Align parenthesis Emacs - emacs

I am having a lot of trouble alligning my parrenthesis perfectly in emacs.
What is happening now is the following:
if (
What I would like to happen is the following:
if (
if (
My Emacs is in Verilog mode.
Thanks in advance!!
Or let's say this is what I have :
for (
int k = 1;
k < 5;
k ++
and I would like to get the following
for (
int k = 1;
k < 5;
k ++

try this in your configuration file:
'(verilog-cexp-indent 3))
it should give you:
if (
But this is just the variable for indenting a statement that is split across lines, so if that does not apply for other cases that you are wishing to customize, look at :
verilog-align-ifelse verilog-auto-delete-trailing-whitespace verilog-auto-lineup verilog-auto-newline verilog-case-indent``verilog-indent-level and add to the above 'custom-set-variables'
more info here


Macro to swap selections

As an author, I frequently have to swap two words, phrases or sentences. I do that by dragging and dropping or by using the clipboard history, or by retyping, all of which are cumbersome and prone to mistakes.
Is there a command or macro to automatically swap two selections?
Example: after selecting 'short' and 'simple' in the sentence 'This is a short and simple example' and swapping them, the sentence would become 'This is a simple and short example'
For simple word swapping, it would be handy if such a function would default to selecting the words with a cursor (empty selection) in them.
Example: place two cursors in the above sentence, one in the word 'simple' and one in 'short', and they'll be automatically selected and reversed.
For swapping a word and a phrase, it would be handy if I could select the word by Ctrl-clicking and the phrase by dragging to have it automatically selected (that is, a combination of 1 and 2).
More generally, I would like to be able to invert any number of selections of any length anywhere in a document.
Simple example: the text 'a b c d e f g' with the a, the c, the e and the g selected becomes 'g b e d c f a'.
Obviously swapping two selections is a special case of reversing any number of selections.
Here is a JavaScript macro for EmEditor to swap multiple selections or words at the cursor positions.
Redraw = false; // optimize for speed
CombineHistory = true; // combine Undo
nMax = document.selection.Count; // retrieve the number of selections
ax = Array( nMax );
ax2 = Array( nMax );
ay = Array( nMax );
ay2 = Array( nMax );
as = Array( nMax );
for( i = 0; i < nMax; ++i ) { // retrieve position of each selection
ax[i] = document.selection.GetTopPointX( eePosLogical, i + 1 );
ax2[i] = document.selection.GetBottomPointX( eePosLogical, i + 1 );
ay[i] = document.selection.GetTopPointY( eePosLogical, i + 1 );
ay2[i] = document.selection.GetBottomPointY( eePosLogical, i + 1 );
for( i = 0; i < nMax; ++i ) { // retrieve word text and positions
if( ax[i] == ax2[i] && ay[i] == ay2[i] ) {
document.selection.SetActivePoint( eePosLogical, ax[i], ay[i] ); // set cursor position
document.selection.SelectWord(); // select a word
ax[i] = document.selection.GetTopPointX( eePosLogical ); // retrieve selection position
ax2[i] = document.selection.GetBottomPointX( eePosLogical );
as[i] = document.selection.Text; // retrieve selected text
else {
document.selection.SetActivePoint( eePosLogical, ax[i], ay[i] );
document.selection.SetActivePoint( eePosLogical, ax2[i], ay2[i], true );
as[i] = document.selection.Text; // retrieve selected text
for( i = nMax - 1; i >= 0; --i ) { // set a selection from bottom to top
document.selection.SetActivePoint( eePosLogical, ax[i], ay[i] );
document.selection.SetActivePoint( eePosLogical, ax2[i], ay2[i], true );
document.selection.Text = as[nMax - i - 1]; // set new text
To run this, save this code as, for instance, Macro.jsee, and then select this file from Select... in the Macros menu. Finally, select Run Macro.jsee in the Macros menu while multiple selections are made.

Undefined operator '>' for input arguments of type 'msspoly' (optimization software)

I know there are many similar questions like the title ask here.
However, I still believe no of these discussions can solve my problem.
I am testing the following software "SPOTless" developed by MIT:
This is a software which transform the polynomial optimization problem to LP or SOCP. And then call the other software "mosek" to solve it.
This example is from the tutorial in: (please see the last example)
n = 2 ;
d = 4 ;
x = msspoly('x',n ) ;
basis = monomials(x , 0 : d ) ;
p = randn(length(basis))'*basis ;
g = 1 - x'*x ;
prog = spotsosprog ;
prog = prog.withIndeterminate(x) ;
[prog,r] = prog.newFree(1) ;
[prog,f] = prog.newFreePoly(x,monomials(x,0:d-2)) ;
prog = prog.withSOS(r-p-f*g) ;
sol = prog.minimize(r) ;
However, when run it, Matlab shows the following error:
The line 401 and the related part is the following:
function [pr,poly,coeff] = newFreePoly(pr,basis,n)
if nargin < 3, n = 1; end
if ~isempty(basis) && n > 0 % line 401
if ~pr.isPolyInIndet(basis)
error('Basis must be polynomial in the indeterminates.');
[pr,coeff] = pr.newFree(length(basis)*n);
poly = reshape(coeff,n,length(basis))*basis;
poly = [];
$n$ is an integer, so $n > 0$ is valid obviously.
I ask the related professor (not the author of this software); he told me he has not seen this problem before. The problem comes from one .m file in the software.
I am not sure if someone can help me test this software and this example and let me know the result or how to solve this error.
Note: if you really test this software (easy to install), please also install "mosek", which is a famous optimization software.
Note: if you do not want to install "mosek", please cross out the last two lines in the code.

