Accessing Video frames from - vidyo

I am trying to access video frames.I have registered LocalCameraFrameListener but the function
- (void)onLocalCameraFrame:(VCLocalCamera *)localCamera VideoFrame:(VCVideoFrame *)videoFrame is not getting called.
I am using the code given in the getting started "Access Raw Frames".
Thanks in advance

I found how to get videoFrame:
1) Your viewController should be like:
class StreamController: UIViewController, VCConnectorIConnect, VCConnectorIRegisterLocalCameraEventListener, VCConnectorIRegisterLocalCameraFrameListener {
2) Then you should register cameraframelistener in func onLocalCameraSelected:
func onLocalCameraSelected(_ localCamera: VCLocalCamera!) {
self.connector?.registerLocalCameraFrameListener(self, localCamera: localCamera, width: UInt32(width), height: UInt32(height), frameInterval: 0)
3) So in onLocalCameraFrame func you will get videoFrame:
func onLocalCameraFrame(_ localCamera: VCLocalCamera!, videoFrame: VCVideoFrame!) {
But my problem is that I couldn't get Image from this videoFrame.
If you will find how to get UIImage or base64encoded image, please let me know.


How to send DTMF in Linphone ios SDK

Calling functionality is working fine but the SendDTMF isn't working. Here is my minimal code that can help to understand the situation.
class AnswerCallViewController: UIViewController {
var call: Call!
var proxy_cfg: ProxyConfig!
let coreManager1 = LinphoneCoreManager()
var lc: Core?
let coreManager2 = LinphoneCoreManager2()
var mIterateTimer: Timer?
var cPtr: OpaquePointer?
#IBAction func btnsAppend(_ sender: UIButton) {
let digit1 = sender.currentTitle!
print("digit1", digit1)
let cchar = (sender.currentTitle!.cString(using: String.Encoding.utf8)?[0])!
do {
try call?.sendDtmf(dtmf: cchar)
} catch {
print("DTMF failed because \(error)")
It's should work but it's always return error. The error log is -
liblinphone-warning-linphone_call_send_dtmf(): invalid call, canceling DTMF
sendDtmf and Returns: -1 on error.
Other Information -
Linphone SDK - Version 5 (compiled with g729 codec.)
Xcode - Version 12.4 (12D4e)
Any help will be appreciated.
Please ensure that you call is defined and call.state == .StreamsRunning

WEBRTC How to capture video from camera library?

Can't load video from a UIImagePickerController using WebRTC.
With saved in-app Bundle file, it works, but if I use UIImagePickerController
so I use mediaInfo like this:
(info[.mediaURL] as! URL).path
This code I use to start capturing a video file
public func startCaptureLocalVideoFile(name: String, renderer: RTCVideoRenderer) {
localRenderer = renderer
videoCapturer = RTCFileVideoCapturer(delegate: videoSource)
guard let capturer = videoCapturer as? RTCFileVideoCapturer else {
print("WebRTCService can't get capturer")
capturer.startCapturing(fromFileNamed: name) { error in
print("startCapturing error ", error)
so I get this media info:
info [__C.UIImagePickerControllerInfoKey(_rawValue: UIImagePickerControllerMediaURL): file:///private/var/mobile/Containers/Data/PluginKitPlugin/5F7A4469-5006-4590-8F59-396CD86A083B/tmp/trim.B46C5878-BAF2-432B-B627-9787D74CE7B0.MOV, __C.UIImagePickerControllerInfoKey(_rawValue: UIImagePickerControllerMediaType):, __C.UIImagePickerControllerInfoKey(_rawValue: UIImagePickerControllerReferenceURL): assets-library://asset/asset.MOV?id=33EECFB7-514A-435A-AA19-26A055FB9F06&ext=MOV]
and this error:
startCapturing error Error Domain=org.webrtc.RTCFileVideoCapturer Code=2001 "(null)" UserInfo={NSUnderlyingError=File /private/var/mobile/Containers/Data/PluginKitPlugin/5F7A4469-5006-4590-8F59-396CD86A083B/tmp/trim.B46C5878-BAF2-432B-B627-9787D74CE7B0.MOV not found in bundle}
Seems like it works with Bundle.main only, but we can't write to it.
Am I doing it right? Maybe there is another way to accomplish this?
Thanks for the help!

How to print the current local network name in swift

I am creating an iOS app which displays the current local network name at the top of the screen, and so forth. I am trouble-shooting different ways to display this but I can't manage the current program. Can someone help me out?
I've looked at several GitHub, stack overflow, and youtube comments about this, but nome of them worked.
In the current Xcode I'm using which is Xcode(10.4.2) I'm using a label(correct me if I should use something else) to display the current Wifi named --> (WiFi: ......)
Please don't test on the simulator, use the iphone for testing.
Import SystemConfiguration :
import SystemConfiguration.CaptiveNetwork
In ViewDidLoad :
let wifiName = getWiFiName()
print("Wifi: \(String(describing: wifiName))")
Function :
func getWiFiName() -> String? {
var serviceSetIdentifier:String?
if let interfaces = CNCopySupportedInterfaces() as Array? {
interfaces.forEach { interface in
guard let interfaceInfo = CNCopyCurrentNetworkInfo(interface as! CFString) as NSDictionary? else { return }
serviceSetIdentifier = interfaceInfo[kCNNetworkInfoKeySSID as String] as? String
return serviceSetIdentifier

