Flutter Parse Server Sdk not saving the second object in the table (class) - flutter

this function takes a ServicePoint object as argument, which has the following attributes:
adminId (String)
name (String)
serviceType (enum)
I want this function to create a new Table with name: "name+adminId". This is achieved.
Also I want this function to create a new Table (if it is not there already) by the name ServicePoints.
ServicePoints stores the relationship between user (with objectId = adminId) and the new Table.
To achieve this, I set "serviceTable" attribute with value as the new Table created, acting as a pointer.
When I run the code first time, I achieve the required tables. But, when I run the function second time, it doesn't add the new row/record to ServicePoints table.
I don't know why.
UPDATE I found that set ParseObject operation is the culprit. But, to my surprize, it executes successfully for the very first time. But fails every next time. This is really absurd behaviour from parse_server_sdk_flutter.
Future<bool> createServicePoint(ServicePoint servicePoint) async {
String newServicePointName = servicePoint.name + servicePoint.adminId;
var newServiceTable = ParseObject(newServicePointName);
var response = await newServiceTable.save();
if (response.success) {
print('Now adding new row to ServicePoints table');
var servicePointsTable = ParseObject('ServicePoints')
..set<String>("serviceName", servicePoint.name)
..set<String>("adminId", servicePoint.adminId)
..set<String>("serviceType", _typeToLabel[servicePoint.serviceType])
..set<ParseObject>("serviceTable", newServiceTable);
var recentResponse = await servicePointsTable.save();
return recentResponse.success;
} else {
return false;

If anyone runs into this problem, you need to check the result after saving the ParseObject. If there is error like "Can't save into non-existing class/table", then just go to the dashboard and create the table first.


Flutter / SQFLite adding rows rawInsert

I am working with an existant SQLite database that is copied from assets. Further now everything is alright but when trying to insert some data in the table an error appears:
DatabaseException(no such table: Parametre (code 1 SQLITE_ERROR[1])
and this is my :
Future<bool> insertUser (String user, String depot, String pwd) async {
int result = 0;
Database database = await openDatabase(dbPath);
final db = await database;
try {
result = await db.rawInsert(
'INSERT INTO Parametre (USER, DEPOT) VALUES ("$user", "$depot")');
return true;
return false;
what have i missed?
Alright, the problem appeared to be in the dbPath. The dbPath was set to 'assets/myDatabase.db'. First step was to copy the database from the assets to the app.
Second after copying the database i don't have to use the full path to openDatabase. The right way was to use only the database name, means openDatabase('myDatabase.db').
From the looks of it, either you've mispelled the table name Parametre or you don't have a table with that name in your database. You should run a CREATE TABLE statement to create the table somewhere before (or, if you have it in your code, it has not been run or contains some other error).
It may help you knowing that sqflite provides two great arguments to its openDatabase method: onCreate and onUpdate. They allow you to call a custom function when the database is created (a simple way to create all the tables your app needs at the first run) and another different function to update your database by adding tables or altering columns if you just provide a coherent version argument to the same openDatabase function.

