Translate Transformation Matrices for Alpha Blending - matlab

I'm trying to introduce alpha blending into the MATLAB panoramic stitching example. The algorithm successfully blends, but the stitched image is translated, when using the example's "tforms" transformation matrices.
The alpha blending code is here:
%% merge images using Alpha blending
% input: imgs - source images
% mask - image mask
% transforms - transformation matrices to transform each images
% into the new coordinate system
% newHeight, newWidth - size of the new coordinate system
% output: newImg - merged image
function [ newImg ] = alphaBlend( imgs, mask, transforms, newHeight, newWidth )
% image information
height = size(imgs, 1);
width = size(imgs, 2);
nChannels = size(imgs, 3);
nImgs = size(imgs, 4);
% alpha mask
mask = imcomplement(mask);
mask(1, :) = 1;
mask(end, :) = 1;
mask(:, 1) = 1;
mask(:, end) = 1;
mask = bwdist(mask, 'euclidean');
mask = mask ./ max(max(mask));
% backward transformation
backTransforms = zeros(size(transforms));
for i = 1 : nImgs
backTransforms(:, :, i) = inv(transforms(:, :, i));
% image merging
newImg = zeros([newHeight newWidth nChannels], 'uint8');
for y = 1 : newHeight
for x = 1 : newWidth
% p1 = [y; x; 1];
p1 = [x; y; 1];
pixelSum = zeros(nChannels, 1);
alphaSum = 0;
for k = 1 : nImgs
% p2 = backTransforms(:, :, k) * p1;
p2 = p1' * backTransforms(:,:,k);
p2 = p2 ./ p2(3);
xx = p2(1);
yy = p2(2);
p2 = [yy; xx; 1];
if p2(1) >= 1 && p2(1) < height && p2(2) >= 1 && p2(2) < width
i = floor(p2(2));
a = p2(2) - i;
j = floor(p2(1));
b = p2(1) - j;
pixel = (1 - a) * (1 - b) * imgs(j, i, :, k)...
+ a * (1 - b) * imgs(j, i + 1, :, k)...
+ a * b * imgs(j + 1, i + 1, :, k)...
+ (1 - a) * b * imgs(j + 1, i, :, k);
alpha = (1 - a) * (1 - b) * mask(j, i)...
+ a * (1 - b) * mask(j, i + 1)...
+ a * b * mask(j + 1, i + 1)...
+ (1 - a) * b * mask(j + 1, i);
pixelSum = pixelSum + double(squeeze(pixel)) * double(alpha);
alphaSum = alphaSum + double(alpha);
newImg(y, x, :) = pixelSum / alphaSum;
After the Panoramic Stitching example tforms matrices have been formed by step 4 , I try translating the image this way:
mask = ones(imageSize(1),imageSize(2));
% Create the panorama.
% Alpha blending
horiz = 200;
verti = 100;
Translate = [1, 0, 0; 0, 1, 0; horiz, verti, 1];
transforms = Translate * tforms(1).T;
for i =1:numel(tforms) transforms(:,:,i) = Translate * tforms(i).T; end
panorama1 = alphaBlend( temp, mask, transforms, height, width );
But, the resulting image overlap is off. How do I translate the tforms matrix, in order to translate the stitched panoramic image?


Why does changing the boundary conditions cause the finite difference algorithm to diverge?

I wrote a finite difference algorithm to solve the wave equation which is derived here.
When I ran my code, the plotted graphs of the numerical and analytical solution deviated, which is the problem I am trying to solve. The finite difference algorithm is given in the snippet.
t_min = 0;
t_max = 10;
rps = 400; % Resolution per second
nt = t_max * rps;
t = linspace(t_min, t_max, nt);
dt = t(2) - t(1);
x_min = 0;
x_max = 8;
rpm = 100; % Resolution per menter
nx = x_max * rpm;
x = linspace(x_min, x_max, nx);
dx = x(2) - x(1);
c = 3; % Wave speed
A = pi; % Amplitude
L = x_max; % Rod lenght
w_o = 1; % Circular frequency
Cn = c * (dt / dx); % Courrant number
if Cn > 1 % Stability criteria
error('The stability condition is not satisfied.');
U = zeros(nx, nt);
U(:, 1) = zeros(nx, 1);
U(:, 2) = zeros(nx, 1);
U(1, :) = A * sin(w_o * t);
U(end, :) = zeros(1, nt);
for j = 2 : (nt - 1)
for i = 2 : (nx - 1)
U(i, j + 1) = Cn^2 * ( U(i + 1, j) - 2 * U(i, j) + U(i - 1, j) ) + 2 * U(i, j) - U(i, j - 1);
figure('Name', 'Numeric solution');
surface(t, x, U, 'edgecolor', 'none');
grid on
xlabel('t ({\its})');
ylabel('x ({\itm})');
title('U(t, x) ({\itm})');
To find the bug, I tryed to change the boundary conditions and see if my graph would look better. It turned out that it did, which means that the code in my double for loop is ok. The boundary conditions are the problem. However, I do not know why the code works with the new boundary conditions and does not with the old ones. I am hoping that somebody will point this out to me. The code I ran is given in the snippet.
