Conditional Defining a property in model object - swift

I have a model object and there are some properties in that object. Based on some conditions, I want a property to be defined there or not to be defined. For example, this property is my app version.
class Person {
var name: String
var address: String
var age: String
// I want some condition here like if myAppVersion > 1.0 then add isChild
// property to my model object other wise don't add that
var isChild: Bool
// Normal property again
var gender: String
I want this behaviour because the properties are coming from the backend and all these properties are required, so if, for some reason, the BE doesn't send the a required property which the client is expecting, then I will crash. These properties have to be mandatory and not optional.

Don't do this.
Declare your parameter as an optional and set it to nil if you don't want it to have a value. You should create two separate classes if you want to have different implementations, but that would be pretty superfluous for just one little change.
If your application crashes just because a property has a nil value, you should really take a look at optional handling in Swift and nullability in Objective-C.


Is there a way to get the name of a key path as a string? [duplicate]

How can you get a string value from Swift 4 smart keypaths syntax (e.g., \ At this point I'm curious about any way at all, does not matter if it's complicated.
I like the idea of type information being associated with smart key path. But not all APIs and 3rd parties are there yet.
There's old way of getting string for property name with compile-time validation by #keyPath(). With Swift 4 to use #keyPath() you have to declare a property as #objc, which is something I'd prefer to avoid.
A bit late to the party, but I've stumbled upon a way of getting a key path string from NSObject subclasses at least:
NSExpression(forKeyPath: \UIView.bounds).keyPath
Short answer: you can't. The KeyPath abstraction is designed to encapsulate a potentially nested property key path from a given root type. As such, exporting a single String value might not make sense in the general case.
For instance, should the hypothetically exported string be interpreted as a property of the root type or a member of one of its nested types? At the very least a string array-ish would need to be exported to address such scenarios...
Per type workaround. Having said that, given that KeyPath conforms to the Equatable protocol, you can provide a custom, per type solution yourself. For instance:
struct Auth {
var email: String
var password: String
struct User {
var name: String
var auth: Auth
provide an extension for User-based key paths:
extension PartialKeyPath where Root == User {
var stringValue: String {
switch self {
case \ return "name"
case \User.auth: return "auth"
case \ return ""
case \User.auth.password: return "auth.password"
default: fatalError("Unexpected key path")
let name: KeyPath<User, String> = \
let email: KeyPath<User, String> = \
print(name.stringValue) /* name */
print(email.stringValue) /* */
I wouldn't really recommend this solution for production code, given the somewhat high maintenance, etc. But since you were curious this, at least, gives you a way forward ;)
For Objective-C properties on Objective-C classes, you can use the _kvcKeyPathString property to get it.
However, Swift key paths may not have String equivalents. It is a stated objective of Swift key paths that they do not require field names to be included in the executable. It's possible that a key path could be represented as a sequence of offsets of fields to get, or closures to call on an object.
Of course, this directly conflicts with your own objective of avoiding to declare properties #objc. I believe that there is no built-in facility to do what you want to do.
Expanding on #Andy Heard's answer we could extend KeyPath to have a computed property, like this:
extension KeyPath where Root: NSObject {
var stringValue: String {
NSExpression(forKeyPath: self).keyPath
// Usage
let stringValue = (\
print(stringValue) // prints "bar"
I needed to do this recently and I wanted to ensure that I get a static type check from the compiler without hardcoding the property name.
If your property is exposed to Objective-C(i.e #objc), you can use the #keyPath string expression. For example, you can do the following:
See Docs

Swift static property initilizers are lazy why I could declared it as a constant

As far as I known (see reference A), Static property initilizers are lazy, and I found the following description by the office documents
You must always declare a lazy property as a variable (with the var
keyword) because its initial value might not be retrieved until after
instance initialization completes. Constant properties must always
have a value before initialization completes, and therefore cannot be
declared as lazy.
From the above information, I think I couldn't define the static property as a constant variable and I made a tryout, it turns out I can do that without triggering any error from the compiler.
class Person {
static let firstNaID = "First Name"
static let lastNaID = "Last Name"
Question: Is this a bug of the Swift 3.0.1 or I was wrong.
Reference A: Neuburg. M.2016. IOS 10 Programming Fundamental with Swift. P127
Thanks for your time and help
Neuburg M. is drawing a distinction between static properties and instance properties. You are pretending to ignore that distinction. But you cannot ignore it; they are totally different things, used for different purposes.
In this code:
class Person { // let's declare a static property
static let firstNaID = "First Name"
... firstNaID is already lazy. But now try to do this:
class Person { // let's declare an instance property
lazy let firstNaID : String = "First Name" // error
You can't; as things stand (up thru Swift 3.1), you have to say lazy var instead — and when you do, you get a lazy instance property.
Your static let declaration thus doesn't accomplish what lazy let wanted to accomplish, because a static property is not an instance property.
You are talking about type properties
Form the same chapter of the documentation
Type Properties
... Type properties are useful for defining values that are universal to all instances of a particular type, such as a constant property that all instances can use ...
Stored type properties can be variables or constants. Computed type properties are always declared as variable properties, in the same way as computed instance properties.
Stored type properties are lazily initialized on their first access. They are guaranteed to be initialized only once, even when accessed by multiple threads simultaneously, and they do not need to be marked with the lazy modifier.

