Proof in coq - Predicate logic - coq

Trying to prove the following in coq:
Prove that the universal quantifier distributes over conjunction
∀x ∈ A, P x ∧ Qx ⇐⇒ (∀x ∈ A, P x) ∧ (∀x ∈ A, Qx)
My Proof so far-
Parameter (A : Type).
Parameter (P Q : A -> Prop).
Lemma II3: (forall x : A, P x /\ Q x) <->
(forall x : A, P x) /\ (forall x : A, Q x).
intro H.
apply H.
intros H1.
I have tried to split, destruct, and introduce a new hypothesis, but I just can't seem to make it past this point. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

this is a pretty easy proof, for example now intuition; apply H will solve your goal.
In your case, you should first figure out how the proof works using pen and paper, and once you've done that, the proof in Coq will be trivial.


How to prove this DeMorgan law without using automation tactics in Coq?

This is the law I'm trying to prove here:
Goal forall (X : Type) (p : X -> Prop), (exists x, ~ p x) <-> ~ (forall x, p x).
Here's my code up to a point where I don't know in which direction to head:
intros. split.
- intros. destruct H as [x H]. intros nh. apply H. apply (nh x).
- intros H.
What is shown as the subgoal and the premises I have seem to be provable, but what's the move?
I've tried going with exfalso., to apply H. afterwards.
Which gives me another premise of x : X and a subgoal of px.
Don't know what to do after. Thanks for the help!
The right-to-left direction is not provable in intuitionistic logic. Coming up with a witness for the existential requires any axiom that moves you to classical logic. For instance, with the principle of excluded middle:
Axiom excluded_middle : forall (P : Prop), P \/ ~ P.
Goal forall (X : Type) (p : X -> Prop),
(exists x, ~ p x) <-> ~ (forall x, p x).
intros. split.
- intros. destruct H as [x H]. intros nh. apply H. apply (nh x).
- intros Hnfapx.
(* new hyp: Hnfapx : ~ (forall x, p x) *)
pose proof (excluded_middle (exists x, ~ p x)) as [? | Hnexnpx]; [assumption|].
(* new hyp: Hnexnpx : ~ (exists x, ~ p x)
from this (and excluded middle again) we can deduce (forall x, p x)
this contradicts Hnfapx *)
exfalso. apply Hnfapx. intros x.
(* new hyp: x : X
goal: p x *)
pose proof (excluded_middle (p x)) as [? | Hnpx]; [assumption|].
(* new hyp: Hnpx : ~ p x
so there exists x such that ~ p x
this contradicts Hnexnpx *)
exfalso. apply Hnexnpx. exists x. assumption.
More generally, intuitionistic logic loses (some directions of) the De Morgan laws. Indeed, a De Morgan law expresses a duality between two logical connectives through negation. This is fine in classical logic because double negation cancels out. But that’s not the case in intuitionistic logic: the elimination of double negation (∀ P, ¬¬P → P) is not provable. This principle is, in fact, equivalent to the principle of excluded middle. (However, (∀ P, ¬¬¬P → ¬P) is provable.)
That’s why intuitionistic logic requires both quantifiers ∃ and ∀: none is definable in terms of the other one.
(This was first said as comments; I was expecting someone to come up with a more thorough answer but, since no-one did, I am posting mine now. Thanks #Arthur Azevedo De Amorim for correcting me on which axiom is sufficient.)

Rewriting with John Major's equality

John Major's equality comes with the following lemma for rewriting:
Check JMeq_ind_r.
: forall (A : Type) (x : A) (P : A -> Prop),
P x -> forall y : A, JMeq y x -> P y
It is easy to generalize it like that:
Lemma JMeq_ind2_r
: forall (A:Type)(x:A)(P:forall C,C->Prop),
P A x -> forall (B:Type)(y:B), #JMeq B y A x -> P B y.
destruct H0.
However I need something a bit different:
Lemma JMeq_ind3_r
: forall (A:Type)(x:A*A) (P:forall C,C*C->Prop),
P A x -> forall (B:Type)(y:B*B), #JMeq (B*B) y (A*A) x -> P B y.
Fail destruct H0.
Is JMeq_ind3_r provable?
If not:
Is it safe to assume it as an axiom?
Is it reducible to a simpler and safe axiom?
It's not provable. JMeq is essentially two equality proofs bundled together, one for the types and one for the values. In this case, we get from the hypothesis that A * A = B * B. From this, it is not provable that A = B, so we cannot convert a P A x into P B y.
If A * A = B * B implies A = B, that means that the pair type constructor is injective. Type constructor injectivity in general (i.e. for all types) is inconsistent with classical logic and also with univalence. For some type constructors, injectivity is provable, but not for pairs.
Is it safe to assume it as an axiom?
If you use classical logic or univalence then it isn't. Otherwise, it probably is, but I would instead try to rephrase the problem so that type constructor injectivity does not come up.