t_min = 0;
t_max = 1;
rps = 400; % Resolution per second
nt = t_max * rps;
t = linspace(t_min, t_max, nt);
dt = t(2) - t(1);
x_min = 0;
x_max = 1;
rpm = 100; % Resolution per menter
nx = x_max * rpm;
x = linspace(x_min, x_max, nx);
dx = x(2) - x(1);
c = 3; % Wave speed
A = pi; % Amplitude
L = x_max; % Rod lenght
w_o = 1; % Circular frequency
Cn = c * (dt / dx); % Courrant number
if Cn > 1 % Stability criteria
error('The stability condition is not satisfied.');
U = zeros(nx, nt);
U(:, 1) = sin(pi*x);
U(:, 2) = sin(pi*x) * (1 + dt);
U(1, :) = zeros(1, nt);
U(end, :) = zeros(1, nt);
for j = 2 : (nt - 1)
for i = 2 : (nx - 1)
U(i, j + 1) = Cn^2 * ( U(i + 1, j) - 2 * U(i, j) + U(i - 1, j) ) + 2 * U(i, j) - U(i, j - 1);
figure('Name', 'Numeric solution');
surface(t, x, U, 'edgecolor', 'none');
grid on
xlabel('t ({\its})');
ylabel('x ({\itm})');
title('U(t, x) ({\itm})');

MATLAB draw image, indexed image of 8 colors, 8 color boxes of color and index on first figure, on second figure draw 0-7 indexes of image as image

OK, we have an image and (0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - as images, we need to show image that we have got, next right, the image that got redrawn by numbers (0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7), third on right, is pallete (0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7) and boxes with color.
a) Upload JPEG image. Choose amount rows M and amount columns N for drawing grid. Change image size for required size of grid.
b) Convert image .JPEG in indexed image with 8 colors and show it up as on picture.
c) Prepare image that shows color card.
d) Prepare image that shows grid and color numbers.
m = 80;
n = 60;
im = imresize(imread('1задание.jpg'), [m n] * 10, 'nearest');
small_im = imresize(im, [m n], 'nearest');
[X, map] = rgb2ind(small_im, 8);
big_small_im = im2uint8(ind2rgb(imresize(X, [m n] * 10, 'nearest'), map));
imshow([im ones(m * 10, 50, 3) * 255 big_small_im ones(m * 10, 50, 3) * 255 ...
generate_cool_map(map, m * 10)]);
digits = [];
for i = 0 : 7
digit = imread([int2str(i) '.png']);
digits = [digits digit];
pixel_s = 43;
final_im = im2uint8(ones(m * pixel_s, n * pixel_s, 3) * 255);
for i = 1 : m
for j = 1 : n
final_im((i - 1) * pixel_s + 1 : i * pixel_s, j * pixel_s, :) = zeros(pixel_s, 1, 3);
final_im(j * pixel_s, (j - 1) * pixel_s + 1 : j * pixel_s, :) = zeros(pixel_s, 1, 3);
final_im((i - 1) * pixel_s + 2 : (i - 1) * pixel_s + 2 + 39+4, (j - 1) * pixel_s + 2 : (j - 1) * pixel_s + 2 + 26, :) = digits(:, X(i, j) * 27 + 1 : (X(i, j) + 1) * 27, :);
function res = generate_cool_map(map, s)
color_size = floor(s / 8);
m_map = zeros(8, 1, 3);
for i = 1 : 8
m_map(i, 1, :) = map(i, :);
res = imresize(m_map, [s, color_size], 'nearest');
res(:, 1:2, :) = zeros(s, 2, 3);
res(:, color_size - 1 : color_size, :) = zeros(s, 2, 3);
for i = 0 : 7
res(i * color_size + 1 : i * color_size + 2, :, :) = zeros(2, color_size, 3);
res(i * color_size + 1 + floor(color_size / 2) : i * color_size + 2 + ...
