Method with a completion block that can be used from objective-c - swift

I need to call a swift function from objective-c. This needs to have a callback (that will be executed from obj-c)
#objc public func getTokens(forAuthentificationCode auth_code : String, completion: ()->()? )
I get "Method cannot be marked #objc because the parameter..."
How to make a function with a completion block that can be used from objective-c?

You declared the completion parameter as ()->()?, which translates to a closure with no parameters and that returns a Void?. Objective-C supports optionals only for class arguments, thus the completion block is not Objective-C compatible.
I think however that you intended to declare the whole closure as optional, in order to allow callers to pass nil, in that case you need to wrap the closure definition into another set of parentheses: completion: (() -> Void)?. I changed the return type from () to Void for better readability, as Void is just an alias for ().


Swift: How can I call my function inside completion body?

I have a predefined function that has a completion param:
func checkNotificationEnabled(_ resultBlock : ((Bool)->())? = nil){
Bool enabled = false
... a big block of code that gets enabled value
... end block
I need to get the true/false and pass it to another function:
func isNotificationEnabled(_
resolve: RCTPromiseResolveBlock, rejecter reject: RCTPromiseRejectBlock
) -> Void {
checkNotificationEnabled { (enabled:Bool) in
Got the error: Escaping closure captures non-escaping parameter 'resolve'
How can I pass enabled to resolve ?
Presuming RCTPromiseResolveBlock on func isNotificationEnabled to be some block that you're trying to execute with respect to completion of func checkNotificationEnabled, the completion actually 'escapes' (outlives) the scope of the function, and the compiler simply complains that your RCTPromiseResolveBlock may not be alive (in execution) during the completion callback
You'll have to mark #escaping to the 'resolve' parameter to get around this.
You'll definitely get more clarity when you understand what escaping closures are. Have a look at this question: Escaping Closures in Swift
Hope this helps.
resolve argument is passed to a function checkNotificationEnabled but is not marked #escaping
(Bool)->())? = nil optional is nil by default, so no need to assign nil
(Bool)->() this is equal to more readable version Void.
typealias ResultBlock = (Bool) -> Void
func checkNotificationEnabled(_ resultBlock: ResultBlock?) {
var enabled = false
... a big block of code that gets enabled value
... end block
func isNotificationEnabled(_
resolve: #escaping RCTPromiseResolveBlock, rejecter reject: RCTPromiseRejectBlock) {
checkNotificationEnabled { enabled in
Escaping closures
A closure is said to escape a function when the closure is passed as
an argument to the function, but is called after the function returns.
When you declare a function that takes a closure as one of its
parameters, you can write #escaping before the parameter’s type to
indicate that the closure is allowed to escape.
One way that a closure can escape is by being stored in a variable
that is defined outside the function. As an example, many functions
that start an asynchronous operation take a closure argument as a
completion handler. The function returns after it starts the
operation, but the closure isn’t called until the operation is
completed—the closure needs to escape, to be called later.

