chosen-js css styles not loading - jquery-chosen

I'm having a problem using chosen-js where the styles aren't loading. I'm using webpack, so I'm not sure if there is an additional css file I need to include, but the npm package doesn't seem to have any additional css files.
It seems like it's just rendering as a normal list, and the styles are not imported.
So my question is, do I have to import an additional .css file for chosen.js to work (with webpack)?

Yes, there is chosen.css which you need to include.
This file is also present in the npm package.
Also make sure you have the .png files in scope.
Here is the content of the node_modules/chosen-js


Way to add all the missing imports in one go in Flutter?

Let's say, initially I have a screen which currently contains all the UI as well as the logic.
But now I want to separate the UI and the logic into two different files, and maybe some UI too.
Is there any extension or a terminal command that I can execute so that all the missing files will get imported?
NOTE: I know I can just copy all the imports from the original file, but then I would have also copied some unwanted imports. I just want to import the filed that are needed.

css file in rte_ckeditor in TYPO3 8.7.1 is not reloaded after modification

i try to implement own css styles in an individual style sheet file in rte_ckeditor in TYPO3 8.7.1. I run in the problem, that modifications in the style sheet are not recognized until i rename the style sheet.
Deleting the cache dont have any effect. I presume that the browser simply does not reload the style sheet.
Any ideas?
I found a workaround: Open the linked style sheet in an other browser window and manually reloading (forced reload) the content of this window after every modification. Not really nice - it interrupts the workflow a bit - but it works. After reloading the css the rte shows the new styles.
Version 8.7.9 and the issue still seems to exist.
What I do as a workaround is to open the ckeditor configuration (yaml) file as well and add "?v=1" to the defined filename, e.g.:
contentsCss: "EXT:tx_yourext/Resources/Public/Css/editor.css?v=1"
The yaml file does not get cached, so whenever I do changes in the CSS file, I also change the parameter inside the yaml file.

Carto OSM in TileMill- How to change to an other Stylesheet

I'm doing my first steps with CartoOSM in TileMill.
But since it has about twenty stylesheets (.mss) I can't see them all in TileMill because (depending on Window-Size) just the first six stylesheets are shown.
So how can I see the others ? I haven't found a way, yet!
Thanks for your answers!!
This is a known bug in Tilemill.
One easy workaround for this is to simply edit your mss files in your preferred text editor. Once you save your changes in your mss file, tilemill will re-render the map based on your changes to your mss file.

Can't get TinyMCE to pick up my own CSS file

I have followed the instructions here
and created my own CSS file in my Apps root folder, referenced it using
content_css : "mycontent.css",
but it never gets picked up.
We are using TinyMCE '3.5.6' If I make changes to the content.css file these are picked up ok so it's not a caching issue. Any ideas on what else to try?

xcode conditional compilation

I have following issue: I have an iPhone application which can be compiled using various color styles. So the goal is to have several build configurations with defined style, for instance COLOR_STYLE_BLACK. Style definition files should be placed under some subfolder in source tree, like, for example Classes/styles/black. Then, in App_Prefix.pch I'd like to #import files from respective subfolder, like following:
#import "styles/black/DefaultStyle.h"
But the issue is that I cannot make XCode to import files from subfolders. It seems XCode does not allows folder structures in project, or at least I cannot figure out how to do it.
When I add folders as folder references to the project, XCode copies them to the Rersources folder, but does not add them to Compile sources build phase and reports errors on missing files.
Thanks for any tip or advice on this.
The bigger issue here is that you're hardcoding your theme in sourcecode.
Its only ever the most extreme customisation that should be done this way. Its sound advice that your theme should be in artwork and you should select it at runtime by varying the path you load the artwork from and such.