I am trying to get the following to work so I can automate some SCP uploads I need to do. I believe the problem is how ${user}#${device} is being interpreted.
$user = "user1"
$device = "server1"
Start-Process 'C:\Program Files\PuTTY\pscp.exe' `
-ArgumentList ("c:\temp\myfile.txt ${user}#${device}:/shared/tmp/") -NoNewWindow
I've tried $user#$device (powershell barks about syntax), $user#${device}and ${user}#${device} (these tell me you can't copy from local to local which indicates in is not parsing the :/shared/tmp/ correctly.)
You can also escape the : with `:
"c:\temp\myfile.txt ${user}#${device}`:/shared/tmp/"
As always, unless you have a specific reason for using Start-Process: don't bother. Use the call operator (&) instead.
This worked perfectly fine when I just tested it:
$user = 'user1'
$device = 'server1'
$params = 'c:\temp\myfile.txt', "${user}#${device}:/shared/tmp/"
& 'C:\Program Files\PuTTY\pscp.exe' #params
Try this:
$user = "user1"
$device = "server1"
Start-Process 'C:\Program Files\PuTTY\pscp.exe' `
-ArgumentList ("c:\temp\myfile.txt {$($user)}#{$($device)}:/shared/tmp/") -NoNewWindow
try this:
$user = "user1"
$device = "server1"
$Program='C:\Program Files\PuTTY\pscp.exe'
$Arguments="c:\temp\myfile.txt {0}#{1}:/shared/tmp/ -NoNewWindow" -f $user, $device
Start-Process $Program $Arguments
I am writing a script in powershell where after login with User 1 on a system, it will switch to user 2 and then make a connection to database with this user. However, the dbinstance details, port No and Computer name to be passed in invoke command will be defined as a map before the 2nd invoke command i.e. when it will invoke the command to open powershell with 2nd user(db user). It is able to take userid in this case i.e. when to invoke the powershell connection with 2nd user, however it is not able to pass the values of dbinstance and port to next sqlcmd invoke. Below is the code for reference. In this code it works fine while getting $inputMap.UserNameP, however it fails in passing $inputMap.DBInstance,$inputMap.PortNo.
$UserName = 'User1'
$securekey = #'
'# |ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText -Force;
$concreds=New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential -ArgumentList $UserName, $securekey;
Invoke-Command -Credential $concreds -ComputerName 'abc.domainname'-Authentication Credssp -ScriptBlock {
function checkFaultHighUtilization() {
$local:ExecStdOperatorOut=Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock {
$securekey1 = "securekey1"
$finalresult = #()
$securekey2 = $securekey1 | ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText -Force;
$concreds=New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential -ArgumentList $inputMap.UserNameP, $securekey2;
Invoke-Command -Credential $concreds -ComputerName 'computername' -Authentication Credssp -ScriptBlock {
$var1=Invoke-Sqlcmd -query "
select * from db
End" -ServerInstance "$inputMap.DBInstance,$inputMap.PortNo"
##if (($var1.count) -gt 0) {
foreach($row in $var1){
echo $finalresult
$local:ExecStdOperatorRet=if($local:ExecStdOperatorOut) {0} else {1}
return $local:ExecStdOperatorRet,$local:ExecStdOperatorOut;
$ESExecOutput=($ESExecOutput | Out-String).Trim();
Write-output "ESExecOutput:";
Write-output $ESExecOutput;
Write-output ":ESExecOutput";Write-output $("ESExecError:" + $Error + ":ESExecError");
Write-output $("ESExecReturn:" + $ESExecReturn + ":ESExecReturn");
$scriptBlockOne = {
$variableA = "Hello World"
return $variableA
$scriptBlockTwo = {
param (
Write-host $inputString
$invokeCommandReturn = Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock $scriptBlockOne
Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock $scriptBlockTwo -ArgumentList $invokeCommandReturn
You're trying to use expressions such as $inputMap.DBInstance as-is inside an expandable string ("..."), which is syntactically not supported.
To use expressions, you must enclose them in $(...), the subexpression operator.
See this answer for a comprehensive discussion of string interpolation in PowerShell.