stored property "text" without initial value prevents synthesized initializers

I'm learning swift and have came up with the simple code below.
class ARandom{
var number: Int = 0
var text: String
However, Xcode displays the following Error:
stored property "text" without initial value prevents synthesized initializers
Why is this happening? what is an synthesized initialiser? why "text" without initial value prevents systhesised initialiser? Could someone please kindly explain it to me? THanks in advance for any help!
You have a few options here.
Make text optional.
var text: String?
Give text a default value
var text: String = ""
Give text a value in ARandom's initializer
init() { text = "" }
The reason this happens is your are defining text as a String. It is not optional. Essentially you are saying that it always is a String and never nil.
With your current code if you created a new instance of ARandom, text would have no value - and that is not possible if text is not optional
Apple's docs probably explain it a bit better
Classes and structures must set all of their stored properties to an
appropriate initial value by the time an instance of that class or
structure is created. Stored properties cannot be left in an
indeterminate state.
You can set an initial value for a stored property within an
initializer, or by assigning a default property value as part of the
property’s definition.

initialize Swift Class variables in declaration or with init?

In Swift you can initialize a variable in a class when you declare the variable:
var name: String = "John"
or you can initialize with init:
var name: String
init(name: String) { = name
Which version do you use and when?
Unless you are providing the initial value as an initializer parameter, for which you have for obvious reasons do that in the initializer, you can use any of the 2 ways.
My rules are:
if there are several initializers, and the property is initialized with the same value in all cases, I prefer inline initialization
if the property is (or should be) immutable, I prefer inline initialization
if the property can change during the instance lifetime, I prefer constructor initialization
but besides the first one, the other 2 are just based on personal preference.

Why do I need to declare an optional value as nil explicitly in Struct - Swift

Here's a quote from the docs:
If your custom type has a stored property that is logically allowed to have “no value”—perhaps because its value cannot be set during initialization, or because it is allowed to have “no value” at some later point—declare the property with an optional type. Properties of optional type are automatically initialized with a value of nil, indicating that the property is deliberately intended to have “no value yet” during initialization.
If I do this with a class it works fine:
class MyClass {
var someProperty: String?
var myClass = MyClass()
myClass.someProperty // Shows nil
However, if I do this with a struct type, I get an error on initialization:
struct MyStruct {
var someProperty: String?
var myStruct = MyStruct()
Missing argument for parameter 'someProperty'
I can remedy this by declaring it nil explicitly like so:
struct MyStruct {
var someProperty: String? = nil
// Valid
var myStruct = MyStruct()
Given the documentation, I would expect properties on any type that are set as optionals to be defaulted to nil. Is there a reason I have to declare it explicitly on a struct?
No good reason, like many of you, I'm just experimenting.
Both Classes and Structs need to have all property values set when they are initialized. This can be done either through explicit default values or by setting a value in the designated initializer.
However, Structs differ in the fact that they have an automatically generated memberwise initializer.
When you don't define a value for someProperty explicitly, your struct has one initializer only: the automatically generated memberwise one.
If you do provide a default value, you get two: one that takes no arguments, and one that takes a value for someProperty as an argument
From the docs:
All structures have an automatically-generated memberwise initializer,
which you can use to initialize the member properties of new structure
instances. Initial values for the properties of the new instance can
be passed to the memberwise initializer by name:
let vga = Resolution(width: 640, height: 480)
Unlike structures, class instances do not receive a default memberwise
initializer. Initializers are described in more detail in
I agree this is rather quirky (unless I'm also missing something). For structures with only optionals, it might be worth suggesting (via Apple bugreport) that in such cases, a default parameterless initialiser is also added by default?
Another remedy is
var myStruct = MyStruct(someProperty:nil)
However, if you had a lot of optional members, this becomes clumbsy.
I think this is an deliberate difference between structs and classes, which makes a bit of sense. For example when you have a struct, say a 3d point with three floats for XYZ. It doesn't make much sense to have a nil value for x or y or z. With a class on the other hand this is a very important feature. If you think about a downloader class, for example, that goes and downloads a text file and stores it in a property. It makes more sense for that property to be nil when the class is first initialized. Since apple has changed structs to be much more closely related to classes I think this is an important distinction. It's my opinion that setting the optional explicitly to nil is a bug.
My reasoning for this:
In the optional documentation all of the example are on classes.