floor(color_size / 2),1:7,:) = zeros(2,7,3);
res(i * color_size + 1 + floor(color_size / 2) : i * color_size + 2 + ...
floor(color_size / 2), color_size - 6 : color_size, :) = zeros(2,7,3);
res(s - 1 : s, :, :) = zeros(2, color_size, 3);
res = [res ones(s, floor(color_size / 3), 3) * 255];
digits = [];
for i = 0 : 7
digit = imread([int2str(i) '.png']);
digits = [digits digit];
res = im2uint8(res);
for i = 0 : 7
res(i * color_size + floor(color_size / 3) : i * color_size + ...
floor(color_size / 3) + 39+4, color_size + 6 : color_size + 6 + 26, :) ...
= digits(:, i * 27 + 1 : (i + 1) * 27, :);
Task how shall look first figure:
I attempted but it seems here is some mistake. :c
Task how shall look second figure:
Figure 1: Resizing and Reducing Unique Colour Count
With the current amount of implementation details here is what I came up with. Resizing the image can be done using the imresize() function and 'nearest' neighbour interpolation. To reduce the number of colours the imapprox() function is used to limit the number of unique colours to 8. Reconstruction of the new image can be done using New_Image_Data (the colour card keys) and New_Colour_Map (the colour card values).
m = 50;
n = 60;
Original_Image = imread('peppers.png');
subplot(1,2,1); imshow(Original_Image);
title("Original Image");
Number_Of_Rows = m;
Number_Of_Columns = n;
%Resizing image%
Resized_Image = imresize(Original_Image,[m n],'nearest');
%Reducing the amount of colours%
Maximum_Intensity = 255;
[Image_Data,Colour_Map] = rgb2ind(Resized_Image,Maximum_Intensity);
[New_Image_Data,New_Colour_Map] = imapprox(Image_Data,Colour_Map,8);
subplot(1,2,2); imshow(New_Image_Data,New_Colour_Map);
title("Resized Image with 8 Colours");
Colour_Bar = colorbar;
Figure 2: Plotting the Grid of Values
%Plotting the grid of card colour values%
Figure_2 = figure(2);
Figure_2.Position = [0 0 700 700];
x = (0:Number_Of_Rows);
y = (0:Number_Of_Columns);
[X,Y] = meshgrid(x,y);
Z = ones(length(x),length(y)).';
axis off
hold on
Image_Data = flip(New_Image_Data);
title("Colour Card Values/Keys");
for Row_Index = 1: Number_Of_Rows
for Column_Index = 1: Number_Of_Columns
Ran using MATLAB R2019b

Euclidian distances in speaker recognition system

I'm new in Matlab and now I have a problem for the implementation of a simple speaker recognition system using PNCC and MFFC.
My problem is on matrix dimension in fact, when I run my program, it give me this error:
Matrix dimensions must agree.
Error in disteu (line 43)
d(n,:) = sum((x(:, n+copies) - y) .^2, 1);
Error in test (line 22)
d = disteu(v, code{l});
Error in main (line 4)
test('C:\Users\Antonio\Documents\MATLAB\test',5, code);
Just for the sake of clarity I have attached my code.
Could anyone help me please?
function d = disteu(x, y)
% DISTEU Pairwise Euclidean distances between columns of two matrices
% Input:
% x, y: Two matrices whose each column is an a vector data.
% Output:
% d: Element d(i,j) will be the Euclidean distance between two
% column vectors X(:,i) and Y(:,j)
% Note:
% The Euclidean distance D between two vectors X and Y is:
% D = sum((x-y).^2).^0.5
% D = sum((x-y).^2).^0.5
[M, N] = size(x);
[M2, P] = size(y);
if (M ~= M2)
[M, N] = size(x)
[M2, P] = size(y)
[M2, P] = size(y)
%error('Matrix dimensions do not match.')
