Application Request Routing on local machine - arr

I installed ARR on my local machine and setup a server farm with a single server in it (localhost). I added two redirect routing rules. However, it doesn't do the redirect. My Default Web Site has ab additional binding like this one: I tried putting that in the server farm and it still didn't work. The redirect rules look like this.
Uses wildcards in the pattern
inbound pattern: */path2/*/*/*/method*
Redirect URL: /path1/path2/api/item/method
EDIT: When I use the Test Pattern and enter one of the URLs against my rule it parses it successfully
Also tried putting the full hostname (e.g. in the redirect rule as well as using the alias localServerFarm (which is the name of server farm). Nothing worked.
The module is "working" in some respect because when I had a broken rule it sure told me about it when I tried to load any url on localhost. Once I fixed the rule, I no longer got the error message but it doesn't do any redirection.

This was just a matter of getting the redirect rule correct. In the rules list there is a column named Input and it's setting is URL Path. So, the only input to the pattern match is the path part of the URL not including the / at the beginning. All I had to do was change the */ at the beginning of my pattern to just *, e.g. */path2/*/*/*/method* changed to *path2/*/*/*/method*.
I don't know if there's any other setting for the Input field (it isn't settable in the rule definition screen) but for anyone creating rules remember that only the path without a leading / is what's used for evaluating the pattern match. One note is that if you're matching from the beginning of the path, as I am, you don't need the * at the beginning of the pattern. However, if you go into the test pattern screen and paste a full URL into the Input data it will not just grab the path part of that URL and feed it to the pattern match will use the entire string so it will require an * at the beginning of your pattern to work.


How can I use an Azure Front Door Rules Engine match condition to only match requests to the root of a site?

I'm trying to set up a set of rules on my Azure Front door to redirect all requests to the root of a site to a set of language based subfolders based on the location match of the incoming request.
Doing the Geo-location part is fairly straightforward, but I'm not having much success limiting the requests to only the root of the site - or at least when I try to do so, my rules don't appear to match and I don't get the redirect I'm expecting.
I've tried setting the above conditions:
IF "Request Path" EQUAL "/"
AND IF "Remote address" "Geo Match" "Switzerland, CH"
THEN "Routing Configuration" "Redirect" "307"
Host: Preserve;
Destination Path: Replace: "/de-ch/"
However I don't appear to be getting the redirect when requesting the root of the site from a browser based in Switzerland.
I can't find any actual examples for using the Rules Engine with either Path or matching, so I'm wondering if I should be using "Request URL" (and therefore I'll need to put the scheme and host in there, which is less than ideal as ruleset may be working with multiple front end hosts), or should what I'm doing work?
The "Request Path" match condition appears to match on the path after the initial /, for example given a request for:
The following values are used in the match conditions:
Request Path: folder/page.html
Request URL:
Request File Extension: html
Request Filename: page.html
I therefore had to use the Request URL condition and limit my rules to the specific domain in the request to ensure that we were only matching the root requests.
I have not tried specifying an operator of Not Any yet, although that could also be a solution (we needed more that 25 rules, which is a further limitation, so ended up using a different solution).
Zhaph said they have not tried the Not Any operator at the time of writing.
I've just used it and I can confirm Not Any works for matching just the root of the domain/subdomain. Definitely takes the hassle out of creating multiple match conditions on Request URL.

Redirect S3 subfolder to another domain with Cloudfront

I have a static showcase website hosted on S3 and using CloudFront, and an online shop (Prestashop) and a blog (Wordpress), both hosted on OVH servers.
I want to make a hidden redirection on two subfolders of my static website so it acts like my 3 websites are on the same host, using the following pattern : --> normal behaviour --> -->
Of course, I need every request to be handled that way, eventually having something like that :
returns what
would have returned.
This seems really tricky, since I've found no real solution to my problem, and at this point I doubt it may even be possible to do such a thing.
I considered using a proxy but wouldn't that be like using a sledgehammer to get rid of a fly ?
I have searched for any possible redirection and I was only able to find subdomain/domain redirections...
So my question would be "How can I do that ?"
But right now I'm wondering "Can one do that ?"
P.S : It's my first post ever, I'm used to search for a long time before posting and I always end up finding a solution, except for now. Any suggestion is welcome.
I'll check about proxies since it's my last hope
I have a static showcase website hosted on S3 and using CloudFront
CloudFront is a reverse proxy.
Depending on how much flexibility you have with the other two sites, CloudFront can potentially take you where you want to go, combining multiple independent sites under one hostname.
This is done by creating additional origin servers for your distributions and then creating additional cache behaviors, with path patterns matching the additonal paths, such as /blog and /blog/* that send requests to the alternate origins.
There is, however, a catch. CloudFront can't remove the matched pattern, so, matching the pattern /blog/* will be forwarded to -- not to¹ This will require changes to the other sites in order to integrate them in this way.
If you already have unique path patterns, no problem, but if the extra sites' content is in the root of each individual site, you see the issue, here. Not insurmoubtable, but still an issue.
Your only alternative will be a reverse proxy behind CloudFront to rewrite those paths and send the requests on to the alternate servers. Truly not a big deal either, since HAProxy, Nginx, and Varnish all offer such functionality and can handle a large number of proxied requests on surprisingly small hardware.
The recently (2017) released Lambda#Edge service allows you to rewrite paths on the fly, as requests are processed, if necessary.
But the bottom line is that the reason you have not found a real solution other than a proxy is that there is no alternative -- every path at a given hostname must be handled in one logical place -- one group of one or more identically-configured endpoints. In the case of CloudFront, the logical place is physically distributed globally.
¹ CloudFront, natively, can actually prepend onto the path before forwarding the request, so requests for can be forwarded to by setting the origin path to /foo when you configure the origin. But it can't remove path parts or otherwise modify the path without also using Lambda#Edge. In the scenario discussed above, you would leave the origin path blank when configuring the additional origin servers.
Single S3 bucket with the following behavior :> serves the files from root of bucket -> serves the files from subfolder in S3 bucket (this is not default behavior)
How to :
Lambda edge code:
'use strict';
exports.handler = (event, context, callback) => {
// Extract the request from the CloudFront event that is sent to Lambda#Edge
var request = event.Records[0].cf.request;
// Extract the URI from the request
var olduri = request.uri;
// Match any '/' that occurs at the end of a URI. Replace it with a default index
var newuri = olduri.replace(/\/$/, '\/index.html');
// Log the URI as received by CloudFront and the new URI to be used to fetch from origin
console.log("Old URI: " + olduri);
console.log("New URI: " + newuri);
// Replace the received URI with the URI that includes the index page
request.uri = newuri;
// Return to CloudFront
return callback(null, request);
Summary of code higher :
lambda edge rewrites the path "/blog/" to "/blog/index.html"

