Cannot convert value of type '(T) -> Void' - swift

struct Wrapper<T> {
var key: Int = 0
var listeners: [Int: (T) -> Void] = Dictionary()
mutating func add(_ handler:#escaping (T) -> Void) {
self.key += 1
self.listeners[self.key] = handler
func get(key: Int) -> (T) -> Void {
return self.listeners[key]!
Test protocol:
protocol CommonProtocol {
Class that create Wrapper of test class
class C {
var wrapper: Wrapper = Wrapper<CommonProtocol>()
func add<T: CommonProtocol>(_ handler: #escaping (T) -> Void) {
self.wrapper.add(handler) //Cannot convert value of type '(T) -> Void' to expected argument type '(CommonProtocol) -> Void'
Image with error
I get error:
Cannot convert value of type '(T) -> Void' to expected argument type '(CommonProtocol) -> Void'
Why (T) -> Void can't be casted to (CommonProtocol) -> Void ? The T
is explicitly declared as <T: CommonProtocol>
This is my first question, if you have some suggestions please don't hesitate to contact me

You don't need to make func add generic.
When you specify in func add<T: CommonProtocol>... you explicitly telling the compiler that your function accepts all Types that inherit CommonProtocol but your Wrapper specifies that accepts CommonProtocol not inherited types.
Either type-erase class C:
Class C<T: CommonProtocol> {
var wrapper: Wrapper<T>
or if type T doesn't actually matter to you then:
func add(_ handler: #escaping (CommonProtocol) -> Void)
but second one doesn't make sense at all. You have to downcast it every-time you'll use this method (and downcasts are very bad :D)
Note: It's actually not related to this question, but one of your options is to type-erase the CommonProtocol too.


Named function parameters break type inference for a closure assignment

I'm trying to assign two different methods (same signature) of a class to a variable to be executed later, but the assignment breaks when a method has named parameters. I feel like this might be some sort of bug, but don't want to be that naive. Here is the most simple example:
class ClassA {
func foo(_ bool1: Bool, _ bool2: Bool) {
func bar(_ bool1: Bool, bool2: Bool) {
let myFunc: (ClassA) -> (Bool, Bool) -> Void
//myFunc = { c in } // fine
myFunc = { c in } // Cannot assign value of type '(ClassA) -> (Bool, Bool) -> ()' to type '(ClassA) -> (Bool, Bool) -> Void'
I looked to this implemented evolution proposal on SE-0110 distinguishing between single tuple and multiple argument types for some tips, but couldn't come up with much. I also tried many variations of parentheses.
Swift version 5.0, Xcode 10.2.1

How do I write the not/negate higher order function in swift?

I am a Javascripter and I love using the not/negate function:
function not (predicateFunc) {
return function () {
return !predicateFunc.apply(this, arguments);
I am trying to do the same thing with swift:
func not <A> (_ f: #escaping (_ A: Any) -> Bool) -> (A) -> Bool {
return { a in !f(a) }
But I am getting errors like
generic parameter 'T' could not be inferred
Cannot convert value of type '(_) -> Bool' to expected argument type '(Any) -> Bool'
The outcome I am looking for is when I have a function like this:
func isEmpty<T: Collection>(collection: T) -> Bool {
return collection.count == 0
I can just create a notEmpty function like this:
let notEmpty = not(isEmpty)
And then use it like
notEmpty([3,4,5]) // true
What am I doing wrong?
Using Any is a code smell. You can just extend Collection directly:
extension Collection {
var notEmpty: Bool {
return !isEmpty
[1, 3, 5].notEmpty // true
Your functional definition of not can work like this:
func not <A> (_ f: #escaping (_ a: A) -> Bool) -> (A) -> Bool {
return { a in !f(a) }
But to call it you would need something like this:
let arrayNotEmpty = not { (array: [Int]) in array.isEmpty }
arrayNotEmpty([1, 3, 5]) // true
You have two errors:
You're using A as both the type parameter and as the argument name.
You're using Any as the argument type instead of using the type parameter (A) as the argument type.
Try this:
func not<A>(predicate: #escaping (A) -> Bool) -> (A) -> Bool {
return { !predicate($0) }
Note that in this version, I'm not using argument names for the predicate argument. You don't need an argument name in the declaration ((A) -> Bool) and I'm using the anonymous argument name ($0) in the body.
Okay, so you want to write this:
func isEmpty<T: Collection>(collection: T) -> Bool {
return collection.count == 0
func not<A>(_ predicate: #escaping (A) -> Bool) -> (A) -> Bool {
return { !predicate($0) }
let notEmpty = not(isEmpty)
And you get this error:
let notEmpty = not(isEmpty)
^ Generic parameter 'A' could not be inferred
The problem is that this code tries to create a generic closure, but Swift doesn't support generic closures.
That is to say, what would the type of nonEmpty be? It would be something like:
<A: Collection>(A) -> Bool
and Swift doesn't support that.

