Ionic 2 Changing between tab pages - ionic-framework

I am trying to change between two tab pages that have different tabs. Basically what I want is to have a two tab page at the bottom when the app is first opened, but when the user logs in, then change to a four page tab system. I am able to switch between pages, but the tabs stay. setRoot() doesn't work with changing the tabs at the bottom to the new tabs page and neither does pop() or push(). Is there a way to switch between the tabs pages to where they change from a two tab system to a four tab system after a button is clicked?


Changing screen contents by clicking a specific tab

I am using a TabBar in the middle of my screen, there are 4 tabs. I want to change the content above the tabbar when I click on the 3rd tab.
for the first 2 tabs I want to show a text with a searchbar and when I click the 3rd or 4th tab I want to replace the text and the searchbar to another text and a row of Weekdays.
This is the content I am showing (currently) for all the tabs
This is what I want to show when I click the "To Do" or the "Blog" tab
As I am new to Flutter, I have been working for months with the frontend and haven't faced such an issue. so I haven't tried anything.
Here is the main screen where I am displaying the Text and the SearchBar, works fine for the first 2 tabs but I want to change the text and the Searchbar when for the rest of 2 tabs (To Do & Blogs tabs)
This is the TabBar with the Tabs.

Navigation component deeplink with nested graphs on Bottom tab causes navigating to each bottom tab item on back press

I am facing a very weird issue on my code. I have 4 bottom tabs on my app. Say btm_tab1, btm_tab2, btm_tab3 and btm_tab4.
Each bottom tab has its own Nav graph. Say graph_1, graph_2, graph_3 and graph_4 respectively for each of the bottom tab. And there is a common graph say common_graph which is included in all of the four bottom tab's nav graph.
Common graph contains 3 destination and one of the destination has a deeplink on it.
When i open this deeplink it redirects me to the correct destination but when i press back from the destination it goes back to each of the bottom tab with that destination opened. I know it is common as per offical docs but this is requirement of use case and i don't want to add single destination/fragment in each of the bottom tab graphs.
So, anyone know how to solve this problem?

Flutter : Switching from one tab to another from Tab bar causing building of tabs in between

I have a page with 10 tabs and I notice that when I jump from Tab 1 to Tab 10, some of the tabs in between are built and disposed off.
I do not want this behaviour as each tab makes heavy network calls.
How can I avoid this behaviour?

hide all tabs pickers on opening a subPage rather than just the parents tabs

We have this design for our Ionic app
This is made by our main page having a tabs component displayed at the top and the schedule page having a tabs component with buttons displayed at the bottom.
When a user clicks on one of the cards (that’s in the page scheduleActivities) it does a function which does
tabsHideOnSubPages boolean has been set on all places as well as on each tab element and behaves normally for most cases in the application.
However in this case, the tabs bar in the parent hides correctly (the tabs at the top), but the tabs bar in the parents parent (the one at the bottom that is rendered the home screen) does not.
Is it possible to change the behaviour to hide all tabs pickers, on opening a subPage rather than just the parents tabs.
Initially raised on the Ionic forums here -

Coda Slider Tab Navigation

I am using Coda-Slider for my website and I want to know if there is a way to change the content of each tab. For example, the user navigates onto tab2 where I placed a link to redirect the user to another page. Is there a way NOT to navigate away from the page nor the tab but instead load the link inside the tab? I was thinking it would look something like a modal box that would stay inside the tab instead of popping up.
see 19. Coda-Slider Sliding Tabs or you might want to try 35. JQuery IDTabs if you want the effect to be non-intrusive