d = zeros(N, P);
if (N < P)
copies = zeros(1,P);
for n = 1:N
d(n,:) = sum((x(:, n+copies) - y) .^2, 1);
copies = zeros(1,N);
for p = 1:P
d(:,p) = sum((x - y(:, p+copies)) .^2, 1)';
d = d.^0.5;
function [aadDCT] = PNCC(rawdata, fsamp)
ad_x = rawdata;
%addpath voicebox/; % With Spectral Subtraction - default parameters
%ad_x = specsub(rawdata, fsamp);
dLamda_L = 0.999;
dLamda_S = 0.999;
dSampRate = fsamp;
dLowFreq = 200;% Changed to 40 from 200 as low freq is 40 in gabor as well
dHighFreq = dSampRate / 2;
dPowerCoeff = 1 / 15;
iFiltType = 1;
dFactor = 2.0;
dGammaThreshold = 0.005;
iM = 0; % Changed from 2 to 0 as number of frames coming out to be different due to queue
iN = 4;
iSMType = 0;
dLamda = 0.999;
dLamda2 = 0.5;
dDelta1 = 1;
dLamda3 = 0.85;
dDelta2 = 0.2;
% Flags
bPreem = 1; % pre-emphasis flag
bSSF = 1;
bPowerLaw = 1;
bDisplay = 0;
dFrameLen = 0.025; % 25.6 ms window length, which is the default setting in CMU Sphinx
dFramePeriod = 0.010; % 10 ms frame period
iPowerFactor = 1;
global iNumFilts;
iNumFilts = 40;
if iNumFilts<30
iFFTSize = 512;
iFFTSize = 1024;
% For derivatives
deltawindow = 2; % to calculate 1st derivative
accwindow = 2; % to calculate 2nd derivative
% numcoeffs = 13; % number of cepstral coefficients to be used
numcoeffs = 13;
% Flags
% Array Queue Ring-buffer
global Queue_aad_P;
global Queue_iHead;
global Queue_iTail;
global Queue_iWindow;
global Queue_iNumElem;
Queue_iWindow = 2 * iM + 1;
Queue_aad_P = zeros(Queue_iWindow, iNumFilts);
Queue_iHead = 0;
Queue_iTail = 0;
Queue_iNumElem = 0;
iFL = floor(dFrameLen * dSampRate);
iFP = floor(dFramePeriod * dSampRate);
iNumFrames = floor((length(ad_x) - iFL) / iFP) + 1;
iSpeechLen = length(ad_x);
% Pre-emphasis using H(z) = 1 - 0.97 z ^ -1
if (bPreem == 1)
ad_x = filter([1 -0.97], 1, double(ad_x));
% Obtaning the gammatone coefficient.
% Based on M. Snelly's auditory toolbox.
% In actual C-implementation, we just use a table
bGamma = 1;
[wts,binfrqs] = fft2melmx(iFFTSize, dSampRate, iNumFilts, 1, dLowFreq, dHighFreq, iFiltType);
wts = wts';
wts(size(wts, 1) / 2 + 1 : size(wts, 1), : ) = [];
aad_H = wts;
i_FI = 0;
i_FI_Out = 0;
if bSSF == 1
adSumPower = zeros(1, iNumFrames - 2 * iM);
adSumPower = zeros(1, iNumFrames);
%dLamda_L = 0.998;
aad_P = zeros(iNumFrames, iNumFilts);
aad_P_Out = zeros(iNumFrames - 2 * iM, iNumFilts);
ad_Q = zeros(1, iNumFilts);
ad_Q_Out = zeros(1, iNumFilts);
ad_QMVAvg = zeros(1, iNumFilts);
ad_w = zeros(1, iNumFilts);
ad_w_sm = zeros(1, iNumFilts);
ad_QMVAvg_LA = zeros(1, iNumFilts);
MEAN_POWER = 1e10;
dMean = 5.8471e+08;
dPeak = 2.7873e+09 / 15.6250;
% (1.7839e8, 2.0517e8, 2.4120e8, 2.9715e8, 3.9795e8) 95, 96, 97, 98, 99
% percentile from WSJ-si84
dPeakVal = 4e+07;% % 4.0638e+07 --> Mean from WSJ0-si84 (Important!!!)
