How to merge local folder and its structure to github? - github

I am still a beginner and I locally made a folder of my Project and uploaded it as a repository in GitHub using GitHubDesktop. Now I changed the structure of the files (deleted some sub-folders and moved files here and there locally). Now I don't see those changes in my GitHubDesktopas something which I can push to the GitHub online and reflect the changes there.
I am not sure how to achieve that:
(One way I can think is to reclone and download the online GitHub repository to local, move the changed files again and then commit from GitHubDesktop) , but I am not sure if it will work because I did the almost the same thing just without recloning: but after the reorganization, the changes are not appearing in my GitHubDekstop which I can commit.
Any advice would be great. Thank you.
This is my repository ( whose organization I want to copy from a local folder which goes by the same name and was previously cloned from it.

When you go to the directory of the repository in your terminal, checkout your master branch
git checkout master
and use
git diff
this will display any changes made to the files and file structure in green and red. You can delete folders and files directly from your file system or from the terminal, whichever you prefer and these changes will display when you use git diff. After your changes are made use
git add
this will stage your changes to be committed. You can use
git status
to make sure your changes are ones you would like to make.
git pull
to pull any changes from your repository and when you are ready to commit your changes simply use
git push origin master
this will commit your changes to the remote repository on GitHub from your command line without using GitHub Desktop. Check out the git documentation for more in depth explanations but that should achieve what you're looking for.


Make the current commit the only (initial) commit in a Git repository that was created with GitHub Desktop

I created my first GitHub repository using GitHub Desktop (Windows). It is a real mess with many revisions that are quite meaningless and some versions of files that I would rather were never uploaded. This was the result of a lot of experimenting to get the feel for how things would appear on GitHub. I want to get rid of all the history versions.
I am tempted to just copy my files on my drive to another folder then delete the repository folder from my drive. Also delete it from GitHub.
Then create a new repository with GitHub Desktop, perhaps with the same name or with a different name then rename it to the original. Could it be a simple as that or will GitHub still retain the files somewhere?
I haven't tried this because in my searching I keep finding all the complex steps to be performed to remove histories or remove files.
I sort of feel that what I am proposing is too simple.
Any opinions?
All of this got too confusing.
I just did what I said in the start of the thread.
It seems GitHub Desktop has some Username/Password problem and won't let me "Publish branch".
So I went to GitHub and created a new repository and uploaded all the files from my local folder.
It looks good to me.
There may be problems in the future. I guess I'll cross that bridge when (if) I come to it.
An alternative approach is to switch to command line and:
delete the .git folder in your repository
recreate it (git init .)
reset the origin remote: git remote add origin
Make a first commit with your current content:
git add .
git commit -m "first commit"
overwrite everything on the remote repo
git push --force -u origin master
The end result will be the same repo but with only one commit.
You can then switch back to GitHub Desktop.
From here.
First make sure you have Git for Windows installed, you are going to need to do git commands manually sooner or later.
Go to your local repository on your computer where your project is located. It's a good idea to show hidden files so you can see that you have the .git-folder and that the .gitignore-file is in place.
Go to the folder where the .git-folder is, right-click and click git bash here.
Now enter these commands:
Create Orphan Branch – Create a new orphan branch in git repository. The newly created branch will not show in ‘git branch’ command.
git checkout --orphan temp_branch
Add Files to Branch – Now add all files to newly created branch and commit them using following commands. Don't forget .gitignore!
git add .
git commit -m "the first commit"
Delete master Branch – Now you can delete the master branch from your git repository.
git branch -D master
Rename Current Branch – After deleting the master branch, let’s rename newly created branch name to master.
git branch -m master
Push Changes – You have completed the changes to your local git repository. Finally, push your changes to the remote (Github) repository forcefully.
git push -f origin master
Git overview

Update a GitHub repository without cloning

Here's the situation, we are currently working on a project and lately we decided to upload it on GitHub. Now I made my changes and I want to push the changes onto the repository.
As far as I read, in order to make changes you need to clone the repository but that will download all files from the repository and I already have all of the source files.
I'm using GitHub desktop and I can't find any option to clone without downloading and update or create branches from my existing files. Creating a local one is an option but it needs to be uploaded as a separate repository instead of linking it to a current one.
Is there any way to push updates, create branches to the repository from my local project to an existing repository?
Your local project should already be a git repo, if you uploaded it to GitHub.
But in case it is not, switch to command-line, and do inside the root folder of your project (which should shows the same files as your remote repo):
git init .
git remote add origin<user>/<project>
git fetch
The fetch part will download the repo but leave your files alone.
(But do a backup still, just to be safe)
git branch master origin/master
git reset master
From there, your GitHub Desktop should show you any diff between your files and what was fetched from the repo.

