Counting occurrences of key while keeping several values - scala

I'm having some trouble counting the number of occurrences of a key, while also keeping several values.
Usually I will just do:
val a = => (x, 1)).reduceByKey(_ + _)
which gives the number of occurrences for each key.
However, I also want to keep the values for each occurrence of a key, at the same time as counting the number of occurrences of the key. Something like this:
val a = => (x(1), (x(2), 1)).reduceByKey{case (x,y) => (x._1, y._1, x._2+y._2)}
For example: if the key x(1) is a country and x(2) is a city, I want to keep all the cities in a country, as well as knowing how many cities there are in a country.

It's complicated and redundant to keep the count of the cities together with its list. You can just collect all the cities, and add the size at the end:
It is of course easier if you use the dataframe interface (assuming a dataframe (key:Int, city:String))
import org.apache.spark.sql.{ functions => f}
import spark.implicits._
withColumn("ncities", f.size($"cities"))
but you can do something similar with raw rdd (I am assuming in input tuples of (id,city) ){ x => (x(0),Set(x(1)))}.
reduceByKey{ case(x,y) => x ++ y }.
map { case(x,y:Set[_]) => (x,y, y.size)}

In this case, I would recommend using a dataframe instead of a RDD, and use the groupBy and agg methods.
You can easily convert an RDD to a dataframe using the toDF function, just make sure you import implicits first. Example assuming the RDD has two columns:
val spark = SparkSession.builder.getOrCreate()
import spark.implicits._
val df = rdd.toDF("country", "city")
Then use the groupBy and aggregate the values you want.
df.groupBy("country").agg(collect_set($"city").as("cities"), count($"city").as("count"))

I would suggest you to go with dataframes as well as dataframes are optimized and easy to use than rdds.
But if you want to learn about reduceByKey functionality (i.e. keeping other information as you said city information) then you can do something like below
Lets say you have a rdd as
val rdd = sc.parallelize(Seq(
("country1", "city1"),
("country1", "city2"),
("country1", "city3"),
("country1", "city3"),
("country2", "city1"),
("country2", "city2")
Your tried reducyByKey would need some modification as => (x._1, (Set(x._2), 1))) //I have used Set to get distinct cities (you can use list or arrays or any other collection
.reduceByKey((x,y)=> (x._1 ++ y._1, x._2 + y._2)) //cities are also summed and counts are also summed
which should give you
(country2,(Set(city1, city2),2))
(country1,(Set(city1, city2, city3),4))
I hope the answer is helpful
If you want to learn reduceByKey in detail you can check my detailed answer


How to create an RDD by selecting specific data from an existing RDD where output should of RDD[String]?

I have scenario to capture some data (not all) from an existing RDD and then pass it to other Scala class for actual operations. Lets see with example data(empnum, empname, emplocation, empsal) in a text file.
first step, I create an RDD with RDD[String] by below code,
val empRDD = spark
So, my requirement is to create another RDD with empnum, empname, emplocation (again with RDD[String]).
For that I have tried below code hence I am getting RDD[String, String, String].
val empReqRDD = empRDD
.map(a=> a.split(","))
.map(x=> (x(0), x(1), x(2)))
I have tried with Slice also, it gives me RDD[Array(String)].
My required RDD should be of RDD[String] to pass to required Scala class to do some operations.
The expected output should be,
Can anyone help me how to achieve?
I would try this
val empReqRDD = empRDD
.map(a=> a.split(","))
.map(x=> (x(0), x(1), x(2)))
val rddString ={case(id,name,city) => "%s,%s,%s".format(id,name,city)})
In your initial implementation, the second map is putting the array elements into a 3-tuple, hence the RDD[(String, String, String)].
One way to accomplish your objective is to change the second map to construct a string like so:
.map(a=> a.split(","))
.map(x => s"${x(0)},${x(1)},${x(2)}")
Alternatively, and a bit more concise, you could do it by taking the first 3 elements of the array and using the mkString method:',').take(3).mkString(","))
Probably overkill for this use-case, but you could also use a regex to extract the values:
val r = "([^,]*),([^,]*),([^,]*).*".r { case r(id, name, city) => s"$id,$name,$city" }

Count operation in reduceByKey in spark

val temp1 ={ temp => ((temp.getShort(0), temp.getString(1)), (USAGE_TEMP.getDouble(2), USAGE_TEMP.getDouble(3)))})
.reduceByKey((x, y) => ((x._1+y._1),(x._2+y._2)))
Here I have performed Sum operation But Is it possible to do count operation inside reduceByKey.
Like what i think,
reduceByKey((x, y) => (math.count(x._1),(x._2+y._2)))
But this is not working any suggestion please.
Well, counting is equivalent to summing 1s, so just map the first item in each value tuple into 1 and sum both parts of the tuple like you did before:
val temp1 = { temp =>
((temp.getShort(0), temp.getString(1)), (1, USAGE_TEMP.getDouble(3)))
.reduceByKey((x, y) => ((x._1+y._1),(x._2+y._2)))
Result would be an RDD[((Short, String), (Int, Double))] where the first item in the value tuple (the Int) is the number of original records matching that key.
That's actually the classic map-reduce example - word count.
No, you can't do that. RDD provide iterator model for lazy computation. So every element will be visited only once.
If you really want to do sum as described, re-partition your rdd first, then use mapWithPartition, implement your calculation in closure( Keep in mind that elements in RDD is not in order).

