Call a remote script from another with multiple parameters not working - powershell

I am trying to create a script that will take input (hardcoded values for now) and call an install PS script and run it on multiple servers. I am using a PSSession and Invoke-Command(see below). The below runs, but does nothing. It doesn't seem to call the other script. Beyond getting it to actually install, I need to know if it was successful or not. I'm pretty novice at Powershell, so any hints/help/suggestions would be great. The below is wrapped in a ForEach to loop the servers with $Computer
$session = New-PSSession -ComputerName App02 -Credential $cred
$sourceInstall = $sourceFolder + 'Install\Install.ps1'
Invoke-Command -Session $session -ScriptBlock{param($serviceName, $installFolder, $sourceFolder, $Action, $username, $password) $sourceInstall} -ArgumentList ($ServiceName, $installFolder, $sourceFolder, $Action, $username, $password)
$Filename = "Error.txt"
Write-Output "ERROR: Partial Service Deployment. See error log file(s)"
Add-Content $Filename $_.Exception.Message
Get-PSSession | Remove-PSSession

You can use it without $Using statement in any version of PowerShell.But pass that too as an argument.
Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock
& $Command $Name
} -ArgumentList 'Get-Process','Notepad'
But you have to pass the arguments positional when using the call operator '&'
Get-Help About_Parameters


Trying to catch the exitcode from PowerShell Invoke-command with a BAT file

I'm trying to catch the exitcode from a PowerShell script that uses a Invoke-Command to run a scriptblock on a remote machine.
First the BAT file:
The BAT file is run with a variable. The script looks like this:
powershell.exe -noninteractive -noprofile -command "& {E:\Scripts\Check-Services_XXX.ps1 %1 }"
EXIT /B %errorlevel%
The PowerShell script looks like this:
[string] $ip #IP address van server
$username = "DOMAIN\DOMAIN_USER"
$secpasswdfile = "E:\Location\DOMAINUSER_encrypted_password.txt"
$secpasswd = Get-Content $secpasswdfile | ConvertTo-SecureString
$credentials = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential ($username, $secpasswd)
$soptions = New-PSSessionOption -SkipCACheck -SkipRevocationCheck -SkipCNCheck
Invoke-Command -ComputerName $ip -UseSSL -SessionOption $soptions -Credential $credentials -ScriptBlock `
# Start services
Start-Service -InputObject (Get-Service -Name IAS)
# Check services status
$checkservice = (get-service -Name IAS -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)
if($checkservice.status -ne "Running"){$host.SetShouldExit(1)}
The problem is that the ExitCode is not captured back, so when the BAT file ends, it ends with 0. That would be the case if everything is running. But i deliberately changed the service name in the check service section to something that does not exist for sure, but still it the BAT file ends with Exitcode 0
Done so far: Tried this solution:
catching return code of a command with "invoke-command" - Powershell 2
But didn't work: got the following error "is not equal to Open, you cannot run a command in the session. The session state is Closing"
Apparently, when it exited with a error, the session was closed, thus couldn't get the exitcode
Also tried this one: Capture Write-Host output and exit code from Invoke-Command on a Remote System
But also the same result; no correct exitcode (expected 1 instead of 0 in the BAT file)
Thanks to #js2010 and #mklement0 ; it works now like a charm!
This is the BAT file:
powershell.exe -noprofile -File "E:\Scripts\Check-Services_XXX.ps1" "%1" "%2"
EXIT /B %errorlevel%
And here is the PowerShell code that eventually worked out for me:
[string] $ip, #IP address of checked server
[string] $service ) #Service name
$username = "DOMAIN\USER"
$secpasswdfile = "E:\Scripts\Credentials\DOMAIN-USER_encrypted_password.txt"
$secpasswd = Get-Content $secpasswdfile | ConvertTo-SecureString
$credentials = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential ($username, $secpasswd)
$soptions = New-PSSessionOption -SkipCACheck -SkipRevocationCheck -SkipCNCheck
$session = New-PSSession -ComputerName $ip -UseSSL -SessionOption $soptions -Credential $credentials
# Start services
Invoke-Command -Session $session -ScriptBlock { Start-Service -Name $using:service }
# Check services status
$checkservice = Invoke-Command -Session $session { Get-Service -name $using:service | where status -eq running }
if (! $checkservice) {
write-output ("Error 1, Service '" + $service + "' not running or not found.")
exit 1
I had some issues with passing variables to remote commands, this link helped me out (
You would have to run the exit command outside of invoke-command.
# check-service.ps1
$result = invoke-command localhost { get-service appxsvc |
where status -eq running }
if (! $result) {
exit 1
Change your invocation of powershell.exe to use the -File CLI parameter:
powershell.exe -NoProfile -File "E:\Scripts\Check-Services_XXX.ps1" "%1"
EXIT /B %errorlevel%
That way, the .ps1 script's exit code is properly relayed as powershell.exe's exit code.
Additionally, as js2010's answer notes, you'll need to use your $host.SetShouldExit(1) call out of the Invoke-Command script block, given that the latter executes remotely. For the reasons explained below, exit 1 is preferable.
Generally speaking:
There's no reason to use the -Command (-c) CLI parameter with "& { ... }" in order to invoke code - just use "..." directly. Older versions of the CLI documentation erroneously suggested that & { ... } is required, but this has since been corrected.
Not only is "& { ... }" unnecessary, it invariably resets the exit code to 0.
As for your use of $host.SetShouldExit(1) to request exiting with an exit code of 1 (leaving aside that in a remote call it isn't effective):
It generally isn't designed to be called from user code, as explained in this answer.
For general information about exit codes in PowerShell, see this answer.