dMean = dPeakVal;
% Obtaining the short-time Power P(i, j)
for m = 0 : iFP : iSpeechLen - iFL
ad_x_st = ad_x(m + 1 : m + iFL) .* hamming(iFL);
adSpec = fft(ad_x_st, iFFTSize);
ad_X = abs(adSpec(1: iFFTSize / 2));
aadX(:, i_FI + 1) = ad_X;
% Calculating the Power P(i, j)
for j = 1 : iNumFilts
% Squared integration
if iFiltType == 2
aad_P(i_FI + 1, j) = sum((ad_X .* aad_H(:, j)) .^ 2);
aad_P(i_FI + 1, j) = sum((ad_X .^ 2 .* aad_H(:, j)));
% Calculating the Power P(i, j)
dSumPower = sum(aad_P(i_FI + 1, : ));
if bSSF == 1
% Ring buffer (using a Queue)
if (i_FI >= 2 * iM + 1)
Queue_offer(aad_P(i_FI + 1, :));
ad_Q = Queue_avg();
if (i_FI == 2 * iM)
ad_QMVAvg = ad_Q.^ (1 / 15);
ad_PBias = (ad_Q) * 0.9;
if (i_FI >= 2 * iM)
% Bias Update
for i = 1 : iNumFilts,
if (ad_Q(i) > ad_PBias(i))
ad_PBias(i) = dLamda * ad_PBias(i) + (1 - dLamda) * ad_Q(i);
ad_PBias(i) = dLamda2 * ad_PBias(i) + (1 - dLamda2) * ad_Q(i);
for i = 1 : iNumFilts,
ad_Q_Out(i) = max(ad_Q(i) - ad_PBias(i), 0) ;
if (i_FI == 2 * iM)
ad_QMVAvg2(i) = 0.9 * ad_Q_Out(i);
ad_QMVAvg3(i) = ad_Q_Out(i);
ad_QMVPeak(i) = ad_Q_Out(i);
if (ad_Q_Out(i) > ad_QMVAvg2(i))
ad_QMVAvg2(i) = dLamda * ad_QMVAvg2(i) + (1 - dLamda) * ad_Q_Out(i);
ad_QMVAvg2(i) = dLamda2 * ad_QMVAvg2(i) + (1 - dLamda2) * ad_Q_Out(i);
dOrg = ad_Q_Out(i);
ad_QMVAvg3(i) = dLamda3 * ad_QMVAvg3(i);
if (ad_Q(i) < dFactor * ad_PBias(i))
ad_Q_Out(i) = ad_QMVAvg2(i);
if (ad_Q_Out(i) <= dDelta1 * ad_QMVAvg3(i))
ad_Q_Out(i) = dDelta2 * ad_QMVAvg3(i);
ad_QMVAvg3(i) = max(ad_QMVAvg3(i), dOrg);
ad_Q_Out(i) = max(ad_Q_Out(i), ad_QMVAvg2(i));
ad_w = ad_Q_Out ./ max(ad_Q, eps);
for i = 1 : iNumFilts,
if iSMType == 0
ad_w_sm(i) = mean(ad_w(max(i - iN, 1) : min(i + iN ,iNumFilts)));
elseif iSMType == 1
ad_w_sm(i) = exp(mean(log(ad_w(max(i - iN, 1) : min(i + iN ,iNumFilts)))));
elseif iSMType == 2
ad_w_sm(i) = mean((ad_w(max(i - iN, 1) : min(i + iN ,iNumFilts))).^(1/15))^15;
elseif iSMType == 3
ad_w_sm(i) = (mean( (ad_w(max(i - iN, 1) : min(i + iN ,iNumFilts))).^15 )) ^ (1 / 15);
aad_P_Out(i_FI_Out + 1, :) = ad_w_sm .* aad_P(i_FI - iM + 1, :);
adSumPower(i_FI_Out + 1) = sum(aad_P_Out(i_FI_Out + 1, :));
if adSumPower(i_FI_Out + 1) > dMean
dMean = dLamda_S * dMean + (1 - dLamda_S) * adSumPower(i_FI_Out + 1);
dMean = dLamda_L * dMean + (1 - dLamda_L) * adSumPower(i_FI_Out + 1);
aad_P_Out(i_FI_Out + 1, :) = aad_P_Out(i_FI_Out + 1, :) / (dMean) * MEAN_POWER;
i_FI_Out = i_FI_Out + 1;
else % if not SSF
adSumPower(i_FI + 1) = sum(aad_P(i_FI + 1, :));
if adSumPower(i_FI_Out + 1) > dMean
dMean = dLamda_S * dMean + (1 - dLamda_S) * adSumPower(i_FI_Out + 1);
dMean = dLamda_L * dMean + (1 - dLamda_L) * adSumPower(i_FI_Out + 1);
aad_P_Out(i_FI + 1, :) = aad_P(i_FI + 1, :) / (dMean) * MEAN_POWER;
i_FI = i_FI + 1;
%adSorted = sort(adSumPower);
%dMaxPower = adSorted(round(0.98 * length(adSumPower)));
%aad_P_Out = aad_P_Out / dMaxPower * 1e10;
% Apply the nonlinearity
if bPowerLaw == 1
aadSpec = aad_P_Out .^ dPowerCoeff;
aadSpec = log(aad_P_Out + eps);
aadDCT = dct(aadSpec')';
%aadDCT(:, numcoeffs+1:iNumFilts) = [];
% for i = 1 : numcoeffs
% aadDCT( :, i ) = (aadDCT( : , i ) - mean(aadDCT( : , i)))/std(aadDCT(:,i));
% end
% Temporal Derivatives
% calculate 1st derivative (velocity)
dt1 = deltacc(aadDCT', deltawindow);
% calculate 2nd derivative (acceleration)
dt2 = deltacc(dt1, accwindow);
% append dt1 and dt2 to mfcco
aadDCT = [aadDCT'; dt2];
% aadDCT = [aadDCT'; dt2];
