Display auto complete suggestions in sublime? - autocomplete

I use atom for typing my Latex documents. One feature I really loved is auto complete suggestions.
I recently came across sublime which is comparatively fast and loved it. Even though it has auto complete feature, it doesn't show the suggestions while typing, i.e., one have to press tab to cycle the auto complete suggestions and doesn't display as in atom. I want to know if there is a way to display the auto complete suggestions in real time similar to atom?

This might depend on which package is handling the autocompletion. Usually there is a customizable setting for autocomplete triggers:
"auto_complete_triggers": [
{ "characters": " ", "selector": "source.python"}

I found the answer while looking at https://github.com/Zinggi/DictionaryAutoComplete.
So, adding "auto_complete_selector": "source, text" to settings-user file does the trick


VS Code Remove Sidebar Titles Symbols

Good morning.
In a markdown file, is it possible to remove the title icons (#, ##, ###, ####) in the sidebar?
They are really annoying. Spaces are enough to indicate the level of text.
Thank you.
As of v1.61.1, this is not possible.
However, there is an open issue about this on VS Code's official GitHub:
There are proposals for a solution already. Maybe someone might pick this up and implement a configuration option for it.

Is there any way to remove auto-select after autocomplete on VS-code?

as the title says I'm looking for a way to remove the autoselect code after autocomplete. Currently, the only way to remove the autoselected line is either pressing ESC key or clicking anywhere else. And it's currently giving me issues because it's quite annoying.
I've been searching for a solution for about 3 days and it's either I'm doing it wrong or I don't really know what the issue exactly is... Here's a picture of my issue
As you see in the picture, the code is autoselected/highlighted right after autocomplete and as said I really need help because it's turning annoying.
Thanks in advance.
Set Snippets Prevent Quick Suggestions to false, in text editor > suggestions

Sublime Text suggest numbers: how to disable it?

These days I'm programming in Python with sublime text and I'm pretty annoyed because I have installed the "SublimeCodeIntel" and "auto-complete", when I write a number, it suggest me some number that I have in the opened files.
there's any way to disable it? I mean, how can I configure the suggestion to NOT appear the ones that start with a number?
Hope someone could help me out! :)
Edit: forget auto-complete. I mean that when I write, for example, "1", sublime suggest me "100" as when I write "p" it suggest me "print". So, Sublime is suggesting me numbers, any way to disable it?
You cannot disable auto complete especially for numericals.
Auto complete can be disabled with the auto_complete setting. To disable it, add this line to Preferences/File Settings - User:
"auto_complete": false
If auto-complete is disabled then, the pop-up can be seen by pressing Ctrl+Space, pressing again will select the next option.

is there any eclipse plugin available for writing a memo on any line of code?

Doe anybody know of an eclipse plugin, which can be used to insert short text (in the form of memo) to remember what that line of code does or a block of code does to help me understand the existing code better and i can also refer it back later on.
Just like "Task" can be added on a line of code, although i can use "tasks" for this purpose, but that is not very convenient and intuitive.
If you want to add a short text to "remember what that line of code does or a block of code does to help me understand the existing code better", use comments. That's what they're for, and practically every formal language in the world has them.
If you want the ability to quickly jump to an arbitrary point in the code, using bookmarks is a convenient option - right click the bar immediately left of the text and choose to add a bookmark. You can then easily jump between bookmarks with the "bookmark view", which you can enable from the Window -> Show View menu.
The closest thing I can think of is bookmark support. There is native bookmark support in Eclipse and also several other vendors supply more function.
I'm assuming that there's a very good reason that you don't want to or can't modify the code.

Apatana 3.0.7 Code Assist - Auto Complete

Hey I'm a Cisco guy,
Just started with apatana to design a web page for my small business. My question is about the code assist and the auto complete feature. Apatana is very good at picking up what i'm typing be it an element, selector or even value sometimes. The issue im having is when i begin entering text. The code assist window will pop up, and present a list of possible choices based on what i have entered so far. then i have to either stop what i'm doing and press the down arrow, or grab my mouse and select my choice for assist. Or, i can continue typing out the element (or whatever) to narrow down the list. What I'm hoping is that, there exists a feature like in cisco terminal. where you can press the "tab" key to goto the next branch point of ambigious choices.
Let's say I was looking for the background-color selector. In my ideal world with code assist it would go something like this.
"b" ->[tab]
"back" ->"g"
"backg" ->[tab]
"background" ->"-co"
"background-co" ->[enter]
I hope this makes sense. Thank you for reading.
Moved to http://jira.appcelerator.org/browse/APSTUD-4251
That feature is not currently available, but it's an interesting idea. I'd suggest filing a feature request at http://jira.appcelerator.org