install4j change content of a Button - install4j

I have a install4j Project. It wprks fine but i found a little Error and dont know how to fix it.
In my Project i saw that on the File Chooser Window the Buttons are in two languages. I want German and the whole Project is set to German.
How can i chance that the content of 1. Button is German and the 2. is english? i did not found any option in screen configuration

This is a bug, it will be fixed in 7.0.5. You can contact to get a build where this is already fixed.
As a temporary workaround, define the i18n message ButtonSelect in a custom localization file on the "General Settings->Languages" step and set it to the German text.


How to implement dark mode in BlueJ using Github link

I am new to programming and have been using the IDE BlueJ. I wanted to change to dark mode using the code given in this GitHub link:
The instructions there say to "Replace path/to/BlueJ/lib/stylesheets with the stylesheets in this project". I'm not really sure how to do that. I've tried searching for files within my Mac Finder, but haven't found anything. I'm assuming this is a pretty easy thing to do because the instructions on the Github don't say much, but I'm just not sure how to proceed. Sorry if it's a dumb question!
Thanks :)
First off locate the blueJ application in finder, and then right click(or control+click), and click "Show Package Contents", then navigate to Contents/Resources/Java/stylesheets, then look for a css file named "java-colors.css". You can then either replace the file as a whole with a predefined darkmode css file or manually edit the colours to your liking.

Editing the font and style of the text in the instructions box in MIT Scratch project page

The problem: How do I change the font in the instruction text box in an MIT Scratch project page. For example: make a line of text standout in bold. I believe it maybe done through editing the html code that is behind the box as I found a read only editor button that displays the code for the box. Unlike say a cell in Ipython you cannot simply surround text with tags. It seems such a simple problem but I have not found the solution yet.
Sorry, you can't do it.
The only thing you can do is to search for special font-characters and paste them in the Instruction text-box
For a day or two fairly recently this was allowed from a bug, but that bug was fixed and it's now impossible.
It's possible to change the HTML code, but that changes would only seen by you, and nobody else. There isn't a way to do it.

Adding custom fonts to the keyboard extension ios 8

How can I add custom fonts to ios 8 Keyboard extenstion like this.Can anyone have a tutorial or example from which I can refer.Like this example
1.In the above link they have the special characters as letters, Please refer below URL
2.In Your Extension,You have to maintain the two arrays one is with regular letter (A,B,C,D….)to show on your Keyboard
3.Second one is the Special character that you want to display in your target E.g..,(Ⓐ,Ⓑ,Ⓒ,Ⓓ..) (⒜,⒝,⒞,⒟….)
4.Use can directly copy the special characters from the above reference URL,and then you return the value of selected letter
5.If you want to give an options like the referred app,you need to maintain the array of those letters and return the value that you wanted to display for that selected letter.
Here is the keyboard button action,the insertText method used to insert your text to the target.
Please find my blog on how to creating third-party keyboards :Here's a link
Please find my sample project on github : Simple Custom Keyboard Sample
This is an old question but incase new people need the answer I will add mine. Gagan's answer (above) is quite elaborate and +1 for the github code; however, to my understanding the question is how to add font to custom keyboard, which could mean more than adding special characters to the keyboard keys (Gagan's answer), for example adding letters of languages not supported by apple.
In any case, to add a custom font to iOS keyboard extension, do the following steps:
Step 1. Drag/Add your ttf font to the Keyboard extension folder
(NOT to the host app) of your project in xcode.
Step 2. While importing make sure to check "Copy items if needed" and finish.
Step 3. Select Info.plist under Supporting Files section of the Keyboard extension folder
Step 4. At the end of the list add a string array
called "Fonts provided by the Application" xcode will autocomplete it
for you.
Step 5. Extend the newly added array and add the name of your
font/fonts eg. "Example.ttf"
Step 6. Now to make sure the font is copied to the final binary app, go to project properties and in the Targets section select the keyboard extension, then in the "Build Phases" tab and the "Copy Bundle Resources" subsection add/link the custom font.
That should get you a custom font in your keyboard extension!
Notice that in the steps the Keyboard extension is mentioned repeatedly on purpose, because thats the catching point when adding custom font to the extension compared to adding font to normal applications and it should not be confused with host app of the extension. iOS Custom Keyboard project in xcode usually comprises a host app which is pretty much a normal iOS app and the actual keyboard extension, both are displayed as folders in the Project Navigator.
If the custom font is needed to be used in the host app, then the steps are similar, only then make sure the destination is the host app folder and once again select the host app Target in the project properties when adding to the Bundle resources.

iPhone - System strings not localized on device

I build a project using XCode 4 and I was running on the simulator since now. I had noticed that the strings in System type "Edit" and "Save" buttons where in english, but everything in my simulator was set to french. I suspected a bug like the one I had in XCode 3.
But now I'm running on my pure french configured iPhone, and those buttons are still in english, and are not localised as in other apps I can use.
I noticed that in my info.plist, the "Localization native development region" was set to "en" by default. I've changed this to "Fr" or "France" in the drop down menu, but that does not chage anything.
How may I correct this to make those buttons show a localized title ?
I had basically the same question, but Black Frog's answer didn't really help me. I did some research and this is what I found out:
The localization is primarily based on the bundle. With info.plist you can add localizations that aren't in the bundle, but you can't remove localizations that are present in the bundle.
The preferred way to add a French localization in Xcode 4 is to do the following:
Open project in Xcode >= 4.0.2
Click on project file
Select item under Project title on the right
Check Localizations table.
Select the localization you want to duplicate (English)
Click + and select the language you want you're app to use (French)
If you don't wan't to support English there are two additional steps:
Select the localization you want to remove (English)
Click - and delete the files
Special thanks to Nekto who helped me figure this out.
You have to create localized version of your nib files. Or you can set the text of each button/label to a localized string in view load.

Removing text in the banner in a Windows Installer project

I'm using the standard Visual Studio deployment project and want to remove the text in the banner (the text that says "Welcome to the Your Project Setup Wizard".
I want to remove it because I want a custom banner and don't want the text written over the banner.
I can't see any properties in VS to allow this. Can it be done without prodding around in the .MSI?
You can "remove" the text by removing the Welcome dialog and replacing it with a custom dialog. In VS 2005 -
Right click on the Setup project in the solution explorer
Select View - User Interface
Under the Start group for Install and Administrative Install delete "Welcome"
Then you can add a "Textboxes (A)" dialog (right click the "Start" group and select Add Dialog) to the project, set the visible property for the text boxes to false. Move the Textboxes (A) up to the top of the "Start" sequence.
The properties for this dialog include:
This should allow you to control the look / feel (to a certain extent) of this new "Welcome" page.
I'd just like to add to this that sometimes creating a custom dialog is a pain in the rear and that you can follow the advice at to use a tool called InstEdit ( -- there is a free version) to edit the outputted installer and remove the BannerText
I don't believe there is an easy way (e.g. changing a property). I had the same problem recently. I couldn't find anything. Ended up using Orca to "prod around in the .msi". It seems the only thing you can alter easily is the language it's displayed in.