Swift #escaping and Completion Handler

I am trying to understand 'Closure' of Swift more precisely.
But #escaping and Completion Handler are too difficult to understand
I searched many Swift postings and official documents, but I felt it was still not enough.
This is the code example of official documents
var completionHandlers: [()->Void] = []
func someFunctionWithEscapingClosure(completionHandler: #escaping ()->Void){
func someFunctionWithNoneescapingClosure(closure: ()->Void){
class SomeClass{
var x:Int = 10
func doSomething(){
someFunctionWithEscapingClosure {
self.x = 100
//not excute yet
someFunctionWithNoneescapingClosure {
x = 200
let instance = SomeClass()
I heard that there are two ways and reasons using #escaping
First is for storing a closure, second is for Async operating purposes.
The following are my questions:
First, if doSomething executes then someFunctionWithEscapingClosure will executing with closure parameter and that closure will be saved in global variable array.
I think that closure is {self.x = 100}
How self in {self.x = 100} that saved in global variable completionHandlers can connect to instance that object of SomeClass ?
Second, I understanding someFunctionWithEscapingClosure like this.
To store local variable closure completionHandler to global variable 'completionHandlerswe using#escaping` keyword!
without #escaping keyword someFunctionWithEscapingClosure returns, local variable completionHandler will remove from memory
#escaping is keep that closure in the memory
Is this right?
Lastly, I just wonder about the existence of this grammar.
Maybe this is a very rudimentary question.
If we want some function to execute after some specific function. Why don't we just call some function after a specific function call?
What are the differences between using the above pattern and using an escaping callback function?
Swift Completion Handler Escaping & Non-Escaping:
Assume the user is updating an app while using it. You definitely want
to notify the user when it is done. You possibly want to pop up a box
that says, “Congratulations, now, you may fully enjoy!”
So, how do you run a block of code only after the download has been
completed? Further, how do you animate certain objects only after a
view controller has been moved to the next? Well, we are going to find
out how to design one like a boss.
Based on my expansive vocabulary list, completion handlers stand for
Do stuff when things have been done
Bob’s post provides clarity about completion handlers (from a developer point of view it exactly defines what we need to understand).
#escaping closures:
When one passes a closure in function arguments, using it after the function’s body gets executed and returns the compiler back. When the function ends, the scope of the passed closure exist and have existence in memory, till the closure gets executed.
There are several ways to escaping the closure in containing function:
Storage: When you need to store the closure in the global variable, property or any other storage that exist in the memory past of the calling function get executed and return the compiler back.
Asynchronous execution: When you are executing the closure asynchronously on despatch queue, the queue will hold the closure in memory for you, can be used in future. In this case you have no idea when the closure will get executed.
When you try to use the closure in these scenarios the Swift compiler will show the error:
For more clarity about this topic you can check out this post on Medium.
Adding one more points , which every ios developer needs to understand :
Escaping Closure : An escaping closure is a closure that’s called after the function it was passed to returns. In other words,
it outlives the function it was passed to.
Non-escaping closure : A closure that’s called within the function it was passed into, i.e. before it returns.
Here's a small class of examples I use to remind myself how #escaping works.
class EscapingExamples: NSObject {
var closure: (() -> Void)?
func storageExample(with completion: (() -> Void)) {
//This will produce a compile-time error because `closure` is outside the scope of this
//function - it's a class-instance level variable - and so it could be called by any other method at
//any time, even after this function has completed. We need to tell `completion` that it may remain in memory, i.e. `escape` the scope of this
closure = completion
//Run some function that may call `closure` at some point, but not necessary for the error to show up.
func asyncExample(with completion: (() -> Void)) {
//This will produce a compile-time error because the completion closure may be called at any time
//due to the async nature of the call which precedes/encloses it. We need to tell `completion` that it should
//stay in memory, i.e.`escape` the scope of this function. {
func asyncExample2(with completion: (() -> Void)) {
//The same as the above method - the compiler sees the `#escaping` nature of the
//closure required by `runAsyncTask()` and tells us we need to allow our own completion
//closure to be #escaping too. `runAsyncTask`'s completion block will be retained in memory until
//it is executed, so our completion closure must explicitly do the same.
runAsyncTask {
func runAsyncTask(completion: #escaping (() -> Void)) { {
/*the long story short is that #escaping means that don't terminate the function life time until the #escaping closure has finished execution in the opposite of nonEscaping closure the function can be terminated before the closure finishes execution Ex:
func fillData(completion: #escaping: () -> Void){
/// toDo
//The call for this function can be in either way's #escaping or nonEscaping :
/// toDo
/* again the deference between the two is that the function can be terminated before finish of execution nonEscaping closure in the other hand the #escaping closure guarantees that the function execution will not be terminated before the end of #escaping closure execution. Hope that helps ***#(NOTE THAT THE CLOSURE CAN BE OF ANY SWIFT DATA TYPE EVEN IT CAN BE TYPEALIAS)*/

Swift closures supplied to an async call dont take any arguments nor return any arguments