% Display
if bDisplay == 1
aadSpec = idct(aadDCT', iNumFilts);
imagesc(aadSpec); axis xy;
aadDCT = aadDCT';
% Writing the feature in Sphinx format
[iM, iN] = size(aadDCT);
iNumData = iM * iN;
fid = fopen(szOutFeatFileName, 'wb');
fwrite(fid, iNumData, 'int32');
iCount = fwrite(fid, aadDCT(:), 'float32');
function dt = deltacc(input, winlen)
% calculates derivatives of a matrix, whose columns are feature vectors
tmp = 0;
for cnt = 1 : winlen
tmp = tmp + cnt*cnt;
nrm = 1 / (2*tmp);
dt = zeros(size(input));
rows = size(input,1);
cols = size(input,2);
for col = 1 : cols
for cnt = 1 : winlen
inx1 = col - cnt; inx2 = col + cnt;
if inx1 < 1; inx1 = 1; end
if inx2 > cols; inx2 = cols; end
dt(:, col) = dt(:, col) + (input(:, inx2) - input(:, inx1)) * cnt;
dt = dt * nrm;
function [] = Queue_offer(ad_x)
global Queue_aad_P;
global Queue_iHead;
global Queue_iTail;
global Queue_iWindow;
global Queue_iNumElem;
Queue_aad_P(Queue_iTail + 1, :) = ad_x;
Queue_iTail = mod(Queue_iTail + 1, Queue_iWindow);
Queue_iNumElem = Queue_iNumElem + 1;
if Queue_iNumElem > Queue_iWindow
error ('Queue overflow');
function [ad_x] = Queue_poll()
global Queue_aad_P;
global Queue_iHead;
global Queue_iTail;
global Queue_iWindow;
global Queue_iNumElem;
if Queue_iNumElem <= 0
error ('No elements');
ad_x = Queue_aad_P(Queue_iHead + 1, :);
Queue_iHead = mod(Queue_iHead + 1, Queue_iWindow);
Queue_iNumElem = Queue_iNumElem - 1;
function[adMean] = Queue_avg()
global Queue_aad_P;
global Queue_iHead;
global Queue_iTail;
global Queue_iWindow;
global Queue_iNumElem;
global iNumFilts;
adMean = zeros(1, iNumFilts); % Changed from 40 (number of filter banks)
iPos = Queue_iHead;
for i = 1 : Queue_iNumElem
adMean = adMean + Queue_aad_P(iPos + 1 ,: );
iPos = mod(iPos + 1, Queue_iWindow);
adMean = adMean / Queue_iNumElem;
function test(testdir, n, code)
for k = 1:n % read test sound file of each speaker
file = sprintf('%ss%d.wav', testdir, k);
[s, fs] = audioread(file);
%x = s + 0.01*randn(length(s),1); %AWGN Noise
%[SNR1] = snr(s);
%[SNR2] = snr(x) ;
v = PNCC(s, fs); % Compute MFCC's
distmin = inf;
k1 = 0;
for l = 1:length(code) % each trained codebook, compute distortion
d = disteu(v, code{l});
dist = sum(min(d,[],2)) / size(d,1);
if dist < distmin
distmin = dist;
k1 = l;
msg = sprintf('speaker%d -->> s%d', k, k1);
function r = vqlbg(d,k)
% Inputs: d contains training data vectors (one per column)
% k is number of centroids required
e = .01;
r = mean(d, 2);
dpr = 10000;
for i = 1:log2(k)
r = [r*(1+e), r*(1-e)];
while (1 == 1)
z = interdists(d, r);
[m,ind] = min(z, [], 2);
t = 0;
for j = 1:2^i
r(:, j) = mean(d(:, find(ind == j)), 2);
x = interdists(d(:, find(ind == j)), r(:, j));
for q = 1:length(x)
t = t + x(q);
if (((dpr - t)/t) < e)
dpr = t;
end %Output: r contains the result VQ codebook (k columns, one for each centroids)

Calculate size of resulting array (matrix transformation)

So I have this code to rotate and skew an image. it works well for the rotation, and the image will fit exactly in the canvas. However if I apply skewing the image doesn't fit anymore. Can someone explain how to calculate the proper array dimension for the resulting image rotated and skewed by specific angles? In particular, I'm using this 2 lines for the rotated image (and it works although I don't fully understand them). How should I modify them such as even when skewed, the final image will fit? Thanks!
