*This is an idea to make passing the ownership avoiding to create an intent that do that. Specially if you want to switch between bot and inbox page just moving a conversation from Done to Inbox or from Inbox to Done

FbChatBot mark message as Read

i am developing fb chat bot, and i want to mark the message as read so that when the moderator of our fb page view the message part, they won't see so many unread messages even though the fb chat bot has already replied that user and they don't need to click that message just to mark it as "read".
How can i achieve this? I am trying to use this API: but it doesn't work.
You can not mark message as read (as of now), but the best way I deal with this is to use Handover Protocol
When your bot reply the message, it won't appear in INBOX, but it goes to DONE box instead.
When bot cannot answer, you can let your bot pass thread to INBOX. Then the moderator of page manually answer it. (and mark as DONE afterward)
Follow the instruction here to set it up:
(Note: You can pass thread to page inbox and then take thread back immediately. I will notify to INBOX, but your bot can still work with users.)
When you use the API you sent here (Facebook's Send API), you only mark the message as "seen" from the bot on the Messenger Chat that you have with your users. This doesn't affect the messages inside your Page's inbox.
Unfortunately, there is no way to mark messages as read inside your Page's inbox.
Is this new feature of fb bot? Thanks btw! I will try to check this.
Is there any side effects in Marking the message as done ???
To answer your question:
There are some bugs within the Inbox/Pages Manager mobile app. You won't see the messages in DONE folder if your admins are using Pages Manager mobile app for now.
I've reported the issue and working with them to solve it. However, you can still see those messages in DONE folder if you use a computer and go into your page's Inbox.
NOTE: It seems that messages moved to Inbox will be marked as seen (not bolded). This may be a little confusing if your admins don't mark each conversation as DONE after admin finishes conversation with the users.

Facebook real time inbox messages with Graph API v2

Does anyone know a way to fetch a user/page inbox messages in real time?
I've found this link, but there is no mention about inbox messages.
The Real-time updates are about... -updates-. That means you will only get notified about changes in the fields described in that link (not regarding the Payments API, that's a different case).
So, you can't get real-time inbox messages.
You can subscribe to the notifications, but I'm not really sure if Messages notifications are included in those...