I am trying to update realm list but for some reason, it deletes last one and adds only new one instead.
This is what I am doing:
if !RealmService.shared.ifPortfolioExists(name: newPortfolio.name){//Check if portfolio with given name already exists
newPortfolio.transactions.append(newTransaction)//Add new transaction to the portfolio's transactions list
newTransaction.portfolio = newPortfolio//Link portfolio to transaction
newTransaction.portfolio = newPortfolio
And this is the create function:
func create<T: Object>(_ object: T){
do {
try realm.write{
realm.add(object, update: true)
} catch {
I also have primaryKeys() like mentioned in documentation.
What I am doing wrong, can somebody please explain?
Per the Realm class description, the object has to have a primary key for the update to work. Since you didn’t mention that, I assume your realm object lacks it.
Only pass true to update if the object has a primary key. If no object exists in the Realm with the same primary key value, the object is inserted. Otherwise, the existing object is updated with any changed values.
Solution was that I had to get all the current ones first.
This is the logic I applied:
let currentTransactions = RealmService.shared.realm.objects(Transaction.self).filter("portfolio_name = '\(selectedPortfolioName)'")
if !RealmService.shared.ifPortfolioExists(name: newPortfolio.name){
for transaction in currentTransactions{
newTransaction.portfolio = newPortfolio
for transaction in currentTransactions{
newTransaction.portfolio = newPortfolio
this function takes a ServicePoint object as argument, which has the following attributes:
adminId (String)
name (String)
serviceType (enum)
I want this function to create a new Table with name: "name+adminId". This is achieved.
Also I want this function to create a new Table (if it is not there already) by the name ServicePoints.
ServicePoints stores the relationship between user (with objectId = adminId) and the new Table.
To achieve this, I set "serviceTable" attribute with value as the new Table created, acting as a pointer.
When I run the code first time, I achieve the required tables. But, when I run the function second time, it doesn't add the new row/record to ServicePoints table.
I don't know why.
UPDATE I found that set ParseObject operation is the culprit. But, to my surprize, it executes successfully for the very first time. But fails every next time. This is really absurd behaviour from parse_server_sdk_flutter.
Future<bool> createServicePoint(ServicePoint servicePoint) async {
String newServicePointName = servicePoint.name + servicePoint.adminId;
var newServiceTable = ParseObject(newServicePointName);
var response = await newServiceTable.save();
if (response.success) {
print('Now adding new row to ServicePoints table');
var servicePointsTable = ParseObject('ServicePoints')
..set<String>("serviceName", servicePoint.name)
..set<String>("adminId", servicePoint.adminId)
..set<String>("serviceType", _typeToLabel[servicePoint.serviceType])
..set<ParseObject>("serviceTable", newServiceTable);
var recentResponse = await servicePointsTable.save();
return recentResponse.success;
} else {
return false;
If anyone runs into this problem, you need to check the result after saving the ParseObject. If there is error like "Can't save into non-existing class/table", then just go to the dashboard and create the table first.
I'm having a huge issue that I've been trying for days to get through. I have a scenario in which I'm trying to handle an Insert Conflict in my Xamarin project. The issue is that the record in the Cloud DB doesn't exist because there was an issue with a foreign key constraint so I'm in a scenario in which the sync conflict handler needs to delete the local record along with the record in the __operations table in SQLite. I've tried everything. Purge with the override set to 'true' so that it should delete the local record and all operations associated. Doesn't work. I've been just trying to force delete it by accessing the SQL store manually:
var id = localItem[MobileServiceSystemColumns.Id];
var operationQuery = await store.ExecuteQueryAsync("__operations", $"SELECT * FROM __operations WHERE itemId = '{id}'", null).ConfigureAwait(false);
var syncOperation = operationQuery.FirstOrDefault();
var tableName = operation.Table.TableName;
await store.DeleteAsync(tableName, new List<string>(){ id.ToString() });
if (syncOperation != null)
await store.DeleteAsync("__operations", new List<string>() { syncOperation["id"].ToString() }).ConfigureAwait(false);
I am able to query the __operations table and I can see the ID of the item I want to delete. The DeleteAsync method runs without exception but no status is returned so I have no idea if this worked or not. When I try to sync again the operation stubbornly exists. This seems ridiculous. How do I just delete an operation without having to sync with the web service? I'm about to dig down further and try to force it even harder by using the SQLiteRaw library but I'm really really hoping I'm missing something obvious? Can anyone help? THANKS!