In CS193P Stanford lectures on iTunesU lecturer mentions in lecture 8 at 30:14 re multithreading that the closure you supply to an async call "takes no arguments and returns no arguments". That surprises me because a little while later he gives an example of an iOS method (37:01) where the closure is able to return arguments i.e.:
let task = session.dataTask(with: url) { (data: Data?, response, error ) in ...
Also there are many other iOS methods that seem to return arguments to their completion closures. Am I missing something here? Why can't the closures supplied with an async call return arguments in a similar way to the dataTask call above.
dataTask(with:) is not the same thing as DispatchQueue's async.
First of all, remember that you're using a trailing closure. When the last argument to a function is a closure (i.e. a "block" of code), the closure may be placed outside of the parentheses. The following code, which uses the trailing closure syntax:
someQueue.async {
//do something
is equivalent to the following code, which does not use the trailing closure syntax.:
someQueue.async(execute: {
//do something
Also, keep in mind that closures do not "return" parameters, they accept parameters. The parameters are the input to the closure, while the return value is the output from the closure.
The function signature for DispatchQueue's async is:
func async(
group: DispatchGroup? = default,
qos: DispatchQoS = default,
flags: DispatchWorkItemFlags = default,
execute work: #escaping () -> Void
group, qos, and flags have default values, so they can be ignored here. The important part is the execute parameter, whose type is #escaping () -> Void. That means "a closure which takes no arguments and returns Void (i.e. no value)."
The function signature for URLSession's dataTask method is:
func dataTask(
with request: URLRequest,
completionHandler: #escaping (Data?, URLResponse?, Error?) -> Void
) -> URLSessionDataTask
completionHandler is of type #escaping (Data?, URLResponse?, Error?) -> Void, which means it accepts three parameters (an optional Data, an optional URLResponse, and an optional Error) and returns Void.
Both functions accept closures as parameters, but they accept closures with different signatures. async accepts a closure which accepts no parameters, but dataTask accepts a closure which accepts three parameters. There's nothing "magic" about either of these functions; they simply accept closures, and you can write your own functions to accept closures if you like.
Not all asynchronous APIs use multithreading. Memory management has additional considerations when data is updated/transmitted between threads. The lecturer's statements may have been made in the specific context of multithreaded APIs. When your closure is processed in the same thread that issued the function call (or on the main thread), these considerations may not apply.

Capture List and Function passed as argument in swift

I have a function with this prototype:
func myFunction(completionHandler:((response:[NSString:AnyObject])->Void)?))
The completionHandler prototype can be passed as closure or as a function... passing it as closure I know how to define a capture list with this syntax [weak self], but how can I define a capture list if instead of defining the closure directly in the function argument I want to pass a function name?
myFunction(anotherFunction) // how to set capture list from here?
[weak self] (response) in
A possible solution is to wrap the function code into a block, set the capture list and execute the block... but it sounds so strange :/
myFunction(anotherFunction) // how to set capture list from here?
func anotherFunction(response:[NSString:AnyObject]) {
let safeBlock = {
[weak self] in {
EDIT (based on correction from Hamish below):
I'm not aware of a way to force a referenced method to internally use a weak version of a captured variable. As you have in your example, it's up to to the actual method implementation to do that or not.
However, it's worth noting that unless you are going to be storing a reference to that completion handler indefinitely, you don't need to worry about weak self.
I assume that completion handler will be called as soon as some asynchronous task that myFunction kicks off is completed. In that case, any references captured by the completion handler will only be held until the completion handler runs. Then those references will be released and there won't be any retain cycles. Weak self in closures in only important if "self" retains the closure and the closure captures "self", setting up a circular reference / retain cycle.
#MatterGoal your solution will still produce a reference cycle.
I am assuming you are aware of the situations where we should use a capture list. For a scenario like myFunction(anotherFunction), we cannot define a capture list for a method (func) named anotherFunction itself. At least for now, lets hope in future we can.
We can only define a capture for a closure. A method can act as a closure with same signature but it (method) does not support capture list for itself.
Make a lazy var anotherFunction = { } in which we can define capture list.
Make your function return a closure:
func anotherFunction() -> (() -> Void) {
return { [weak self] in
// do anything you want with self? properties or methods.
// this won't create a strong reference cycle

How do I resolve "ambiguous use of" compile error with Swift #selector syntax?

