query error: no field 'face' found in schema - sphinx

i have bigint column named as face in mysql. and this is my sphinx.conf
source src1
type = mysql
sql_host = localhost
sql_user = root
sql_pass = pass
sql_db = nums
sql_port = 3306 # optional, default is 3306
sql_query = SELECT id,id AS id_attr,tel,name,sex,face from tel
sql_attr_uint = id_attr
sql_attr_bigint = face
index num
rt_attr_bigint = face
rt_field = face
source = src1
path = C:/sphinx/bin/data/numaralar
i can make search by name and tel but not with face.
Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'Foolz\SphinxQL\Exception\DatabaseException' with message '[1064] index nums: query error: no field 'face' found in schema [ SELECT * FROM nums WHERE MATCH('(#face 123456)') LIMIT 0, 10 OPTION max_matches = 5000;SHOW META]' in ..
why may it be?

You are trying to use the value as an field. The # fulltext operator (and indeed the whole of MATCH() full text query, operates on fields ONLY.
You've instead defined face as an atribute. Attributes don't work in full-text queries.
Make face a field instead (remove the sql_attr_bigint) or make it both an attribute and field. (to do that, would have to duplicate it like you've duplicated the id, one for field, one for attribute. or use sql_field_string, but that makes a string attribute)
Use filter by the attribute instead. Dont really know how to do that in Foolz. But the SphinxQL query would be something like
SELECT * FROM nums WHERE `face` = 123456 LIMIT 0, 10


Oracle query to Postgress query change ERROR

We are in progress to move our db to Postgres from Orcale.
There is this Oracle query (changed verbiage for privacy concerns):
WHERE ((car= 'tesla' OR car = 'teslaX' OR car = 'teslaY') OR (buyer= 'john' OR buyer = 'rony' OR jim = 'sam'))
AND code = :code
ORDER BY somedata.datetime)
When I hit the endpoint I get this error
ERROR: argument of LIMIT must be type bigint, not type character varying
What would be a suitable/alternative variable to bind this. What can I use instead of variables :code and :num.

How to add multiple sql_query binds at once?

I am using diesel crate to comunicate with a PostgreSQL database.
I have a use case where i want to get data from table preferences into struct Preferences.
I want the output from databse to be filterd by tow fields in the table, to have a specific value in column org_id and to be in group of values in column team_id which i store their values in unknown length array, so i can't do
because i don't know the number of
then I tried to use collect_binds
but it didn't work, itried to do the following
let mut filter = "".to_string();
let mut params:Vec<i64> = vec![];
let mut c =1;
let org_id = 10;
filter.push_str("(org_id=$1 AND team_id IN (");
for team_id in get_needed_teams_id(){
c = c +1;
filter.push_str(&*format!("${}", c));
params.push(team_id );
let raw_sql = format!("SELECT * FROM preferences WHERE {} ORDER BY user_id ASC, team_id ASC", filter);
let preferences:Vec<Preferences> = vec![];
let sql_res = sql_query(raw_sql).collect_binds(&mut param, &preferences);
Error returned :
error[E0284]: type annotations needed: cannot satisfy `<_ as Backend>::BindCollector == Vec<i64>`
--> src\db\preference_db.rs:146:38
146 | let sql_res = sql_query(raw_sql).collect_binds(&mut params, &preferences);
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ cannot satisfy `<_ as Backend>::BindCollector == Vec<i64>`
There is currently no way in diesel to bind multiple parameters at once in a loop. collect_binds is entirely unconnected to this and exported by the QueryFragment trait. It can be used by the database connection implementation to receive a list of bind parameters for a given query, not to construct a query.

DELTA TABLES - The specified properties do not match the existing properties

I'm using a set of user properties on DataBricks Delta Tables for metadata management. The problem is when I need to change one of those properties I'm getting the 'FAILED Error: The specified properties do not match the existing properties at /mnt/silver/...' error message.
Databricks documentation only states that an Exception will be raised and I didn't find any argument to force it to accept the new values.
Is it possible to just update table Properties?
Any Suggestions?
Sample Code:
query = f'''
CREATE TABLE if not exists {tableMetadataDBName}.{tableMetadataTableName}
... my columns ...
,Hash string
,sourceFilename STRING
,HashWithFileDate string
,Surrogate_Key STRING
,SessionId STRING
,SessionRunDate TIMESTAMP
,fileDate DATE
COMMENT '{tableDocumentationURL}'
LOCATION "{savePath}/parquet"
OPTIONS( "compression"="snappy")
PARTITIONED BY (Year, Month, fileDate )
TBLPROPERTIES ("DataStage"="{txtDataStage.upper()}"
,"CreationDate" = "{tableMetadataCreationDate}"
,"CreatedBy" = "{tableMetadataCreatedBy}"
,"Project" = "{tableMetadataProject}"
,"AssociatedReports" = "{tableMetadataAssociatedReports}"
,"UpstreamDependencies" = "{tableMetadataUpstreamDependencies}"
,"DownstreamDependencies" = "{tableMetadataDownstreamDependencies}"
,"Source" = "{tableMetadataSource}"
,"PopulationFrequency" = "{tableMetadataPopulationFrequency}"
,"BusinessSubject" = "{tableMetadataBusinessSubject}"
,"JiraProject" = "{tableMetadataJiraProject}"
,"DevOpsProject" = "{tableMetadataDevOpsProject}"
,"DevOpsRepository" = "{tableMetadataDevOpsRepository}"
,"URL" = "{tableMetadataURL}") '''
Yes, it's possible to change just properties - you need to use "ALTER TABLE [table_name] SET TBLPROPERTIES ..." for that:
query = f"""ALTER TABLE {table_name} SET TBLPROPERTIES (
'CreatedBy' = '{tableMetadataCreatedBy}
,'Project' = '{tableMetadataProject}'