Swift Generics: Cannot convert value of type to expected argument type

Here is my code:
protocol SomeProtocol {
class A: SomeProtocol {
func f1<T: SomeProtocol>(ofType: T.Type, listener: (T?) -> Void) {
func f2<T: SomeProtocol>(ofType: T.Type, listener: ([T]?) -> Void) {
func g() {
let l1: (SomeProtocol?) -> Void = ...
let l2: ([SomeProtocol]?) -> Void = ...
f1(ofType: A.self, listener: l1) // NO ERROR
f2(ofType: A.self, listener: l2) // COMPILE ERROR: Cannot convert value of type '([SomeProtocol]?) -> Void' to expected argument type '([_]?) -> Void'
What is the problem with the second closure having an argument of an array of generic type objects?
Swift 4.1 Update
This is a bug that was fixed in this pull request, which will make it into the release of Swift 4.1. Your code now compiles as expected in a 4.1 snapshot.
Pre Swift 4.1
This just looks like you're just stretching the compiler too far.
It can deal with conversions from arrays of sub-typed elements to arrays of super-typed elements, e.g [A] to [SomeProtocol] – this is covariance. It's worth noting that arrays have always been an edge case here, as arbitrary generics are invariant. Certain collections, such as Array, just get special treatment from the compiler allowing for covariance.
It can deal with conversions of functions with super-typed parameters to functions with sub-typed parameters, e.g (SomeProtocol) -> Void to (A) -> Void – this is contravariance.
However it appears that it currently cannot do both in one go (but really it should be able to; feel free to file a bug).
For what it's worth, this has nothing to do with generics, the following reproduces the same behaviour:
protocol SomeProtocol {}
class A : SomeProtocol {}
func f1(listener: (A) -> Void) {}
func f2(listener: ([A]) -> Void) {}
func f3(listener: () -> [SomeProtocol]) {}
func g() {
let l1: (SomeProtocol) -> Void = { _ in }
f1(listener: l1) // NO ERROR
let l2: ([SomeProtocol]) -> Void = { _ in }
f2(listener: l2)
// COMPILER ERROR: Cannot convert value of type '([SomeProtocol]) -> Void' to
// expected argument type '([A]) -> Void'
// it's the same story for function return types
let l3: () -> [A] = { [] }
f3(listener: l3)
// COMPILER ERROR: Cannot convert value of type '() -> [A]' to
// expected argument type '() -> [SomeProtocol]'
Until fixed, one solution in this case is to simply use a closure expression to act as a trampoline between the two function types:
// converting a ([SomeProtocol]) -> Void to a ([A]) -> Void.
// compiler infers closure expression to be of type ([A]) -> Void, and in the
// implementation, $0 gets implicitly converted from [A] to [SomeProtocol].
f2(listener: { l2($0) })
// converting a () -> [A] to a () -> [SomeProtocol].
// compiler infers closure expression to be of type () -> [SomeProtocol], and in the
// implementation, the result of l3 gets implicitly converted from [A] to [SomeProtocol]
f3(listener: { l3() })
And, applied to your code:
f2(ofType: A.self, listener: { l2($0) })
This works because the compiler infers the closure expression to be of type ([T]?) -> Void, which can be passed to f2. In the implementation of the closure, the compiler then performs an implicit conversion of $0 from [T]? to [SomeProtocol]?.
And, as Dominik is hinting at, this trampoline could also be done as an additional overload of f2:
func f2<T : SomeProtocol>(ofType type: T.Type, listener: ([SomeProtocol]?) -> Void) {
// pass a closure expression of type ([T]?) -> Void to the original f2, we then
// deal with the conversion from [T]? to [SomeProtocol]? in the closure.
// (and by "we", I mean the compiler, implicitly)
f2(ofType: type, listener: { (arr: [T]?) in listener(arr) })
Allowing you to once again call it as f2(ofType: A.self, listener: l2).
The listener closure in func f2<T: SomeProtocol>(ofType: T.Type, listener: ([T]?) -> Void) {...} requires its argument to be an array of T, where T is a type that implements SomeProtocol. By writing <T: SomeProtocol>, you are enforcing that all elements of that array are of the same type.
Say for example you have two classes: A and B. Both are completely distinct. Yet both implement SomeProtocol. In this case, the input array cannot be [A(), B()] because of the type constraint. The input array can either be [A(), A()] or [B(), B()].
But, when you define l2 as let l2: ([SomeProtocol]?) -> Void = ..., you allow the closure to accept an argument such as [A(), B()]. Hence this closure, and the closure you define in f2 are incompatible and the compiler cannot convert between the two.
Unfortunately, you cannot add type enforcement to a variable such as l2 as stated here. What you can do is if you know that l2 is going to work on arrays of class A, you could redefine it as follows:
let l2: ([A]?) -> Void = { ... }
Let me try and explain this with a simpler example. Let's say you write a generic function to find the greatest element in an array of comparables:
func greatest<T: Comparable>(array: [T]) -> T {
// return greatest element in the array
Now if you try calling that function like so:
let comparables: [Comparable] = [1, "hello"]
print(greatest(array: comparables))
The compiler will complain since there is no way to compare an Int and a String. What you must instead do is follows:
let comparables: [Int] = [1, 5, 2]
print(greatest(array: comparables))
Have nothing on Hamish's answer, he is 100% right. But if you wanna super simple solution without any explanation or code just work, when working with array of generics protocol, use this:
func f1<T: SomeProtocol>(ofType: T.Type, listener: (T?) -> Void) {
func f2<Z: SomeProtocol>(ofType: Z.Type, listener: ([SomeProtocol]?) -> Void) {

