TCP Socket connection- Unable to read data sent from external client even after serializing through ByteArrayLengthHeaderSerializer - sockets

I have implemented TCP socket server which accepts incoming XML messages from client. I could send messages through telnet.
But when I am trying to establish connection and send message through python script, I was getting IOException:CRLF not found before max message length: 2048.So I have added ByteArrayLengthHeaderSerializer to serialize and deserialize, but now I am getting below error.
IOException:Message length 1014132591 exceeds max message length: 2048
Though I am increasing the max message length I am getting IOException:Stream closed after 46 of 1014132591
Could someone let me know how to fix the issue.
final AbstractServerConnectionFactory crLfServer = context.getBean(AbstractServerConnectionFactory.class);
ByteArrayLengthHeaderSerializer serializer = new ByteArrayLengthHeaderSerializer();
serializer.setMaxMessageSize(1000 * 1024);
I have implemented using Spring Integration.Below is the snippet for my inbound adapter
public TcpReceivingChannelAdapter inboundAdapter(AbstractServerConnectionFactory connectionFactory) {
System.out.println("Creating inbound adapter");
TcpReceivingChannelAdapter inbound = new TcpReceivingChannelAdapter();
return inbound;

I think might be better to send exactly that CRLF in your script after the message. That will be exactly delimiter for the messages to deserialize. This is one what is used by the mentioned Telnet. However you need to come back to the default deserializer in the connection factory configuration.


How does the Camel Netty TCP socket consumer decide how to split incoming data into messages (and is it configurable)?

I'm working with a Camel flow that uses a Netty TCP socket consumer to receive messages from a client program (which is outside of my control). The client should be opening a socket, sending us one message, then closing the socket, but we've been seeing cases where instead of one message Camel is "splitting" the text stream into two parts and trying to process them separately.
So I'm trying to figure out, since you can re-use the same socket for multiple Camel messages, but TCP sockets don't have a built-in concept of "frames" or a standard for message delimiters, how does Camel decide that a complete message has been received and is ready to process? I haven't been able to find a documented answer to this in the Netty component docs (, although maybe I'm missing something.
From playing around with a test script, it seems like one answer is "Camel assumes a message is complete and should be processed if it goes more than 1ms without receiving any input on the socket". Is this a correct statement, and if so is this behavior documented anywhere? Is there any way to change or configure this behavior? Really what I would prefer is for Camel to wait for an ETX character (or a much longer timeout) before processing a message, is that possible to set up?
Here's my test setup:
Camel flow:
.log("Received: ${body}");
Python snippet:
def send_msg(sock, msg):
print("Sending message: <{}>".format(msg))
if not sock.sendall(msg.encode()) is None:
print("Message failed to send")
time.sleep(DELAY_MS / 1000.0)
s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
print("Using DELAY_MS: {}".format(str(DELAY_MS)))
s.connect((args.hostname, args.port))
cutoff = int(math.floor(len(args.msg) / 2))
msg1 = args.msg[:cutoff]
send_msg(s, msg1)
msg2 = args.msg[cutoff:]
send_msg(s, msg2)
response = s.recv(1024)
except Exception as e:
I can see that with DELAY_MS=1 Camel logs one single message:
2022-02-21 16:54:40.689 INFO 19429 --- [erExecutorGroup] route1 : Received: a long string sent over the socket
But with DELAY_MS=2 it logs two separate messages:
2022-02-21 16:56:12.899 INFO 19429 --- [erExecutorGroup] route1 : Received: a long string sen
2022-02-21 16:56:12.899 INFO 19429 --- [erExecutorGroup] route1 : Received: t over the socket
After doing some more research, it seems like what I need to do is add a delimiter-based FrameDecoder to the decoders list.
Setting it up like this:
+ "&decoders=#frameDecoder,#stringDecoder"
+ "&encoders=#stringEncoder")
where frameDecoder is provided by
ChannelHandlerFactory frameDecoder() {
ByteBuf[] ETX_DELIM = new ByteBuf[] { Unpooled.wrappedBuffer(new byte[] { (char)3 }) };
return ChannelHandlerFactories.newDelimiterBasedFrameDecoder(1024, ETX_DELIM,
false, "tcp");
seems to do the trick.
On the flip side though, it seems like this will hang indefinitely (or until lower-level TCP timeouts kick in?) if an ETX frame is not received, and I can't figure out any way to set a timeout on the decoder, so would still be eager for input if anyone knows how to do that.
I think the default "timeout" behavior I was seeing might've just been an artifact of Netty's read loop speed -- How does netty determine when a read is complete?

