Constructor.newInstance replaces Scala object - scala

I was debugging a deserialization issue with Jackson where Scala object instances seemed to be replaced. I managed to drill the issue down to this code:
object WaitWhat extends App {
object XX
val x1 = XX
// Notice: no assignment!
val x2 = XX
The output is:
(Of course the actual hash codes change each run.)
IntelliJ's debugger also indicates that x1 and x2 really are different instances, despite the fact that the result of newInstance is completely ignored.
I would have expected a no-op, or an exception of some kind. How is it possible that the actual object instance gets replaced by this call?

Objects in Scala have a private constructor that can’t be called with new (since it’s private), but can still be called using reflection.
Under the hood, the object is accessed by static MODULE$ field. This field is the singleton instance created internally by calling the private constructor.
As long as you access the object in your Scala or in your Java code using MODULE$ you will be ok. However, you can't be sure, that some library won't create an additional instance of your object with a private constructor using reflection. In this case, whenever private constructor will be called, a new instance of the object will be created and reassigned to MODULE$.
This can happen especially if you use Java libraries, that are not aware of the existence of Scala objects.
Please check this article for more details.
Anyway, I would just create custom deserializer for Jackson (similarly to the solution described in the article).


Singleton and Companion Objects are made how, are they instances?

I have read how companion and singleton objects can be used to keep static methods, which makes sense. My question is how is this object made or instantiated it? I have read from some sources on how Objects are instances of the class if used as companion objects while others say they are not instances of the class. Then how are the objects existing or being made? Plus the Object would be same class data type I suppose?
My question is how is this object made or instantiated it?
Then how are the objects existing or being made?
You don't know, shouldn't know, and can't know.
The Scala Language Specification says that they exist. The Scala Language Specification does not say how they are instantiated. Every implementor is free to implement them however they want.
For example, ECMAScript has object literals, so for Scala.js, there is no need for them to be an instance of any class at all. Scala-native is not dependent on any platform, so it can do whatever it wants. Scala-JVM needs to comply with the restrictions of the JVM, where every object needs to be an instance of a class. In Scala-JVM, every singleton object Foo is an instance of a JVM class named Foo$.
Plus the Object would be same class data type I suppose?
The type of a singleton object Foo is the singleton type Foo.type. It's not a class.
I have read from some sources on how Objects are instances of the class if used as companion objects while others say they are not instances of the class.
Instead of reading "some sources", it's much better to just read the source: the Scala Language Specification, specifically section 5.3.2 Case Classes:
A case class definition of 𝑐[tps](ps1)…(ps𝑛) with type parameters tps and value parameters ps implies the definition of a companion object, which serves as an extractor object. It has the following shape:
object 𝑐 {
def apply[tps](ps1)…(ps𝑛): 𝑐[tps] = new 𝑐[Ts](xs1)…(xs𝑛)
def unapply[tps](π‘₯: 𝑐[tps]) =
if (x eq null) scala.None
else scala.Some(π‘₯.xs11,…,π‘₯.xs1π‘˜)
Each object has its own class, but you can't access the class directly. This class has a constructor without parameters which is called automatically when it's loaded and creates the only instance.
Objects are instances of the class if used as companion objects
Either you misunderstood or you really shouldn't trust these sources. It's possible for a companion object to extend the trait/class it's companion to, but not at all common.
Companion objects are not instances of the class they're companion of, think of them more like a collection of utility methods. If you're familiar with Java - all the method, that you made static in Java (hence they don't belong to a particular instance, but to class in general) would go to Companion object in Scala. Also, companion objects have access to classes private values.
Objects are lazily initialized for you, you don't need to know when and how exactly are they created, just if you call a function from an object - it will be created for you, and there will be only one instance of it.

What is the difference between ::class and in Kotlin?

