unable to toggle breakpoint eclipse marker id not found - eclipse

When I hit the code to create a break point. I am getting error saying that unable to toggle breakpoint eclipse marker id not found.

This has been reported here at bugs.eclipse.org.
The report says the affected version is 4.7.1a. The status of the bug is RESOLVED FIXED in v4.8, so we still encounter this issue with the version 4.7.3a (which is the current while writing).
As a workaround, you can close and reopen the GUI, this makes things normal again.

As a workaround, just close the specific java file in Eclipse editor and open it again.


VSCode crashes on startup (code: -1073741818)

Yesterday, VSCode (1.67.1) decided that it was unable to start (crashes immediately) and spits out the error code -1073741818. I have the option to reopen or close but nothing happens regardless of the option chosen. Thought it might be an issue with the file/folder I was opening but no success opening any files/folders at all. Tried to disable GPU, disable extensions and re-install but all lead to the same error code. Tried to move to Atom, but, oddly enough, the same issue occurred. Discovered Atom and VSCode are both based on Electron and that Electron has previously had issues with Nvidia drivers (currently running 512.77) so I tried to install previous versions of the drivers that were working but no success. I finally gave up and moved the code to another system and everything works flawlessly.
So now I that I have some time, I am trying to figure out what went wrong and where to go from here. My uninformed, uneducated guess is it is driver related but I am not sure how to resolve it. I was able to successfully use VSCode earlier in the day with no issue. The system went into stand-by mode and upon return, the issue began. Any suggestions/guidance on where to start would be greatly appreciated.
VSCode Crash Window
Welcome to the community! I think this is caused by an corrupt installation of vscode, try to restart your computer and maybe reinstall vscode by going to, https://code.visualstudio.com.
If that does not help maybe try to submit an issue on the vscode github here: https://github.com/microsoft/vscode.
How to submit an issue on github:
Find the menu bar where it has multiple menus, it should have: "code", "pull requests" and "issues".
Click on "issues" button.
Click "new issue" to create an issue.
Then click "bug report" and enter details to file issue.
Once ready click submit issue to submit your issue in github.
Also, you'll need a github account to create a issue, signup here: https://github.com/
I hope this helps!
Please check if you've installed any additional extensions which may be causing the VSCode to crash.
My VS code keeps crashing when opening it
I had the same problem. First, it used to crash once every 10 minutes, then it started crashing 10 times a minute after a few hours. It just stopped working that day.
I don't know how it was resolved but it did automatically resolve.
I searched for the solution but the VS code on GitHub was already closed. If applicable take a rest and let your PC calm down also. Then if the problem doesn't get resolved, try contacting the developer team.

Why does warning shown in shell after eclipse run?

WHen launching Eclipse in Shell, I get this warning:
(Eclipse:25663): Gtk-WARNING **: Negative content height -1 (allocation 1, extents 1x1) while allocating gadget (node scrolledwindow, owner GtkScrolledWindow)
How can I fix that please?
The warning is shown in the shell because of Eclipse bug 533815 which has already been fixed.
Please upgrade to Eclipse 2018-09 (4.9).
I have seen many messages like that with Eclipse over the years. They are generally harmless.
They typically occur while Eclipse is running. You typically see them after Eclipse has exited because you had Eclipse maximized ... over the terminal window where the messages are displayed.
They are most likely due to a bug in Eclipse.
ignore them,
hide them by redirecting stderr to /dev/null,
search the Eclipse issue tracker, and see if there is a fix (e.g. upgrading),
if there is no existing issue, report it
find the bug, develop a fix / patch and submit it.

Unity Debug/Error No longer Says Line in Source Code

Ever since I upgraded my project and version of Unity from 5.6.0 to 5.6.1 the file and line in which the debug message or error occurred would not show up. This included double clicking the message, which wouldn't take me to the location of the error either.
After suffering for weeks I found the answer to this problem while writing this post. The solution is to expand the top right menu of the console tab, Stack Trace Logging > All and choose ScriptOnly. This works for Visual Studio 17 and MonoDevelop.

Eclipse not noticing changes to eclipse.ini?

I have had a problem lately with jvisualvm not allowing me to take heap dumps and showing very little information at all. I believe this is my problem.
I made the suggested changes to eclipse.ini. It currently looks like this:
The line in question here is then line 19.
Now, when I check the configuration in Eclipse, the new option doesn't show up.
I have restarted Eclipse twice, both via File -> Restart and closing and re-opening, with no effect. Also, I have changed the order of the options in the file, with no effect.
What might cause this and can this be fixed somehow?
EDIT: I also tried closing Notepad++ and then restarting. No effect. type in the command prompt still shows the changes, so they are there.
I managed to solve it by running Eclipse in clean mode, as described here.
I ran Eclipse from the command prompt:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Eclipse>eclipse -clean
This can be done in other ways also, as seen the answer linked above.
At this point, the problem is solved. The rest of the steps are what happened.
I had to choose my workspace again, as the cache had been cleared.
Package Explorer failed to load.
After one more restart, everything worked fine.

Disable break point in a .class file

I have a problem with my Eclipse debugger. When I start my server (JBoss Server AS 4.2) it always stops in a break point in a class called WebAppClassLoader whose source code doesn't exist on my machine. I don't know how to disable that frustrating breakpoint. Any suggestion please ?
Try Window/View/Other/Debug/Breakpoints
This will open a window that should list all the set breakpoints in your open project. You can remove a breakpoint by unchecking it in the list.