In what format is this time: 568399396 - date

in my current project I need to work with data from a certain loger. Unfortunately, I encountered a problem of coding the date of this loger. I believed that it is a timestamp date format but it is not. Can you tell me in what format is this datum
Real date:
04-Jan-2018 16:43:16
Date format:

That date-time format is called epoch, where the date is stored as an integer. It is the number of seconds/milliseconds after 1st January 1970, 00:00:00. This is how all the computers/devices store the date/time internally.
You can use n number of libraries to convert an epoch to date/time etc.
You can read more about epoch here:
P.s.: Are you sure that you're getting this number for 4th Jan 2018? The epoch of 04-Jan-2018 16:43:16 will be 1515064396000(in ms)


Nifi - How to add or subtract months from date?

I want to get two fields: Begin date and End date of last month. For example, 14-04-2020 should give me the Begin date as 01-03-2020 and End_date as 31-03-2020. I have read the Nifi Expression language docs but all it can do with a date format is add or subtract in milliseconds. This is not helpful for my use case as the number of days in a month is not fixed and conversion to milliseconds won't help.
Is there a way to achieve my use case somehow using Nifi Expression language?
NiFI Expression Language for this Use Case would be very clunky and unreliable for different timezones, months with <> 30 days, and leap years.
Please reference this post below which goes into detail for how to get "last month":
How to insert previous month of data into database Nifi?
In the Case of NiFi you kind of have to play with the dates to get the outcome
if you have the dates you easily convert a date and then just hard set a day to get the 1st day of the month with a hard coded day
to get the last day of the month you can either use the script or play with the calc using epoch time.
so to get the last day of the previous month you can just use the date and convert the day into epoch time and subtract it from the epoch date to get last day of previous month
${now():toNumber():format('yyyy-MM-dd'):toDate('yyyy-MM-dd', 'GMT'):toNumber():minus(${now():toNumber():format('dd'):toNumber():multiply(86400):multiply(1000)}):format('yyyy-MM-dd')}
in this example above we convert the date to epoch format it to convert again, conversion happens to remove default timestamp and then we use the same formula to get just the day as a number to multiply it with 86400 seconds in a day and multiply that by 1000 for the epoch number to subtract from the date which is then formatted back into a date.
Raw Date: Thursday, August 26, 2021 11:20:31 AM
formatted: Thursday, August 26, 2021 12:00:00 AM
epoch of formatted date: 1629936000000
Subtract Epoch: 2246400000 (86400 seconds * 26 days * 1000)
result: 2021-07-31
alteratively you could first add a month and the work back to get the current day of the given month
this example is just to give you an idea of ways you can use built in date functions with epoch time to calculate the correct date, removing the issues with months that end on specific numbers.
I try UpdateAttribute to minus month

Is it possible to specify an ISO Date with a timezone (i.e. GMT offset) but without a time?

I'm trying to see if you can specify a date with a timezone in ISO but without also specifying a time.
This may seem odd to ask about having a timezone without actually having a time, but technically a date represents a range between two times... the 24-hour period spanning from midnight to midnight, and that 'midnight' has to be in a timezone.
In our case, we have an API that wants to say 'Filter things on-or-before date X and on-or-after date Y' and we want the user to specify 'April 9th' (in their time zone) for both to get all things that happen on that day.
Of course we solve this by adding a day to the first date, then changing it to a pure 'before', but the front-end is required to do that math. We can't do it on the backend because having to send a date with a time means we would be sending April 9th at midnight, then on the backend adding a day to that, but what if someone passed in 4pm?
We could fail the date if it has a non-midnight time, but then we're back to why pass it in the first place.
So again, can you have a date with a timezone but not have a time component?
To decode ISO8601 dates only with year-month-day and time zone set the appropriate formatOptions of the ISO8601DateFormatter
let isoFormatter = ISO8601DateFormatter()
isoFormatter.formatOptions = [.withFullDate, .withTimeZone]
If by time zone you mean a UTC offset (as used with ISO 8601 dates with times), this is no problem. If by time zone you mean a true time zone with historic, present and known future offsets from UTC, including for example summer time/DST, like America/New_York or North American Eastern Time, then ISO 8601 does not support that, neither for dates with nor without time of day.
This is perfectly valid ISO 8601 for April 25 this year at offset -04:00. So you may use it for representing the interval from 2020-04-25T00:00-04:00 (inclusive) to 2020-04-26T00:00-04:00 (exclusive). Which would then be equivalent to 2020-04-25T04:00Z to 2020-04-26T04:00Z (Z meaning UTC).
Java example code
I don’t know any Swift, so cannot tell you how to format or parse such a string in Swift. In Java formatting it is not bad. Example:
LocalDate date = LocalDate.of(2020, Month.APRIL, 25);
String isoOffsetDateString = date
I am using Java’s built-in ISO_OFFSET_DATE formatter. The documentation informs us that this formnatter is:
The ISO date formatter that formats or parses a date with an offset,
such as '2011-12-03+01:00'.
Parsing the string and producing the start and end of the day takes a little more:
TemporalAccessor parsed
= DateTimeFormatter.ISO_OFFSET_DATE.parse(isoOffsetDateString);
Instant start = LocalDate.from(parsed)
Instant end =, ChronoUnit.DAYS);
System.out.println("From " + start + " inclusive to " + end + " exclusive");
From 2020-04-25T04:00:00Z inclusive to 2020-04-26T04:00:00Z exclusive
I have opted to convert to Instant, the class for a moment in time independent of offset or time zone. Instants print in UTC, as the trailing Z on each says. In your Java code you may prefer not to do this conversion or to do a different conversion, all depending on circumstances.
Documentation of DateTimeFormatter.ISO_OFFSET_DATE

