Why does warning shown in shell after eclipse run? - eclipse

WHen launching Eclipse in Shell, I get this warning:
(Eclipse:25663): Gtk-WARNING **: Negative content height -1 (allocation 1, extents 1x1) while allocating gadget (node scrolledwindow, owner GtkScrolledWindow)
How can I fix that please?

The warning is shown in the shell because of Eclipse bug 533815 which has already been fixed.
Please upgrade to Eclipse 2018-09 (4.9).

I have seen many messages like that with Eclipse over the years. They are generally harmless.
They typically occur while Eclipse is running. You typically see them after Eclipse has exited because you had Eclipse maximized ... over the terminal window where the messages are displayed.
They are most likely due to a bug in Eclipse.
ignore them,
hide them by redirecting stderr to /dev/null,
search the Eclipse issue tracker, and see if there is a fix (e.g. upgrading),
if there is no existing issue, report it
find the bug, develop a fix / patch and submit it.


unable to toggle breakpoint eclipse marker id not found

When I hit the code to create a break point. I am getting error saying that unable to toggle breakpoint eclipse marker id not found.
This has been reported here at bugs.eclipse.org.
The report says the affected version is 4.7.1a. The status of the bug is RESOLVED FIXED in v4.8, so we still encounter this issue with the version 4.7.3a (which is the current while writing).
As a workaround, you can close and reopen the GUI, this makes things normal again.
As a workaround, just close the specific java file in Eclipse editor and open it again.

Netbeans: how to undo clicking "Always run without asking"?

When running a file despite having a compiler error, I accidently marked the checkbox "Always run without asking". I regret this and would like NetBeans to ask me again before running a Java file that has compiler errors.
How can I do this? This should be simple but I cannot find any way...
As I can see from NetBeans bugzilla, this defect was left without reply: https://netbeans.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=186776. For example, on my Windows 10 operating system I can manipulate this property using the C:\Users\<userName>\AppData\Roaming\NetBeans\8.0.1\config\Preferences\org\netbeans\modules\java\source\BuildArtifactMapperImpl.properties file, having now in it askBeforeRunWithErrors=true.

Interactive console/Pydev console breaks completely on unhandled error

Eclipse Neon (4.6) with PyDev 5.1.2.
Run any python script with Pydev, break on something, and start playing in the normal console or the Pydev Debug console associated with the running script.
If you cause an exception, e.g. type 'test' (without the quotes) to reference a non-existent variable, after the traceback is printed, the console is unusable - you give it a statement, it thinks for a bit and then returns with no result.
In the Eclipse status bar it says 'PyDev Debug Console...Communication' (middle part is omitted, can't get that part of the UI to be long enough to see), but nothing else - i.e. it looks like the debugger dies when the exception happens.
I have used Pydev on and off for years, this is not a new thing for me but it is time I ask about it - is this normal behaviour?
Thanks for any help.
The problem was solved by creating a new workspace, installing the usual plugins and configuring as normal - suddenly the ipython session can cope with errors it raises.

Error message failure and crash when using pydev embedded jython interpreter

I have a strange problem when using Pydev on my work machine (others at work have the same issue). It does not occur when I do this at home, which makes me think it's something to do with the environment at work. We are running Windows 7.
I am using Pydev 3.9.2 but the same thing happens with earlier versions. It occurs with all versions of Eclipse after 3.7. The problem is this. When I create a jython console (the one running in the Eclipse VM), the error output doesn't work. If I type an invalid python command, there is no output on the console. It just appears that the command worked. If I type a command such as "print 100", the output prints as you would expect.
The second problem is that if I hit the red square which is supposed to remove the console window, Eclipse crashes. There are no errors or any indication of what is going wrong.
I have tried different versons of eclipse, different versions of Pydev, different machines and it doesnt make any difference.
Has anyone seen this? I've tried everything I can think of to debug this issue so any help is appreciated.
Unfortunately those quirks are expected...
The internal console in Eclipse is mostly a developers SDK for experimenting with Eclipse itself and is not meant as a general shell (you should configure an interpreter and use it for that).
I don't have plans on improving on that situation (there's already a multi-year backlog on PyDev and this isn't really critical), but if you'd be willing to spend some time and fix those issues, pull requests would be definitely welcome -- see: http://pydev.org/manual.html for details on getting the code and setting up the environment.

How do I fix a "broken" debugger in EclipseME (MTJ)?

How do I fix a broken debugger, one that just won't start, in EclipseME (now Mobile Tools Java)?
(This question has an answer which will be transferred from another question soon)
The most annoying issue with EclipseME for me was the "broken" debugger, which just wouldn't start. This is covered in docs, but it took me about an hour to find this tip when I first installed EclipseME, and another hour when I returned to JavaME development a year later, so I decided to share this piece of knowledge here, too.
If the debugger won't start,
open "Java > Debug" section in Eclipse "Preferences" menu, and uncheck "Suspend execution on uncaught exceptions" and "Suspend execution on compilation errors" and
increase the "Debugger timeout" near the bottom of the dialog to at least 15000 ms (so the docs say; in fact, a binary search on this value could find optimal delay for your case).
After that, Eclipse should be able to connect to KVM and run a midlet with a debugger attached.
most debuggers are just plug-ins that also have a command-line interface; try running the debugger from the command-line and see if it works. If it does, then check the plug-in configuration; you may have to re-install the plug-in.
caveat: I have not used EclipseME, but had similar problems with the Gnu C debugger in Eclipse for Ubuntu.