Limit of VSTS account with one email ID - azure-devops

My requirement is to create lots of VSTS account with one email ID (User ID) so I need to know,
how many VSTS account I can create with one email ID (User ID)?
How many Projects under one VSTS account I can create?
Please help me to get these answer so that i can take the decision accordingly. Thanks.

Currently there isn’t any official document to be referenced for the VSTS account limits with one email ID .
For the limitation of team projects per account, take a look at below reply from Ewald Hofman (PM of TFS) in MSFT:
The soft limit is indeed 300 projects (the limit doesn't show up
yet, but soon will) and we have a hard limit of 500.
Besides, usually we suggest you use one Team Project to rule them all.
The scope of a team project should be things that are related to each other. When you work on a product that is very closely related
you want to have everything in a single team project. For example
inside Microsoft, Windows, Office and VSTS products are all in a
single team project.
More details please take a look at the source link: Maximum Area nodes per level in TFS/VSTS?


What happens when you set an organization's ownership to a business or an institution on GitHub?

I recently started a position at a new team. Their version control and programming best practices are non-existent. I'm trying to set up some infrastructure not only for myself and the one other computational researcher on my team, but also for future potential computational scientists who may join the team in the future.
To that end, I would like to create a GitHub organization to centralize all of our version-controlled code. However, one thing that is giving me pause is the wording of the organization creation page on GitHub:
The "This Organization belongs to:" menu is a bit unclear to me.
If I specify my employer, what does that mean functionally about the use and control of the organization settings? There is no one else in my team who is interested in or even wants to be the "head" of this organization on GitHub, it's just me, but I do not want to "own" this organization; I want it to exist for others after I potentially leave. It's not mine; it's my employer's. I am creating this GitHub organization on my institute's behalf.
If I type my employer's name, is that just a legal designation or will I be abdicating power over this GitHub to an account that doesn't even exist?
There was a Github discussion about this topic.
If in the future you (Owner) leave repositories and no one takes them, the company or institution can legally initiate a formal request to Github to retrieve the repositories.
In addition, the account is under the Github Corporate Terms of Service, instead of the Standard Service terms, see:

How to contact Microsoft about an issue with Visual Studio Marketplace?

I want to publish a maintenance update to a VSCode extension that I once published.
I published the extension while I was at university X, and now I am at university Y. Stupidly, I had used my university X email address for creating the Azure DevOps account for publishing the extension, and this email address does no longer exist, so I lost access to the Azure DevOps account. I still have access to the Github account of the source repository of the extension, so I can "prove" that I am the author.
I believe that as the author of an extension with a few hundred users it is well in the interest of Microsoft to support me with this. The problem is that since I am not a business customer of Microsoft, I see no way to contact them at all. Does someone have a support email address, perhaps?
If preferred, you can also contact me directly via
Before following any technical advice, you should first identify if there is any copyright/patent issue you neglected. "I published the extension while I was at university X" might be an indicator of such issues if you were employed in anyway and the actual work contracts might force you to grant copyright to the university. Be warned that some contracts don't even allow you to publish such on your own, so there might be bigger problems (the typical your code is not yours situation).
Once you iron out the non-technical part, it might be a good thing to end that old extension publisher account completely and start all over with a new publisher account.

What work item to select in Azure Devops Server (TFS)

I'm fairly new to the different work items available in Azure Devops Server 2020 (TFS) and wonder if I could get some advice on what to select.
I am the only developer in a project and have direct contact with the stakeholder. When the stakeholder report an issue should I then create an Issue/impediment that describes whats is wrong or needs to be changed. And then create a task or bug that I link to that issue/impediment?
You can use Agile Glossary to get some information.
A type of work item that helps track unplanned activities. Resolving
an issue or impediment requires more work beyond what was scheduled
based on actual requirements.
A type of work item that records a potential source of dissatisfaction
with the product.
You can use Bugs to report issues from your stakeholders and here you also use two ways:
Use bugs on the requirements level and create tasks under it.
Use bugs on tasks level and link them to affected user story or product backlog item.
Show bugs on backlogs and boards
Or you can use user stories/product backlog items as a record to enhance your product.

Sort test cases by number of related bugs on Azure DevOps

On Azure DevOps, I have a set of test cases and every test case has a number of related bugs (from 0 to you better not know :p). The link type here is "Tests".
I would like to sort the test cases by number of related bugs, to make an estimation of the most buggy parts of the software.
I've tried but I only found the option "Number of links" ("Nombre de liens associés" in French).
Thanks in advance.
EDIT: we use Azure DevOps Server, not Azure DevOps Service. Thus, unfortunately I can't follow the steps here:
Sort test cases by number of related bugs on Azure DevOps
For this issue , I am afraid it is currently unachievable in azure devops. Currently, there is no feature of sorting by related work items in azure devops.
Running the following query in the azure devops server, you can get all test cases containing related bugs , but you cannot sort these test cases.
Apart from the negative answer, I think what you want is a good idea! So I post a feature request here in DC forum. Anyone interested in this can vote for it and track it. You could vote that suggestion ticket and share your comment there,The product team would provide the updates if they view it.
You can do that only through customization:
Add a new field like Bugs Count or Active Bugs count. Add and manage fields for an inherited process
Create custom app to fill that field with real count of bugs through REST API. Wiql - Query By Wiql, Work Items - Update
Then you can use a column setting to edit the sort order of your query result.

How to migrate all collections in tfs2017 to vsts into a single vsts account

I am having a hard time migrating a tfs2017 update 1 to vsts. I am using microsoft's migration guide however I have managed to migrate a single collection and its users and team account into a vsts account (Dry run), but the issue is I cannot seem to find a way to migrate all the other collections into into that particular account, does anyone have faced situation like this or am I doing something wrong here, Or Is it possible or not, if yes then please throw some light on the possibility.
You can't. VSTS only supports one collection per account.
Your options are as follows:
Combine your existing collections into a single collection, then migrate that collection. This may be more or less difficult depending on the amount of data and history you have, and what amount of that you need to retain, and the fidelity at which you wish to retain it.
There is a concept called Organizations that will allow multiple VSTS accounts to be managed underneath a single umbrella, but it's still in preview.
Per the feature timeline, it's slated for third quarter 2017, so sometime this fall.