You need to have a subclass of the Microsoft.WindowsAzure.MobileServices.Sync.MobileServiceSyncHandler class, which overrides OnPushCompleteAsync() in order to handle conflicts and other errors. Let's call the class SyncHandler:
public class SyncHandler : MobileServiceSyncHandler
public override async Task OnPushCompleteAsync(MobileServicePushCompletionResult result)
foreach (var error in result.Errors)
await ResolveConflictAsync(error);
await base.OnPushCompleteAsync(result);
private static async Task ResolveConflictAsync(MobileServiceTableOperationError error)
Debug.WriteLine($"Resolve Conflict for Item: {error.Item} vs serverItem: {error.Result}");
var serverItem = error.Result;
var localItem = error.Item;
if (Equals(serverItem, localItem))
// Items are the same, so ignore the conflict
await error.CancelAndUpdateItemAsync(serverItem);
else // check server item and local item or the error for criteria you care about
// Cancels the table operation and discards the local instance of the item.
await error.CancelAndDiscardItemAsync();
Include an instance of this SyncHandler() when you initialize your MobileServiceClient:
await MobileServiceClient.SyncContext.InitializeAsync(store, new SyncHandler()).ConfigureAwait(false);
Read up on the MobileServiceTableOperationError to see other conflicts you can handle as well as its methods to allow resolving them.
I came across a strange behaviour. Even though my unit tests are passing, I don;t quite understand this.
func testDeleteMoment() {
// Create a Moment for current user
let expectCreate = expectation(description: "create moment should succeed")
Datastore.shared.createMoment(notes: "myNotes", rating: 1, time: Date(), location: "", isPublic: true, completion: {(success, error) in
waitForExpectations(timeout: 5) { (error) in
XCTAssertNil(error, "Test timed out. \(String(describing: error?.localizedDescription))")
let query = PFQuery(className: "Moment")
var objectId = ""
do {
query.whereKey("owner", equalTo:PFUser.current()!)
let object = try query.getFirstObject()
objectId = object.objectId!
} catch {}
let task = Datastore.shared.deleteMoment(id: objectId)
let query2 = PFQuery(className: "Moment")
query2.whereKey("owner", equalTo:PFUser.current()!)
let task3 = query2.countObjectsInBackground()
XCTAssertEqual(task3.result, 0)
While writing my datastore.deleteMoment(), I noticed that unlike saveEventually(), deleteEventually() doesn't have a completion handler. Instead, it only comes with a BFTask<NSNumber>. Hence I experimented with the following code and the unit test passes to my surprise.
func deleteMoment(id: String) -> BFTask<NSNumber> {
let pfMoment = PFObject(className:"Moment")
pfMoment.objectId = id
return pfMoment.deleteEventually()
How comes that I don't have to retrieve the object before hand in order to delete it? Why isn't there then just a method to delete the object via an id, instead of doing it like this?
How comes that I don't have to retrieve the object before hand in order to delete it?
Parse lets you work with "shell objects". Basically, if you know the object id you can attach it to a blank instance of a Parse Object subclass and do some actions on it. You can create a shell, assign a couple values, and call object.save() and it will update just those fields. You can create a blank object, assign an id, then call object.fetch() to obtain it, without having to have gotten the object from a query or pointer on another object.
The reason it works is because in order to perform the database operations, the object id and class name are the only pieces of information required. If you just want to update a couple fields, you don't need to pull all of the rest of the data to do so. And if you want to destroy an object, why would you need all of it's data locally first? You just need to remove the entry in the database with the matching _id.
Why isn't there then just a method to delete the object via an id, instead of doing it like this?
Nobody has built it yet. Parse is open source, and while it's a pretty phenomenal resource today, there's certainly a lot of room for improvement. Feel free to add this feature and create a PR. Though you could easily build your own wrapper by extending the Parse.Object class with this function, that basically does what you already did under the hood.
