How does typecasting/polymorphism work with this nested, closure type in Swift? - swift

I know that (Int) -> Void can't be typecasted to (Any) -> Void:
let intHandler: (Int) -> Void = { i in
var anyHandler: (Any) -> Void = intHandler <<<< ERROR
This gives:
error: cannot convert value of type '(Int) -> Void' to specified type
'(Any) -> Void'
Question: But I don't know why this work?
let intResolver: ((Int) -> Void) -> Void = { f in
let stringResolver: ((String) -> Void) -> Void = { f in
var anyResolver: ((Any) -> Void) -> Void = intResolver
I messed around with the return type and it still works...:
let intResolver: ((Int) -> Void) -> String = { f in
return "I want to return some string here."
let stringResolver: ((String) -> Void) -> Void = { f in
var anyResolver: ((Any) -> Void) -> Any = intResolver (or stringResolver)
Sorry if this is asked before. I couldn't find this kind of question yet, maybe I don't know the keyword here.
Please enlighten me!
If you want to try:

It's all about variance and Swift closures.
Swift is covariant in respect to closure return type, and contra-variant in respect to its arguments. This makes closures having the same return type or a more specific one, and same arguments or less specific, to be compatible.
Thus (Arg1) -> Res1 can be assigned to (Arg2) -> Res2 if Res1: Res2 and Arg2: Arg1.
To express this, let's tweak a little bit the first closure:
import Foundation
let nsErrorHandler: (CustomStringConvertible) -> NSError = { _ in
return NSError(domain: "", code: 0, userInfo: nil)
var anyHandler: (Int) -> Error = nsErrorHandler
The above code works because Int conforms to CustomStringConvertible, while NSError conforms to Error. Any would've also work instead of Error as it's even more generic.
Now that we established that, let's see what happens in your two blocks of code.
The first block tries to assign a more specific argument closure to a less specific one, and this doesn't follow the variance rules, thus it doesn't compile.
How about the second block of code? We are in a similar scenario as in the first block: closures with one argument.
we know that String, or Void, is more specific that Any, so we can use it as return value
(Int) -> Void is more specific than (Any) -> Void (closure variance rules), so we can use it as argument
The closure variance is respected, thus intResolver and stringResolver are a compatible match for anyResolver. This sounds a little bit counter-intuitive, but still the compile rules are followed, and this allows the assignment.
Things complicate however if we want to use closures as generic arguments, the variance rules no longer apply, and this due to the fact that Swift generics (with few exceptions) are invariant in respect to their type: MyGenericType<B> can't be assigned to MyGenericType<A> even if B: A. The exceptions are standard library structs, like Optional and Array.

First, let's consider exactly why your first example is illegal:
let intHandler: (Int) -> Void = { i in
var anyHandler: (Any) -> Void = intHandler
// error: Cannot convert value of type '(Int) -> Void' to specified type '(Any) -> Void'
An (Any) -> Void is a function that can deal with any input; an (Int) -> Void is a function that can only deal with Int input. Therefore it follows that we cannot treat an Int-taking function as a function that can deal with anything, because it can't. What if we called anyHandler with a String?
What about the other way around? This is legal:
let anyHandler: (Any) -> Void = { i in
var intHandler: (Int) -> Void = anyHandler
Why? Because we can treat a function that deals with anything as a function that can deal with Int, because if it can deal with anything, by definition it must be able to deal with Int.
So we've established that we can treat an (Any) -> Void as an (Int) -> Void. Let's look at your second example:
let intResolver: ((Int) -> Void) -> Void = { f in
var anyResolver: ((Any) -> Void) -> Void = intResolver
Why can we treat a ((Int) -> Void) -> Void as an ((Any) -> Void) -> Void? In other words, why when calling anyResolver can we forward an (Any) -> Void argument onto an (Int) -> Void parameter? Well, as we've already found out, we can treat an (Any) -> Void as an (Int) -> Void, thus it's legal.
The same logic applies for your example with ((String) -> Void) -> Void:
let stringResolver: ((String) -> Void) -> Void = { f in
var anyResolver: ((Any) -> Void) -> Void = stringResolver
When calling anyResolver, we can pass an (Any) -> Void to it, which then gets passed onto stringResolver which takes a (String) -> Void. And a function that can deal with anything is also a function that deals with strings, thus it's legal.
Playing about with the return types works:
let intResolver: ((Int) -> Void) -> String = { f in
return "I want to return some string here."
var anyResolver: ((Any) -> Void) -> Any = intResolver
Because intResolver says it returns a String, and anyResolver says it returns Any; well a string is Any, so it's legal.


missing return in closure expectet to return 'Void?'