Swift - Unable to retrieve CMSensorDataList records

I'm making a Watch app that will record user acceleration. I've used CMSensorRecorder from the CoreMotion Framework to do this.
The flow of the program right now is that the user presses a button on the watch, which triggers acceleration to be recorded for 30 seconds. After this, there is a 6-minute delay (referring to answer here :watchOS2 - CMSensorRecorder, a delay is needed to read the data), and the acceleration and timestamp data is printed to the console.
Right now I'm getting a "response invalid" and "Error occurred" when running the app. I've added a motion usage description to the info.plist file.
I'm fairly new to Swift and app development, and I fear something's wrong with the way I'm trying to access the data. I've attached the console logs and code below.
Can anybody provide some insight into the messages and how to resolve this? I've searched around but haven't found any cases of this issue before. Cheers.
func recordAcceleration(){
if CMSensorRecorder.isAccelerometerRecordingAvailable(){
print("recorder started")
recorder.recordAccelerometer(forDuration: 30) //forDuration controls how many seconds data is recorded for.
print("recording done")
func getData(){
if let list = recorder.accelerometerData(from: Date(timeIntervalSinceNow: -400), to: Date()){
print("listing data")
for data in list{
if let accData = data as? CMRecordedAccelerometerData{
let accX = accData.acceleration.x
let timestamp = accData.startDate
//Do something here.
//Send data to iphone after time period.
func sendData(dataBlock:CMSensorDataList){
WCSession.default.transferUserInfo(["Data" : dataBlock])
//UI Elements
#IBAction func recordButtonPressed() {
print("button pressed")
//A delay is needed to read the data properly.
print("delaying 6 mins")
perform(#selector(callback), with: nil, afterDelay: 6*60)
#objc func callback(){
extension CMSensorDataList: Sequence {
public func makeIterator() -> NSFastEnumerationIterator {
return NSFastEnumerationIterator(self)
Console output:
button pressed
recorder started
2019-03-12 12:12:12.568962+1100 app_name WatchKit Extension[233:5614] [Motion] Warning - invoking recordDataType:forDuration: on main may lead to deadlock.
2019-03-12 12:12:13.102712+1100 app_name WatchKit Extension[233:5614] [SensorRecorder] Response invalid.
recording done
delaying 6 mins
2019-03-12 12:18:13.115955+1100 app_name WatchKit Extension[233:5614] [Motion] Warning - invoking sensorDataFromDate:toDate:forType: on main may lead to deadlock.
2019-03-12 12:18:13.162476+1100 app_name WatchKit Extension[233:5753] [SensorRecorder] Error occurred while trying to retrieve accelerometer records!
I ran your code and did not get the "Response invalid" or "Error occurred". I did get the main thread warnings. So I changed to a background thread and it works fine.
Also, I don't think you need to wait six minutes. I changed it to one minute.
I hope this helps.
let recorder = CMSensorRecorder()
#IBAction func recordAcceleration() {
if CMSensorRecorder.isAccelerometerRecordingAvailable() {
print("recorder started") .background).async {
self.recorder.recordAccelerometer(forDuration: 30)
perform(#selector(callback), with: nil, afterDelay: 1 * 60)
#objc func callback(){ .background).async { self.getData() }
func getData(){
print("getData started")
if let list = recorder.accelerometerData(from: Date(timeIntervalSinceNow: -60), to: Date()) {
print("listing data")
for data in list{
if let accData = data as? CMRecordedAccelerometerData{
let accX = accData.acceleration.x
let timestamp = accData.startDate
//Do something here.

kAudioUnitType_MusicEffect as AVAudioUnit

I'd like to use my kAudioUnitType_MusicEffect AU in an AVAudioEngine graph. So I try to call:
[AVAudioUnitMIDIInstrument instantiateWithComponentDescription:desc options:kAudioComponentInstantiation_LoadInProcess completionHandler:
but that just yeilds a normal AVAudioUnit, so the midi selectors (like -[AVAudioUnit sendMIDIEvent:data1:data2:]:) are unrecognized. It seems AVAudioUnitMIDIInstrument instantiateWithComponentDescription only works with kAudioUnitType_MusicDevice.
Any way to do this? (Note: OS X 10.11)
Make a subclass and call instantiateWithComponentDescription from its init.
Gory details and github project in this blog post
This uses Swift and kAudioUnitSubType_MIDISynth but you can see how to do it.
This works. It's a subclass. You add it to the engine and you route the signal through it.
class MyAVAudioUnitDistortionEffect: AVAudioUnitEffect {
override init() {
var description = AudioComponentDescription()
description.componentType = kAudioUnitType_Effect
description.componentSubType = kAudioUnitSubType_Distortion
description.componentManufacturer = kAudioUnitManufacturer_Apple
description.componentFlags = 0
description.componentFlagsMask = 0
super.init(audioComponentDescription: description)
func setFinalMix(finalMix:Float) {
let status = AudioUnitSetParameter(
if status != noErr {
print("error \(status)")