Scala Reflection: instantiating a singleton object - scala

I'm using the following code to instantiate a scala object. This works, but there seems to be one problem: the println is printed out twice, each time with another hashcode.
import scala.reflect.runtime.universe._
import scala.reflect.runtime.{universe => ru}
object Test2 { println("init"+hashCode())}
val mirror = ru.runtimeMirror(getClass.getClassLoader)
val m = ru.typeOf[Test2.type].members.filter(_.isConstructor).head.asMethod
val m2 = mirror.reflectClass(typeOf[Test2.type].typeSymbol.asClass)
val cm = m2.reflectConstructor(m)
val e = cm.apply()
Results in:
e: Any = Test2$#7a458c73
the hashCode of e is equal to the latter one (2051378291). I'm wondering why this is because as far as I know there should be only one?
EDIT: using scala version 2.12.4

JVM has no singletons*
You're invoking a private constructor of a class. Scala reflection allows it. And when you invoke a constructor, you get a new instance back.
It's actually pretty hard to make a singleton in plain Java because there are ways to construct an instance except using new Something. For instance, de-serialization might not call any constructors besides one of Object. And there's sun.misc.Unsafe#allocateInstance that can conjure new instances of any class sans java.lang.Class without calling any constructor code.
Scala object does some job behind the hood to ensure you don't accidentally create a second instance during any normal usage (e.g. it hides the constructor and handles de-serialization), but it cannot protect you from deliberately creating one. When you start using reflection, you do exactly that.
Even Java enums can be instantiated at runtime using reflection. You cannot call Class#newInstance on an enum directly (the implementation forbids it), but knowing a bit of internal details can get you there**
import java.nio.file.StandardOpenOption // first std enum I could remember for a quick dirty sample
val ctor = classOf[StandardOpenOption].getDeclaredConstructors.head
val aac = ctor.getClass.getDeclaredMethod("acquireConstructorAccessor")
aac.setAccessible(true) // unlimited power!
val ctorAccess = aac.invoke(ctor)
val newInstanceCall = ctorAccess.getClass.getDeclaredMethod("newInstance", classOf[Array[AnyRef]])
// note that it does not throw ClassCastException, so it's a fine instance
val uhOh = newInstanceCall.invoke(ctorAccess, Array("UhOh", 42)).asInstanceOf[StandardOpenOption]
assert( == "UhOh")
assert(uhOh.ordinal == 42)
(interactive version # Scastie)
To get the "default" instance, you can access a public static field named MODULE$ using reflection. You can also run whole scala compiler at runtime
It's likely to be the best bet for you to not rely on reflection in whatever you're trying to achieve.
BTW, it is possible to get ScalaReflectionException trying to run your code in IntelliJ worksheet or Scastie in worksheet mode, because these things wrap your code in another object with main method
* Only tested on few versions of HotSpot JVM
** Please don't do this in any serious code! I only use this to prove a point. This is also pretty useless because it does not change values or valueOf. And yes, I only checked it on HotSpot that comes with JDK8.


Constructor.newInstance replaces Scala object

I was debugging a deserialization issue with Jackson where Scala object instances seemed to be replaced. I managed to drill the issue down to this code:
object WaitWhat extends App {
object XX
val x1 = XX
// Notice: no assignment!
val x2 = XX
The output is:
(Of course the actual hash codes change each run.)
IntelliJ's debugger also indicates that x1 and x2 really are different instances, despite the fact that the result of newInstance is completely ignored.
I would have expected a no-op, or an exception of some kind. How is it possible that the actual object instance gets replaced by this call?
Objects in Scala have a private constructor that can’t be called with new (since it’s private), but can still be called using reflection.
Under the hood, the object is accessed by static MODULE$ field. This field is the singleton instance created internally by calling the private constructor.
As long as you access the object in your Scala or in your Java code using MODULE$ you will be ok. However, you can't be sure, that some library won't create an additional instance of your object with a private constructor using reflection. In this case, whenever private constructor will be called, a new instance of the object will be created and reassigned to MODULE$.
This can happen especially if you use Java libraries, that are not aware of the existence of Scala objects.
Please check this article for more details.
Anyway, I would just create custom deserializer for Jackson (similarly to the solution described in the article).

How do you create a ScalaMock stub that doesn't call the constructor of the underlying object?

