Rename Parallels Shared Folder - parallels

I need to rename the default folder "Parallels Shared Folders" to "anything"
I tried the Parallels settings and don't succeed.
Why do I need this?
I'm working on a project that does not allow folders to have spaces.

It seems that "parallels shared folders" is just a symlink to an actual mount location, which might reside in /media. On my system the following command shows the actual location:
➜ ~ readlink -f Desktop/Parallels\ Shared\ Folders


How to empty trash in fedora xfce command line?

Command like this:
rm -rf ~/.local/share/Trash/*
doesn't remove all files from trash, are there any other path to trash files?
simply files from other drive store into other folder.
If files from second drive, trash files store on that drive, for example you can have
only files deleted from home folder store into:
So it was done to avoid copy files from another driver to local trash.

Accessing folders via MATLAB

I am trying to access some .m folders that I have downloaded into Downloads. How can I access this folder and run the files using cd similar to how I would on a Terminal (MacOS)? The same statements don't work.
All of the regular commands for linux should work.
ls, dir, cd 'your folder goes here' , cd ,, , cd.. etc
You need to pass the absolute path of your Downloads folder, e.g.:
current_dir = pwd;
Then, you'll be able to access the files in that folder. When you are finished, you can then return to your original folder with:
An alternative is to add the Downloads folder to your MATLAB path with addpath. You should then be able to access files in there from any directory of your choosing without having to cd. If you want to make that change to the MATLAB path permanent, use savepath afterwards to save the MATLAB path for future sessions.

How do I edit the system definition files for quicklisp

I'm trying to install FUF/SURGE on my windows computer, and got stuck on a step.
Instruct quicklisp where to find the system definition files to load
fuf and dependent modules. Create a file in this folder:
~/.config/common-lisp/source-registry.conf.d with this content:
(:tree (:home "fuf"))
I was wondering how do I get to the file listed above and how do i edit it? I have emacs installed with quicklisp/slime.
OK so you need to make these subfolders in your home directory. I'm guessing you installed under windows as I saw your comment on my video! Remember that part of the install was created a home folder and setting it's path in your environment variables.
~ is the symbol for the home directory so you need to create directories for this path ~/.config/common-lisp/source-registry.conf.d\ which for my setup would be c:\home.config\common-lisp\source-registry.conf.d\
Inside that create directory creare a fuf.conf file and paste the lines from the instructions.
I haven’t got a windows machine to hand but hopefully that's enough to get you going!

How to use relative paths for projects added to an Eclipse workspace?

I am working on some Eclipse projects that are stored on a USB key. I have added them to a workspace whose root folder is also on the USB key, but the projects are not located directly into this directory. As a result their absolute paths are written in the .projects folder of the workspace.
This raises problems when I use the key on several computers, because the drive letter assigned to the USB key is not always the same (and I do not want to assign a specific letter to it on all computers). Eclipse cannot open my projects when the drive letter differs from that of the USB key at the time I added the project to the workspace.
Is there a solution to this problem ? Specifically, is there a way to make Eclipse add projects to a workspace by using their relative path from the workspace folder ?
Its really not that hard. You just have to assign a new variable that points to WORKSPACE/..;. For example, you can use the Forge Minecraft modder pack - it has a workspace that is immediately ready no matter what machine downloads it, where you place it or even if you move it.
Download this:
And then unzip it and run install.bat/cmd. Then check the contents of forge/mcp/eclipse/Minecraft/{.project,.workspace} to see some examples.
I've got my workspace working on github like this.
In my experience it will break at some time if you try to "hack" the metadata of eclipse.
Consider the substcommand in windows (As you mention drive letter I assume windows)
create a bat file containing
subst N: .
Running this will mount the current dir as N: So You can place this on the usb drive, and run that prior to running eclipse, then You will always find the same content on drive N:
To remove the mount do
subst /D N:
You might consider making a bat file that mount N:, start eclipse and after eclipse exit unmount N: something like
subst N: .
N:/eclipse <yadayada options>
subst /D N:
The short answer is that you cannot do it without hacking your workspace metadata (under [workspace.dir]/.metadata). Eclipse workspaces aren't designed to be portable and even though you are not physically moving your workspace, you are in effect moving it by changing drive letters.
I'd recommend trying to find a way to have your projects under workspace.dir. Not guaranteed that you will not have problems that way, but may improve your odds. Depending on what features of Eclipse you use, you may very well end up with other types of absolute paths in your workspace metadata.
This question is kinda old, but there's an entirely different approach: You can create a Junction from the Folder where Eclipse expects the Project, for example E:\foo\workspace\myproject and link it to where the project lays, for example E:\bar\myproject.
A Junction essentially means that you can access the same folder through 2 different paths, thus you don't need to worry with the weird relative path limitations of Eclipse. To create it easily and fast, I recommend you to get Link Shell Extension
I haven't tried this myself, but this might work. Try:
Add your source folder as linked resource & remove previous definition:
Close eclipse and find your project folder in your workspace (ex: C:\Documents and Settings\username\workspace\yourproject\) Replace absolute paths in files .project & .classpath with relative paths.

