howa to optimise tUniqRow and tSortRow - talend

Is it better to put tSortRow before tUniqRow or vice versa for the best perfermence ?
And how to optimize tUniqRow ?
Even if I use "disk option", the job crashes.
I'm working on a 3Million line file

In order to optimize your job, you can try the following:
Use the option "use disk" on tSortRow with a smaller buffer (the default 1 million rows buffer is too big, so start with a small number of rows, 50k for instance, then increase it in order to get better performance). This will use more (smaller) files on disk, so your job will run slower, but it will consume less memory.
Try with a tSortRow (using disk) and a tAggregateSortedRow instead of tUniqRow (by specifying the unique columns in the Group By section, it acts as a tUniqRow, the columns not part of the unique key must be specified in the Operations tab each using 'First' function). As it expects the rows to already be sorted, it doesn't sort them first in memory. Note that this component requires you to know beforehand the number of rows in your flow, which you can get from a previous subjob if you're processing your data in multiple steps.
Also, if the columns you're sorting by in tSortRow come from your database table, you can use an ORDER BY clause in your tOracleInput. This way the sorting will be done on the database side and your job won't consume memory for sort.


Do you need to add an index on a partitioned table (postgres 11)?

My team is looking at moving our non partitioned table with ~1TB of data over to a partitioned table.
We would be using range partitioning based on a timestamp column.
One thing I don't understand is whether we need to add an index on the timestamp column if it's being used as the partition key. If we make our partitions quite small (e.g. partition for every day), would this act in a similar way to an index?
We would only be doing queries on a maximum resolution of one day.
I am reluctant to add an index as we've tried this in the past and it never completed (probably because we didn't turn off writes. Not really an option to turn off writes for an extended period).
Your feeling is right: omitting the index on the partitioning column is one of the few places where partitioning actually makes queries faster.
You can then get away with a sequential scan of a single partition, and you don't have to maintain the index with every data modifying statement.
The other advantage is that partitioning makes mass deletion of data (along the partition boundaries) so much more efficient. And finally, autovacuum's job will become easier.
Two points about partitioning:
Upgrade to v12; there have been substantial performance improvements that concern partitioning.
Don't use too many partitions. With v12, you can probably go up to a few thousand, in earlier versions you will get performance problems earlier on.

Incremental upload/update to PostgreSQL table using Pentaho DI

I have the following flow in Pentaho Data Integration to read a txt file and map it to a PostgreSQL table.
The first time I run this flow everything goes ok and the table gets populated. However, if later I want to do an incremental update on the same table, I need to truncate it and run the flow again. Is there any method that allows me to only load new/updated rows?
In the PostgreSQL Bulk Load operator, I can only see "Truncate/Insert" options and this is very inefficient, as my tables are really large.
See my implementation:
Thanks in advance!!
Looking around for possibilities, some users say that the only advantage of Bulk Loader is performance with very large batch of rows (upwards of millions). But there ways of countering this.
Try using the Table output step, with Batch size("Commit size" in the step) of 5000, and altering the number of copies executing the step (depends on the number of cores your processor has) to say, 4 copies (Dual core CPU with 2 logical cores ea.). You can alter the number of copies by right clicking the step in the GUI and setting the desired number.
This will parallelize the output into 4 groups of Inserts, of 5000 rows per 'cycle' each. If this cause memory overload in the JVM, you can easily adapt that and increase the memory usage in the option PENTAHO_DI_JAVA_OPTIONS, simply double the amount that's set on Xms(minimum) and XmX(maximum), mine is set to "-Xms2048m" "-Xmx4096m".
The only peculiarity i found with this step and PostgreSQL is that you need to specify the Database Fields in the step, even if the incoming rows have the exact same layout as the table.
you are looking for an incremental load. you can do it in two ways.
There is a step called "Insert/Update" , this will be used to do incremental load.
you will have option to specify key columns to compare. then under fields section select "Y" for update. Please select "N" for those columns you are selecting under key comparison.
Use table output and uncheck "Truncate table" option. While retrieving the data from source table, use variable in where clause. first get the max value from your target table and set this value to a variable and include in the where clause of your query.
Editing here..
if your data source is a flat file, then as I told get the max value(date/int) from target table and join with your data. after that use filter rows to have incremental data.
Hope this will help.