In Java, we write .class (for example: String.class) to get information about the given class. In Kotlin you can write ::class or What is the difference between them?
By using ::class, you get an instance of KClass. It is Kotlin Reflection API, that can handle Kotlin features like properties, data classes, etc.
By using, you get an instance of Class. It is Java Reflection API, that interops with any Java reflection code, but can't work with some Kotlin features.
First you need to understand about Reflection. According to the docs:
Reflection is a set of language and library features that allows for introspecting the structure of your own program at runtime.
In simple words, it gives you the ability to get the code you have written i.e., the class name you have defined, the function name you have defined, etc. Everything you have written, you can access all these at runtime using Reflection.
::class and are basic features of Reflection.
::class gives you a KClass<T> reference and gives you Class<T> reference.
val a = MyClass::class
can be interpreted as
val a = KClass<MyClass>()
Note: Above code is not syntactically correct, because KClass is an interface and interfaces cannot be instantiated. It is just to give you an idea.
A Class<T> class gives you information about the metadata of the T class like interfaces it is implementing, its functions' names, its package name, etc.
KClass is similar to Class but it gives information about some more properties(Kotlin related properties) than Class. All the information a KClass<T> reference can give you about the T class are listed here
According to the Kotlin documentation, when we create an object using any class type as below the reference type will be type of KClass.
val c = MyClass::class // reference type of KClass
Kotlin class reference is not the same as a Java class reference. To get a Java class reference, use the .java property on a KClass instance.
val c = // reference type of Class Java

Quick Documentation For Scala Apply Constructor Pattern in IntelliJ IDE

I am wondering if there is a way to get the quick documentation in IntelliJ to work for the class construction pattern many scala developers use below.
instead of
new SomeClass(param1,Param2)
The direct constructor call made with new obviously works but many scala devs use apply to construct objects. When that pattern is used the Intelij documentation look up fails to find any information on the class.
I don't know if there are documents in IntelliJ per se. However, the pattern is fairly easy to explain.
There's a pattern in Java code for having static factory methods (this is a specialization of the Gang of Four Factory Method Pattern), often along the lines of (translated to Scala-ish):
object Foo {
def barInstance(args...): Bar = ???
The main benefit of doing this is that the factory controls object instantiation, in particular:
the particular runtime class to instantiate, possibly based on the arguments to the factory. For example, the generic immutable collections in Scala have factory methods which may create optimized small collections if they're created with a sufficiently small amount of contents. An example of this is a sequence of length 1 can be implemented with basically no overhead with a single field referring to the object and a lookup that checks if the offset is 0 and either throws or returns its sole field.
whether an instance is created. One can cache arguments to the factory and memoize or "hashcons" the created objects, or precreate the most common instances and hand them out repeatedly.
A further benefit is that the factory is a function, while new is an operator, which allows the factory to be passed around:
class Foo(x: Int)
object Foo {
def instance(x: Int) = new Foo(x)
Seq(1, 2, 3).map(x => Foo(x)) // results in Seq(Foo(1), Foo(2), Foo(3))
In Scala, this is combined with the fact that the language allows any object which defines an apply method to be used syntactically as a function (even if it doesn't extend Function, which would allow the object to be passed around as if it's a function) and with the "companion object" to a class (which incorporates the things that in Java would be static in the class) to get something like:
class Foo(constructor_args...)
object Foo {
def apply(args...): Foo = ???
Which can be used like:
For a case class, the Scala compiler automatically generates a companion object with certain behaviors, one of which is an apply with the same arguments as the constructor (other behaviors include contract-obeying hashCode and equals as well as an unapply method to allow for pattern matching).