Running a script on a virtual machine using Invoke-Command

I wrote this code:
$vmName = $args[0]
$sign_check_tool = $args[1]
$arguments = $args[2]
$remote_session = New-PSSession -VMName $vmName -Credential $cred
try {
Invoke-Command -Session $remote_session -Block {
$signcheck_output = ./$using:sign_check_tool /accepteula -c $using:arguments
Write-Output "${signcheck_output }"
} catch [Exception] {
Remove-PSSession $remote_session
exit 1
I want to run this script for several sign check tools that I receive as a parameter, and for different installers. But I get this error:
The term './$using:sign_check_tool' is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet, function, file, or operable
I want to pass as a parameter several types of tools to run for the same installer but I get the previous error. If you could help me, I would be grateful.
I think you need to pass $using:sign_check_tool to -ArgumentList to be picked up, for example:
Invoke-Command -Session $remote_session -Block -ArgumentList $using:sign_check_tool, $using:arguments {
param($tool, $args)
$signcheck_output = ./$tool /accepteula -c $args
Write-Output "${signcheck_output }"

How to pass variable value from a map defined outside invoke command and to be used after invoke command

I am writing a script in powershell where after login with User 1 on a system, it will switch to user 2 and then make a connection to database with this user. However, the dbinstance details, port No and Computer name to be passed in invoke command will be defined as a map before the 2nd invoke command i.e. when it will invoke the command to open powershell with 2nd user(db user). It is able to take userid in this case i.e. when to invoke the powershell connection with 2nd user, however it is not able to pass the values of dbinstance and port to next sqlcmd invoke. Below is the code for reference. In this code it works fine while getting $inputMap.UserNameP, however it fails in passing $inputMap.DBInstance,$inputMap.PortNo.
$UserName = 'User1'
$securekey = #'
'# |ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText -Force;
$concreds=New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential -ArgumentList $UserName, $securekey;
Invoke-Command -Credential $concreds -ComputerName 'abc.domainname'-Authentication Credssp -ScriptBlock {
function checkFaultHighUtilization() {
$local:ExecStdOperatorOut=Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock {
$securekey1 = "securekey1"
$finalresult = #()
$securekey2 = $securekey1 | ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText -Force;
$concreds=New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential -ArgumentList $inputMap.UserNameP, $securekey2;
Invoke-Command -Credential $concreds -ComputerName 'computername' -Authentication Credssp -ScriptBlock {
$var1=Invoke-Sqlcmd -query "
select * from db
End" -ServerInstance "$inputMap.DBInstance,$inputMap.PortNo"
##if (($var1.count) -gt 0) {
foreach($row in $var1){
echo $finalresult
$local:ExecStdOperatorRet=if($local:ExecStdOperatorOut) {0} else {1}
return $local:ExecStdOperatorRet,$local:ExecStdOperatorOut;
$ESExecOutput=($ESExecOutput | Out-String).Trim();
Write-output "ESExecOutput:";
Write-output $ESExecOutput;
Write-output ":ESExecOutput";Write-output $("ESExecError:" + $Error + ":ESExecError");
Write-output $("ESExecReturn:" + $ESExecReturn + ":ESExecReturn");
$scriptBlockOne = {
$variableA = "Hello World"
return $variableA
$scriptBlockTwo = {
param (
Write-host $inputString
$invokeCommandReturn = Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock $scriptBlockOne
Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock $scriptBlockTwo -ArgumentList $invokeCommandReturn
You're trying to use expressions such as $inputMap.DBInstance as-is inside an expandable string ("..."), which is syntactically not supported.
To use expressions, you must enclose them in $(...), the subexpression operator.
See this answer for a comprehensive discussion of string interpolation in PowerShell.
# ...
$var1 = Invoke-Sqlcmd -Query "
select * from db
End" -ServerInstance "$($inputMap.DBInstance),$($inputMap.PortNo)" # Note the $()
# ...