Failed to read HTTP message:ion: JSON parse error: Unexpected end-of-input in VALUE_STRING : Unexpected EOF read on the socket

When a client is sending an image to one of the rest endpoints, only part of the data is being received.
To be sure what is happening I made a trace with Wireshark and analyzed it. The application is indeed not receiving the last part of the message. This is because the application is not able to receive all the data within the 900ms timeout that is specified on the Client side. Its buffers are full halfway through the reception.
I get application warning
[http-nio-] Failed to read HTTP message:
I/O error while reading input message; nested exception is Unexpected EOF read on the socket
And the client gets Connection timeout.
I have got a solution to my problem. I have increased the socket buffer size in my application. I have added following code to my Application class.
public EmbeddedServletContainerFactory embeddedServletContainerFactory() {
TomcatEmbeddedServletContainerFactory tomcatEmbeddedServletContainerFactory = new TomcatEmbeddedServletContainerFactory();
tomcatEmbeddedServletContainerFactory.addConnectorCustomizers((TomcatConnectorCustomizer) connector -> {
connector.setProperty("socket.rxBufSize", "5000000");
return tomcatEmbeddedServletContainerFactory;

Azure Service Bus Queue gives control characters in fetched message

I am using BizTalk Server SB-Messaging adapter to retreive messages from Azure Service Bus Queue. I have successfully managed to send message to queue myself (using same adapter), and retreive message from queue and do further processing.
Problem arises when a 3rd party software supplier is sending messages to the queue, and for BizTalk Server to retreive and process message. I then receive the following additional "header"-information and control characters in the beginning of the message:
In text: #ACKstringBS$SOH
Seems like there is some sort of enveloped message, including headers to handle ACKnowledgement of the message to the queue.
SB-Messaging adapter gave following initial error message:
"The WCF service host at address has faulted and as a result no
more messages can be received on the corresponding receive location.
To fix the issue, BizTalk Server will automatically attempt to restart
the service host."
And, another error message:
"No Disassemble stage components can recognize the data."
Did anyone hit this problem before, and, what can be the cause of the problem? Can character encoding be a possible cause of this problem?
Here comes the feedback!
Turned out 3rd party software supplier had a setting to send message as stream, instead of string. Turns out it is a .Net application using BrokeredMessage object. Using string makes message serialized, and meta-data is added to the message. Using stream, no such serialization takes place, and message is kept untouched.
So, problem was using string and automatic serialization when sending to Service Bus Queue.
I have legacy Microsoft.ServiceBus.Messaging clients sending BrokeredMessage Xml content as <string> and I want to receive using the latest Microsoft.Azure.ServiceBus library and Message type.
Using Encoding.UTF8.GetString(message.Body) I get a unusable string prefaced with
My approach is to explicitly use XmlDictionaryReader binary deserialization to undo the hidden serialization magic from the legacy library
private static string GetMessageBodyHandlingLegacyBrokeredMessage(Message message)
string str = null;
if (message.ContentType == null)
using (var reader = XmlDictionaryReader.CreateBinaryReader(
new MemoryStream(message.Body),
var doc = new XmlDocument();
str = doc.InnerText;
throw new NotImplementedException("Unhandled Service Bus ContentType " + message.ContentType);
return str;

NETTY 4.1.4: TCP Socket Server which replies back towards clients after processing requests

i'm new to Netty and intend to create a tcp socket server which reads the info of each client and replies back towards client before processing requests immediately ,i.e. sort of an acknowledgement towards client as and when the message enters overriden channelRead method of ChannelInboundHandlerAdapter class.
Please guide me in the above specified objective.
i'm currently trying the basic netty 4.1.4 echo server example however i wanted server to send back acknowledgement to the client so i updated channelread method as follows :
public void channelRead(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, Object msg) {
ChannelFuture cf ="FROM SERVER");
System.out.println("Channelfuture is "+cf);
and the output obtained was as follows:
Channelfuture is DefaultChannelPromise#3f4ee9dd(failure: java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: unsupported message type: String (expected: ByteBuf, FileRegion))
I understand the error that it is expecting bytebuf but how do i achieve it? also, whether this method would be able to send out acknowledgement towards client
You can use String.getBytes(Charset) and Unpooled.wrappedBuffer(byte[]) to convert to ByteBuf.
ChannelFuture cf =
.write(Unpooled.wrappedBuffer("FROM SERVER".getBytes(CharsetUtil.UTF_8)));
Also note that; may not be what you want. Consider ctx.write(...); instead. The difference is that if your handler is a ChannelDuplexHandler it would receive a write event when you do channel().write(). Using ctx instead of channel will send the write out from your handlers point in the pipeline instead of from the end of the pipeline, which is usually what you want.

How to read the whole message with Chilkat socket?

I need to get the whole message(response), but socket.ReceiveBytes(); returns just part of the message. I tried to loop it but it fails on timeout when no bytes to receive.
List<byte> lb = new List<byte>();
byte[] receivedMsg = socket.ReceiveBytes();
while (receivedMsg.Length > 0)
receivedMsg = socket.ReceiveBytes();
So, how I can check if there are byte to read? How I can read the whole message?
Since its a Chilkat implementation, you should probably contact the developer. But I found this that could help:
Ultimately, you need to know how much to read from the socket to constitute a whole message. For example, if the overlying protocol is a portmapper, then you know that you are expecting messsages in the format that the RFC specifies (
If you are rolling your own protocol over a socket connection, then use the method in the Chilkat blog post about putting the size of the total message in the first 4 bytes.