Github on multiple computers - github

I just started using github more seriously, and have a question,
most of the time I am working from my laptop however sometimes I work from my mac,
if I download the the git desktop app on the mac and clone the repo will I still have full access and if i update something will it update on laptop

You'll still have full access, but you'll need to do a git pull after you commit on one machine in order to sync with the work you've done on the other. It won't be automatic.


Can I work on a github project between two machines with a usb?

So, I have a desktop and a laptop. I use both very frequently. I keep my work files on a usb and that is how I get to switch so easily between the two. Now I am beginning a project in which I use android studio and github. I am new to github.
Can I use github in conjunction with this usb drive between two computers or should I commit to using one computer? Will this create problems?
The whole idea behind GitHub is to avoid file transfer manually like that. If you want to do a project on both machines. Then...
Create a GitHub Repository
Pull your project from your repo (Do this on both Systems)
Every time you do something on one machine, before you switch to the next, commit your changes and then push them.
If you are new to Git and dont know how it works, then feel free to check out GitHub Help.

git hub and coding processes

Ive been programming for a little while now and have built a little application which is now hosted on a dedicated server.
Now i have been rolling out different versions of my app with no real understanding on how to manage the process properly.
Is this the proper way to manage a build of an application when using a product like git hub ?
Upload my entire application onto github.
Each time i work on it, download it and install it on my dev server.
When im done working on it and it appears to be ok, do i then upload the changed files with the current project i am working on or am i meant to update the entire lot or am i mean to create a new version of the project?
once all my changes are updated, is there anyway of pushing these to a production machine from git hub or generating a listing of the newly changed files so i can update production machine easily with a checklist of some kind ?
My application has about 900 files associated with it and is stored in various folder structures and is a server based app (coldfusion to be precise) and as i work alone majority of the time, im struggling to understand how to manage the development of an app...
I also have no idea on using the command line and my desktop machine is a mac, with a VM running all my required server apps (windows server 2012, MSSQL 2012 etc)
I really want to make sure i can keep my dev process in order, but ive struggled with how to understand how to manage a server side apps development when im using a mac my dev machine is a windows machine i feel like im stuck in the middle.
You make it sound more complicated than it is.
Upload my entire application onto github.
Well, this is actually 2 steps: First, create a local git repo (git init), then push your repo up to github.
Each time i work on it, download it and install it on my dev server.
Well, you only need to "download" it once to a new dev box. After that, just git pull (or git fetch depending on workflow), which ensures any changes on the server are pulled down. Just the deltas are sent.
Git is a distributed version control system. That means every git repo has the full history of the entire project. So only deltas need to be sent. (This really helps when multiple people are hacking on a project).
When im done working on it and it appears to be ok, do i then upload the changed files with the current project i am working on or am i meant to update the entire lot or am i mean to create a new version of the project?
Hmm, you are using fuzzy terminology here. When you are done editing, you first commit locally (git add ...; git commit), then you push the changes to github (git push). Only the deltas are sent. Every commit is "a new version" if you squint.
Later on, if you want to think in terms of "software releases" (i.e. releasing "version 1.1" after many commits), you can use git tags. But don't worry about that right away.
once all my changes are updated, is there anyway of pushing these to a production machine from git hub or
generating a listing of the newly changed files so i can update production machine easily with a checklist of some kind ?
Never manually mess around with files manually on your server. The server should ONLY be allowed to run a valid, checked-out version of your software. If your production server is running random bits of code, nobody will be able to reproduce problems because they aren't in the version control system.
The super-simple way to deploy is to do a git clone on your server (one time), then git pull to update the code. So you push a change to github, then pull the change from your server.
More advanced, you will want something like capistrano that will manage the checkouts for you, and break up "checking out" from "deploying" to allow for easier rollback, etc. There may be windows-specific ways of doing that too. (Sorry, I'm a Linux guy.)

How can I develop from more than one machine?

Is Clone the only way for me to get my own repository to a different machine?
I have published my repository from my home PC and am trying to edit it from another.
I'm using Github for Windows but cannot see how to get the published repository to a second machine in order to edit the code and republish the changes so I can later use on the original PC.
The general approach for Distributed Version Control Systems is to:
Clone the repository (from the server)
Update your code (local, in your working directory)
Commit the code (local, in your working directory)
Push the commits (to the server)
Pull the new commits (from the server) to another development PC.
Typical development cycles iterate between steps 2 and 3. And sometimes 4 (to store your changes off-site) and 5 (to grab changed made by others).
As I suppose that 'Github for Windows' uses git(hub), it is also a DVCS and works also with these steps.
The proper way to do this is to clone the repository onto your second machine, straight from the source (Github). Sharing one clone between multiple machines is not recommended except in a few circumstances.
I had to delete the local repository. Github then prompted me with an error and the option to "Clone again", this clone again worked.

Host Git Repo on my Mac for Xcode project

For work all my code must be hosted locally, which rules out using something nice like GitHub. However, I really want to be able to use XCodes Git functionality.
Is it possible to host the repository locally and have multiple computers push and pull from it? I have a server available but it runs Windows 08 so I'm not real keen to making that work
Any *nix machine that runs a SSH server can easily host a Git repo with push/pull access. All someone needs to be able to do is log in and reach the files, and they can clone and pull. Write access, and they can push. (You're going to want a bare repo if you want it to accept pushes, though. Otherwise, things get all kinds of wonky. Less error-prone would be to provide a way for people request that you pull from their repo, but that requires that each person host a Git repo. If that's not really an option, then next best would be to let everybody push to a bare repo.)
Git will also work over HTTP, and it's allegedly easy to set up Apache to host a repo. I've actually had a lot of success with SSH, though. It seems even easier to set up to me; all the server needs is an sshd, (almost certainly) Git, and appropriate user accounts.
Also note, if you don't need to share, then Git already does everything you need on its own, offline. All the above stuff only applies if you want other people to be able to pull from (and possibly push to) you.
You can run git or svn right on your machine. Just set up a local repository. Note that mac os x has unix under the hood.

How to undo the sync to get the files in local repo back?

I'm very new to github and I started using it a few weeks ago for my uni group project.
The problem that I'm having is:
There is a remote repo on github where everyone in the group is using.
I do have a local repo on my laptop, where I've worked my part of the project.
I recently committed and synced the updates that I made to github using desktop app for mac.
I got a few errors and the sync failed.
After that when I looked at the files that I have locally, they got overwritten by the ones from the git(non-updated version) and all of my work are gone.
Can you please help me on what I should do to receive the files that I had locally? Is there any way that I can undo that last sync. I found a few suggestions online, but since I'm not sure which one to use, I don't really want to mess up the files anymore.
(Nearly) All changes made to git repositories can be undo. We don't know the commands you entered but enter it at Google for a specific solution.
You proberly have to use something like:
$git rebase