Is there a way to reset the error badges in Netbeans?

Netbeans sometimes displays error badges in situations where no actual error occours. (Often on folders, too)
Although Google finds many pages reporting this issue for various Netbeans versions, I could not found a solution to reset the error badges without deleting and re-creating the project with a different name (!).
How can I remove the badges besides recreating the project?
Somewhere Netbeans has to store the information which folder has an error badge. Perhaps it is possible to delete some kind of cache and be done with it.
I discovered it myself: The Netbeans errors are cached in the index sub-directory of the Netbeans user directory. Here are the some .err and .warn files, which contain the error and the warning messages.
That's also the reason why recreating a project with the same name doesn't get rid of the badges: The data is stored outside of the project.
Deleting all *.err and *.warn files in that directory and all sub directories makes Netbeans forget the error badges until they are recreated because of a real compile error.
PS: Be prepared for a rescan of your projects after deleting files from the cache, but it should be quick if no other files have been deleted.
NetBeans has moved the userdir directory
See here for your specific OS:
Unix-Like Systems (and Mac OS for NB 7.1 and earlier) script:
find ~/.netbeans/7.1/var/cache/index/ -name "*.err" -exec rm {} \;
find ~/.netbeans/7.1/var/cache/index/ -name "*.warn" -exec rm {} \;
Mac OS Systems NB 7.2 and later script:
find ~/Library/Caches/NetBeans/7.2rc1/index/ -name "*.err" -exec rm {} \;
find ~/Library/Caches/NetBeans/7.2rc1/index/ -name "*.warn" -exec rm {} \;
You can download the netbeans's cache eraser plugin:
You have to configure the cache dir path, it appears in netbeans about screen.
Erase the cache with the plugin and the errors disappear.
After 4 years with this annoying red errors badges, i decided to make something on my own as windows user (you can do something alike for others OS) to get rid of this.
You have to create a batch script as follow :
set cache_path=C:\Users\YOUR_USER_NAME\AppData\Local\NetBeans\Cache\8.2\
set exe_path=C:\Program Files\NetBeans 8.2\bin\netbeans64.exe
del /s /q /f %cache_path%*.err
start "" "%exe_path%"
exit 0
You have to modify the two first var line to change for you own Netbeans paths.
Save this code in a bat file ("run_clean_netbeans.bat" for exemple) and run it.
The script will look for all .err files in the cache directory of netbeans, delete them, and run the Netbeans app just after.
Error badges won't show up anymore (clean .err files on each restart of Netbeans).
I even did a shortcut of this bat file with the Netbeans icon to have something like the original exe (you can put it in your task-bar for exemple).
Capture of the bat file + shortcut to it
You can find a zip containing my bat and my shortcut in the link bellow, just modify it to your liking.
Enjoy :)
On Linux, clear the userdir(.netbeans/8.0.2) and the cache(.cache/netbeans/8.0.2) directories completely and launch Netbeans again. This will remove the incorrect error badges.
In my case, it was not userdir that makes the error, it was cachedir.
The cachedir is separate from userdir and its default path is also system specific:
C:\Users\\AppData\Local\NetBeans\Cache\8.2\ on Windows
/Users//Library/Caches/NetBeans/8.2/ on Mac OS X
/home//.cache/netbeans/8.2 on Unix-like systems
I try to find the root cause by finding .err and .warn using find command.
find . -name *.err -type f
find . -name *.warn -type f
I find 0 warn file and 4 error files. However, the error files is not related to my project.
I ended up deleting (or rename to .old) Caches/NetBeans/8.2/, I open up NetBeans and the error icon is gone. Beware that using this approach NetBeans will take a longer time to launch.
On netbeans 11 it was not enough to just remove the .err and .warn files. I had to remove the index directory which was in ~/.cache/netbeans/11.0