Azure Mobile Offline Sync: Cannot delete an operation from __operations

I'm having a huge issue that I've been trying for days to get through. I have a scenario in which I'm trying to handle an Insert Conflict in my Xamarin project. The issue is that the record in the Cloud DB doesn't exist because there was an issue with a foreign key constraint so I'm in a scenario in which the sync conflict handler needs to delete the local record along with the record in the __operations table in SQLite. I've tried everything. Purge with the override set to 'true' so that it should delete the local record and all operations associated. Doesn't work. I've been just trying to force delete it by accessing the SQL store manually:
var id = localItem[MobileServiceSystemColumns.Id];
var operationQuery = await store.ExecuteQueryAsync("__operations", $"SELECT * FROM __operations WHERE itemId = '{id}'", null).ConfigureAwait(false);
var syncOperation = operationQuery.FirstOrDefault();
var tableName = operation.Table.TableName;
await store.DeleteAsync(tableName, new List<string>(){ id.ToString() });
if (syncOperation != null)
await store.DeleteAsync("__operations", new List<string>() { syncOperation["id"].ToString() }).ConfigureAwait(false);
I am able to query the __operations table and I can see the ID of the item I want to delete. The DeleteAsync method runs without exception but no status is returned so I have no idea if this worked or not. When I try to sync again the operation stubbornly exists. This seems ridiculous. How do I just delete an operation without having to sync with the web service? I'm about to dig down further and try to force it even harder by using the SQLiteRaw library but I'm really really hoping I'm missing something obvious? Can anyone help? THANKS!
You need to have a subclass of the Microsoft.WindowsAzure.MobileServices.Sync.MobileServiceSyncHandler class, which overrides OnPushCompleteAsync() in order to handle conflicts and other errors. Let's call the class SyncHandler:
public class SyncHandler : MobileServiceSyncHandler
public override async Task OnPushCompleteAsync(MobileServicePushCompletionResult result)
foreach (var error in result.Errors)
await ResolveConflictAsync(error);
await base.OnPushCompleteAsync(result);
private static async Task ResolveConflictAsync(MobileServiceTableOperationError error)
Debug.WriteLine($"Resolve Conflict for Item: {error.Item} vs serverItem: {error.Result}");
var serverItem = error.Result;
var localItem = error.Item;
if (Equals(serverItem, localItem))
// Items are the same, so ignore the conflict
await error.CancelAndUpdateItemAsync(serverItem);
else // check server item and local item or the error for criteria you care about
// Cancels the table operation and discards the local instance of the item.
await error.CancelAndDiscardItemAsync();
Include an instance of this SyncHandler() when you initialize your MobileServiceClient:
await MobileServiceClient.SyncContext.InitializeAsync(store, new SyncHandler()).ConfigureAwait(false);
Read up on the MobileServiceTableOperationError to see other conflicts you can handle as well as its methods to allow resolving them.

Azure Mobile Services Node.js update column field count during read query

I would like to update a column in a specific row in Azure Mobile Services using server side code (node.js).
The idea is that the column A (that stores a number) will increase its count by 1 (i++) everytime a user runs a read query from my mobile apps.
Please, how can I accomplish that from the read script in Azure Mobile Services.
Thanks in advance,
Check out the examples in the online reference. In the table Read script for the table you're tracking you will need to do something like this. It's not clear whether you're tracking in the same table the user is reading, or in a separate counts table, but the flow is the same.
Note that if you really want to track this you should log read requests to another table and tally them after the fact, or use an external analytics system (Google Analytics, Flurry, MixPanel, Azure Mobile Engagement, etc.). This way of updating a single count field in a record will not be accurate if multiple phones read from the table at the same time -- they will both read the same value x from the tracking table, increment it, and update the record with the same value x+1.
function read(query, user, request) {
var myTable = tables.getTable('counting');
tableName: 'verses'
success: updateCount
function updateCount(results) {
if (results.length > 0) {
// tracking record was found. update and continue normal execution.
var trackingRecord = results[0];
trackingRecord.count = trackingRecord.count + 1;
myTable.update(trackingRecord, { success: function () {
} else {
console.log('error updating count');
request.respond(500, 'unable to update read count');
Hope this helps.
Edit: fixed function signature and table names above, adding another example below
If you want to track which verses were read (if your app can request one at a time) you need to do the "counting" request and update after the "verses" request, because the script doesn't tell you up front which verse records the user requested.
function read(query, user, request) {
request.execute( { success: function(verseResults) {
if (verseResults.length === 1) {
var countTable = tables.getTable('counting');
verseId: verseResults[0].id
success: updateCount
function updateCount(results) {
if (results.length > 0) {
// tracking record was found. update and continue normal execution.
var trackingRecord = results[0];
trackingRecord.count = trackingRecord.count + 1;
} else {
console.log('error updating count');
Another note: make sure your counting table has an index on the column you're selecting by (tableName in the first example, verseId in the second).

Modify SingleResult<T> from TableController in Azure Mobile Services before returning it to the client?