I have a problem that I can't understand, I have completion handler that returns Void?
_ completionHandler: #escaping ((Int) -> Void?)
and when I use it like this:
service.getItems({ val in
row.hidden = Condition.init(booleanLiteral: val == 0)
xCode is showing an
Missing return in a closure expected to return 'Void?'
so I have to add
return nil
What is more, if I have only 1 line in closure I dont need to return (I'm assuming it treats that 1 line as return). Whats the point of returning nil in closure that returns nullable void? Is this a bug or some kind of swift feature I don't undertand?
You need to remove the optional value for Void
#escaping ((Int) -> Void)
#escaping ((Int) -> ())
in place of
#escaping ((Int) -> Void?)
In your closure a return type is specified (here it is Optional Void Void?), thus the compiler will always expect a return value as the outcome of the function or closure.
Since this is an optional Void Void? you still have to either return nil or return Void. In function/closure with return type of non optional Void (same as no return type f.e. here:
func returnVoid() { /* do something */ }
you do not have to write the return keyword explicitly, however compiler inserts it into the function anyway.
And yes, starting with Swift 5.1 you can omit the return keyword when there is only one expression. (Source)
As for your case, you could just change your completion handler to:
_ completionHandler: #escaping ((Int) -> Void)
or the equivalent _ completionHandler: #escaping ((Int) -> ())
Optional Void Void? as the return type in your case seems not necessary.

Cannot convert value of type '(T) -> Void'

struct Wrapper<T> {
var key: Int = 0
var listeners: [Int: (T) -> Void] = Dictionary()
mutating func add(_ handler:#escaping (T) -> Void) {
self.key += 1
self.listeners[self.key] = handler
func get(key: Int) -> (T) -> Void {
return self.listeners[key]!
Test protocol:
protocol CommonProtocol {
Class that create Wrapper of test class
class C {
var wrapper: Wrapper = Wrapper<CommonProtocol>()
func add<T: CommonProtocol>(_ handler: #escaping (T) -> Void) {
self.wrapper.add(handler) //Cannot convert value of type '(T) -> Void' to expected argument type '(CommonProtocol) -> Void'
Image with error
I get error:
Cannot convert value of type '(T) -> Void' to expected argument type '(CommonProtocol) -> Void'
Why (T) -> Void can't be casted to (CommonProtocol) -> Void ? The T
is explicitly declared as <T: CommonProtocol>
This is my first question, if you have some suggestions please don't hesitate to contact me
You don't need to make func add generic.
When you specify in func add<T: CommonProtocol>... you explicitly telling the compiler that your function accepts all Types that inherit CommonProtocol but your Wrapper specifies that accepts CommonProtocol not inherited types.
Either type-erase class C:
Class C<T: CommonProtocol> {
var wrapper: Wrapper<T>
or if type T doesn't actually matter to you then:
func add(_ handler: #escaping (CommonProtocol) -> Void)
but second one doesn't make sense at all. You have to downcast it every-time you'll use this method (and downcasts are very bad :D)
Note: It's actually not related to this question, but one of your options is to type-erase the CommonProtocol too.

