Firestore One-to-Many Relationship Query - google-cloud-firestore

I need help, how to make one-to-many queries, for example:
I have 2 collections: customers, orders
I want to list all orders in a table with some customers data (customer full name, compa

Congratulations, you are alone in the dark Firestore Forest. Bring back all you have learned of DBMS at the college days and get you hands dirty.
Alternative 1:
First you need to filter the customers that satisfies your criteria. Then, load ALL your orders and filter mannually. I'm not kidding, saddly. The same applies if you need to order orders by customer name, for example. I'll be very happy to see someone downvote this for being wrong.
Alternative 2:
Stop using Firestore. I think you already done that.


What are the objects in the following list?

Analyze the scenario for a retail store and identify minimum three different objects from the following
I have tried item_id, bill_amount and designation as they are unique but the answer was wrong.
I also tried a lot of different options for quite a lot of time but did not succeed.
The objects are instances of a class for example employee, customer, item and purchase. In the case of customer, you may have a class name Customer which has it's specified attributes such as customer_name, ``customer_id` etc.
And when you are ready to create a new customer, you will create an object name customer or customer1 which would be instances of the class Customer.
objects are employee, customer, item and purchase.
Main objects are employee, customer, item and "purchase" contains new fields with the combination of first 3 objects
The correct answer is Customer, Item, Employee

Mongodb Schema considering sub-document to avoid multiple reads

I am trying to come up with a MongoDB document model and would like others opinions. I want to have a Document that represents an Employee. This table will contain all attributes of an employee (I.e. firstName, LastName). Now where I am stuck coming from the relational realm, is the need to store a list of employees an employee can access. In other words lets say Employee A is a Manager. I need to store the direct reports that he manages, in order to use this in various applications. In relational I would have a mapping table that tied an employee to many employees. In mongo not being able join documents, do you think I should utilize an embeded (sub-document) to store the list of accessible employees as part of the Employee document? Any other ideas ?
Unless your using employee groups (Accounting, HR, etc) You'll probably be fine adding the employee name, mongo Object ID, and any other information unique to that manager / employee relationship as a sub document to the managers document.
With that in place you could probably do your reporting on these relationships through a simple aggregation.
This is all IMHO, and begs the question; Is simple aggregation another oxymoron like military intelligence?

JPA fetching too many entries

I have a Customer Entity with a OneToMany relationship to an Invoice Entity.
In plain old sql i can do "select customer_name,customer_age,[some other fields] from customer, invoice where ... [put some filtering here]", which gets me exactly one record with the fields i need.
In JPA i use "select c from Customer c join c.invoiceCollection where ... [same filtering as above]"
This works, but i get the Customer entity with all its associated invoices.
This is nonsense, because i pull a huge amount of (invoices) data from the database, which i do not need. I need only my customer data with exactly one invoice, as specified in the where clause.
To make things worse, i have to loop over the Customer.invoiceCollection in order to find the one specific invoice needed. This costs me even more time plus it exposes my "where" clause to the middle-tier.
Question: is there a JPA select syntax which fetches exactly one record from a one-to-many relationship, as defined in the where clause?
Things tried so far:
a) lazy loading. This does not work, throws an exception whenever i try to access Customer.invoiceCollection.
Even if it worked, i'd get a Collection with some 1000 entries, which i do not need.
b) changed my jpa statement to "select c,i from Customer c join c.invoiceCollection i where ...". This returns me an array of objects, which i have to manually map to a Customer / Invoice entity.
It works, but it makes the ORM philosophy obsolete. If i perform all the mapping from relational database records/fields to java objects manually in my code, why do i need JPA?
This is one of the most infuriating things about JPA. For example, you NEED the OneToMany side if you want Customer to cascade delete Invoices. In most cases you'd like to tell Invoices to delete itself when a Customer is deleted so that Customer does not necessarily need to know about Invoice.
My suggestion for you is that you keep the OneToMany there but get the Lazy Loading working. In your code, do not access "Customer#getInvoices" directly (unless you really need all of them).
This will allow you to do queries on customers that join to invoices without loading them.
I'm guess the exception you are getting just has to do with transaction boundaries which can be easily fixed.
For a lot of these relationships I often add the OneToMany as a private instance variable but I don't create the #getter method. That way I can use it in queries, setup cascade delete, etc. but I don't provide a way to accidentally load thousands of invoices from a customer.
Oh, and for those queries where you need exactly one invoice with its associated customer you should just do the JPA query on the Invoice and then call #getCustomer on that invoice object. That will be eagerly fetched for you.
If you need exactly one invoice with the related customer, why don't you create a query simply based on Invoice?
select i from Invoice i where [same filtering..]
You should not use one-to-many relationship in this case.
One-to-many relationships are suitable for situations when objects at "many" side are logical parts of object at "one" side (e.g. relationship from Invoice to InvoiceLine).
In you case you need a unidirectional many-to-one relationship from Invoice to Customer, so that you can query it as follows:
select i from Invoice i where ...
Then you can use customer field of Invoice to access Customer or filter by its properties.