# ...
$var1 = Invoke-Sqlcmd -Query "
select * from db
End" -ServerInstance "$($inputMap.DBInstance),$($inputMap.PortNo)" # Note the $()
# ...
I've been trying for a couple of days now to multi-thread a WPF GUI which will run a PS3.0 script once the button has been clicked. I cannot use start-job as that I would have to track (multiple sessions at once), however, I would like to just run the script in a separate process of PS- as if I were to open multiple instances of the script from a shortcut. And be able to just have an open PS window which will track the progress within the script itself.
Expected results would be starting a script in powershell.exe session and passing 3 arguments - 2 strings and 1 boolean value. Which are provided by the user.
So in ISE:
C:\temp\test.ps1 -argumentlist $computername $username $citrixtest
Works fine.
I've spent a few hours scouring through the internet only to find a thread where a start-job was recommended or a way to use a background worker- this is not what I want from the script.
So I would guess the invocation from a button click would be something of the like (some of the things I have tried)
$ComputerName = "testtext1"
$UserName = "testtext2"
$CitrixTest = $True
$command = "c:\temp\test.ps1"
$arg = #{
Computername = "$computername";
Username = "$username";
CitrixTest = "$citrixtest"
Start-Process powershell -ArgumentList "-noexit -command & {$command} -argumentlist $arg"
Does not pass arguments to test.ps1- it is, however, getting to the "pause" - so the script successfully launches.
Where test.ps1 is
function Caller {
Param (
$ScriptPath = "c:\temp\test.ps1"
$Arguments = #()
$Arguments += "-computername $ComputerName"
$Arguments += "-UserName $UserName"
$Arguments += "-citrixtest $citrixtest"
$StartParams = #{
ArgumentList = "-File ""$ScriptPath""" + $Arguments
Start-Process powershell #StartParams
Does not start the script altogether- PS window just closes- possibly a path to .ps1 script not being found.
And a different approach which also nets in the script starts but not passing the arguments
$scriptFile = '"C:\temp\test.ps1"'
[string[]]$argumentList = "-file"
$argumentList += $scriptFile
$argumentlist += $computername
$argumentlist += $UserName
$argumentlist += $CitrixTest
$start_Process_info = New-Object System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo
$start_Process_info.FileName = "$PSHOME\PowerShell.exe"
$start_Process_info.Arguments = $argumentList
$newProcess = New-Object System.Diagnostics.Process
$newProcess.StartInfo = $start_Process_info
$newProcess.Start() | Out-Null
Is there a way to make this work as I want it to? Or should I just dig deeper into runspaces and try with that?
#Bill_Stewart I just realized I did not put the param(args) in my script...
And that's why it would not pull those variables as I would like them to. I will have to check when I'm back in the office if it's just that what I was missing.
Checked on my laptop that's running PS 5.1 and this seems to be working as intended
$testarg = #(
Start-Process powershell.exe -ArgumentList $testarg
Where test.ps1 is:
I am trying to redirect the output of a .bat script to a file. The script is run on another machine.
The commented line works. The t.txt file is produced in the expected location. I cannot convince PowerShell to produce the output file when the ScriptBlock is used.
The current result is that the $sb text is printed to the PowerShell console running this script. No file is produced on SERVER2. What do I need to get the output written to the file specified in the scriptblock?
$cn = 'SERVER2'
$Logfile = "D:\DBA\Scripts\monlogs\monlog_$(Get-Date -Format 'yyyy-MM-ddTHH-mm-ss').txt"
$sb = [scriptblock]::Create("{ & cmd.exe /C D:\DBA\Scripts\mon_test_001.bat >`"$Logfile`" }")
### Invoke-Command -ComputerName $cn -ScriptBlock { & D:\DBA\Scripts\mon_test_001.bat >D:\DBA\Scripts\monlogs\t.txt 2>&1 }
Invoke-Command -ComputerName $cn -ScriptBlock $sb
After BenH's comment, I found the following to work as expected. Note that the parameter needed to have the $ escaped.
