Crystal Reports - Stored Procedure Syntax Question - crystal-reports

When I drag a field from my stored procedure onto a formula (Crystal Reports 11), I get something like this:
What does the "1." represent?
I hope it refers to the table number... because I'd like to return two tables from the stored procedure and be able to access both from a report.

I believe the semicolon one (";1") represents if the sp is active or not in the database.
I opened a report and connected to a datasource I frequently use and all of the sp's have ";1" except for 2 sp's which have ";0". Those sp's are old sp's which were deleted and do not show in the SQL Server Management Studio.
I don't believe that multiple tables can be pulled into a Crystal Report from an sp. When I just tried it on my system Crystal Reports closed out.


Adding second table field to report causes report to go blank - Crystal Reports using SQL Server Database source

I have a report pulling all fields from a single SQL Server table that works well. I need to add a second table to pull additional data, but doing so causes the entire report to go blank and number of records to drop to 0, from 242 without the added field from the second report. I have no grouping in the report either.
Reviewing Database Expert Links I see multiple links between the two tables, but the field in question, (CUSTPO_27, a String field), does not appear in the original table and therefore has no link. The field needs to be in the Details section of the report along with the data from the original table.
I have run Verify Database and get the "The database is up to date" message.
Running Dependency Checker finds no errors, even with the troublesome field added.
I am fairly new to Crystal Reports, but feel like I am missing a step to be able to see the second table field in the report, so any insight or direction would be greatly appreciated.
I would be happy to add code, but I don't see where to view the code in Crystal, (again, I am a newbie!)
Adding that field probably forced Crystal to join to a new table, and that join failed to find a matching record. So check your join logic.
Crystal doesn't update your database. It's Read Only.

How to find what tables are used in SAP Crystal Report 2013?

I am trying to debug missing data in an existing report.
I see the database it is connected to, but I do not find any table or stored procedure or view in that database with the same name that I see in the record selection part of the Crystal Report.
Is there a way to find which table/view/stored procedure is used as input for the Crystal Report?
Thank you
Never mind. I found it. Rt click on Database Fields and select Set Datasource location...
You need to set up first what type of connection you need.
This will help you using ODBC connection.
Ideally you can set this when first time confiugre the data, but suppose if you update the table or procedure and that will not impacted in your crystal report.
To update the updated db element / object in crystal report, simply "Update datasource" option click which pull the changes and update in crystal report.
May be helpfull in future.

Replacing Crystal Report data source with store procedure

I used to create crystal reports by going into database expert, selecting tables and specifying the link manually. As I get a bit more comfortable with CR, there is a need for me to put the underlying SQL query into a store procedure to provide data to the report. But doing so will require me to rewrite the whole report which is time consuming.
So, my question is if there are any guru in the community that could and/or have tried to replace the underlying SQL (created by manually add table and links) with a store procedure or cmd without having to rewrite the whole report? I would love to get some hint of how to do that as I have a couple dozen of reports that need "adjustments" and time does not permit me to rewrite them all.
My Crystal Report versions are CR 2008 and CR 2012.
Thank you in advance.
In case you can use an existing software : this feature is available in a free Crystal reports viewer. Here is the documentation, which explains the use :
... and here is where you can get your free license:
Crystal does an absolutely horrible job of migrating from many tables to a single DB object, be it a Command or stored procedure.
You might be able to Database | Set datasource location... to map your SP to one of the many tables in the report (choose the one that has the most fields in use); I've never been able to get this feature to work trying to map a Command to a table.
'Best practice' for a really-poor 'feature' set:
create a formula field for each field that will be on the canvas, but isn't grouped (these fields won't be removed when you change datasources)
add the Command to the report; link tables if desired
manually switch grouping, record-selection formula, sorting, etc.

No data returned in Crystal Reports

I have a Crystal Report I'm working on; last week it was returning results but when I fired it up this morning I was no longer getting anything. Checking the SQL query, I show that the table name is listed twice, for some reason:
Any thoughts on what could have broken? I've checked that the database is connected and my data is still there.
The table name is listed twice as Crystal Reports creates an alias for every table.
This Crystal generated SQL:
Is in the format of:
This is normal for Crystal.
I would run that SQL in SSMS (remembering to remove all of the " first) to check that the data really is still there.
If it is, check that a filter hasn't been added to the report, via the Select Expert menu opton, to filter out all the data.
Lastly, go to Database > Set Datasource Location and re-apply the connection to ensure that the report is definitely pointing at the right location.

Crystal Reports XI with Oracle Function wm_concat()

Within Crystal Reports XI I'm trying to have a SQL Expression Field with Oracle 10g function wm_concat(column_name). It appears that Crystal Reports XI is not handling this function properly. If I execute the function wm_concat() within the database, it works fine, however, when trying to use it in Crystal Reports it displays a blank page. Whats interesting is that this field is within a sub-report, yet the whole report displays as a blank page.
Crystal Reports can tell at design-time that this function is valid (It doesn't let you save the SQL Expression if its not valid). So its a runtime error. I have also tested using various Oracle functions such as TO_CHAR() and REPLACE() and these all work fine with Crystal Report SQL Expressions. Any ideas?
WM_CONCAT isn't a built-in function, and isn't necessarily installed with a database.
You could try WMSYS.WM_CONCAT, as the function is actually owned by the WMSYS schema.
You may need to add a specific grant. By default, if it is there, it has EXECUTE granted to PUBLIC but your DBA may have revoked that and replaced it with specific grants.
I couldn't get WM_CONCAT to work; Since the queries execute flawless in Oracle, but not in Crystal Reports I would assume it is something within Crystal Reports. I ended up having to make a PL/SQL Stored Procedure and call it from the Crystal Report. I called the Stored Procedure from a SQL Expression Field within Crystal Reports.