Wildfly 11 multi domain certificate SSL - wildfly

Suppose I have a few websites with different domain names, domainA.com, domainB.jp, etc. I have setup the correct virtualhosts configuration for these sites in wildfly 11.
And I am planning on buying mutlti domain SSL certificate from GoDaddy.
A Multi-domain SSL Certificate can secure your main domain + several SAN ( Subject Alternative Name) domain names in one Certificate.
My question is that can wildfly recognize this kind of SSL certificate.

I have just solved my problem. Wildfly 11 recognized multi domain SSL certificate file. Multi-domain SSL Certificates do not require several dedicated IP addresses for your host names.


SSL certificate for WebAPI

We have a simple system with a REST service (WebAPI) that will be hosted on one machine (hosted on IIS on a custom port, port numer 3031) and with a website hosted on another machine that will be talking to the service.
We want both to use SSL, so as I understand we will need to purchase two separate SSL certificates for the production deployment on the Internet.
Does that sound right?
If so, then I don't know how do I request and purchase a certificate for the WebAPI REST service... The service will be hosted on a custom port 3031, should I purchase a normal certificate for the domain name of the machine where the service will be hosted? And then should I basically install the certificate on the IIS on that machine (like it's described here: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/aspnet/web-api/overview/security/working-with-ssl-in-web-api).
How will I be able to perform a verification of the domain for the purchased certificate if I'm going to use the certificate for a REST service on a custom port? (not for a regular website).
Apologies for my ignorance, I have searched the forum to find an answer to my issue, but I didn't find one, maybe it's because my very limited knowledge about certificates and security.

Trusted Root Certificate Automatically disappear on client SSL connection

I have this weirdest problem. First off: I'm VERY new to this certificate thingy. I've done a fair amount of searches and reading up though.
The CA Cert that I install into the Trusted Root Certificate
Authorities store in my server automatically get removed/disappeared
as soon as a client web-browser try to connect to a web-site using an
SSL cert created with that CA cert.
Windows Server 2008 R2 (development server).
I've created my own Certificate Authority Cert; which I use it to generate an SSL server cert (to install on my IIS 7 Server) and a client cert (for use at my local PC to connect to the WCF Webservice on the development server which is set to Require SSL and Require Client Cert).
I installed the CA Cert into the Trusted Root on both Server and local PC.
Installed the SSL server cert into the IIS7 for that particular site and did the https binding to port 443.
As soon as I launch my browser to access that site with HTTPS, the CA
cert in automatically removed on the server (from the Trusted Root
Certificate Authorities store). and my local PC browser will report
an error 403.
This is driving me nuts... anyone knows what is happening?
Apparently, after a lot of running around, it is due to too many of the same certs in many stores.
I open the MMC.exe > Add/Remove SnapIns > Certificates
Notice there are 3 types there (My User Account, Service Account & Computer Account).
Open up My User and Computer Account, go through all the stores for each one and DELETE all of the CA cert with the same name. Then add the CA cert in either My User Account or Computer Account, depending on how you access the certs (in the event of the cert being used programatically, install it in the Computer Account, [Trusted Root Certificate Authorities].
Just 1 place, then the problem will dissappear.

2 SSL, 3 web sites, 1 IP in IIS 7.5

I am developping facebook apps therefore i need to setup ssl certificates and i must say that it's not my thing.
I have :
a) 1 IP address
b) 2 ssl certificates from startssl for app1.site1.fr and app1.site2.fr
c) https://app1.site1.fr with a certificate named : *.apps.site1.fr, hostname ok
d) http://site1.fr with the same certificate named : *.apps.site1.fr, hostname ok
e) https://app1.site2.fr i would like to use an other certificate named *.app1.site2.fr, hostname ok
As I understand, if i want app2.site2.fr or app2.site1.fr, i need a wildcard certificate but that is not what i want.
When i try to setup the (e) app1.site2.fr, iis gives me a warning message :
"At least one other site is using the same https binding and the binding is configurate with an other certificate. Are you sure..."
I think that it is not a hostname problem as there are 3 different hostnames... But i don't understand why iis tells me that's a binding problem ?
Could you help me to put a different certificate on (e) than on (c) and (d) please ?
Thank you
You can only have 1 SSL certificate per IP address in IIS. There are a couple of ways to solve this problem.
1) Assign another IP address to the server and and configure the second certificate for that site (although it sounds like you can not do this).
2) Combine all sites in to one SAN (Subject Alternative Name) Certificate so you can have multiple SSL sites on 1 IP address using 1 certificate.