How to upload folders on GitHub

How can I upload folders to GitHub? I have all of my code in a folder, containing 98 files, on my desktop. I know how to upload files, but it there a way to upload the entire folder?
This is Web GUI of a GitHub repository:
Drag and drop your folder to the above area. When you upload too much folder/files, GitHub will notice you:
Yowza, that’s a lot of files. Try again with fewer than 100 files.
and add commit message
And press button Commit changes is the last step.
You can also use the command line, Change directory where your folder is located then type the following :
git init
git add <folder1> <folder2> <etc.>
git commit -m "Your message about the commit"
git remote add origin
git push -u origin master
git push origin master
I Understand where you are coming from.
The solution provided by #James Graham may not work in certain cases. The Drag and Drop Functionality may cease to exist. See below link when that happens:
If somebody wants to avoid the shell and all the commands and wants to have a UI to do that,Github Desktop is one of the way to go forward.
Steps to follow to install and use Github Desktop:
I am assuming you know the difference between local repo and remote repo
Install Github Desktop
Create a repository locally on your hard drive by using github desktop. This will automatically create files like .git and .gitattributes. It also asks to create a file, always best practice is to create it and edit it informing readers about your project overview, installation steps etc. is rendered in Markdown and can also render HTML. See more about Markdown here: Markdown Cheatsheet guide
Copy and Paste all the folders and files that you want to upload(basically the right terminology is "Push" ) into this newly created local repository. Be aware of the directory structure as the exact same directory structure will be replicated on your remote repository.
Go to github desktop, as soon as you paste files in the local repo, you will see them as changes here. All you need to do is commit these changes with a comment. This will be your "First or Initial Commit" to the repo.
Next Github repo will ask whether you want to publish these to its remote repository. Click "Publish" Note Publish is just a one time operations. Going forward any further changes you make to local repo will be seen in github desktop and you need to again follow the loop of "Commit local->Fetch from remote->Push to Remote. As long as you are the only developer working on a project you need not go into other mechanics of git branches etc.
To verify if your repo is published remotely login to your github profile on the web and see your repository sitting there. This your remote repo which you effectively created from your local repo by using Github desktop.
I've just gone through that process again. Always end up cloning the repo locally, upload the folder I want to have in that repo to that cloned location, commit the changes and then push it.
Note that if you're dealing with large files, you'll need to consider using something like Git LFS.
For those still using master, this was changed to main
echo "# repo-name" >>
git init
git add
git commit -m "first commit"
git branch -M main
git remote add origin
git push -u origin main

Committing changes to branch I got by downloading zip from GitHub

I'm working on a repository that has two branches: Master, and Release1.
The branch I need is Release1. I went to the site and tried to clone it, but no matter what I did I got the Master branch cloned.
So I gave up and downloaded the branche's zip to my file system. I added it to Eclipse and worked on it.
Now I need to commit my changes. But neither the branch nor the repository show up in my visual tool.
When I try to add a local repository the visual tool tells me the folder is not a repository.
Is there a solution? I have quite a few changes on my local project and I have to commit them.
The Zip download is not a Git repository, it's only a collection of the files at that moment in time. Here's a way you might be able to get your changes into the repository:
Clone the repository properly
Copy your current files into the cloned directory
git status and git diff to check that the changes are what you expect
git commit
When you cloned the repository the first time, you were getting both branches - a Git clone is a fully copy of everything: every branch, all history, etc. The default branch is typically master. After you clone, if you want to switch to the other branch, use git checkout Release1.
What GUI are you using? When trying to clone you have to make sure you change the branch you are cloning from (usually in a drop down menu or you may have to type it in). If you can successfully clone from Master, than you should be able to change to or "checkout" Release1 branch.
Just downloading the zip, just gets you the source code and doesn't have any connection to git. To save and push your changes you will need to clone the repository and checkout Release1

Git completely replaced changes in history. How to restore files?

I have git repository on bitbucket. I use it from Eclipse for a while, but then copy Eclipse project with local git repository to another place on the filesystem and work locally for 3 weeks. I'm a newbie with git, so I just copy the project as is.
Yesterday I try to push local changes and then switch to the remote branch. Now I see in git-gui only old bitbucket commits and no new files. I search in git-gui everywhere. But the size of the repository tells me that my new files are still there (on bitbucket 16mb, locally >300mb).
git branch shows me 2 branches (master and * (no branch)) and both have bitbucket commits. I didn't make any branches, I just first cloned the repo from bitbucket, then made commits, then made some actions trying to push the copied repo and then change branch. Any idea of how can I restore my local files will be greatly appreciated!
I'm really having a hard time understanding what the exact situation is.
However, if you say all the files are still in the local repo, a simple:
git reflog
is all you need to see recent commits on all branches. Find the right commit you want to go back to, and take it from there.