Consider the following example Scala class and unit test:
class BrokenClass(s: String) {
private val len = s.length
def length(): Int = len
class BrokenTest extends FlatSpec with Matchers with MockFactory {
"A BrokenClass" should "stub correctly" in {
val stubThing = stub[BrokenClass]
(stubThing.length _) when () returns (10)
stubThing.length should equal (10)
In older versions of ScalaMock, this code would work. With Scala 2.12 and ScalaMock 3.6, I'm getting a NullPointerException because even though I'm creating a stub, it's still invoking the "s.length" line of the constructor of BrokenClass. So it's trying to dereference "s", which is null because I haven't passed anything to it because all I want is a stub that returns a specific value when a specific method is called.
Is there a way to create a stub without it trying to invoke the object's constructor? Why did this work in older versions?
ScalaMock generates subclasses using a macro definition.
That macro gets expanded/evaluated during the compiler run.
As mocks are subclasses, the constructors of the superclasses will be called - no exceptions.
You might be able to work around this using some cglib sorcery, but that is not something i am familiar with.
So this may have been possible in older ScalaMock versions but this feature is not coming back anytime soon with the current implementation.
another option is to actually subclass this thing yourself and mock the subclass
class NotSoBrokenClass extends BrokenClass("")
val nsb = mock[NotSoBrokenClass]
That works in some cases, but if the constructor depends on non-final method calls you'll see funny behaviour (e.g. NPEs) too.

Scala 'this' and 'self' not working in simple App

New to scala (using version 2.12.1) obviously from the title. I'm writing my first app in IntelliJ. I've read about the Scala equivalent in Java to this. I've tried this, self, classOf[] and IntelliJ is complaining and the code is not compiling even if I ignore IntelliJ. Here's what I have:
import ch.qos.logback.classic.Logger
object Main extends App {
val logger = Logger[Main]
Logger package is importing correctly in SBT. However it cannot resolve the symbol Main. I tried sticking it in a package to make it less ubiquitous and then doing something like Logger[me.justin.Main] but that also doesn't work.
I also thought maybe extending App was causing some problems but I think that's fixed in the scala version I'm using? Maybe it's not even applicable?
I'm all Googled out. Help please!
You're getting tripped up by how Scala's objects work. Let's say we had a class Foo and a companion object for same:
class Foo
object Foo
If we wanted a logger for the class, we'd do the obvious thing:
val logger = Logger[Foo] // `Foo` here is the type of the class.
But what if we wanted to refer to the type of the object? We have to disambiguate from the type of the class. The answer is to use the special type member on the object:
val logger = Logger[Foo.type] // `Foo.type` here is the type of the object.
So in your case:
val logger = Logger[Main.type]

Scala: How to invoke method with type parameter and manifest without knowing the type at compile time?