Are there any tactics to work with preconditions with "and"?

My goal is like below. Are there any tactics to solve these trivial goals?
Goal forall A (x : A) P Q,
(forall y, P y /\ Q y) ->
Q x.
intros. intuition. auto.
(* a more complex version *)
Goal forall A (x : A) P Q R,
(forall y, R -> P y /\ Q y) ->
R ->
Q x.
intros. intuition. auto.
The tactic intuition does not work because that tactic is designed for propositional logic (i.e. it dos not the quantifier in forall y, R -> ... There is another tactic for this, it is called firstorder. Try it!

On the relative strength of some extensional equality axioms

Given the following axioms:
Definition Axiom1 : Prop := forall (a b:Type) (f g: a -> b),
(forall x, f x = g x) -> f = g.
Definition Axiom2 : Prop := forall (a:Type) (B:a -> Type) (f g: forall x, B x),
(forall x, f x = g x) -> f = g.
One can easily show that Axiom2 is a stronger axiom than Axiom1:
Theorem Axiom2ImpAxiom1 : Axiom2 -> Axiom1.
intros H a b f g H'. apply H. exact H'.
Does anyone know if (within the type theory of Coq), these two axioms are in fact equivalent or whether they are known not to be. If equivalent, is there a simple Coq proof of the fact?
Yes, the two axioms are equivalent; the key is to go through fun x => existT B x (f x) and fun x => existT B x (g x), though there's some tricky equality reasoning that has to be done. There's a nearly complete proof at which uses slightly different terminology.

How to build a function implicitly in Coq?

I am trying to prove that every group has an inverse function.
I have defined a group as follows:
Record Group:Type := {
assoc:forall x y z:G, mult x (mult y z)=mult (mult x y) z;
neut:forall x:G, mult e x=x /\ mult x e=x;
inverse:forall x:G,exists y:G, mult x y = e
I am aware that it is better to just replace the inverse axiom by inverse:forall x:G, {y: mult x y = e}., or even inverse:G->G. is_inverse:forall x:G, mult x (inverse x)=e., but I prefer my definition, mainly because I want the definition to be identical to the one given in a classroom.
So I have included a suitable version of the axiom of choice:
Axiom indefinite_description : forall (A : Type) (P: A->Prop), ex P -> sig P.
Axiom functional_choice : forall A B (R:A->B->Prop), (forall x, exists y, R x y) -> (exists f, forall x, R x (f x)).
Now I can prove my claim:
Lemma inv_func_exists(H:Group):exists inv_func:G H->G H, (forall x:G H, mult H x (inv_func(x))=e H).
generalize (inverse H).
apply functional_choice.
Now that I have proved the existence, I would like to define an actual function. Here I feel that things start to go messy. The following definition creates an actual function, but seems to ugly and complicated:
Definition inv_func(H:Group):G H->G H.
pose (inv_func_exists H).
pose indefinite_description.
generalize e0 s.
Lastly, I would like to prove that inv_func is actually an inverse function:
Lemma inv_func_is_inverse:forall (H:Group), forall x:(G H), mult H x (inv_func H x)=e H.
I can see that Coq knows how inv_func was defined (e.g. Print inv_func), but I have no idea how to formally prove the lemma.
To conclude, I would appreciate suggestions as to how to prove the last lemma, and of better ways to define inv_func (but under my definition of group, without including the existence of such a function in the group definition. I believe the question could be relevant in many other situations when one can prove some correspondence for each element and needs to build this correspondence as a function).
There are quite a few questions inside your question. I'll try to address all of them:
First, there is no reason to prefer exists x, P + description over {x | P}, indeed, it seems weird you do so. {x | P} is perfectly valid as "there exists a x that can be computed" and I would rather use that definition with your groups.
Secondly, when creating definitions using tactics, you should end the proof with the command Defined. Using Qed will declare the definition "Opaque", which means it cannot be expanded, then preventing you proof.
The way to extract the witness from your definition is by using a projection. In this case, proj1_sig.
Using all the above we arrive at:
Definition inv_func' (H:Group) (x : G H) : G H.
destruct (inverse H x) as [y _].
exact y.
Definition inv_func (H:Group) (x : G H) : G H := proj1_sig (inverse H x).
Lemma inv_func_is_inverse (H:Group) (x: G H) : mult H x (inv_func H x) = e H.
Proof. now unfold inv_func; destruct (inverse H x). Qed.