VSCODE - How to develop a UI like the Twitter Feedback - visual-studio-code

In vscode there is a smiley face at the bottom right side of the page.
Does anyone know if there are docs relating to how to develop an extension with a Form-like UI Such as this.

That is built-in UI. We don't expose it to extensions.
I suggest trying to use existing API functions such as as showQuickPick and showInputBox if you can. If you really need custom UI, take a look at html previews


Images in Toast or Snackbar

I am building an application that targets Windows, Mac, IOS and Android.
I am using .NET Maui.
Is it possible to display an image or images in a toast or snackbar using the .Net Maui Community Toolkit? If so, can you provide an example please? if not, is there another way to achieve this.
I have looked at all the documentation I can find but have not been able to find a way
This is unfortunately not possible. A SnackBar/Toas control is designed to show a simple (text) message and at most 1 action that is associated with it. If you want to show images and such you will either have to implement something custom or maybe look at the Popup implementation in the Community Toolkit.

Adding Multiple buttons in Toast or Snackbar

Is it possible to display multiple buttons/actions in a toast or snackbar using the .Net Maui Community Toolkit? If so, can you provide an example please? if not, is there another way to achieve this.
I have looked at all the documentation I can find but have not been able to find a way
Unfortunately this is not possible. On Android it uses the platform implementation as this concept is actually something that comes from Android. And on Android you cannot have more than 1 button on it. On other platforms we draw our own SnackBar/Toast, but to make sure it is consistent across platforms, we only allow 1 button to be on there.

2sxc 10+, is it possible to add menu/commands to the TinyMCE WYSIWYG Editor?

I have a client hoping that we can get 1 or more custom menu commands added in to the default or advanced TinyMCE toolbar used in 2sxc. Is that possible? If yes, how/where do I get started?
There is no quick & simple way to do it, as there is no "injection" point for this. There is so much you could do with tinymce it's a difficult to provide a clear place to inject changes.
So as of now the best way would be to replicate the existing input-component and register your modified one as another input-field. For 2sxc 9 there are some blogs explaining how to do this, in 10.x the API isn't official yet - we want to be really sure it will be long term.

Integrate Text Editor With IPad App - Objective C

I have an app for a text editor developed by OMNI Group. I need to integrate this text editor with one of my other apps. I have no idea as to how should I do it. Can someone provide me any directions as to how should I begin with it. I googled a lot but could not find much help. Thanks and regards.
1: Assuming that your text editor is an online editor living in a browser, simply implement a UIWebView and it should just work. For example, an editable <textarea> is rendered without problems in a UIWebView.
If you need other special features you have implemented with javascript and the like you need to test if they work in the UIWebView.
2: If, however, the text editor is already working in another iOS app, simply copy the classes that you are using to implement the editor into your new project and use them in an equivalent way, tweaking where necessary. If you followed the programming principle of incapsulation this should be a breeze.

Which is good modal popup working code?

I would like to have AJAX modal way of pop up box for my website need. I tried this, http://www.ericmmartin.com/simplemodal-login-released/
It does not work to me well while passing the query strings etc.,
Is there better plugin ? I found this website, www.bnet.com (click join / log in) ... it looks good.. Is there any plugin to do like this.
My website is mysql and php
Check out http://jqueryui.com/demos/dialog/
I use it on a lot of my websites. Easy to implement and simple plug and play with jquery. They are skinnable and with themeroller you can easily mix and match the colors etc to easily implement it within your existing website theme.