VSTS limit of hosted pipelines - azure-devops

We're using hosted agent pipeline/pools on VSTS. We've set the hosted pipelines count to 10. It's not enough for our needs, so I tried increasing the count, but the web UI for this does not allow me to (and a dead link shown there, which is supposed to explain on how to raise the limit).
Is there any official article or documentation mentioning this limit? Is there a way to remove that limitation or at least raise it?
The only mention on such a limit, which I've found was in one answer to a Stack Overflow question (on how to add agents to a queue in VSTS), and it mentions that 5 is the max (which is obviously an out of date information). It does not provide any source reference.
We are aware of the private pipelines / private build agents (which seem to have the limit set at 1000 and the same dead link to explain how to raise it). We are using those, but for this particular case, switching from hosted to private is not a viable option.
EDIT (2018-06-27):
Microsoft staff has mentioned the limit on the page of "Microsoft-hosted CI/CD" service in Visual Studio Marketplace, on the "Q & A" section in March 2018:
Currently, we have a hard limit of 10 Hosted pipelines. If more hosted
pipelines are needed, customers have to contact us and we will
increase the limit. Since, hosted pipelines come with a dedicated
azure agent, we have a check on the maximum anyone can buy and for
those accounts with the need for higher number of hosted agents, we
would like to allot them on case by case basis. We are currently
planning to increase the upper limit for Hosted Pipelines. You can
contact us here: "RM_Customerqueries at microsoft dot com" with your
account details and the number of hosted pipelines you need. We will
increase the hosted pipelines for you.
Although it mentions a way to increase the limit, a later question (2018-06-26) from another person states that it does not seem to work:
Is there an updated process for requesting more than 10 hosted agents?
Getting "undeliverable address" responses to the email listed in a
reply below from March.
EDIT (2018-12-31):
In the meantime I've tested a suggestion posted on UserVoice and have filed a support ticket via Azure Portal. This worked (after some clarifications) - the hosted agents pipeline limit was raised for our VSTS (currently Azure DevOps) account.
In the meantime, the page for ordering the agents was tweaked, so now it explains, that you should contact support (and has the mentioned previously link pointing to the Azure DevOps support page).

Submit a user voice here: Hosted pipeline limit


Azure devops pipeline is not running because you have reached the maximum number of requests that can run for parallelism

type 'Microsoft-Hosted Private'
Getting this error running a pipeline on a new account so there're enough credits/limits
It has been stuck for close 20+ hours now, have tried to recreate projects/subscriptions/pipelines and what not but no dice
There are similar questions on vscommunity but no answers so hoping someone has insights here
Turns out this is a "feature" implemented recently, closing this question
will leave it here till it's deleted or whatever in case someone stumbles upon this same error
The root cause of the stuck issue is that the pipeline microsoft-hosted agent for public and private projects in the new organization has been restricted in the latest update.
For more detailed info, you could refer to these two docs: Private Project Pipelines, Public Project Pipelines.
In Release 183, the reasons for adding restrictions are as follows:
Over the past few months, the situation has gotten substantially worse, with a high percentage of new public projects in Azure DevOps being used for crypto mining and other activities we classify as abusive. In addition to taking an increasing amount of energy from the team, this puts our hosted agent pools under stress and degrades the experience of all our users – both open-source and paid.
Private Project:
You could send email to azpipelines-freetier#microsoft.com in order to get your free tier.
Your name
Name of the Azure DevOps organization
Public Project:
You could send email to azpipelines-ossgrant#microsoft.com in order to get your free tier.
Your name
Azure DevOps organization for which you are requesting the free grant
Links to the repositories that you plan to build
Brief description of your project

Jira vs AzureDevOps Board

After discussing with Jira Support & lots of tech teams using it, here are a few tricks:
A large amount of Plugins slows down Jira - ex: InVision plugin
Same for "Custom fields": remove all the unnecessary ones
Minimize the amount of info within a card and keep Jira for delivery management only => we had too much info within the description of the cards (including tech specs) and that had a major impact on speed
There are known bugs regarding card editing, descriptions should be kept short
The issue
We encounter a lot of problems with Jira. The main ones being:
- Very slow
- Bugs when we edit a card: lost content
- Hard to configure
We are a team of ~20 (15 devs + 5 product).
We use the SCRUM methodology, but currently moving to KANBAN (similar though).
Some would like to use Azure DevOps instead of Jira.
I have serious doubts about the fact that it would be a good move. So here are my questions:
Do you encounter the problems mentioned above?
What do you think of Azure DevOps Board compared to Jira?
Is there any problem with Azure DevOps (vs Jira) that we should be aware of?
Thanks a lot!
ps: I could not find any recent discussion on this topic
Do you encounter the problems mentioned above?
Just personal experience, I haven't met such scenario so far: Lost content when editing card.
What do you think of Azure DevOps Board compared to Jira?
Hmm, I'm not familiar with Jira. I just find one document which may help: Azure Boards vs Jira Software
Is there any problem with Azure DevOps that we should be aware of?
This question is too board... Check the related documents for more details.