Create URL based on entered data in iOS

If user entered say google then
i need to add ie missing part.
User may enter any thing say or or anything.
Now goal to complete the left over url as we check url using regex like this:
NSString *urlRegEx = #"(http|https)://((\\w)*|([0-9]*)|([-|_])*)+([\\.|/]((\\w)*|([0-9]*)|([-|_])*))+";
That given url is valid or not
Don't forget the third level domain names with suffixes like,,, etc.
A fully qualified domain name must have at least one dot. If it doesn't have at least one dot, then you might add .com to the end.
If it does have at least one dot, then it gets more complicated. .google could be a top level domain in the future, though it isn't now. Perhaps you want to keep a white list of all "valid" first and second level domain names. You evaluate the entered domain name from the right until it stops matching domains from your list. The remainder is the "registered" domain name and any sub domains. If you don't find any matches, then add .com.
Alternatively, rather than parsing the domain name, you could just try to resolve it, and if it doesn't resolve, then add .com and try again.
I think I know what you're asking however other than the regex how are you actually validating that the URL is valid? It seems as though you're making an incorrect assumption that all URLs follow a common syntax. As as example, is a valid URL so if you apply your regex (as I understand your intent) the user would get to which may not be the same site as the one the user wanted (even though in this case it is because it forwards). Another example is if the user enters "www" your regex will kill it. A final example is if a site doesn't have its DNS registered WITH the "www" - your regex will incorrectly add the "www" piece.
EDIT: what happens if the user needs https as opposed to http and only enters "google"?
Haven't tried this one myself yet, but an NSDataDetector for the type NSTextCheckingTypeLink should be able to do you a decent job.

How to find the #fragment in a URL in Lift

I'm pretty new to Lift, and one of the things I've been trying to find is how to, in the context of a snippet, find the '#' in the current page's URL. So if a user visits then I would like to extract "stuff" from that. I've been googling and searching the API docs and have yet to find anything for this.
I don't think the part behind the # ever gets sent to the server in the first place.
That's what wikipedia has to say about it:
In URIs a hashmark # introduces the
optional fragment near the end of the
URL. The generic RFC 3986 syntax for
URIs also allows an optional query
part introduced by a question mark ?.
In URIs with a query and a fragment
the fragment follows the query. Query
parts depend on the URI scheme and are
evaluated by the server — e.g., http:
supports queries unlike ftp:.
Fragments depend on the document MIME
type and are evaluated by the client
(Web-browser). Clients are not
supposed to send URI-fragments to
servers when they retrieve a document,
and without help from a local
application (see below) fragments do
not participate in HTTP redirections.
I don't think the part behind the #
ever gets sent to the server in the
first place.
You are correct, sir. That is the entire point of the hash.
Dylan, you could do something from the Javascript side:
$.ajax( { data : { fragment : window.location.hash ...

"/ " in a URL completely bypassing ASP Routing

One of my routes in an MVC project serves documents that have been uploaded.
For SEO and user friendliness purposes I want the document title to be included in the URL, the route will take the ID from the incoming URL, match it with the document then redirect to a URL with the filename appended to the ID. As document titles can have a wide variety of characters in the title including ones that are used to break up parameters the filename is a catchall parameter.
This works fine for almost all characters in the title including reserved ones such as "/" but when the title include the combination "/ " routing breaks. Not just in terms of not match this route but apparently bypassing the entirety of the application and returning a 404, I tried to use Phil Haack's RouteDebugger but that was also giving a 404 rather than catching the request.
My web.config has requestvalidation turned off and I can't seem to find anyway to get the application to catch the request.
I would recommend you filtering those character or you will have many headaches. Here's a function you might find interesting.