Swift Generics: Cannot convert value of type to expected argument type

Here is my code:
protocol SomeProtocol {
class A: SomeProtocol {
func f1<T: SomeProtocol>(ofType: T.Type, listener: (T?) -> Void) {
func f2<T: SomeProtocol>(ofType: T.Type, listener: ([T]?) -> Void) {
func g() {
let l1: (SomeProtocol?) -> Void = ...
let l2: ([SomeProtocol]?) -> Void = ...
f1(ofType: A.self, listener: l1) // NO ERROR
f2(ofType: A.self, listener: l2) // COMPILE ERROR: Cannot convert value of type '([SomeProtocol]?) -> Void' to expected argument type '([_]?) -> Void'
What is the problem with the second closure having an argument of an array of generic type objects?
Swift 4.1 Update
This is a bug that was fixed in this pull request, which will make it into the release of Swift 4.1. Your code now compiles as expected in a 4.1 snapshot.
Pre Swift 4.1
This just looks like you're just stretching the compiler too far.
It can deal with conversions from arrays of sub-typed elements to arrays of super-typed elements, e.g [A] to [SomeProtocol] – this is covariance. It's worth noting that arrays have always been an edge case here, as arbitrary generics are invariant. Certain collections, such as Array, just get special treatment from the compiler allowing for covariance.
It can deal with conversions of functions with super-typed parameters to functions with sub-typed parameters, e.g (SomeProtocol) -> Void to (A) -> Void – this is contravariance.
However it appears that it currently cannot do both in one go (but really it should be able to; feel free to file a bug).
For what it's worth, this has nothing to do with generics, the following reproduces the same behaviour:
protocol SomeProtocol {}
class A : SomeProtocol {}
func f1(listener: (A) -> Void) {}
func f2(listener: ([A]) -> Void) {}
func f3(listener: () -> [SomeProtocol]) {}
func g() {
let l1: (SomeProtocol) -> Void = { _ in }
f1(listener: l1) // NO ERROR
let l2: ([SomeProtocol]) -> Void = { _ in }
f2(listener: l2)
// COMPILER ERROR: Cannot convert value of type '([SomeProtocol]) -> Void' to
// expected argument type '([A]) -> Void'
// it's the same story for function return types
let l3: () -> [A] = { [] }
f3(listener: l3)
// COMPILER ERROR: Cannot convert value of type '() -> [A]' to
// expected argument type '() -> [SomeProtocol]'
Until fixed, one solution in this case is to simply use a closure expression to act as a trampoline between the two function types:
// converting a ([SomeProtocol]) -> Void to a ([A]) -> Void.
// compiler infers closure expression to be of type ([A]) -> Void, and in the
// implementation, $0 gets implicitly converted from [A] to [SomeProtocol].
f2(listener: { l2($0) })
// converting a () -> [A] to a () -> [SomeProtocol].
// compiler infers closure expression to be of type () -> [SomeProtocol], and in the
// implementation, the result of l3 gets implicitly converted from [A] to [SomeProtocol]
f3(listener: { l3() })
And, applied to your code:
f2(ofType: A.self, listener: { l2($0) })
This works because the compiler infers the closure expression to be of type ([T]?) -> Void, which can be passed to f2. In the implementation of the closure, the compiler then performs an implicit conversion of $0 from [T]? to [SomeProtocol]?.
And, as Dominik is hinting at, this trampoline could also be done as an additional overload of f2:
func f2<T : SomeProtocol>(ofType type: T.Type, listener: ([SomeProtocol]?) -> Void) {
// pass a closure expression of type ([T]?) -> Void to the original f2, we then
// deal with the conversion from [T]? to [SomeProtocol]? in the closure.
// (and by "we", I mean the compiler, implicitly)
f2(ofType: type, listener: { (arr: [T]?) in listener(arr) })
Allowing you to once again call it as f2(ofType: A.self, listener: l2).
The listener closure in func f2<T: SomeProtocol>(ofType: T.Type, listener: ([T]?) -> Void) {...} requires its argument to be an array of T, where T is a type that implements SomeProtocol. By writing <T: SomeProtocol>, you are enforcing that all elements of that array are of the same type.
Say for example you have two classes: A and B. Both are completely distinct. Yet both implement SomeProtocol. In this case, the input array cannot be [A(), B()] because of the type constraint. The input array can either be [A(), A()] or [B(), B()].
But, when you define l2 as let l2: ([SomeProtocol]?) -> Void = ..., you allow the closure to accept an argument such as [A(), B()]. Hence this closure, and the closure you define in f2 are incompatible and the compiler cannot convert between the two.
Unfortunately, you cannot add type enforcement to a variable such as l2 as stated here. What you can do is if you know that l2 is going to work on arrays of class A, you could redefine it as follows:
let l2: ([A]?) -> Void = { ... }
Let me try and explain this with a simpler example. Let's say you write a generic function to find the greatest element in an array of comparables:
func greatest<T: Comparable>(array: [T]) -> T {
// return greatest element in the array
Now if you try calling that function like so:
let comparables: [Comparable] = [1, "hello"]
print(greatest(array: comparables))
The compiler will complain since there is no way to compare an Int and a String. What you must instead do is follows:
let comparables: [Int] = [1, 5, 2]
print(greatest(array: comparables))
Have nothing on Hamish's answer, he is 100% right. But if you wanna super simple solution without any explanation or code just work, when working with array of generics protocol, use this:
func f1<T: SomeProtocol>(ofType: T.Type, listener: (T?) -> Void) {
func f2<Z: SomeProtocol>(ofType: Z.Type, listener: ([SomeProtocol]?) -> Void) {