Swift override static method compile error

I have these two swift classes:
class A {
static func list(completion: (_ result:[A]?) -> Void) {
completion (nil)
static func get(completion: (_ result:A?) -> Void) {
completion (nil)
class B: A {
static func list(completion: (_ result:[B]?) -> Void) {
completion (nil)
static func get(completion: (_ result:B?) -> Void) {
completion (nil)
Trying to compile this raise the error "overriding declaration requires an 'override' keyword" but just for the 'get' method of class B. 'list' method compiles fine. What is the difference between [B]? and B? for the compiler in this case?
Edit: Also notice that adding 'override' is not possible. I get the error 'Cannot override static method'.
In class B, the method list is a separate method from list in class A. They just share the same name, that's all.
The parameters of the two list methods are actually different:
// A.list
static func list(completion: (_ result:[A]?) -> Void) {
// B.list
static func list(completion: (_ result:[B]?) -> Void) {
A.list takes an argument of type (_ result: [A]?) -> Void while B.list takes a (_ result: [B]?) -> Void. The array type in the closure type's parameter list is different!
So you're not overridding anything, you're just overloading.
static methods can never be overridden! If you want to override a method, use class instead of static.
class A {
class func get(completion: (_ result:A?) -> Void) {
completion (nil)
class B: A {
override class func get(completion: (_ result:B?) -> Void) {
completion (nil)
In short, as per rule, static methods can't be overridden.

How to pass closure with argument as argument and execute it?

Initializer of class A takes an optional closure as argument:
class A {
var closure: ()?
init(closure: closure()?) {
self.closure = closure
I want to pass a function with an argument as the closure:
class B {
let a = A(closure: action(1)) // This throws the error: Cannot convert value of type '()' to expected argument type '(() -> Void)?'
func action(_ i: Int) {
Class A should execute the closure action with argument i.
I am not sure about how to write this correctly, see error in code comment above. What has to be changed?
Please make your "what-you-have-now" code error free.
Assuming your class A like this:
class A {
typealias ClosureType = ()->Void
var closure: ClosureType?
init(closure: ClosureType?) {
self.closure = closure
//`closure` would be used later.
//To use the closure in class A
func someMethod() {
//call the closure
With A given above, you need to rewrite your class B as:
class B {
private(set) var a: A!
init() {
//initialize all instance properties till here
a = A(closure: {[weak self] in self?.action(1)})
func action(i: Int) {
The problem is that closure()? is not a type. And ()? is a type, but it is probably not the type you want.
If you want var closure to have as its value a certain kind of function, you need to use the type of that function in the declaration, e.g.
var closure: (Int) -> Void
Similarly, if you want init(closure:) to take as its parameter a certain kind of function, you need to use the type of that function in the declaration, e.g.
init(closure: (Int) -> Void) {
Types as Parameters
In Swift, every object has a type. For example, Int, String, etc. are likely all types you are extremely familiar with.
So when you declare a function, the explicit type (or sometimes protocols) of any parameters should be specified.
func swallowInt(number: Int) {}
Compound Types
Swift also has a concept of compound types. One example of this is Tuples. A Tuple is just a collection of other types.
let httpStatusCode: (Int, String) = (404, "Not Found")
A function could easily take a tuple as its argument:
func swallowStatusCode(statusCode: (Int, String)) {}
Another compound type is the function type. A function type consists of a tuple of parameters and a return type. So the swallowInt function from above would have the following function type: (Int) -> Void. Similarly, a function taking in an Int and a String and returning a Bool would have the following type: (Int, String) -> Bool.
Function Types As Parameters
So we can use these concepts to re-write function A:
class A {
var closure: (() -> Void)?
init(closure: (() -> Void)?) {
self.closure = closure
Passing an argument would then just be:
func foo(closure: (Int) -> Void) {
// Execute the closure
One way to do what I think you're attempting is with the following code:
class ViewController: UIViewController {
override func viewDidLoad() {
let _ = A.init(){Void in self.action(2)}
func action(i: Int) {
class A: NSObject {
var closure : ()?
init(closure: (()->Void)? = nil) {
// Notice how this is executed before the closure
// Make sure closure isn't nil
self.closure = closure?()