I am using Azure Mobile Services. I have a TableController<Photo>. In the controller, I can retrieve a single photo by id successfully. No problems using the following method:
public SingleResult<Photo> GetPhoto(string id)
return Lookup(id);
However, since the photo is stored in Azure storage as a private blob, I want to tack on the SAS (Shared access signature) to allow my mobile client direct read access to the Azure blob for a given period of time.
In the GetPhoto call, I am successfully retrieving the SAS using the CloudBlobClient (removed for brevity).
I have defined a property on Photo called SasQueryString. I want to set it on the <Photo> object retrieved using Lookup(id) but the data returned from Lookup(id) is an IQueryable, not my strongly typed Photo object.
//! INCORRECT ! -- because photoResult is IQueryable
public SingleResult<Photo> GetPhoto(string id)
SingleResult<Photo> photoResult = Lookup(id);
//SingleResult<Photo> does not contain SasQueryString
photoResult.SasQueryString = "SAS from CloudBlobClient";
return photoResult;
If I do this, I can set the SasQueryString:
Photo photoResult = (Photo)Lookup(id).Queryable.FirstOrDefault<Photo>();
photoResult.SasQueryString = "SAS from CloudBlobClient";
However, I'm not sure how to return this strongly typed object as a SingleResult<Photo>.
//! INCORRECT ! -- this doesn't work because the Create method expects an IQueryable
return SingleResult<Photo>.Create(photoResult);
I've also tried this but photoResult is anIQueryable so I can't set the strongly typed SasQueryString value this way either.
var photoResult = Lookup(id).Queryable.Select(x => new Photo()
Id = x.Id,
TheOtherFields = x.TheOtherFields
photoResult.SasQueryString = "SAS from CloudBlobClient";
I am obviously missing something crucial here but it seems like I should be able to combine the lookup for the photo and the request for the SAS into a single call that returns my photo data after tacking on the SAS ticket...
== UPDATE ==
I found the following example: Creating a Leaderboard App with Azure Mobile Services .NET Backend. It is doing something similar to what I want to do but I have yet to try it.
// GET tables/PlayerRank/48D68C86-6EA6-4C25-AA33-223FC9A27959
public SingleResult<PlayerRankDto> GetPlayerRank(string id)
var result = Lookup(id).Queryable.Select(x => new PlayerRankDto()
Id = x.Id,
PlayerName = x.Player.Name,
Score = x.Score,
Rank = x.Rank
return SingleResult<PlayerRankDto>.Create(result);
which modified for my situation might look like the following:
public SingleResult<Photo> GetPhoto(string id)
var result = Lookup(id).Queryable.Select(x => new Photo()
Id = x.Id,
ImageUri = x.ImageUri,
SasQueryString = GetSas(id),
return SingleResult<PlayerRankDto>.Create(result);
You are not doing it the right way:
When you get the a list of Photos or a Photo it will give the data from storage in database and SasQueryString is not storaged, only the Url from blob storage should be;
You only provide SasQueryString in Insert or Update methods, because you need to define the url or update the url if need;
Note: Get methods do not change data
When a client app insert a photo the backend should do:
create the url for the photo and generate the SasQueryString
save the photo, with the url create, in database
before return the photo set the SasQueryString
client app upload the image to blob using the SasQueryString and url you provided
Why you have a Photo and a Controller for Photo???
If you have an object "Car" that has an image, it should have "car.Url" and a class similar to BlobItem.cs and you can see BlobStorageExtensions.cs.
Note: BlobItem.cs will be a not mapped property, I do not want save it on database.
I need to create a sample with it and the nugets...

Caching a result from EF

I have this method for retrieving a result from my context and caching it using MemoryCache.
public IEnumerable<CustomerRole> GetCustomerRoles()
string key = String.Format(CC_CACHE_CUSTOMER_ROLE_ALL, "all");
return _cacheManager.Get(key, () =>
return from r in _customerRoleRepository.Table select r;
I then use this in my view like
#foreach (CustomerRole role in Model)
The problem I have is that because the actual result isn't executed until the data is accessed (in my view), it's not actually caching the result.
How do I force this query to run via my caching function rather than waiting until the data is used?
I've not included what _cacheManager.Get() does as I know it's caching whatever I send to it properly but if you think that is the problem, let me know and I will post the relative code.
Note: I have tried doing it this way hoping it would force the query to run but still no luck
public IEnumerable<CustomerRole> GetCustomerRoles()
string key = String.Format(CC_CACHE_CUSTOMER_ROLE_ALL, "all");
return _cacheManager.Get(key, () =>
var roles = from r in _customerRoleRepository.Table select r;
return roles.Take(roles.Count());
You need to call a method like ToList() to force linq to get the data. Then just add that list to your cache.