Oracle query to Postgress query change ERROR - postgresql

We are in progress to move our db to Postgres from Orcale.
There is this Oracle query (changed verbiage for privacy concerns):
WHERE ((car= 'tesla' OR car = 'teslaX' OR car = 'teslaY') OR (buyer= 'john' OR buyer = 'rony' OR jim = 'sam'))
AND code = :code
ORDER BY somedata.datetime)
When I hit the endpoint I get this error
ERROR: argument of LIMIT must be type bigint, not type character varying
What would be a suitable/alternative variable to bind this. What can I use instead of variables :code and :num.


sqlalchemy to create temporary table

I created a temporary table with sqlalchemy (with an underlying postgres database) that is going to be joined with a database table. However, in some cases when a value is empty '' then postgres throws the error:
failed to find conversion function from unknown to text
SqlAlchemy assembles everything to the following context
[SQL: 'WITH temp_table AS \n(SELECT %(param_1)s AS id, %(param_2)s AS email, %(param_3)s AS phone)\n SELECT,, \nFROM campaigns_contact JOIN temp_table ON = AND = AND ='] [parameters: {'param_1': 83, 'param_2': '', 'param_3': '+1234567890'}]
I assemble the temporary table as follows
stmts = []
for row in import_data:
row_values = [literal(row[value]).label(value) for value in values]
subquery = union_all(*stmts)
subquery = subquery.cte(name="temp_table")
The problem seems to be the part here
...%(param_2)s AS email...
which after replacing the param_2 results in
...'' AS email...
which will cause the error mentioned above.
One way to solve the issue is to perform a cast
...''::text AS email...
However, I don't know how to perform ::text cast with sqlalchemy!?

query error: no field 'face' found in schema

i have bigint column named as face in mysql. and this is my sphinx.conf
source src1
type = mysql
sql_host = localhost
sql_user = root
sql_pass = pass
sql_db = nums
sql_port = 3306 # optional, default is 3306
sql_query = SELECT id,id AS id_attr,tel,name,sex,face from tel
sql_attr_uint = id_attr
sql_attr_bigint = face
index num
rt_attr_bigint = face
rt_field = face
source = src1
path = C:/sphinx/bin/data/numaralar
i can make search by name and tel but not with face.
Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'Foolz\SphinxQL\Exception\DatabaseException' with message '[1064] index nums: query error: no field 'face' found in schema [ SELECT * FROM nums WHERE MATCH('(#face 123456)') LIMIT 0, 10 OPTION max_matches = 5000;SHOW META]' in ..
why may it be?
You are trying to use the value as an field. The # fulltext operator (and indeed the whole of MATCH() full text query, operates on fields ONLY.
You've instead defined face as an atribute. Attributes don't work in full-text queries.
Make face a field instead (remove the sql_attr_bigint) or make it both an attribute and field. (to do that, would have to duplicate it like you've duplicated the id, one for field, one for attribute. or use sql_field_string, but that makes a string attribute)
Use filter by the attribute instead. Dont really know how to do that in Foolz. But the SphinxQL query would be something like
SELECT * FROM nums WHERE `face` = 123456 LIMIT 0, 10