Azure DevOps Organization setup with cost at project level

I want to setup Azure DevOps organization wide. For that, we have decided that we will set up a single Azure DevOps organization and every team will work underneath this organization as separate project. The only challenge which I am getting is to determine the cost incurred by each project. Azure DevOps generates bill at organization level however we want to know how much a specific project incurred cost so that we can charge that team accordingly. I am not so much aware about azure devops billing prospects. Any insight would be very useful to me.
Currently there is no way to determine the cost incurred by each project, As you know the paid services(eg, paid basic access for users, paid ci/cd, paid test plan, etc) in azure devops are billed at organization level.
You can submit a suggest for such feature to be developed. Hopefully the development team will consider it and develop this feature.
You may have to manually calculate the paid resources(paid users, ci/cd(I found the build usage extension can be used to analyze ci/cd cost), paid test plans) that used by each project, and calculate a rough cost until the cost view for each project is developed.
You should be able to set unique custom tags, using the same per each specific project. Then from there you should be able to have cost propects based on tags specified by grouping on tags [1].
[1] https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/cost-management/quick-acm-cost-analysis

Limit of VSTS account with one email ID

My requirement is to create lots of VSTS account with one email ID (User ID) so I need to know,
how many VSTS account I can create with one email ID (User ID)?
How many Projects under one VSTS account I can create?
Please help me to get these answer so that i can take the decision accordingly. Thanks.
Currently there isn’t any official document to be referenced for the VSTS account limits with one email ID .
For the limitation of team projects per account, take a look at below reply from Ewald Hofman (PM of TFS) in MSFT:
The soft limit is indeed 300 projects (the limit doesn't show up
yet, but soon will) and we have a hard limit of 500.
Besides, usually we suggest you use one Team Project to rule them all.
The scope of a team project should be things that are related to each other. When you work on a product that is very closely related
you want to have everything in a single team project. For example
inside Microsoft, Windows, Office and VSTS products are all in a
single team project.
More details please take a look at the source link: Maximum Area nodes per level in TFS/VSTS?

What are the limitations of the "free" VSTS?

I'm currently evaluating VSTS, but I'm concerned about some of the limitations of the "free" version.
I believe there is a 10 GB storage limit. Is this for everything (source code, build artifacts, packages, etc.), and is there any way to increase this?
I've also seen a limit of four hours of build time per month - that's only 12 minutes a day! I'm finding that even a small solution takes a few minutes to build; our "real" solutions are significantly larger and we often check in code many times during a typical day.
What happens if this build limit is exceeded? Are you prevented from building until the next billing month?
Am I right in saying that purchasing a hosted pipeline (aka "hosted CI/CD") at US$40/month would overcome this limit?
I'm not sure where you got that idea from. There are no limits on storage for source code, packages, build artifacts, or test results that I'm aware of.
There is a 10 GB limit for hosted build agents, but that just refers to the amount of source code/build output that can be present on a single instance of the hosted agent. Honestly, if your source code is anywhere near 10 GB, you're going to find the hosted build agents to be inadequate anyway.
Regarding build, refer to the documentation. You can either pay for Microsoft-hosted agents or purchase private pipelines, which enable you to set up your own build infrastructure. Every VSTS account has one free private pipeline, so you actually don't need to pay anything extra at all, assuming you take on the job of maintaining your own build/release server and only need one thing to run at a time.
The "free" VSTS, as you say, has a limit of five users with basic access. For stakeholders, you can add as many as you need.
For build, you have up to 4 h/month. But if you want to use CI, that is probably not enough. If you will use it only to build at certain points manually, it could be a start.
With your free account you could download and install a private build agent. This will have no minute limits. So you could implement a CI build, for instance.
Hosted agents have up to 10 GB of storage. But again, if you use a private one, you will not have this limit. For other stuff like code, workitems and so on as far as I know there are no limits.
Here you can see how to buy more hosted agents.
Depending on your needs, you could go after Microsoft Action Pack, which will give you internal licenses for other Microsoft software as well as more VSTS users via an MSDN subscription.
Since you are evaluating, you can take a look at this link for more global resource limitations, but they are pretty high, since Microsoft itself uses VSTS.