What is the syntax for a closure argument in swift

In Swift headers, the isSeparator: argument accepts a closure
public func split(maxSplit: Int = default, allowEmptySlices: Bool = default, #noescape isSeparator: (Self.Generator.Element) throws -> Bool) rethrows -> [Self.SubSequence]
But in the documentation, it lists closure syntax differently
{ (parameters) -> return type in
How are you supposed to know that (Self.Generator.Element) throws -> Bool rethrows refers to a closure / requires a closure? Are there other ways that the headers/docs might list argument as meaning a closure?
The "thing" giving away that this is a closure is the ->. The full type is
(Self.Generator.Element) throws -> Bool
It means that the closure takes a variable of type Self.Generator.Element and has to return a Bool upon some calculation based on the input. It may additionally throw some error while doing so - that is what the throws is for.
What you then write
{ (parameters) -> return type in
would be an actual implementation, a value of some generic closure type.
The type of a closure is for example (someInt:Int, someDouble:Double) -> String:
var a : ((someInt:Int, someDouble:Double) -> String)
Once again the thing giving away that a is actually a closure is the -> in the type declaration.
Then you assign something to a via some code snippet following your second code block:
a = { (integer, floating) -> String in
return "\(integer) \(floating)"
You can tell by the argument's type. Everything in Swift has a type, including functions and closures.
For example, this function...
func add(a: Int, to b: Int) -> Int { return a + b }
...has type (Int, Int) -> Int. (It takes two Ints as parameters, and returns an Int.)
And this closure...
let identity: Int -> Int = { $0 }
...has type Int -> Int.
Every function and closure has a type, and in the type signature there is always a -> that separates the parameters from the return value. So anytime you see a parameter (like isSeparator) that has a -> in it, you know that the parameter expects a closure.
the isSeparator definition means (Self.Generator.Element) throws -> Bool that you will be given an Element and you should return a Bool. When you will call split, you then can do the following :
[1,2,3].split(…, isSeparator : { element -> Bool in
return false
This is a pure silly example but that illustrates the second part of your question

Using instead of

Here is what I can do in Swift:
extension Int {
func square() -> Int { return self * self }
And then call it like this: 3.square(), that gives me 9. Also, i can do it like so: Int.square(3), and it will give me () -> (Int). So, Int.square(3)() gives 9.
But if I write let array = [1, 2, 3]; it gives error Cannot convert value of type 'Array<Int>' to expected argument of type '[_]'
Question is, how I can use in that way?
Ok, I'll try to explain my problem in details. Now, I have function like this:
func map<T, U>(f: T -> U) -> [T] -> [U] {
return { ts in
It works, but only on arrays. There are many types that have map function, and it not very nice to declare global function like that for every type. So, lets say there is type C that have map function C<T> -> (T -> U) -> C<U>
Also, lets say I have function f, that transform A -> B -> C into B -> A -> C.
So, it looks like I can do something like this:
let array = [1, 2, 3]
let square: Int -> Int = {$0 * $0}
map(square)(array) // [1, 4, 9], works fine
f( // Error
Question is not about code readability but about how Swift's type system works. function is defined as:
public func map<T>(self: [Self.Generator.Element]) -> (#noescape Self.Generator.Element throws -> T) rethrows -> [T]
The problem here is that the compiler cannot infer the return type of the transform function or T. So you have to define it the two following ways:
// variable declaration
let mapping: (Int -> Int) throws -> [Int] =
// or (especially useful for further function calls)
aFunction( as (Int -> Int) throws -> [Int])
You can also see that the map function is marked as rethrows which gets "translated" to throws if you use the function. (It looks like a bug but closures don't have rethrows which could be the reason for this behavior).
So the function f could look like this in order to use it with
// where
// A is the array
// B is the function
// C the type of the returned array
func f<A, B, C>(f2: A -> (B throws -> C)) -> B -> (A throws -> C) {
return { b in
{ a in
try f2(a)(b)
// or with a forced try! so you don't have to use try
func f<A, B, C>(f2: A -> (B throws -> C)) -> B -> A -> C {
return { b in
{ a in
try! f2(a)(b)
// call f (use try if you use the first implementation)
let square: Int -> Int = {$0 * $0}
In the example with square the compiler can infer the type of the expression. In other words:
let f = Int.square(3)
is the same as
let f:() -> Int = Int.square(3)
However, map is a generic function that is parameterized on the closure return type:
public func map<T>(#noescape transform: (Self.Generator.Element) throws -> T) rethrows -> [T]
Consequently, this generates an error because the compiler doesn't know what T is:
let f = Array<Int>.map([1, 2, 3])
However, you can explicitly tell it what T is like this:
let f: ((Int) throws -> Int) throws -> [Int] =[1, 2, 3])
try! f({$0 * $0})
I think that answers your first question about square and map. I don't completely understand the rest of your question about converting A -> B -> C to B -> A -> C. Maybe you can provide more info on what f would look like.