How to get MAM message ID of sent messages? - xmpp

I am using eJabberd server (MAM enabled) with client library Strophe.js. Client app is storing fixed amount of the messages in local storage.
All the messages, that I receive from the server include elements <archived/> and <stanza-id/>, which provide server-side generated IDs:
xmlns="jabber:client" to="" from="">
xmlns="urn:xmpp:mam:2" id="1520510373346685">
xmlns="jabber:client" xml:lang="en" to="" from="" type="chat">
xmlns="urn:xmpp:mam:tmp" by="" id="1520510373346685"/>
xmlns="urn:xmpp:sid:0" by="" id="1520510373346685"/>
xmlns="urn:xmpp:delay" from="" stamp="2018-03-08T11:59:33.346685Z"/>
I use these IDs to get fixed amount of messages on each MAM call (using RSM paging - before/after/max attributes). For example:
params = {
"before": "1520510373346685",
"max": 10,
onMessage: <some handler>,
onComplete: <some handler>,
this.connection.mam.query(Strophe.getBareJidFromJid(this.myJid), params);
This gets me 10 messages before the message with stanza-id 1520510373346685.
However, the messages I send inherently do not have this ID, until I send them and retrieve from MAM.
I did not find any examples on getting the currently sent message ID from the server, and the Strophe does not provide any callbacks after the message was sent from the client and received by the server.
So, the question - is there any way to get the server-generated message ID (stanza-id/archived) for the currently sent message?
Maybe my own approach is wrong - should I generate my own IDs and add it to each message from the client?

There is currently no mechanism specified besides querying the archive. One prominent idea within the XMPP community to solve this in the future is to reflect the send carbon back to the original sender, which would include a stanza-id element with the ID assigned by the archive.


Simultanous sending and receiving

I am trying to send and receive message to and from JMS topics.
<testcase name="DeliveryToPT3PLIT">
<send endpoint="fromEndpoint">
<resource file="com/roche/icc/citrus/messages/input/PT-3PLWoBatchSplit.xml"/>
<receive endpoint="toEndpoint">
<description>Receive asynchronous message from topic</description>
<resource file="com/roche/icc/citrus/messages/output/PT-3PLWoBatchSplit.xml"/>
It seems that these operations go one after another. The problem is that my application works really fast and when I send a message to first topic it appears on "toEndpoint" almost immediately. So the receive operation does not manage to catch appropriate message since it has been already processed.
Is there any way to make this operations simultaneously?
There is one thing to note about using JMS topics, because they work in a publish/subscribe manner, you have to subscribe first in order to receive the message.
That means you need to subscribe to the topic before a message is going to be published. Also, if you say that your application is fast, you may need to wait a few millis before sending the message. Here is a Java DSL example of what I think may work for you. (Note: I have tested this example with a JMS topic)
sequential().actions( // Thread #1
receive(action -> action.endpoint(toEndpoint).payload("message to be received"))),
sequential().actions( // Thread #2
send(action -> action.endpoint(fromEndpoint).payload("message to be sent"))));
Notice the parallel() action container. It will execute every action inside it in a separate thread. Each sequential() represents a series of actions that allows you to group them together. Because both sequential() containers are inside the parallel(), the actions inside each of them will be executed on different threads.
So what happens here: you split your actions on two threads. On the first thread you wait for a message. On the second thread, you make it sleep for 500 millis first, after which you send the message.
I'm sorry that I don't have an XML example, but I hope this helps anyway.
Also don't forget to set the pub-sub-domain property to true on your endpoints. See the Citrus documentation on JMS topics: here.

How to get the ItemId of save-to-sent copy when sending mail via EWS

The EWS documentation says that to send a message and save a copy to the Sent Items folder, you should use the CreateItem operation with a MessageDisposition value of SendAndSaveCopy.
<m:CreateItem MessageDisposition="SendAndSaveCopy">
<t:DistinguishedFolderId Id="sentitems" />
<t:Subject>Company Soccer Team</t:Subject>
<t:Body BodyType="HTML">Are you interested in joining?</t:Body>
<t:EmailAddress> </t:EmailAddress>
On success, "the server responds to the CreateItem request with a CreateItemResponse message that includes a ResponseCode value of NoError, which indicates that the email was created successfully, and the ItemId of the newly created message."
Using EWS against Office 365, this works almost successfully. The message is sent, the copy is saved to Sent Items... but the ItemId of the saved copy is not returned in the response:
<m:CreateItemResponseMessage ResponseClass="Success">
<m:Items />
Is there a way to direct the EWS server to actually return the ItemId of the saved copy? Alternatively, what's the preferred mechanism for locating the saved copy once the send completes?
Evidently the documentation is either wrong or inapplicable. This MSDN blog post matches my experience: no ItemId is returned from a SendAndSaveCopy CreateItem request. It suggests the following:
Simply stamp your e-mail message with a custom extended property when you create the message, and then use that extended property to find the message in the Sent Items folder after it has been sent.
A commenter suggests that rather than using an expensive FindItems-with-SearchFilter call to locate the custom-property-stamped saved copy, you should instead do the following:
1. Set your extended prop.
2. Do a FindItem with NO restriction against the sent items folder, SORTED by creation date descending with a indexed page view of about 5. Include your extended prop in the PropertySet.
3. Iterate across the results looking for your extended prop.