SSL connect to mail server. Trusted ssl certificate rejected by mail client

I've godaddy's 2048bit certificate for domain and 4 subdomains.
[www.site.com, mail.site.com, e.t.c.]
Standard Multiple Domain (UCC) SSL Up to 5 Domains - 1 year (annual)
That certificate works fine in Apache, ssl web checker says OK and browser shows green line in address string.
I've added this certificate to mail daemon, it has been accepted by Exim too.
When some client tries to send mail with SSL/TLS connection through mail server, mail program says "Certificate is BAD" though shows correct trusted info.
Client connects to hostname: mail.server.com, server's hostname is: ns1.server.com (not added to certificate), mail server says: 220 ns1.site.com ESMTP Exim 4.73
Mail clients tested: iPAD mail client, Mozilla Thunderbird, Mac mail client
Please help.
Godaddy's ssl checker says: SSL Chain of Trust is Broken!
Here are a couple of things to check:
Is the hostname that the mail client uses in the TCP connect, listed in the server certificate as the Common Name (CN) of the subject distinguished name?
If not, is it listed using type "DNS:" in the Subject Alternative Name X509 v3 certificate extension?
If neither of the above, you might be getting "Remote Certificate Name Mismatch" (or similarly named error.)
If it is listed, then look for the Issuer of the certificate, and Issuer of the Issuer, etc., all the way to the root certificate of the chain. The root certificate should be installed on the client machine, in the "Trusted Root" certificate store for whatever client you are using (Windows, Mozilla, Java keystore, etc.)
If the root certificate is installed, then look at the intermediate certificates, if there are any in the chain (between root and server certificates). They have to either be installed locally, or arrive from the server alongside the server certificate -- either the server sends them each time or you've got the intermediate certificates already installed on the client end. Either way, they have got to be in hand to accept the server certificate.
Do the clients which reject the certificate have the appropriate root certificates in their cert store?

iPhone SSL Website Certificate Warning

I have a few sites that have SSL Certificates installed. When an SSL request is made with my employer's iPhone, this error message is displayed:
Accept Website Certificate
The certificate for this website is invalid. Tap Accept to connect to this website anyway.
I've pulled up the same pages in other browsers, including Safari, and they do not show any issues with the certs.
These two URLs exhibit the problem:
Additional Information:
Both SSL certs are issued by Network Solutions
The sites are hosted on Rackspace Cloud Sites
I now have an open ticket with Rackspace for this issue. I browsed the same sites in Firefox 4.0 Beta 7, and got this warning page, telling me that "The certificate is not trusted because no issuer chain was provided.":
I think it's because you (or your hosting company) haven't configured the full certificate chain on your web server.
Take a look at a report from an ssl checker, such as this:
I can see from this report that you're using Apache2.2. Configuring 'intermediate certificates' on Apache2 goes something like this:
SSLCertificateFile /etc/ssl/crt/yourDOMAINNAME.crt
SSLCertificateKeyFile /etc/ssl/crt/private.key
SSLCertificateChainFile /etc/ssl/crt/chainCert.xxx
I don't know if you configured the certificate yourself, or your hosting company configured it, so you'll either need to contact your hosting company, or the certificate provider, who can provide the intermediate certificate(s).
Hope That Helps
Unfortunately, the Root CA for both those certificates, Network Solutions, L.L.C. is not a trusted certificate authority on the iPhone.
If you look at the certificate chain, it does end up at AddTrust, which is a trusted CA on the iPhone.
So you likely have one of the following problems:
1) Your certificate is not installed correctly on the web server
2) You need to work with Network Solutions (the SSL cert issuer) to get a cert that properly chains to AddTrust.