Nifi - How to add or subtract months from date? - date

I want to get two fields: Begin date and End date of last month. For example, 14-04-2020 should give me the Begin date as 01-03-2020 and End_date as 31-03-2020. I have read the Nifi Expression language docs but all it can do with a date format is add or subtract in milliseconds. This is not helpful for my use case as the number of days in a month is not fixed and conversion to milliseconds won't help.
Is there a way to achieve my use case somehow using Nifi Expression language?

NiFI Expression Language for this Use Case would be very clunky and unreliable for different timezones, months with <> 30 days, and leap years.
Please reference this post below which goes into detail for how to get "last month":
How to insert previous month of data into database Nifi?

In the Case of NiFi you kind of have to play with the dates to get the outcome
if you have the dates you easily convert a date and then just hard set a day to get the 1st day of the month with a hard coded day
to get the last day of the month you can either use the script or play with the calc using epoch time.
so to get the last day of the previous month you can just use the date and convert the day into epoch time and subtract it from the epoch date to get last day of previous month
${now():toNumber():format('yyyy-MM-dd'):toDate('yyyy-MM-dd', 'GMT'):toNumber():minus(${now():toNumber():format('dd'):toNumber():multiply(86400):multiply(1000)}):format('yyyy-MM-dd')}
in this example above we convert the date to epoch format it to convert again, conversion happens to remove default timestamp and then we use the same formula to get just the day as a number to multiply it with 86400 seconds in a day and multiply that by 1000 for the epoch number to subtract from the date which is then formatted back into a date.
Raw Date: Thursday, August 26, 2021 11:20:31 AM
formatted: Thursday, August 26, 2021 12:00:00 AM
epoch of formatted date: 1629936000000
Subtract Epoch: 2246400000 (86400 seconds * 26 days * 1000)
result: 2021-07-31
alteratively you could first add a month and the work back to get the current day of the given month
this example is just to give you an idea of ways you can use built in date functions with epoch time to calculate the correct date, removing the issues with months that end on specific numbers.

I try UpdateAttribute to minus month


Find last day of the previous week in Teradata?

I want to find out the previous weeks's last day in Teradata SQL using Sunday as the last day of the week. For example, today is Friday 1/27, so the last week ended on Sunday (1/22) and I would want to return 2023-01-22.
Other examples:
If current date is '2023-01-02', then the output I require is '2023-01-01'
If current date is '2023-01-18', then the output I require is '2023-01-15'
With Hive query I would use:
date_sub(current_date, cast(date_format(current_date, 'u') as int));
What would the equivalent be in Teradata? I've tried using the code below but it seems to return the date of the closest Sunday instead of the date of the previous Sunday.
SELECT ROUND(current_date, 'd') (FORMAT 'yyyy-mm-dd');
There are several ways:
Probably the best one is one of the built-in functions to return the previous xxxday <= the input date:
Td_Sunday(Current_Date - 1)
Or the function to return the next xxxday > input date:
Next_Day(Current_Date - 8, 'sun')
Truncating is least understandable:
Trunc(Current_Date, 'IW') -1
TRUNC supports three variations, only IW is usable, but restricted to Monday as week start:
IW: the Monday of the ISO week
WW: the same day of the week as January 1st of the year
W: the same day of the week as the first day of the month
You can use the trunc function to return the first day of the a week, month, ect.
select trunc(current_date -7 ,'IW')
Current date today is 2023-01-27. This will return 2023-01-15, the previous Sunday.
EDIT: Sorry, meant to use the ISO week. As Dnoeth points out, the regular week option doesn't work consistently (which I didn't know, never used it for this before). Anyhoo, his answer is better than mine...

