Ionic 3 Adding Multiple Tab Navigations on a single tab or page - ionic-framework

I am using Ionic v3 and need to implement a page where i have few tabs on bottom of the home screen to navigate to all other sections of the application. Implemented the same by starting ionic tabs template in starting using ionic start exapp tabs with multiple tabs available in the footer of the application, but now in one tab selected navigate to I need to implement two tabs on the top just after the toolbar. Applicable only for that page but am unable to do so. refereed to Ionic tabs documentation link but unable to resolve the issue.
For better explanation of the question we can consider the example below where I need the nested option to come only on the option tab click.


Creating tabs ,each with different content in flutter

I am making a blogging application using flutter. I want to create a tab bar with each tab showing different content. The number of tabs is determined by the number of different categories obtained through an API. Also the content of each tab is obtained through api.
It is silimilar to what we see in Google news application.
How to ceate such tab view? Also I want to make sure that apis for fetching the content of each tab are called only once.
You can use persistent tabbar solutions.
Cupertino tabbar provides a solution. Also you can use these packages

Ionic segments inside ionic tab not displaying child page properly

I'm using Ionic Tabs layout for my ionic3 application. Inside 1st tabpage, i have 2 ionic-segments (both of them have their own pages.).
Issue is when i click 1st Ionic-tab it then 2 segments are displayed properly but Page content of any of segments are not displaying.
For detailed information, please visit below question link i've posted to ionic forum.
I just converted my Page into Component and it's working as expected now.

Ionic 2 Changing between tab pages

I am trying to change between two tab pages that have different tabs. Basically what I want is to have a two tab page at the bottom when the app is first opened, but when the user logs in, then change to a four page tab system. I am able to switch between pages, but the tabs stay. setRoot() doesn't work with changing the tabs at the bottom to the new tabs page and neither does pop() or push(). Is there a way to switch between the tabs pages to where they change from a two tab system to a four tab system after a button is clicked?

How to implement Sliding tabs in ionic v1?

I am new in hybrid app development and I want to implement sliding Tabs in ionic v1. I searched for this topic on google but all gives code solution in ionic 2. And I am working on Ionic v1. Is it possible to implement sliding tab like material design in ionic v1?
I have solve this issue,It can difficult to create slide tab in ionic 1
but I have long research after i will found one code of slide tab follow this link to full code of sliding tab

Facebook tab application - application controlled icons / tab translations?

Is it possible to control a tab icon?
over tab settings?
over an API?
Why I'm asking: I'm trying to implement top company information into tabs. It's just one application. I can manually change the icon if I create a new application for each tab.
Is it possible to create one application that controls loaded iframe URL and change the icon from tab settings?
I don't think this is possible. Have a look at the tabs section in the page document, you can only update three parameters: position, custom_name and is_non_connection_landing_tab