pssession, invoke-command not getting variable

So here's the code I have so far:
$computerName = read-host "Enter Computer Name"
$IPCName = read-host "Enter IPC Profile name"
$uName = read-Host "Enter SU account"
$pw = read-host "Password"
$pwe = convertto-securestring -AsPlainText -Force -String $pw
$cred = new-object -typename System.Management.Automation.PSCredential -argumentlist "CHILDRENS\$uName",$pwe
$arrayofargs= ('/i','C:\IPCommunicator\CiscoIPCommunicatorSetup.msi','/qn',$ipcdevcmd,$tftp1,$tftp2)
$rtn = Test-Connection -CN $computerName -Count 1 -BufferSize 16 -Quiet
IF($rtn -match 'TRUE'){
echo 'machine Pings'
$session = New-PSSession -ComputerName $computerName -credential $cred
echo 'Testing Path'
$path = Invoke-Command -Session $session {Test-Path C:\IPCommunicator}
IF($path -match "False"){
echo "Need to make Directory"
Invoke-Command -Session $session {mkdir C:\IPCommunicator}
robocopy C:\IPCommunicator \\$computername\C$\IPCommunicator /MIR
echo 'Files Copied to New Directory'
robocopy C:\IPCommunicator \\$computername\C$\IPCommunicator /MIR
echo 'Files Copied to Existing Directory'
echo 'invoking install'
Invoke-Command -Session $session {Start-Process msiexec.exe -argumentlist $arrayofargs}
echo 'install invoked'
echo 'unable to ping system'
read-host "Press enter"
What I get back is:
invoking install(for reference)
"Cannot validate argument on parameter 'ArgumentList'. The argument is null or empty. Provide an argument that is not null or empty and then try the command again."
install invoked(for reference)
What I think is happening is that it is trying to use the machine local variables instead of the user supplied variables on the originating box.
The whole aim is to trigger an install that pre-sets certain variables thru the MSI arguments. Those are valid and from a batch with i can do it on the local pc just fine. When I try to pass those variables from MY computer running the script to the user's pc via invoke-command it is not seeing my locally set variables. How the heck do I pass them through.
Broken down by itself...
...returns my inputs for each of the arguments correctly, in a valid stringy form. Somehow that is getting lost in the invoke command. :/ not sure how to pass those variable over? Should I write to text and then move the file over and load it from the local pssession? There has to be a better way!
Because your are executing the command in another session, unless you define the variable in that other session it has no idea what you're talking about. To get around that use the $using: scope. That line then look like:
Invoke-Command -Session $session {Start-Process msiexec.exe -argumentlist $using:arrayofargs}