I am developing a plugin in crm 5.0 to retrieve date "ct_valuedate" from an entity called "ct_marketvalue" and formatting and saving in a field called "ct_dateserial"
I get an error while I debug "The given key was not present in the dictionary"
public class MarketValueDateFormatting : PluginBase
protected override void ExecutePlugin()
switch (_crmMessage)
case CrmPluginMessageEnum.Create:
if (_context.InputParameters.Contains("ct_marketvalue"))
//Obtain the logical name of the entity
string moniker1 = ((EntityReference)_context.InputParameters["EntityMoniker"]).LogicalName;
//Verify that the target entity represents an Account.
//If not, this plug-in was not registered correctly.
if (moniker1.Equals("ct_marketvalue"))
Entity marketvalueimage = (Entity)_context.PostEntityImages["ct_marketvalue"];
Guid marketvalueid = marketvalueimage.Id;
if (marketvalueimage.Contains("ct_valuedate"))
DateTime dateserial = (DateTime)marketvalueimage.Attributes["ct_valuedate"];
String dateserialstring = dateserial.ToString("YYYYMMdd");
Ct_marketvalue marketvalue = new Ct_marketvalue();
marketvalue.Ct_dateserial = dateserialstring;
marketvalue.Id = marketvalueid;
catch (Exception ex)
throw ex;
Few notes about your code.
You should check in your code that _context.PostEntityImages contains "ct_marketvalue". It's possible either to forgot register or to do a mistake in image name.
Might be better use .ToEntity rather than access attributes using .Attributes["ct_valuedate"].
I'm not sure what is purpose of the plugin you wrote, but it looks it is post stage plugin and it updates the same entity instance, that was in InputParameters. Might be better to make this plugin pre stage and update value directly in InputParameters. Because, if not "The given key was not present in the dictionary" exception, it will cause infinite loop. You will need check context.Depth.
I'm scratching my head here, as usual it seems with node projects, and I'm not sure if I'm doing something wrong or if I've run into a bug.
I've got a schema of Server that can have any number of embedded docs called services. I'm running into a problem though where, even though I've successfully removed the individual service from the server object, when I tell it to save it doesn't remove it from the database. The save function is working because it's saving any changes I've made and is also pushing in new embedded docs, it's just not removing one that are already there.
Here is a relatively simplified example of my code:
app.put('/server/:id', function(req, res, next){
app.Server.findOne({_id: req.params.id}, function(err, server) {
server.updated = new Date();
for (var num = _.size(req.body.server.services) - 1; num >= 0; num--){
// Is this a new service or an existing one
if (server.services[num]) {
// Is it marked for deletion? If so, delete it
if (req.body.server.services[num].delete == "true") {
} else { // else, update it
server.services[num].type = req.body.server.services[num].type
} else {
// It's new, add it
delete req.body.server.services[num]["delete"]
if (!err) {
req.flash('success', 'Server updated')
} else {
req.flash('error', 'Err, Something broke when we tried to save your server. Sorry!')
So the remove() is actually removing the service. If I do a server.toObject() before the save, it's not there. Any ideas why it wouldn't be removing it from the database when it saves?
Edit: I suppose the version numbers would be helpful. node#0.4.2, mongoose#1.1.5 express#2.0.0rc
I could be wrong, since I've not tested your example, but this sounds like Mongoose isn't detecting that the embedded document is modified.
From the schema types documentation page:
Since it is a schema-less type, you can change the value to anything else you like, but Mongoose loses the ability to auto detect/save those changes. To "tell" Mongoose that the value of a Mixed type has changed, call the .markModified(path) method of the document passing the path to the Mixed type you just changed.
person.anything = { x: [3, 4, { y: "changed" }] };
person.save(); // anything will now get saved
So you answer might be as simple as using the markModified() function.
I found a way to temporary fix this problem.
What I did is load the embedded documents into an array, splice the one to be deleted and replace the array. Something like this:
var oldusers = dl.users;
oldusers.splice(dl.users.indexOf(req.currentUser.id), 1);
dl.users = oldusers;
dl.save(function(err) {...
I know that depending on the size of the document it will