Column Group Page Break - ssrs-2008

  We have Matrix Report in Sql Server Reporting Services 2008 . We want Page break after every 50th column in Sql Server Reporting Services report 2005.


Use query SQL in Crystal report

I have a complicated SQL in Excel to generate a raw data table for report from SQL server OLEDB . I would like to use Crystal Report to generate a neat and formatted report. I can use the Excel raw data table as the Crystal report database data source. But, Excel need to be refreshed every time new report is required. How can I use the Excel SQL command text string to be Crystal Report data source?
My Excel connect string: Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Integrated Security=SSPI;Persist Security Info=True;Initial Catalog=MicrosoftDynamicsAX;Data Source=SQL2;Use Procedure for Prepare=1;Auto Translate=True;Packet Size=4096;Workstation ID=RD04;Use Encryption for Data=False;Tag with column collation when possible=False
I have Crystal report version 8.5 and 11.
Its simple
While creating the connection dont select tables instead use add command and then paste the query in the box and use in reports

How can I get this output in Crystal Reports?

I have been using SQL for around 2 years but I have recently started using Crystal Reports 2013.
I need to convert the below SQL to a Crystal Report:
SELECT COUNT(orders.order_no), reason_codes.reason_desc
FROM orders, reason_codes
WHERE orders.reason_code = reason_codes.reason_code
AND orders_reason.code IS NOT NULL
GROUP BY reason_codes.reason_desc
I'm lost as to how I go about getting the count completed. I am looking for an end result looking like:
COUNT(orders.order_no), reason_codes.reason_desc
500 Broken in Transit
400 Broken in Warehouse
It seems so easy to do it directly in SQL, as I have done above, but getting the desired output in Crystal Reports seems complicated, and I don't know where to start!
while creating database connection use command and use the same query exactly there and now in design place your fields in details.

Crystal Reports Paramteres

My report is working in Crystal Reports designer, but when I am adding it into the Sage Sales logix it doesnt sends the parameter values to database and errors out.
I am using a command like this in the report
exec('select * from testingmyreportfunction({?Param1},{?Param2})')
Assuming that you created the parameters in command window use this query:
// Oracle
SELECT testingmyreportfunction({?Param1}, {?Param2})
FROM dual
// SQL Server
SELECT testingmyreportfunction({?Param1}, {?Param2})

No data returned in Crystal Reports

I have a Crystal Report I'm working on; last week it was returning results but when I fired it up this morning I was no longer getting anything. Checking the SQL query, I show that the table name is listed twice, for some reason:
Any thoughts on what could have broken? I've checked that the database is connected and my data is still there.
The table name is listed twice as Crystal Reports creates an alias for every table.
This Crystal generated SQL:
Is in the format of:
This is normal for Crystal.
I would run that SQL in SSMS (remembering to remove all of the " first) to check that the data really is still there.
If it is, check that a filter hasn't been added to the report, via the Select Expert menu opton, to filter out all the data.
Lastly, go to Database > Set Datasource Location and re-apply the connection to ensure that the report is definitely pointing at the right location.

Crystal Reports - Stored Procedure Syntax Question

When I drag a field from my stored procedure onto a formula (Crystal Reports 11), I get something like this:
What does the "1." represent?
I hope it refers to the table number... because I'd like to return two tables from the stored procedure and be able to access both from a report.
I believe the semicolon one (";1") represents if the sp is active or not in the database.
I opened a report and connected to a datasource I frequently use and all of the sp's have ";1" except for 2 sp's which have ";0". Those sp's are old sp's which were deleted and do not show in the SQL Server Management Studio.
I don't believe that multiple tables can be pulled into a Crystal Report from an sp. When I just tried it on my system Crystal Reports closed out.