rows_new = ceil(rows_init_img * abs(cos(rads)) + cols_init_img * abs(sin(rads)));
cols_new = ceil(rows_init_img * abs(sin(rads)) + cols_init_img * abs(cos(rads)));
full code
%% init values
%loading initial image
init_img = imread('name2.png');
% define rows/cols dimension of original image pixel matrix
[rows_init_img, cols_init_img,z]= size(init_img);
% skew angle in radians
sk_angle = 50;
sk_rads = 2*pi*sk_angle/360;
% rotation angle in radians
angle = 20;
rads = 2*pi*angle/360;
%% calculate size of final_image
orig_corners = [ 1, 1; 1, rows_init_img; 1, cols_init_img; rows_init_img, cols_init_img];
new_corners = uint8(zeros(size(orig_corners)));
for i = 1:size(orig_corners, 1)
for j = 1:size(orig_corners, 2)
% translate
a = i - final_origin_x;
b = j - final_origin_y;
% rotate
x = a * cos(rads) - b * sin(rads);
y = a * sin(rads) + b * cos(rads);
% skew along x axis (AFTER rotation)
x = x + sk_rads * y;
% translate
x = x + init_origin_x;
y = y + init_origin_y;
% round to turn values to positive integers
x = round(x);
y = round(y);
if (x >= 1 && y >= 1 && x <= size(orig_corners, 1) && y <= size(orig_corners, 2) )
new_corners(i, j) = init_img(x, y);
% calculating array dimesions such that rotated image gets fit in it exactly.
% rows_new = ceil(rows_init_img * abs(cos(rads)) + cols_init_img * abs(sin(rads)));
% cols_new = ceil(rows_init_img * abs(sin(rads)) + cols_init_img * abs(cos(rads)));
% define an array with calculated dimensions and fill the array with zeros ie.,black
% uint8 is important. without it will show noise WHY?
final_img = uint8(zeros([rows_new cols_new 3 ]));
%calculating center of original image
init_origin_x = ceil(rows_init_img/2);
init_origin_y = ceil(cols_init_img/2);
%calculating center of final image
final_origin_x = ceil( size(final_img, 1)/2 );
final_origin_y = ceil( size(final_img, 2)/2 );
%% main loop
% apply transformation to each pixel of the image
for i = 1:size(final_img ,1)
for j = 1:size(final_img, 2)
% translate
a = i - final_origin_x;
b = j - final_origin_y;
% rotate
x = a * cos(rads) - b * sin(rads);
y = a * sin(rads) + b * cos(rads);
% skew along x axis
x = x + sk_rads * y;
% translate
x = x + init_origin_x;
y = y + init_origin_y;
% round to turn values to positive integers
x = round(x);
y = round(y);
% make sure values exists (are part of the initial image) and copy
% them in the final image matrix
if (x >= 1 && y >= 1 && x <= size(init_img, 1) && y <= size(init_img, 2) )
final_img(i, j, :) = init_img(x, y, :);
%% display images
% original image
% figure('name','Original Image','numbertitle','off');
% imshow(init_img);
% result image
figure('name','Manipulated Image','numbertitle','off');
updated code
%% init values
%loading initial image
init_img = imread('name2.png');
% define rows/cols dimension of original image pixel matrix
[rows_init_img, cols_init_img, z]= size(init_img);
% skew angle in radians
sk_angle = 50;
sk_rads = 2*pi*sk_angle/360;
% rotation angle in radians
angle = 20;
rads = 2*pi*angle/360;
%calculating center of original image
init_origin_x = ceil(rows_init_img/2);
init_origin_y = ceil(cols_init_img/2);
%% calculate size of final_image
orig_corners = [ 1, 1; 1, rows_init_img; 1, cols_init_img; rows_init_img, cols_init_img];
new_corners = uint8(zeros(size(orig_corners)));
for i = 1:size(orig_corners, 1)
for j = 1:size(orig_corners, 2)
% translate
a = i - final_origin_x; %at this point I don't have this variable because I can't create it yet
b = j - final_origin_y;
% rotate
x = a * cos(rads) - b * sin(rads);
y = a * sin(rads) + b * cos(rads);
% skew along x axis (AFTER rotation)
x = x + sk_rads * y;
% translate
x = x + init_origin_x;
y = y + init_origin_y;
% round to turn values to positive integers
x = round(x);
y = round(y);
if (x >= 1 && y >= 1 && x <= size(orig_corners, 1) && y <= size(orig_corners, 2) )
new_corners(i, j) = init_img(x, y);
% calculating array dimesions such that rotated image gets fit in it exactly.
