Elastic Search in TYPO3 7.6 custom extension? - typo3

I want implement ElasticSearch in TYPO3 7.6 But i don't know how to implement it inside my custom extension. Please help me here..!!
Thanks In Advance.

There is the mksearch extension, but it does not work on 7.6. You can still take a look at the code to see if you can re-use some parts of it.
Another place I would go to borrow some code is the Elastic Search integration package for FLOW


Can I use TYPO3's RTE in a front end plugin?

I have a custom extension, and i need to use some form of text editor in the front-end. According to the documentation, it should be possible, but the documentation and tutorials seem to be deprecated. I think this is not available in typo3 7.6 :
Can it be done somehow or do i need to install another extension for this, maybe just a viewhelper? Thank you in advance.
I did lots of researches trying to use the rtehtmlarea in the FE, but failed. Then, I realized I could use any RTE, as they are nothing but js+css. All I need is to render the contents with RTE.FE, like how the BE does, and save the result into the database, which is all I want. I have already done this in many sites, using standalone tinymce, and it works great. So, I think maybe you could try this solution.
To be honest, that feature worked only in theory and never in reality. Use an RTE like ckeditor or whatever fits best

TYPO3: nested entities in TCA

For a new extension in Typo3 i need to know how the functionality seen in this picture can be realised in TCA and how to implement it? It would be great to know how it is called. Icant find it anywhere and i think this is a core functionality because the same feature is used in TemplaVoila too. The current installed Typo3 Version is 4.5 (LTS). I have no idea how to start. Please help me.
best regards
The feature is called Inline Relational Record Editing, short IRRE. The TCA-type is "inline".

How to place TYPO3 frontend output in anywhere

I am new to TYPO3 and creating a TYPO3 extension. Extension can be added to a given place by the BE using the wizard. No problem.
My question is how can I add/call extension manually any place I want. For example among text.
What i mean is like Joomlas Mambots. Call the extension inside {myextentionName} among text for example.
Please any idea/help with an example is kindly appreciate.
You can find the TypoScript definition for each plugin below tt_content.list.20.<plugin-key>.
On top of that, most plugins provide a fully working version below plugin.<ext-key>.
If all fails, you can use the USER object to call the plugin directly. You will find an example in one of the above paths, because that is what the plugins to after all.
You can use typoscript tree and plugin keyword with the extension name for example plugin.xxxx.pi1.

Typo3: creating sideblock using PHP code

I have a piece of PHP code which I would like to integrate into Typo3 as a sideblock for a custom extension I have written.
Can someone tell me how to integrate PHP code into Typo3 as a sideblock or alternatively point me towards some sample code I can look at. I don't want to use typoscript or anything like that, just plain PHP code but so far I have been unable to find a method of doing so.
Any tips would me much appreciated.
I think you need use typo3 "userfunc". The below link may help you:
You might also consider the tscobj extension (http://typo3.org/extensions/repository/view/tscobj), which allows you to include an object like the one created by typo3wizards userfunc-code provided by Sankar V, as a content element in the editing environment of TYPO3. Remember to use "lib." as top-level identifier instead of "temp.", as is done in the snippet for typo3wizard.
Create a small extensions with the TYPO3 Extension kickstarter and insert it as a content element on the "sideblock part" of you website.

Is it possible to replace the RTE in TYPO3?

I found a better JS RTE out there and would like to know how to replace the TYPO3 default with the one I found. I googled a lot but couldn't find anything stating how to achieve this.
This is not easily possible without "loosing" many TYPO3 features, because the rtehtmlarea highly integrated into TYPO3.
Especially the link handling is custom, so you would have to write special support to make this work.
A possible replacement is tinemce_rte. It works fairly well, but it does a little more than just replacing the editor with tinymce, e.g. it also adds custom linkhandler support. You can look into this extension if you really want to do this work.
You can download tinyrte or ask in tinyrte forum how to replace htmlarea. Here is the download link: http://typo3.org/extensions/repository/view/tinyrte.