Scala Reflection: instantiating a singleton object

I'm using the following code to instantiate a scala object. This works, but there seems to be one problem: the println is printed out twice, each time with another hashcode.
import scala.reflect.runtime.universe._
import scala.reflect.runtime.{universe => ru}
object Test2 { println("init"+hashCode())}
val mirror = ru.runtimeMirror(getClass.getClassLoader)
val m = ru.typeOf[Test2.type].members.filter(_.isConstructor).head.asMethod
val m2 = mirror.reflectClass(typeOf[Test2.type].typeSymbol.asClass)
val cm = m2.reflectConstructor(m)
val e = cm.apply()
Results in:
e: Any = Test2$#7a458c73
the hashCode of e is equal to the latter one (2051378291). I'm wondering why this is because as far as I know there should be only one?
EDIT: using scala version 2.12.4
JVM has no singletons*
You're invoking a private constructor of a class. Scala reflection allows it. And when you invoke a constructor, you get a new instance back.
It's actually pretty hard to make a singleton in plain Java because there are ways to construct an instance except using new Something. For instance, de-serialization might not call any constructors besides one of Object. And there's sun.misc.Unsafe#allocateInstance that can conjure new instances of any class sans java.lang.Class without calling any constructor code.
Scala object does some job behind the hood to ensure you don't accidentally create a second instance during any normal usage (e.g. it hides the constructor and handles de-serialization), but it cannot protect you from deliberately creating one. When you start using reflection, you do exactly that.
Even Java enums can be instantiated at runtime using reflection. You cannot call Class#newInstance on an enum directly (the implementation forbids it), but knowing a bit of internal details can get you there**
import java.nio.file.StandardOpenOption // first std enum I could remember for a quick dirty sample
val ctor = classOf[StandardOpenOption].getDeclaredConstructors.head
val aac = ctor.getClass.getDeclaredMethod("acquireConstructorAccessor")
aac.setAccessible(true) // unlimited power!
val ctorAccess = aac.invoke(ctor)
val newInstanceCall = ctorAccess.getClass.getDeclaredMethod("newInstance", classOf[Array[AnyRef]])
// note that it does not throw ClassCastException, so it's a fine instance
val uhOh = newInstanceCall.invoke(ctorAccess, Array("UhOh", 42)).asInstanceOf[StandardOpenOption]
assert( == "UhOh")
assert(uhOh.ordinal == 42)
(interactive version # Scastie)
To get the "default" instance, you can access a public static field named MODULE$ using reflection. You can also run whole scala compiler at runtime
It's likely to be the best bet for you to not rely on reflection in whatever you're trying to achieve.
BTW, it is possible to get ScalaReflectionException trying to run your code in IntelliJ worksheet or Scastie in worksheet mode, because these things wrap your code in another object with main method
* Only tested on few versions of HotSpot JVM
** Please don't do this in any serious code! I only use this to prove a point. This is also pretty useless because it does not change values or valueOf. And yes, I only checked it on HotSpot that comes with JDK8.

Scala - are classes sufficient?

Coming from Java I am confused by the class/object distinction of scala.
Note that I do not ask for the formal difference; there are enough
references on the web which explain this, and there are related questions on
My questions are:
Why did the designers of scala
choosed to make things more
complicated (compared to Java or
C#)? What disadvantages do I have to
expect if I ignore this distinction
and declare only classes?
Java classes contain two completely different types of members -- instance members (such as and static members (such as BigDecimal.valueOf). In Scala, there are only instance members. This is actually a simplification! But it leaves a problem: where do we put methods like valueOf? That's where objects are useful.
class BigDecimal(value: String) {
def plus(that: BigDecimal): BigDecimal = // ...
object BigDecimal {
def valueOf(i: Int): BigDecimal = // ...
You can view this as the declaration of anonymous class and a single instantiation thereof:
class BigDecimal$object {
def valueOf(i: Int): BigDecimal = // ...
lazy val BigDecimal = new BigDecimal$object
When reading Scala code, it is crucial to distinguish types from values. I've configured IntelliJ to hightlight types blue.
val ls = List.empty[Int] // List is a value, a reference the the object List
ls: List[Int] // List is a type, a reference to class List
Java also has another degree of complexity that was removed in Scala -- the distinction between fields and methods. Fields aren't allowed on interfaces, except if they are static and final; methods can be overriden, fields instead are hidden if redefined in a subclass. Scala does away with this complexity, and only exposes methods to the programmer.
Finally, a glib answer to your second question: If you don't declare any objects, you're program may never run, as you to define the equivalent of public static void main(String... args) {} in Scala, you need at least one object!
Scala doesn't have any notion of static methods with standard classes, so in those scenarios you'll have to use objects. Interesting article here which provides a good intro:
(scroll down to Scala’s Sort-of Statics)
One way to look at it is this. An executing program consists of a community of objects and threads. Threads execute code within the context of objects -- i.e. there is always a "this" object that a thread is executing within. This is a simplification from Java in the sense that in Java, there is not always a "this". But now there is a chicken/egg problem. If objects are created by threads and threads are executed within objects, what object is the first thread initially executing within. There has to be a nonempty set of objects that exist at the start of program execution. These are the objects declared with the object keyword.