rows_new = abs(max(new_corners(1, :)) - min(new_corners(1, :)));
cols_new = abs(max(new_corners(2, :)) - min(new_corners(2, :)));
% define an array with calculated dimensions and fill the array with zeros ie.,black
final_img = uint8(zeros([rows_new cols_new 3 ]));
%calculating center of final image
final_origin_x = ceil( size(final_img, 1)/2 );
final_origin_y = ceil( size(final_img, 2)/2 );
%% main loop
% apply transformation to each pixel of the image
for i = 1:size(final_img ,1)
for j = 1:size(final_img, 2)
% translate
a = i - final_origin_x;
b = j - final_origin_y;
% skew along x axis (BEFORE rotation)
a = a + sk_rads * b;
% rotate
x = a * cos(rads) - b * sin(rads);
y = a * sin(rads) + b * cos(rads);
% skew along x axis (AFTER rotation)
%x = x + sk_rads * y;
% translate
x = x + init_origin_x;
y = y + init_origin_y;
% round to turn values to positive integers
x = round(x);
y = round(y);
% make sure values exists (are part of the initial image) and copy
% them in the final image matrix
if (x >= 1 && y >= 1 && x <= size(init_img, 1) && y <= size(init_img, 2) )
final_img(i, j, :) = init_img(x, y, :);
%% display images
% original image
% figure('name','Original Image','numbertitle','off');
% imshow(init_img);
% result image
figure('name','Manipulated Image','numbertitle','off');

Plotting iteratively defined function in MATLAB

I'm not a MATLAB professional and so, I need some help at producing a 3D plot of the iteratively defined function f : R^2-0 -> R defined below (in pseudocode) for x,y values in [-1,1] and
For each I = 1,2,3 and A = (0.5,0.5)
function f(v in R^2-0)
a=b=0; (a,b in R)
for (i=0; i<I; i=i+1)
v = |v| / ||v||^2 - A;
a = a + | ||v||-b |;
b = ||v||;
return a;
(|v| denotes component-wise vector absolute value)
(If you want you can look at the fractal that is generated by the function at my question on math-exchange here:
MATLAB code to do that will be appreciated.
Much Thanks.
Save this your main program:
close all
% I = 1;
% A = [ 0.5 0.5 ];
I = 10;
A = [ 0.5 0.5 0.5 ];
xmin = -1;
xmax = 1;
ymin = -1;
ymax = 1;
nx = 101;
ny = 101;
dx = (xmax - xmin) / (nx - 1);
dy = (ymax - ymin) / (ny - 1);
x = xmin: dx: xmax;
y = ymin: dy: ymax;
for ix = 1: nx
for iy = 1: ny
if (length(A) == 2)
z(iy, ix) = f([x(ix) y(iy)], A, I);
elseif (length(A) == 3)
z(iy, ix) = f([x(ix) y(iy) 0], A, I);
pcolor(x, y, z)
shading interp
Then save this function in the same directory as the main program as f.m:
function result = f(v, A, I)
a = 0;
b = 0;
for i = 1: I
v = abs(v) / dot(v, v) - A;
a = a + abs(norm(v) - b);
b = norm(v);
result = a;