How do I play an audio file when using Fulfillment with Dialogflow - actions-on-google

I'm making a Google Assistant action, similar to what Google does when you say "Play an E note".
I've managed to get my nodejs app to reply back the parameter, but now I need to pass an audio file. How do I do that?

The typical way to do this is to place the audio file on a hosting service somewhere (Firebase Hosting is a good choice, particularly if you're also using Firebase Cloud Functions for your Action, but any place that can serve a file via HTTPS works) and then send back SSML as your response that includes the audio.
This might look something like this:
var audioUrl = '';
var msg = `<speak><audio src="${audioUrl}"></audio></speak>`
app.tell( msg );
Adjust this for your own audio file, and you might want to use app.ask() instead of tell if you are prompting the user to reply to your audio.


How to set AppClip invocation for URL with QueryParam?

I am trying to set the AppClip invocation for my App which is already released on app store.
I need an url such that it provides me a jobId e.g.:
My use case is that I send the sms with the url to the user, the user clicks on the url and the app gets started. Then for the other user I send the next url with corresponding jobId.
I did setup the AASA file for my domain (contains the JSON with "applinks" and "appclip" objects) which is valid, also the Domain status is valid on App Store Connect. There is a default experience set with title, subtitle, image and action. I also configured an advance experience for the url
However, my app clip doesn't get invoked if I access the url from either sms text or safari. :(
I do not have a web page for therefore I haven't set up the meta data for this.
Is it possible to invoke the AppClip this way? It is really important for me that the URL is dynamic and I pass that jobId every time for each individual booking.
There s no much documentation and I already read at least twice Apple documentation about AppClip.
Because of this:
I do not have a web page for therefore I haven't set up the meta data for this.
The answer to this:
Is it possible to invoke the AppClip this way?
Is no. Sorry, you need to own the domain you're working with, or at the very least have means to access its CNAME config (thus, be able to induce the owner of that domain to change the CNAME configs to what you want it to be, similar to what and AppsFlyer does with its users/clients).

Is there a way to capture & handle "next" and "previous” using Google Actions with Actions SDK as the fulfillment tool When Media Response was sent?

I'm using the Media Response to play audio in my Actions SDK (Action SDK is being used as the Fulfillment tool in my Actions Console) driven Action. At the end of each audio clip, I'm using the MEDIA_STATUS callback to advance to another mp3 file in a predefined playlist. As a result, users should be able to navigate forwards / backwards.
When testing on my Google Home mini, Google Assistant on Android and Smart Display, I can intercept "next" and advance to the next audio clip (it sends a request with intent of type MEDIA_STATUS). However, I can't properly intercept "previous" Whenever I try, the audio will restart. Real devices seems to be handling this intent on it's own and does not throw any console output (as my webhook is not accessed at all).
Dialog Flow seem to handle "next" and "previous" as follow up intents, but I need to do the same without using Dialog Flow as the Fulfillment tool.
Can anyone please help with this particular problem?
Currently only a FINISHED event is supported for the Media Response. So, you would not be able to handle distinguish between next and previous.
Referring to #Leon Nicholls answer, I am really confused. I followed his Google Audioplayer tutorial/guide which links to an audioplayer template action
You can still download it, and if you unzip it, you will see code that is put there specifically to handle previous and next tracks.
Now it appears Leon is saying that it can't handle previous and next by voice (but buttons appear to work).
Here is the sample code below. There are links to tutorial actions in it, but now all the content has been removed. I simply need blind people to be able to select and play various bit of audio, too long for SSML, which must be navigable (at least next and pause/resume later) may be part of a playlist. How do I achieve this? Suggesting "Media Partner" or "Podcast" is not a solution as neither available in the UK.
// Handle the More/Yes/Next intents
app.intent(['More', 'Yes', 'Next'], (conv) => {
console.log(`More: fallbackCount=${}`);
nextTrack(conv, false);
// Handle the Repeat/Previous intent
app.intent(['Repeat', 'Previous'], (conv) => {
console.log(`Repeat: ${}`);
nextTrack(conv, false, true);
// Select the next track to play from the data
const nextTrack = (conv, intro, backwards) => {
console.log(`nextTrack: ${}`);
let track = data[0];
// Persist the selected track in user storage
if ( { = parseInt(, 10);
if (backwards) {

How do I know I am being called from a progresive web app?