$sb = [scriptblock]::Create("param(`$Logfile) & cmd.exe /C D:\DBA\Scripts\mon_test_001.bat >`"$Logfile`"")
Rather than class create method, maybe casting would work? Then because you're running the scriptblock on a remote machine, use the "$using:" scope on the local variable. (PSv3+ onwards)
$cn = 'SERVER2'
$Logfile = "c:\temp\$(Get-Date -Format 'yyyy-MM-ddTHH-mm-ss').txt"
[scriptblock]$sb = { & cmd.exe /C c:\temp\test.bat > "$using:Logfile" }
Invoke-Command -ComputerName $cn -ScriptBlock $sb
Otherwise for earlier versions, you will need to use a param block and -ArgumentList:
[scriptblock]$sb = {param($logpath) & cmd.exe /C c:\temp\test.bat > "$logpath" }
Invoke-Command -ComputerName $cn -ScriptBlock $sb -ArgumentList $Logfile
I am trying to create a script that will take input (hardcoded values for now) and call an install PS script and run it on multiple servers. I am using a PSSession and Invoke-Command(see below). The below runs, but does nothing. It doesn't seem to call the other script. Beyond getting it to actually install, I need to know if it was successful or not. I'm pretty novice at Powershell, so any hints/help/suggestions would be great. The below is wrapped in a ForEach to loop the servers with $Computer
$session = New-PSSession -ComputerName App02 -Credential $cred
$sourceInstall = $sourceFolder + 'Install\Install.ps1'
Invoke-Command -Session $session -ScriptBlock{param($serviceName, $installFolder, $sourceFolder, $Action, $username, $password) $sourceInstall} -ArgumentList ($ServiceName, $installFolder, $sourceFolder, $Action, $username, $password)
$Filename = "Error.txt"
Write-Output "ERROR: Partial Service Deployment. See error log file(s)"
Add-Content $Filename $_.Exception.Message
Get-PSSession | Remove-PSSession
You can use it without $Using statement in any version of PowerShell.But pass that too as an argument.
Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock
& $Command $Name
} -ArgumentList 'Get-Process','Notepad'
But you have to pass the arguments positional when using the call operator '&'
Get-Help About_Parameters
I'm trying to send this:
Get-WmiObject Win32_PNPEntity |Where{$_.DeviceID.StartsWith("PCI\VEN_10DE") -or $_.DeviceID.StartsWith("PCI\VEN_1002")}
over rdesktop like:
rdesktop -a8 209.** -u ** -p ** -s "cmd.exe /K powershell.exe Get-WmiObject Win32_PNPEntity |Where{\$_.DeviceID.StartsWith("PCI\VEN_10DE") -or $_.DeviceID.StartsWith("PCI\VEN_1002")}"
But windows' shell says:
'Where{$_.DeviceID.StartsWith' is not recognized as an internal or externa....
What am I doing wrong?
why not using powershell wmi remoting?
$cred = get-credential
Get-WmiObject Win32_PNPEntity -computerName MyRemoteComputerName - credential $cred |Where{$_.DeviceID.StartsWith("PCI\VEN_10DE") -or $_.DeviceID.StartsWith("PCI\VEN_1002")}
-credential are only needed if the actual user running powershell isn't administrator of remote machine.
Hi I needed to do some thing like this once so i wrote some code that can send any ps code to a remote computes and display the results in the ps window on your pc.
Just remember to enable powershell remoting on both pc's.
function remote-pscode ($ServerName,$UserName,$password,$PSCode)
$global:RemoteCode = $args[0]
Write-Host $RemoteCode
$conprops = (Get-Host).UI.RawUI
$buffsize = $conprops.BufferSize
$buffsize.Height = 800
$conprops.BufferSize= $buffsize
# Set the user name you would like to use for the connection
$global:RemoteUserName = $UserName
$global:RemoteServerName = $ServerName
# Set the password you would like to use for the connection
# Check to see if you have a file on you drive c:\cred.txt with a password to use in it,if you don't it will create one
# for you and ask you for the password you would like to use
$global:RemotePassword = convertto-securestring $password -AsPlainText -Force
$global:credentials = new-object -typename System.Management.Automation.PSCredential -argumentlist $RemoteUserName,$RemotePassword
#Create a connection to the remote computer , put a list of IPAddresses or Computer Names.
$global:session = new-PSSession -ComputerName $RemoteServerName -Credential $credentials
$ScriptBlock = $executioncontext.invokecommand.NewScriptBlock($RemoteCode)
invoke-command -Session $session -ScriptBlock $ScriptBlock
#Close the sessions that where created
$global:closesession = Get-PSSession
Remove-PSSession -Session $closesession
remote-pscode -ServerName "NameOfRemotePC" -UserName "UserName" -password "password" -PSCode "any powershell code you want to send to the remote pc"
Several things here: put your PS commands in a script block (or a script). Also, why don't you simply use wmic.exe ?