[NOTE This question was originally formulated under Swift 2.2. It has been revised for Swift 4, involving two important language changes: the first method parameter external is no longer automatically suppressed, and a selector must be explicitly exposed to Objective-C.]
Let's say I have these two methods in my class:
#objc func test() {}
#objc func test(_ sender:AnyObject?) {}
Now I want to use Swift 2.2's new #selector syntax to make a selector corresponding to the first of these methods, func test(). How do I do it? When I try this:
let selector = #selector(test) // error
... I get an error, "Ambiguous use of test()." But if I say this:
let selector = #selector(test(_:)) // ok, but...
... the error goes away, but I'm now referring to the wrong method, the one with a parameter. I want to refer to the one without any parameter. How do I do it?
[Note: the example is not artificial. NSObject has both Objective-C copy and copy: instance methods, Swift copy() and copy(sender:AnyObject?); so the problem can easily arise in real life.]
[NOTE This answer was originally formulated under Swift 2.2. It has been revised for Swift 4, involving two important language changes: the first method parameter external is no longer automatically suppressed, and a selector must be explicitly exposed to Objective-C.]
You can work around this problem by casting your function reference to the correct method signature:
let selector = #selector(test as () -> Void)
(However, in my opinion, you should not have to do this. I regard this situation as a bug, revealing that Swift's syntax for referring to functions is inadequate. I filed a bug report, but to no avail.)
Just to summarize the new #selector syntax:
The purpose of this syntax is to prevent the all-too-common runtime crashes (typically "unrecognized selector") that can arise when supplying a selector as a literal string. #selector() takes a function reference, and the compiler will check that the function really exists and will resolve the reference to an Objective-C selector for you. Thus, you can't readily make any mistake.
(EDIT: Okay, yes you can. You can be a complete lunkhead and set the target to an instance that doesn't implement the action message specified by the #selector. The compiler won't stop you and you'll crash just like in the good old days. Sigh...)
A function reference can appear in any of three forms:
The bare name of the function. This is sufficient if the function is unambiguous. Thus, for example:
#objc func test(_ sender:AnyObject?) {}
func makeSelector() {
let selector = #selector(test)
There is only one test method, so this #selector refers to it even though it takes a parameter and the #selector doesn't mention the parameter. The resolved Objective-C selector, behind the scenes, will still correctly be "test:" (with the colon, indicating a parameter).
The name of the function along with the rest of its signature. For example:
func test() {}
func test(_ sender:AnyObject?) {}
func makeSelector() {
let selector = #selector(test(_:))
We have two test methods, so we need to differentiate; the notation test(_:) resolves to the second one, the one with a parameter.
The name of the function with or without the rest of its signature, plus a cast to show the types of the parameters. Thus:
#objc func test(_ integer:Int) {}
#nonobjc func test(_ string:String) {}
func makeSelector() {
let selector1 = #selector(test as (Int) -> Void)
// or:
let selector2 = #selector(test(_:) as (Int) -> Void)
Here, we have overloaded test(_:). The overloading cannot be exposed to Objective-C, because Objective-C doesn't permit overloading, so only one of them is exposed, and we can form a selector only for the one that is exposed, because selectors are an Objective-C feature. But we must still disambiguate as far as Swift is concerned, and the cast does that.
(It is this linguistic feature that is used — misused, in my opinion — as the basis of the answer above.)
Also, you might have to help Swift resolve the function reference by telling it what class the function is in:
If the class is the same as this one, or up the superclass chain from this one, no further resolution is usually needed (as shown in the examples above); optionally, you can say self, with dot-notation (e.g. #selector(self.test), and in some situations you might have to do so.
Otherwise, you use either a reference to an instance for which the method is implemented, with dot-notation, as in this real-life example ( is an MPMusicPlayerController):
let pause = UIBarButtonItem(barButtonSystemItem: .pause,
target:, action: #selector(
...or you can use the name of the class, with dot-notation:
class ClassA : NSObject {
#objc func test() {}
class ClassB {
func makeSelector() {
let selector = #selector(ClassA.test)
(This seems a curious notation, because it looks like you're saying test is a class method rather than an instance method, but it will be correctly resolved to a selector nonetheless, which is all that matters.)
I want to add a missing disambiguation: accessing an instance method from outside the class.
class Foo {
#objc func test() {}
#objc func test(_ sender: AnyObject?) {}
From the class' perspective the full signature of the test() method is (Foo) -> () -> Void, which you will need to specify in order to get the Selector.
#selector(Foo.test as (Foo) -> () -> Void)
Alternatively you can refer to an instance's Selectors as shown in the original answer.
let foo = Foo()
#selector(foo.test as () -> Void)
In my case (Xcode 11.3.1) the error was only when using lldb while debugging. When running it works properly.