I've been following the guidance on google to create a PWA, but I am interested if there are any conventions to communicate with your data server that you are being called by a PWA. Is the easiest thing to add a parameter to the request i.e.
var dataUrl = '';
and then check the source parameter? Or should I add to the request header?
In your code
if (window.matchMedia('(display-mode: standalone)').matches) {
// do things here
// set a variable to be used when calling something
// e.g. call Google Analytics to track standalone use
** Assumption made that you are also setting up your app to be added to the users home screen as a shortcut
You have to pass in the traffic source to Google Analytics indicating its from PWA. Refer this answer on more details.

Dialogflow: Programmatically set Fulfillment URL, Google Assistant Integration Settings

I am working on automating the deployment of my agent, but I'm having trouble doing some steps programmatically.
Dialogflow Fulfillment URL
I was able to get Export/Restore to work using the Dialogflow Enterprise API: and with the agentContent.
But, since the agentContent is an encoded string, there is no way to replace the Fulfillment URL before restoring. Is there a way to update the Fulfillment URL via API?
Dialogflow Google Assistant Integration Settings
Same question with the Google Assistant Integration Settings. Because this is part of the Dialogflow console, I see this as part of the agent. Ideally, we can programmatically create all parts of the agent. Is this available or on the roadmap?
Google Actions: Action Discovery and Update
Lastly, there is the Action Discovery and Update section of the Google Actions console, where we enable intents for push or daily updates. Is there a way to programmatically do this as well?
There is no way to update the fulfilment URL through the API.
agent_content is indeed an encoded byte string of the zip file. But it's possible to programmatically generate the byte string after editing the contents of the export before zipping it.
Here's a python code snippet that may help:-
with open("skeleton_bot/agent.json", "r") as jsonFile:
data = json.load(jsonFile)
data['webhook']['url'] = ""
with open("skeleton_bot/agent.json", "w") as jsonFile:
json.dump(data, jsonFile)
shutil.make_archive('skeleton_bot', 'zip', 'skeleton_bot')
with open("../config/", 'rb') as file_data:
agent_content =
You can then use this byte string to import/restore to dialogflow

Google Drive Sdk- Audio & Video Streaming in iOS Application

Hi Google Drive Staff,
I have tried to stream video files from Google Drive(Without Downloading). But I gets alerts that Sign In. I have went thoroughly with Dr. Edit sample App but i did not found any solution. I tried with downloadUrl , embedLink, webContentLink, alternateLink. All gives message to sign In. When i tried with exportsLinks i get a Null Message. What is the problem Here. If U have any suggestion Please Let me Know...
I have tried with Google Drive for iOS in iPod, there we can stream Video without Downloading.
Please suggest me to resolve this issue
Thanks in Advance...
I could solve it just by appending the access_token to the download url
audiofile.strPath=[NSString stringWithFormat#"%#&access_token=%#",downloadUrl,accessToken];
pass the strPath to your avplayer object to play music.
I did not try the video part. but i think a similar approach should work.
you can fetch the access token from the GTMOAuth2Authentication object
Note that you might need to refresh it if its expires.
Hope this helps you.
I think it depends what you mean by "stream". Last time I looked, the download links all had a content disposition: attachment header, which instructs the browser to download rather than render the content.
If you have your own client fetching the url, you can choose to ignore that header and do what you like with the content as it is fetched. imho, it would be nice if the client could add a parameter to the url to indicate to the Google servers that it wants the content to be rendered v. downloaded, but hey ho.
You need to authorize all requests to downloadLinks with an Authorization header. Read more about the authorization and learn how to retrieve your users an access token on