Hibernate: StoredProcedure with recursive depthsearch: Mapping/Output Problems

I searching for help. I have to map my Postgres 9.4 Database (DB) with Hibernate 5.2, of course it's an study task. The biggest Problem is, that I'm no brain in Hibernate, Java and coding itself XD
It's an SozialNetwork DB. To map the DB with Hibernate doing fine.
Now I should map a stored produce. This Produce should find the shortest friendship path between two persons. In Postgres the produce working fine.
That are the relevant DB-Tables:
For Person:
PID bigint NOT NULL,
firstName varchar(50) DEFAULT NULL,
lastName varchar(50) DEFAULT NULL,
(some more...)
And for the Relationship between to Persons:
CREATE TABLE Person_knows_Person (
ApID bigint NOT NULL,
BpID bigint REFERENCES Person (PID) (..)
knowsCreationDate timestamp,
And that is the Stored Produce in short:
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION ShortFriendshipPath(pid bigint, pid2 bigint)
RETURNS TABLE (a_pid bigint, b_pid bigint, depth integer, path2 bigint[], cycle2 boolean)
AS $$
WITH RECURSIVE FriendshipPath(apid, bpid, depth, path, cycle) AS(
SELECT pkp.apid, pkp.bpid,1,
ARRAY[pkp.apid], false
FROM person_knows_person pkp
WHERE apid=$1 --OR bpid=$1
SELECT pkp.apid, pkp.bpid, fp.depth+1, path || pkp.apid,
pkp.apid = ANY(path)
FROM person_knows_person pkp, FriendshipPath fp
WHERE pkp.apid = fp.bpid AND NOT cycle)
FROM FriendshipPath WHERE bpid=$2) AS OKOK
WITH RECURSIVE FriendshipPath(apid, bpid, depth, path, cycle) AS(
SELECT pkp.apid, pkp.bpid,1,
ARRAY[pkp.apid], false
FROM person_knows_person pkp
WHERE apid=$2 --OR bpid=$1
SELECT pkp.apid, pkp.bpid, fp.depth+1, path || pkp.apid,
pkp.apid = ANY(path)
FROM person_knows_person pkp, FriendshipPath fp
WHERE pkp.apid = fp.bpid AND NOT cycle)
FROM FriendshipPath WHERE bpid=$1) AS YOLO
$$ LANGUAGE 'plpgsql' ;
(Sorry for so much code, but it's for both directions, and before I post some copy+reduce misttakes^^)
The Call in Postgre for example:
SELECT * FROM ShortFriendshipPath(10995116277764, 94);
gives me this Output:
enter image description here
I use the internet for help and find 3 solutions for calling:
direct SQL call
call with NamedQuery and
map via XML
(fav found here)
I faild with all of them XD
I favorite the 1. solution with this call in session:
Session session = HibernateUtility.getSessionfactory().openSession();
Transaction tx = null;
try {
tx = session.beginTransaction();
System.out.println("Please insert a second PID:");
Scanner scanner = new Scanner(;
long pid2 = Long.parseLong(scanner.nextLine());
// **Insert of second ID*/
Query query2 = session.createQuery("FROM " + Person.class.getName() + " WHERE pid = :pid ");
query2.setParameter("pid", pid2);
List<Person> listB = ((org.hibernate.Query) query2).list();
int cnt1 = 0;
while (cnt1 < listB.size()) {
Person pers1 = listB.get(cnt1++);
pid2 = pers1.getPid();
// Query call directly:
Query querySP = session.createSQLQuery("SELECT a_pid,path2 FROM ShortFriendshipPath(" + pid + "," + pid2 + ")");
List <Object[]> list = ((org.hibernate.Query) querySP).list();
for (int i=0; i<list.size();i++){
Personknowsperson friendship = (Personknowsperson)result.get(i);
} catch (Exception e) { (bla..)}
} finally { (bla....) }
Than I get following Error:
org.hibernate.MappingException: No Dialect mapping for JDBC type: 2003
I understand why. Because my output is not of type Personknowsperson. I found an answer: that I have to say Hibernate what is the correct formate. And should use 'UserType'. So I try to find some explanations for how I create my UserType. But I found nothing, that I understand. Second Problem: I'm not sure what I should use for the bigint[] (path2). You see I'm expert -.-
Than I got the idea to try the 3.solution. But the first problem I had was where should I write the xml stuff. Because my Output is no table. So I try in the .cfg.xml but than Hibernate say that
Caused by: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: org.hibernate.internal.util.config.ConfigurationException: Unable to perform unmarshalling at line number -1 and column -1 in RESOURCE hibernate.cfg.xml. Message: cvc-complex-type.2.4.a: Ungültiger Content wurde beginnend mit Element 'sql-query' gefunden. '{some links}' wird erwartet.
invalid content found starts with 'sql-query'
Now I'm a nervous wreck. And ask you.
Could someone explain what I have to do and what I did wrong (for dummies please). If more code need (java classes or something else) please tell me. Critic for coding also welcome, cause I want improve =)
Ok, I'm not an expert in postgressql, not hibernate, nor java. (I'm working with C#, SQL Server, NHibernate so ...) I still try to give you some hints.
You probably can set the types of the columns using addXyz methods:
Query querySP = session
.createSQLQuery("SELECT * FROM ShortFriendshipPath(...)")
.addScalar("a_pid", LongType.INSTANCE)
// add user type?
You need to create a user type for the array. I don't know how and if you can add it to the query. See this answer here.
You can also add the whole entity:
Query querySP = session
.createSQLQuery("SELECT * FROM ShortFriendshipPath(...)")
I hope it takes the mapping definition of the corresponding mapping file, where you can specify the user type.
Usually it's much easier to get a flat list of values, I mean a separate row for each different value in the array. Like this:
Instead of
1 | 2 | (3, 4, 5) | false
You would get:
1 | 2 | 3 | false
1 | 2 | 4 | false
1 | 2 | 5 | false
Which seems denormalized, but is actually the way how you build relational data.
In general: use parameters when passing stuff like ids to queries.
Query querySP = session
.createSQLQuery("SELECT * FROM ShortFriendshipPath(:pid1, :pid2)")
.setParameter("pid1", pid1)
.setParameter("pid2", pid2)

Postgresql: why "ILIKE" is case-sensitive sometimes?

I'm searching this row:
"c717e4d6-8db3-4c68-8c6f-f853c6c62312", "Аристотель", "source"
These queries successfully finding it:
SELECT id, name, type FROM amt WHERE owner = '802f11da-c41c-4ad0-ae15-c7cf734c807f' AND name LIKE '%Ари%' limit 5;
SELECT id, name, type FROM amt WHERE owner = '802f11da-c41c-4ad0-ae15-c7cf734c807f' AND name ILIKE '%Ари%' limit 5;
This one does NOT finding it:
SELECT id, name, type FROM amt WHERE owner = '802f11da-c41c-4ad0-ae15-c7cf734c807f' AND name ILIKE '%ари%' limit 5;
As you see, the difference between 2nd and 3rd query is only one letter: "Ари" vs "ари".
Usually, ILIKE works as expected, but in some cases it just can't properly search. I have no idea why it happens.
SQL pane from current database:
WITH OWNER = postgres
TABLESPACE = pg_default

PGSQL Error Code 42703 column does not exist

I have a database in postgreSQL. I want to read some data from there, but I get an error (column anganridref does not exist) when I execute my command.
Here is my NpgsqlCommand:
cmd.CommandText = "select * from angebot,angebotstatus,anrede where anrid=anganridref and anstaid=anganstaidref";
and my 3 tables
the names of my columns are rights. So I don't understand why that error comes. Someone can explain me why it does crash? Its not the problem of large and lowercase.
You are not prefixing your column names in the where clause:
select *
from angebot,
where anrid = anganridref <-- missing tablenames for the columns
and anstaid = anganstaidre
It's also recommended to use an explicit JOIN instead of the old SQL 89 implicit join syntax:
select *
from angebot
join angebotstatus on angebot.aaaa = angebotstatus.bbbb
join anrede on angebot.aaaa = anrede.bbbb