Mongo Schema Design

I'm pretty new to Mongo. Just started a project using Mongodb as the database.
I'm not sure how should i design the following use-case to a document base database.
1. Vendor/Distributor has a list of product on our system.
2. There's a standard price list of each product for any customers.
3. Vendor/Distributor also has customize price list of each of the product for each customer.
eg. CustA have a productA at different pricing from the standard and it's only available to him.
4. Some of the Product are only available through customize price, and I match those product with attribute public = false.
How should i work this out in document base database?
Current design i have is.
1. [Product Document] with embedded document of standard price list.
2. [Product_Price Document] with oneToMany link [Product Document] and oneToMany to [Customer Document]
3. [Customer Document].
With this Model, I'm facing problem with querying by paging.
Example I query the first 30 Product sorted by name. Then query [Product_Price Document] with the 30 ProductId that match, so that I have those customize price for that customer who login.
The problems come where by I couldn't query item that are customize to the user that is not available for everyone.
Is there a better way or design the schema or what should i do with the query?
I'm using PHP, Doctrine2, Symfony2
When you query the Product_Price_Document query it using both ProductID and current CustomerID. Or am I missing something?
Here's how I would structure it.
Have two collections:
- Products
- Vendors
Your products table would have the list of all your products and their standard price. Your vendors page would have an array of product ID's along with an override price in the case that they have a different price for that particular product.
If you are also tracking customers then you could make that a collection too and have a belongs to relationship almost to the vendors.
so in short:
Excellent resource for reading a bit more into the relationships which you can use:
Learn Mongo Interactively

Handling Many to Many - Entity Framework

I have an MVC app I am building as a learning project. I have a table with Payees, and a table with Categories. Certain Payees can make transactions of certain categories. For example, Payee A can make payments to Categories A, B and C. Payee B can maybe payments to categories B, C and D.
So, I have a PayeeCategory linking table, with a PayeeId and a CategoryId.
So see the categories the payee can make transactions against, it's a simple Select from PayeeCategory where PayeeId = this.PayeeId. And I join to the Category table to get the category names.
In the view, when I edit a Payee, I need to display a list of all categories, and and allow the user to select or unselect the categories that the current Payee is associated to.
So, in my ViewModel, I'd have a list of categorySelectableItems, which has maybe the CategoryId, the DisplayName and a Selected boolean field. To get the data, I need to Select from Categories, LEFT JOIN PayeeCategory, and where PayeeCategoryId is null, set the Selected to false, else true.
How would I do that ina single Linq statement?
Then, when the data comes back... how would I save the data? Would I have to delete all the relationships, and then re-add them based on the List<> values I get back?
Hope someone can guide me.
This was answered in a different question.
Linq query assistance