Optimizing aggregation function and ordering in PostgreSQL

I have the following table 'medicion' with the followings fields:
fecha [date](PK),
valor [number]`.
So, I want to get the minimum, maximum and the average of valor grouping all that data by id_variable. So my query is:
SELECT AVG(valor), MIN(valor), MAX(valor)
FROM medicion
GROUP BY id_variable;
Knowing that by default PostgreSQL builds an index for the primary key
(id_departamento, id_variable, fecha)
how can I optimize this query?, should I create a new index only by id_variable or the default index is valid in this query?
Since there is an avg(), and one needs all the values to compute an average, it's going to read the whole table. Unless you use a WHERE, but there is no WHERE, so I presume you want global statistics.
The only things an extra covering index brings are:
Not reading the entire table.
This could be beneficial if there was, say, 50 columns, or TEXTs which make the table file huge. In this case reading the whole table just to average a few int's would need to grind in tons of useless stuff from disk.
I mean, covering indexes are awesome when you want to snipe one column or two out of a huge table, and keep the small column set in cache. But this is not the case here, you only got small columns, so this reason is out.
...and of course slightly slower UPDATEs since the index needs to be updated. Also, the index needs to be cached, its gonna use some RAM, etc.
Getting the rows pre-sorted for convenient aggregation.
This can matter here, mostly if it avoids a huge sort. However, if it avoids a hash-aggregate, which super fast anyway, not so useful.
Now, if you have relatively few distinct values of id_variable... say, enough to fit into a hash-aggregate, which can be a sizable amount, depends on your work_mem... then it'll be difficult to beat it...
If the table is not updated often, or is insert-only, and you need the statistics often, consider a materialized view (keep min/max/avg for each id_variable in a separate table, and keep them updated on each insert). Updating the mat-view takes time, so this is a tradeoff if you need the stats very often.
You could keep your stats in cache if you don't mind them being stale.
Or, if your table has tons of old data, you could partition it, and keep the min/max/sum/count for the old read-only partition, and only compute the stats on the new stuff.

historic data storage and retrieval

I am using a standard splayed format for my trade data where i have directories for each date and each column as separate file in there.
I am reading from csv files and storing using the below code. I am using the trial version 32 bit on win 7, 64 bit.
readDat: {[x]
tmp: read data from csv file(x)
tmp: `sym`time`trdId xasc tmp;
/trd: update `g#sym from trd;
trade:: trd;
.Q.dpft[`:/kdb/ndb; dt; `sym; `trade];
\t readDat each 50#dtlist
I have tried both using the `g#sym and without it. Data has typically 1.5MM rows per date. select time for this is from 0.5 to 1 second for a day
Is there a way to improve times for either of the below queries.
\t select from trade where date=x
\t select from trade where date=x, sym=y
I have read the docs on segmentation, partitioning etc. but not sure if anything would help here.
On second thoughts, will creating a table for each sym speed up things? I am trying that out but wanted to know if there are memory/space tradeoffs i should be aware of.
Have you done any profiling to see what the actual bottleneck is? If you find that the problem has to do with disk read speed (using something like iostat) you can either get a faster disk (SSD), more memory (for bigger disk cache), or use par.txt to shard your database across multiple disks such that the query happens on multiple disks and cores in parallel.
As you are using .Q.dpft, you are already partitioning your DB. If your use case is always to pass one date in your queries, then segmenting by date will not provide any performance improvements. You could possibly segment by symbol range (see here), although this is never something I've tried.
One basic way to improve performance would be to select a subset of the columns. Do you really need to read all of the fields when querying? Depending on the width of your table this can have a large impact as it now can ignore some files completely.
Another way to improve performance would be to apply `u# to the sym file. This will speed up your second query as the look up on the sym file will be faster. Although this really depends on the size of your universe. The benefit of this would be marginal in comparison to reducing the number of columns requested I would imagine.
As user1895961 mentioned, selecting only certain columns will be faster.
KDB splayed\partitioned tables are almost exactly just files on the filesystem, the smaller the files and the fewer you have to read, the faster it will be. The balance between the number of folders and the number of files is key. 1.5mln per partition is ok, but is on the large side. Perhaps you might want to partition by something else.
You may also want to normalise you data, splitting it into multiple tables and using linked columns to join it back again on the fly. Linked columns, if set up correctly, can be very powerful and can help avoid reading too much data back from disk if filtering is added in.
Also try converting your data to char instead of sym, i found big performance increases from doing so.

IBMDB2 select query for millions of data

i am new at db2 i want to select around 2 million data with single query like that
which will select and display first 5000 data and in back process it will select other 5000 data and keep on same till end of the all data help me out with this how to write query or using function
Sounds like you want what's known as blocking. However, this isn't actually handled (not the way you're thinking of) at the database level - it's handled at the application level. You'd need to specify your platform and programming language for us to help there. Although if you're expecting somebody to actually read 2 million rows, it's going to take a while... At one row a second, that's 23 straight days.
The reason that SQL doesn't really perform this 'natively' is that it's (sort of) less efficient. Also, SQL is (by design) set up to operate over the entire set of data, both conceptually and syntactically.
You can use one of the new features, that incorporates paging from Oracle or MySQL:
At the same time, you can influence the optimizer by indicating OPTIMIZED FOR n ROWS, and FETCH FIRST n ROWS ONLY. If you are going to read only, it is better to specify this clause in the query "FOR READ ONLY", this will increase the concurrency, and the cursor will not be update-able. Also, assign a good isolation level, for this case you could eventually use "uncommitted read" (with UR). A Previous Lock table will be good.
Do not forget the common practices like: index or cluster index, retrieve only the necessary columns, etc. and always analyze the access plan via the Explain facility.