PowerShell Splatting the Argumentlist on Invoke-Command

How is it possible to use the parameters collected in a hash table for use with ArgumentList on Invoke-Command?
$CopyParams = #{
Destination = 'E:\DEPARTMENTS\CBR\SHARE\Target 2'
Structure = 'yyyy-MM-dd'
Invoke-Command -Credential $Cred -ComputerName 'SERVER' -ScriptBlock ${Function:Copy-FilesHC} -ArgumentList #CopyParams
Whatever I try, it's always complaining about the 'Source':
Cannot validate argument on parameter 'Source'. The "Test-Path $_" validation script for the argument with
value "System.Collections.Hashtable" did not return true. Determine why the validation script failed
This blog talks about a similar problem, but I can't get it to work.
The same is true for a simple Copy-Item within Invoke-Command, example:
Invoke-Command -Credential $Cred -ComputerName 'SERVER' -ScriptBlock {Copy-Item} -ArgumentList #CopyParams
Invoke-Command : Missing an argument for parameter 'ArgumentList'. Specify a parameter of type 'System.Obj
ect[]' and try again.
At line:11 char:89
+ ... ck {Copy-Item} -ArgumentList #CopyParams
Thank you for your help.
One-liner, to convert a remote script to accept named parameters from a hash.
Given a scriptblock which you wish to call like this:
$Options = #{
Parameter1 = "foo"
Parameter2 = "bar"
Invoke-Command -ComputerName REMOTESERVER -ArgumentList $Options -ScriptBlock {
#Script goes here, this is just a sample
"Parameter1: $Parameter1"
"Parameter2: $Parameter2"
You can convert it like so
Invoke-Command -Computername REMOTESERVER -ArgumentList $Options -ScriptBlock {param($Options)&{
#Script goes here, this is just a sample
"Parameter1: $Parameter1"
"Parameter2: $Parameter2"
} #Options}
What's going on? Essentially we've wrapped the original script block like so:
{param($Options)& <# Original script block (including {} braces)#> #options }
This makes the original script block an anonymous function, and creates the outer script block which has a parameter $Options, which does nothing but call the inner script block, passing #options to splat the hash.
Here's one way to approach passing named parameters:
function Copy-FilesHC
param ($Source,$Destination,$Structure)
"Source is $Source"
"Desintation is $Destination"
"Structure is $Structure"
$CopyParams = #{
Destination = "'E:\DEPARTMENTS\CBR\SHARE\Target 2'" #Nested quotes required due to embedded space in value.
Structure = 'yyyy-MM-dd'
$SB = [scriptblock]::Create(".{${Function:Copy-FilesHC}} $(&{$args}#CopyParams)")
Invoke-Command -Credential $Cred -ComputerName 'SERVER' -ScriptBlock $SB
Basically, you create a new script block from your invoked script, with the parameters splatted to that from the hash table. Everything is already in the script block with the values expanded, so there's no argument list to pass.
I found a workaround, but you have to make sure that your Advanced function which is located in your module file is loaded up front in the local session. So it can be used in the remote session. I wrote a small helper function for this.
Function Add-FunctionHC {
Process {
Try {
$Module = (Get-Command $Name -EA Stop).ModuleName
Catch {
Write-Error "Add-FunctionHC: Function '$Name' doesn't exist in any module"
if (-not (Get-Module -Name $Module)) {
Import-Module -Name $Module
# Load funtion for remoting
Add-FunctionHC -Name 'Copy-FilesHC'
$CopyParams = #{
Source = 'E:\DEPARTMENTS\CBR\SHARE\Target\De file.txt'
Destination = 'E:\DEPARTMENTS\CBR\SHARE\Target 2'
$RemoteFunctions = "function Copy-FilesHC {${function:Copy-FilesHC}}" #';' seperated to add more
Invoke-Command -ArgumentList $RemoteFunctions -ComputerName 'SERVER' -Credential $Cred -ScriptBlock {
Param (
. ([ScriptBlock]::Create($RemoteFunctions))
$CopyParams = $using:CopyParams
Copy-FilesHC #CopyParams
The big advantage is that you don't need to copy your complete function in the script and it can stay in the module. So when you change something in the module to the function it will also be available in the remote session, without the need to update your script.
I recently experienced a similar problem and solved it by building the hash (or rebuilding the hash) inside the invoke by leveraging the $using variable scope (more on that here)
it looks something like this:
$Destination = 'E:\DEPARTMENTS\CBR\SHARE\Target 2'
$Structure = 'yyyy-MM-dd'
Invoke-Command -Credential $Cred -ComputerName 'SERVER' -ScriptBlock {
$CopyParms= #{
Function:Copy-FilesHC #CopyParms
This is what works for me:
$hash = #{
PARAM1="meaning of life"
$params = foreach($x in $hash.GetEnumerator()) {"$($x.Name)=""$($x.Value)"""}
I know this is late, but I ran into the same problem and found a solution that worked for me. Assigning it to a variable within the scriptblock and then using that variable to splat didn't show any problems.
Here's an example:
invoke-command -asjob -session $session -ScriptBlock {$a=$args[0];cmdlet #a } -ArgumentList $param