Tableau, Week to Date, Month To Date, Year to Date parameter

I have a data set spanning 2 years and is updated daily, created a dashboard to give a view of incidents by date group. I have created a parameter using date trunc for Day/Week/Month/Quarter/Year. This is in Tableau.
I am trying to get the parameter to show a Week to date, Month to date and so on view. IE if on Weds 15th Dec I selected the weekly view, it would only show data for every week in the data set for Sat-Weds (My weeks go Sat-Fri) or the monthly view every month between 1st-15th
Ideally I am wanting this as a simple parameter for a drop down menu, I can do the week to date stuff as a rolling sum restarting every week in a separate table, but for ease I just need a date group function that will allow to do this.
Any suggestions would be appreciated.
The solution is 5 parts:
Date Part Parameter
Max date [Max Date]
Dynamic date part of the Max date [Dynamic Date Part Max]
Dynamic date part of the historical dates [Dynamic Date Part]
Filter those date parts <= the Max date [Dynamic Date - Lass than Max]
Date Part Parameter
Max Date
This is the calculation you'd use with your dataset to find the max date.
{ MAX([Order Date]) }
In order to create a good example, I'm going to set my Max date to a specific date the falls in the middle of a week, in the middle of a month and middle of the year. I'm going use June 13th, 2018 as my Max Date.
So, if you want to follow along you can use the below date as your max date. You can also use this data set if you'd like.
Dynamic date part of the Max date
DATEPART([Select Date Part], [Max Date])
Dynamic date part of the Historical dates
DATEPART([Select Date Part], [Order Date])
Filter on Historical dates parts <= the Max Date
[Dynamic Date Part] <= [Dynamic Date Part Max]
Now that we have all the pieces we need let's check to make sure they are working as we would expect.
Looks like we're seeing all the days of the month that are <= the 13th.
When we change it to Day of the Week we see only the days of the week <= the 4th day of the week which is Wednesday when the week starts on Saturday.
Now let's calculate the running sum of sales along our dynamic date part to better help you with your example.
Drag the measure you want to calculate the running sum onto the label, then create a quick table calculation. We'll next need to edit this table calculation as so.
You'll then see your calculation working as you would expect.
Hope this was helpful. Happy vizzing!

Tableau: Same Day Last Year Auto Filter

I am trying to compare yesterday's data to the same day the year before. For example, yesterday is 11 November 2018. I want to compare to 12 November 2017 (same day but the year before). I am wanting this to be applied automatically on the filter so all I need to do is open the file and verify the numbers are correct before sending off the report.
Any help would be appreciated.
There are many Tableau functions that manipulate dates. A couple in particular are relevant to your problem:
Today() - returns the current date
DateAdd() - adds or subtracts an interval from a date. For instance, DateAdd('year', Today(), -1) gives the date one year prior to today. The first argument to DateAdd is the level of granularity or date part.
DateDiff() - determines the difference of the interval between two dates. DateDiff('day', [Start Date], [End Date]) returns the number of days separating the two date arguments.
The functions are well documented in the online help. Construct the formulas you need and filter accordingly.
Isolate yesterday's date as its own field. For instance if that is the max date in your data, then {max([Date])} would create an LOD of the maximum date.
Then make a calculation that will display the same date last year:
year([Date]) = year([max_date])-1
and datepart('week',[Date]) = datepart('week',[max_date])
and datepart('weekday',[Date]) = datepart('weekday',[max_date])

Counting weeks in Tableau (starting in specific month)

I need to count number of weeks in a fiscal year starting with Oct 1. My fiscal year goes from Oct 1st to September 30th.
When I apply:
ATTR(datepart('week',[Generation Date]))
It counts the weeks, but it starts in January. My data properties and default properties are set to October.
Instead of using inbuild week function you can create your own week number by just calculating date difference from fiscal year starting and then dividing by 7 then just take the next possible integer to get your week.
Let me know if you need exact formula
You should filter the dates by adding conditions using IF in a calculated field. In your case something like this if your fiscal year is fixed from Oct 1st to September 30th:
Write the following Formula in a Calculated field:
IF ([Generation Date] >= #01-10-2017#) AND [Generation Date] <= #30-09-2018#)
THEN [Generation Date]
Now use this calculated field the way you were using it before:
ATTR(DATEPART('week',[Calculated field]))

How to get total experience in terms of date object

I have a condition here in which I will have total experience in terms of month and year. For example, two drop down will be there for asking total number of experience in month and year. So if I am working from 1 Jan 2012, then I will write total experience as 3 year and 11 months. Now I have to convert this 3 year and 11 months into date format so that I can save this into database
You could use java.util.Calendar:
Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance();
calendar.add(Calendar.MONTH, month);
calendar.add(Calendar.YEAR, year);
Date date = calendar.getTime();
As a word of caution, the day field would be set to today's date. Check the intended behaviour if the current day is outside of the bounds for the target month. For example, setting the month to February when calendar has a day field of 30. It might be wise to set the day to a known, valid value for every month (eg: 1) before setting the month and year.
Use DATE_SUB() function:
Try this:
You can use mysql's date_sub() function or <date> - interval <expression> unit syntax to subtract an interval from a date.
select date_sub(curdate(),interval '3-11' YEAR_MONTH) as start_date
Following the conversation between the OP and #eggyal, the OP need to replace the period in the incoming data with - and construct an insert statement as follows:
insert into mytable (...,join_date,...) values (...,date_sub(curdate(),interval '3-11' YEAR_MONTH),...)