I have a function with the following signature:
myFunc[T <: AnyRef](arg: T)(implicit m: Manifest[T]) = ???
How can I invoke this function if I do not know the exact type of the argument at the compile time?
For example:
val obj: AnyRef = new Foo() // At compile time obj is defined as AnyRef,
val objClass = obj.getClass // At runtime I can figure out that it is actually Foo
// Now I would need to call `myFunc[Foo](obj.asInstanceOf[Foo])`,
// but how would I do it without putting [Foo] in the square braces?
I would want to write something logically similar to:
Thank you!
The question is invalid - As #DaoWen, #Jelmo and #itsbruce correctly pointed, the thing I was trying to do was a complete nonsense! I just overthought the problem severely.
THANK YOU guys! It's too bad I cannot accept all the answers as correct :)
So, the problem was caused by the following situation:
I am using Salat library to serialize the objects to/from BSON/JSON representation.
Salat has an Grater[T] class which is used for both serialization and deserialization.
The method call for deserialization from BSON looks this way:
val foo = grater[Foo].asObject(bson)
Here, the role of type parameter is clear. What I was trying to do then is to use the same Grater to serialize any entity from my domain model. So I wrote:
val json = grater[???].toCompactJSON(obj)
I immediately rushed for reflection and just didn't see an obvious solution lying on the surface. Which is:
grater[Entity].toCompactJSON(obj) // where Entity...
#Salat trait Entity // is a root of the domain model hierarchy
Sometimes things are much easier than we think they are! :)
It appears that while I was writing this answer the author of the question realized that he does not need to resolve Manifests at runtime. However, in my opinion it is perfectly legal problem which I resolved successfully when I was writing Yaml [de]serialization library, so I'm leaving the answer here.
It is possible to do what you want using ClassTags or even TypeTags. I don't know about Manifests because that API is deprecated and I haven't worked with it, but I believe that with manifests it will be easier since they weren't as sophisticated as new Scala reflection. FYI, Manifest's successor is TypeTag.
Suppose you have the following functions:
def useClasstag[T: ClassTag](obj: T) = ...
def useTypetag[T: TypeTag](obj: T) = ...
and you need to call then with obj: AnyRef as an argument while providing either ClassTag or TypeTag for obj.getClass class as the implicit parameter.
ClassTag is the easiest one. You can create ClassTag directly from Class[_] instance:
That's all.
TypeTags are harder. You need to use Scala reflection to obtain one from the object, and then you have to use some internals of Scala reflection.
import scala.reflect.runtime.universe._
import scala.reflect.api
import api.{Universe, TypeCreator}
// Obtain runtime mirror for the class' classloader
val rm = runtimeMirror(obj.getClass.getClassLoader)
// Obtain instance mirror for obj
val im = rm.reflect(obj)
// Get obj's symbol object
val sym = im.symbol
// Get symbol's type signature - that's what you really want!
val tpe = sym.typeSignature
// Now the black magic begins: we create TypeTag manually
// First, make so-called type creator for the type we have just obtained
val tc = new TypeCreator {
def apply[U <: Universe with Singleton](m: api.Mirror[U]) =
if (m eq rm) tpe.asInstanceOf[U # Type]
else throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"Type tag defined in $rm cannot be migrated to other mirrors.")
// Next, create a TypeTag using runtime mirror and type creator
val tt = TypeTag[AnyRef](rm, tc)
// Call our method
As you can see, this machinery is rather complex. It means that you should use it only if you really need it, and, as others have said, the cases when you really need it are very rare.
This isn't going to work. Think about it this way: You're asking the compiler to create a class Manifest (at compile time!) for a class that isn't known until run time.
However, I have the feeling you're approaching the problem the wrong way. Is AnyRef really the most you know about the type of Foo at compile time? If that's the case, how can you do anything useful with it? (You won't be able to call any methods on it except the few that are defined for AnyRef.)
It's not clear what you are trying to achieve and a little more context could be helpful. Anyway, here's my 2 cents.
Using Manifest will not help you here because the type parameter needs to be known at compile time. What I propose is something along these lines:
def myFunc[T](arg: AnyRef, klass: Class[T]) = {
val obj: T = klass.cast(arg)
//do something with obj... but what?
And you could call it like this:
myFunc(obj, Foo.class)
Note that I don't see how you can do something useful inside myFunc. At compile time, you cannot call any method on a object of type T beside the methods available for AnyRef. And if you want to use reflection to manipulate the argument of myFunc, then there is no need to cast it to a specific type.
This is the wrong way to work with a type-safe OO language. If you need to do this, your design is wrong.
myFunc[T <: AnyRef](arg: T)(implicit m: Manifest[T]) = ???
This is, of course, useless, as you have probably discovered. What kind of meaningful function can you call on an object which might be anything? You can't make any direct reference to its properties or methods.
I would want to write something logically similar to:
Why? This kind of thing is generally only necessary for very specialised cases. Are you writing a framework that will use dependency injection, for example? If you're not doing some highly technical extension of Scala's capabilities, this should not be necessary.
I bet you know something more about the class, since you say you don't know the exact type. One big part of the way class-based OO works is that if you want to do something to a general type of objects (including all its subtypes), you put that behaviour into a method belonging to the class. Let subclasses override it if they need to.
Frankly, the way to do what you are attempting is to invoke the function in a context where you know enough about the type.

Scala v 2.10: How to get a new instance of a class (object) starting from the class name

I have tens of JSON fragments to parse, and for each one I need to get an instance of the right parser. My idea was to create a config file where to write the name of the class to instantiate for each parser (a kind of map url -> parser) . Getting back to your solution, I cannot call the method I implemented in each parser if I have a pointer to Any. I suppose this is a very common problem with a well-set solution, but I have no idea what the best practices could be.
I really have no experience with Java, Reflection, Class Loading and all that stuff. So,
can anyone write for me the body of the method below? I need to get an instance of a class passed as String (no arguments needed for the constructor, at least so far...)
def createInstance(clazzName: String) = {
// get the Class for the given clazzName, e.g. ""
// instantiate an object and return it
Thanks, as usual...
There is a very simple answer:
scala> def createInstance(clazzName: String) = Class.forName(clazzName).newInstance
createInstance: (clazzName: String)Any
scala> createInstance("java.lang.String")
res0: Any = ""
If it works for you, everything is fine. If it don't, we have to look into your class loader. This is usually the point when things will get dirty.
Depending in what you want to do, look into:
The cake pattern, if you want to combine your classes during compile time
OSGi when you want to build a plugin infrastructure (look here for a very simple example)
Google guice, if you really need dependency injection (e.g. when mixing Scala and Java code) and the cake pattern does not work for you