Postgresql: why "ILIKE" is case-sensitive sometimes?

I'm searching this row:
"c717e4d6-8db3-4c68-8c6f-f853c6c62312", "Аристотель", "source"
These queries successfully finding it:
SELECT id, name, type FROM amt WHERE owner = '802f11da-c41c-4ad0-ae15-c7cf734c807f' AND name LIKE '%Ари%' limit 5;
SELECT id, name, type FROM amt WHERE owner = '802f11da-c41c-4ad0-ae15-c7cf734c807f' AND name ILIKE '%Ари%' limit 5;
This one does NOT finding it:
SELECT id, name, type FROM amt WHERE owner = '802f11da-c41c-4ad0-ae15-c7cf734c807f' AND name ILIKE '%ари%' limit 5;
As you see, the difference between 2nd and 3rd query is only one letter: "Ари" vs "ари".
Usually, ILIKE works as expected, but in some cases it just can't properly search. I have no idea why it happens.
SQL pane from current database:
WITH OWNER = postgres
TABLESPACE = pg_default

Selecting parent records by filtering multiple fields of collection of links

I have been trying to figure out this for a couple of days know but I can't come up with a query that gives me the correct results. The essence of the task is that I am trying to retrieve all the nodes of a graph that have children with attributes that satisfy multiple constraints. The issue I have is that a node may have multiple linked nodes and when I try to apply criteria to restrict which nodes must be returned by the query the criteria need to be imposed against sets of nodes instead of individual nodes.
Let me explain the problem in more detail through an example. Here is a sample schema of companies and locations. Each company can have multiple locations.
create class company extends V;
create property company.name STRING;
create class location extends V;
create property location.name STRING;
create property location.type INTEGER;
create property location.inactive STRING;
Let me now create a couple of records to illustrate the problem I have.
create vertex company set name = 'Company1';
create vertex location set name = 'Location1', type = 5;
create vertex location set name = 'Location2', type = 7;
create edge from (select from company where name = 'Company1') to (select from location where name in ['Location1', 'Location2']);
create vertex company set name = 'Company2';
create vertex location set name = 'Location3', type = 6;
create vertex location set name = 'Location4', type = 5, inactive = 'Y';
create edge from (select from company where name = 'Company2') to (select from location where name in ['Location3','Location4']);
I want to retrieve all companies that either don't have a location of type 5 or have a location of type 5 that is inactive (inactive = 'Y'). The query that I tried initially is shown below. It doesn't work because the $loc.type is evaluated against a collection of values instead of a individual record so the is null is not applied against the individual field 'inactive' of each location record but against the collection of values of the field 'inactive' for each parent record. I tried sub-queries, the set function, append and so on but I can't get it to work.
select from company let loc = out() where $loc.type not contains 5 or ($loc.type contains 5 and $loc.type is null)
You can try with this query:
select expand($c)
let $a = ( select expand(out) from E where out.#class = "company" and in.#class="location" and in.type = 5 and in.inactive = "Y" ),
$b = ( select from company where 5 not in out("E").type ),
$c = unionAll($a,$b)
I have created this graph
You can use this query
select expand($f)
let $a = ( select from E where out.#class = "company" and in.#class="location" ),
$b = ( select expand(out) from $a where in.type = 5 and in.inactive = "Y"),
$c = ( select expand(out) from $a where in.type = 5 and in.inactive is null),
$d = difference($b,$c),
$e = ( select from company where 5 not in out("E").type ),
$f = unionAll($d,$e)
Hope it helps.
Try this query:
select expand($d) from company
let $a=(select from company where out().type <> 5 and name contains $parent.current.name),
$b=(select from company where out().type contains 5 and name=$parent.current.name),
$c=(select from company where out().inactive contains "Y" and name=$parent.current.name),
Hope it helps,