Convert Exif date to different format

I am getting an exif date value like
EXIFPhotoDate: 1506173228000 and
UploadDate: 1506485214000
but I know it is
EXIFPhotoDate 23/9/2017, 23:27 and
UploadDate 9/27/2017, 01:59
The former is when queried via REST and the latter is when queried via the table.
How can I get standard date/time from a value like this?
Looks like you have a number of milliseconds since January 01 1970 in UTC. If you remove the 000 from the end, you will have a Unix timestamp, that is, the number of seconds since January 01 1970 in UTC:
unixTimestamp = 1506173228000 / 1000
Once your question doesn't state any programming language, it's hard to give you further help.

Understanding this date format - Redtail

What date format is this: -147114000000-0700. It is supposed to be 05/04/1965.
The first term looks like a unix timestamp. But then why would we need the second term?
I am using Redtail's api, but they provide negligible documentation on this. They are sending over a date looking like "/Date(-147114000000-0700)/". I have never seen this format before. Ignoring all the useless text, we get -147114000000-0700, still leaving me puzzled.
The -147114000000 value is a unix timestamp in milliseconds: it represents the number of milliseconds since unix epoch (which is 1970-01-01T00:00Z or January 1st 1970 at midnight in UTC).
As the number -147114000000 is negative, it represents a date before epoch. In this case, 1965-05-04T07:00:00Z (or May 4th 1965 at 7 AM in UTC).
-0700 is an UTC offset: it represents the difference from UTC. In this case, 7 hours behind UTC, which results in 1965-05-04T00:00-07:00 (or May 4th 1965 at midnight in -07:00 offset). Note that an offset can be written as -07:00, -0700 or -07.
But keep in mind that this same value can represent a different date and time in each timezone. For example, in Pacific/Honolulu timezone (that uses the -10:00 offset since 1947), the same timestamp corresponds to 1965-05-03T21:00-10:00 (May 3rd 1965 at 9 PM, in offset -10:00). So the corresponding date and time will depend on what timezone you convert this to.
That being said, probably the purpose of having the offset is just to tell you what's the offset that the date/time refers to, so it prevents you from converting to a different offset (where you can get different values for local date and time).
Just reminding that -0700 is not a timezone, it's just an offset. Actually, a timezone is the set of all offsets that a region had, has and will have during its history, while the offset is just the difference from UTC (check the section TimeZone != Offset in the timezone tag description). There can be more than one timezone that uses the same offset, so you can't really say in what timezone this is in.

NSDate format explanation

I have access to date formats as above, and intend to compare and sort them in ascending order. This is OK when I use a simpler date format in the Playground, but the actual json data bemuses me as I cannot find out what 'T5' refers to, even after looking through the relevant Unicode page.
I had assumed it was a timezone reference, but this would be Z, and I don't think it would be after the day anyway.
"T" is just a separator between the date and time in ISO-8601. It means the strings following it is a Time.
The timezone part is "+0000" i.e. UTC.
So your date format just mean "2015 March 4th, 05:06:07am, at timezone UTC±0".
The letter "Z" means UTC (i.e. Zulu time) and only appears at the end of the string i.e. 2015-03-04T05:06:07.000Z