How to get the latest email using CFIMAP

I am using the below code block in CF9 to get all the mail data,
password="#ImportAquirePassword#" />
This query object provides the information about all the mails present in inbox. While doing so it takes a lot of time and also times out frequently.
Is there any way to get the latest mail only, so that it will not provide the information about all the mails and will also not run into time out situation?
Please help.
you may need to update the read messages to "read" like:
<cfimap action="MarkRead" connection = "Conn" messagenumber="#getHeaders.messagenumber#">
after the message id done with work.
so you can query the latest messages as:
<cfquery dbtype="query" name="getMails">
select * from getHeaders
where seen=<cfqueryparam value="no" cfsqltype="cf_sql_varchar">
</cfquery>also you can filter with received date
you can refer

Openfire sends empty (without stamp attr) jabber:x:delay extension to smack

I receive offline message from openfire server, but it contains empty jabber:x:delay extension.
The message I receive is:
<message id="qU7N8-64" to="" from="" type="chat">
<body>test message</body>
<delay xmlns="urn:xmpp:delay"></delay>
<x xmlns="jabber:x:delay"></x>
This message I receive with smack library.
But when I connect to openfire with Miranda IM, openfire sends extension jabber:x:delay with data.
Why openfire sends empty jabber:x:delay only to smack library?
Add this line after connection.
ProviderManager.getInstance()addExtensionProvider("x","jabber:x:delay", new DelayInformationProvider());
Openfire doesn't do anything different since it doesn't know (or care) what client is connected. The packet you are showing is very peculiar, since it contains both the legacy and current versions of Delayed Delivery, but with missing required attributes in both.
Try running with VM argument -Dsmack.debugEnabled=true set. Then check the incoming raw packets for the actual message content. There is most likely one of 2 things happening.
The time is missing, so Miranda is compensating by populating it with some default value, like current date.
The time format is not according to spec, so the parser in Smack is omitting it.

How to store pubsub payloads in DB

I am using XMPP pubsub.Everything is working fine.User can create node and interested user can subscribe to that node.But I want to store the publish action into DB.Because in my application many things are handled by pubsub like chat,feeds etc so on page refresh I want to persist chat.So I m looking for any openfire plugin which saves it into DB behind the scenes. Like openfire saves chat in case of MUC (Multiple User Chat).I dont want to manually send ajax request. So is there any way to log the publish items.
There was a problem in my form configuration in which persist items was set to false by default.So I configured the node as you suggested.But again I am facing some problem on page refresh.I will explain you with an example. In my application user A logs in and create a node and on successful creation it sends request to user B, now user B subscribe to the node created by user A.Now if any user does a page refresh I send an IQ stanza of type get to get all the missed events like the one you mentioned above.But I am getting error 400 subid-required.
<body rid='430432056' xmlns='' sid='dca8aafc'><iq to='' type='get' xmlns='jabber:client' id='3408:sendIQ'><pubsub xmlns=''><items node='3821poU5zq7nhn1'/></pubsub></iq></body>
In response I am getting:
<body xmlns=''><iq type="error" id="3408:sendIQ" from="" to="test#abc/dca8aafc"><pubsub xmlns=""><items node="3821poU5zq7nhn1"/></pubsub><error code="400" type="modify"><bad-request xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-stanzas"/><subid-required xmlns=""/></error></iq></body>
So can help me where I am getting wrong.Also I read the link point : which says
If the requesting entity has multiple subscriptions to the node but does not specify a subscription ID, the service MUST return a error to the subscriber.So does it mean that I am subscribing to the same node again?
I checked if thats the case but I am subscribing only once.So just figuring out where things are getting wrong.
Per XMPP's XEP-0060, it is possible for Owner of the PubSub node to make items on the node expire in a very distant future.
When creating a node, you may want to set the following attributes to make items on the node never expire.
<field var='pubsub#persist_items' type='boolean' label='Persist items to storage'>
<field var='pubsub#max_items' type='text-single' label='Max # of items to persist'>
<field var='pubsub#item_expire' type='text-single' label='Time after which to automatically purge items'>
Then when you want to retrieve all the items, you can probably do this to retrieve the data:
<iq type='get'
<pubsub xmlns=''>
<items node='princely_musings'/>
Would this solve your problem?