Apache Spark's RDD splitting according to the particular size

I am trying to read strings from a text file, but I want to limit each line according to a particular size. For example;
Here is my representing the file.
When trying to read this file by sc.textFile, RDD would appear this one.
scala> val rdd = sc.textFile("textFile")
scala> rdd.collect
res1: Array[String] = Array(aaaaa, bbb, ccccc)
But I want to limit the size of this RDD. For example, if the limit is 3, then I should get like this one.
Array[String] = Array(aaa, aab, bbc, ccc, c)
What is the best performance way to do that?
Not a particularly efficient solution (not terrible either) but you can do something like this:
val pairs = rdd
.flatMap(x => x) // Flatten
.zipWithIndex // Add indices
.keyBy(_._2 / 3) // Key by index / n
// We'll use a range partitioner to minimize the shuffle
val partitioner = new RangePartitioner(pairs.partitions.size, pairs)
.groupByKey(partitioner) // group
// Sort, drop index, concat
It is possible to avoid the shuffle by passing data required to fill the partitions explicitly but it takes some effort to code. See my answer to Partition RDD into tuples of length n.
If you can accept some misaligned records on partitions boundaries then simple mapPartitions with grouped should do the trick at much lower cost:
rdd.mapPartitions(_.flatMap(x => x).grouped(3).map(_.mkString("")))
It is also possible to use sliding RDD:
rdd.flatMap(x => x).sliding(3, 3).map(_.mkString(""))
You will need to read all the data anyhow. Not much you can do apart from mapping each line and trim it. => line.take(3)).collect()

How to get a subset of a RDD?

I am new to Spark. If I have a RDD consists of key-value pairs, what is the efficient way to return a subset of this RDD containing the keys that appear more than a certain times in the original RDD?
For example, if my original data RDD is like this:
val dataRDD=sc.parallelize(List((1,34),(5,3),(1,64),(3,67),(5,0)),3)
I want to get a new RDD, in which the keys appear more than once in dataRDD. The newRDD should contains these tuples: (1,34),(5,3),(1,64),(5,0). How can I get this new RDD? Thank you very much.
Count keys and filter infrequent:
val counts =, 1)).reduceByKey(_ + _)
val infrequent = counts.filter(_._2 == 1)
If number of infrequent values is to large to be handled in memory you can use PairRDDFunctions.subtractByKey:
otherwise a broadcast variable:
val infrequentKeysBd = sc.broadcast(infrequent.keys.collect.toSet)
dataRDD.filter{ case(k, _) => !infrequentKeysBd.value.contains(k)}
If number of frequent keys is very low you can filter frequent keys and use a broadcast variable as above:
val frequent = counts.filter(_._2 > 1)
val frequentKeysBd = ??? // As before
dataRDD.filter{case(k, _) => frequentKeysBd.value.contains(k)}

transform rdd into pairRDD

This is a newbie question.
Is it possible to transform an RDD like (key,1,2,3,4,5,5,666,789,...) with a dynamic dimension into a pairRDD like (key, (1,2,3,4,5,5,666,789,...))?
I feel like it should be super-easy but I cannot get how to.
The point of doing it is that I would like to sum all the values, but not the key.
Any help is appreciated.
I am using Spark 1.2.0
EDIT enlightened by the answer I explain my use case deeplier. I have N (unknown at compile time) different pairRDD (key, value), that have to be joined and whose values must be summed up. Is there a better way than the one I was thinking?
First of all if you just wanna sum all integers but first the simplest way would be:
val rdd = sc.parallelize(List(1, 2, 3))
val first = rdd.sum()
val result = rdd.count - first
On the other hand if you want to have access to the index of elements you can use rdd zipWithIndex method like this:
val indexed = rdd.zipWithIndex()
val result = (indexed.first()._2, indexed.filter(_._1 != 1))
But in your case this feels like overkill.
One more thing i would add, this looks like questionable desine to put key as first element of your rdd. Why not just instead use pairs (key, rdd) in your driver program. Its quite hard to reason about order of elements in rdd and i cant not think about natural situation in witch key is computed as first element of rdd (ofc i dont know your usecase so i can only guess).
If you have one rdd of key value pairs and you want to sum them by key then do just:
val result = rdd.reduceByKey(_ + _)
If you have many rdds of key value pairs before counting you can just sum them up
val list = List(pairRDD0, pairRDD1, pairRDD2)
//another pairRDD arives in runtime
val newList = anotherPairRDD0::list
val pairRDD = newList.reduce(_ union _)
val resultSoFar = pairRDD.reduceByKey(_ + _)
//another pairRDD arives in runtime
val result = resultSoFar.union(anotherPairRDD1).reduceByKey(_ + _)
I edited example. As you can see you can add additional rdd when every it comes up in runtime. This is because reduceByKey returns rdd of the same type so you can iterate this operation (Ofc you will have to consider performence).