Why does loop crash and and not print? Unity3D

Given a cubic space, this function searches for the next large empty space, places a marker there, and then quits.
However, the function doesn't even print the check message that exists prior to the loops starting, so i don't know how to debug it. The checking starts at 0,0,0 and spaces outside the voxel are returned as true, so it should default all the first loops and send messages back. The unity.exe process jams and i have to abort it.
Why doesn't it print? What else is wrong with it? Even if it is slow, i should be able to track progress within the loops? why wouldn't it?
function findvoidable() //find void space in voxel volume
var step = dist+1;
print("start"); WaitForFixedUpdate(); //this doesnt print
for ( var k : int = 0; k < mesher.PNGpaths.Length ; k+=step/2)
for ( var j = 0; j < mesher.tex.height ; j+=step/2)
for ( var i = 0; i < mesher.tex.width ; i+=step/2){
print("in schema");WaitForFixedUpdate();
if (wst( i , j , k )==false )
if (wst( i+step,j ,k )==false )
if (wst( i-step,j ,k )==false )
if (wst( i ,j+step,k )==false )
if (wst( i ,j-step,k )==false )
if (wst( i ,j ,k+step )==false )
if (wst( i ,j ,k-step )==false )
var cnt=0;
for ( var x = i-step; x < i+step ; x+=1)
for ( var y = j-step; y < j+step ; y+=1)
for ( var z = k-step; z < k+step ; z+=1)
if ( wst( x , y , z ) == false )
if ( cnt >= step*step*step-3 )
WaitForFixedUpdate is a Coroutine and is not supposed to be run like a normal method.
Instead, try "yield" statement:
yield WaitForFixedUpdate();
More info:

remove duplicates in a table (rexx language)

I have a question about removing duplicates in a table (rexx language), I am on netphantom applications that are using the rexx language.
I need a sample on how to remove the duplicates in a table.
I do have a thoughts on how to do it though, like using two loops for these two tables which are A and B, but I am not familiar with this.
My situation is:
rc = PanlistInsertData('A',0,SAMPLE)
TABLE A (this table having duplicate data)
I need to filter out those duplicates data into TABLE B like this:
You can use lookup stem variables to test if you have already found a value.
This should work (note I have not tested so there could be syntax errors)
lookup. = no /* initialize the stem to no, not strictly needed */
do i = 1 to in.0
v = in.i
if lookup.v <> yes then do
j = j + 1
out.j = v
lookup.v = yes
out.0 = j
You can eliminate the duplicates by :
If InStem first element, Move the element to OutStem Else check all the OutStem elements for the current InStem element
If element is found, Iterate to the next InStem element Else add InStem element to OutStem
Code Snippet :
/*Input Stem - InStem.
Output Stem - OutStem.
Array Counters - I, J, K */
J = 1
DO I = 1 TO InStem.0
OutStem.I = InStem.I
DO K = 1 TO J
IF (InStem.I ?= OutStem.K) & (K = J) THEN
J = J + 1
OutStem.J = InStem.I
IF (InStem.I == OutStem.K) THEN
OutStem.0 = J
Hope this helps.

How can I create combinations of several lists without hardcoding loops?

I have data that looks like this:
my #homopol = (
["T","C","CC","G"], # part1
["T","TT","C","G","A"], #part2
["C","CCC","G"], #part3 ...upto part K=~50
my #prob = ([1.00,0.63,0.002,1.00,0.83],
[0.72,0.03,1.00, 0.85,1.00],
# Note also that the dimension of #homopol is always exactly the same with #prob.
# Although number of elements can differ from 'part' to 'part'.
What I want to do is to
Generate all combinations of elements in part1 through out partK
Find the product of the corresponding elements in #prob.
Hence at the end we hope to get this output:
T-T-C 1 x 0.72 x 1 = 0.720
T-T-CCC 1 x 0.72 x 0.97 = 0.698
T-T-G 1 x 0.72 x 0.02 = 0.014
G-G-G 1 x 0.85 x 0.02 = 0.017
G-A-C 1 x 1 x 1 = 1.000
G-A-CCC 1 x 1 x 0.97 = 0.970
G-A-G 1 x 1 x 0.02 = 0.020
The problem is that the following code of mine does that by hardcoding
the loops. Since the number of parts of #homopol is can be varied and large
(e.g. ~K=50), we need a flexible and compact way to get the same result. Is there any?
I was thinking to use Algorithm::Loops, but not sure how to achieve that.
use strict;
use Data::Dumper;
use Carp;
my #homopol = (["T","C","CC","G"],
my #prob = ([1.00,0.63,0.002,1.00,0.83],
[0.72,0.03,1.00, 0.85,1.00],
my $i_of_part1 = -1;
foreach my $base_part1 ( #{ $homopol[0] } ) {
my $probpart1 = $prob[0]->[$i_of_part1];
my $i_of_part2 =-1;
foreach my $base_part2 ( #{ $homopol[1] } ) {
my $probpart2 = $prob[1]->[$i_of_part2];
my $i_of_part3 = -1;
foreach my $base_part3 ( #{ $homopol[2] } ) {
my $probpart3 = $prob[2]->[$i_of_part3];
my $nstr = $base_part1."".$base_part2."".$base_part3;
my $prob_prod = sprintf("%.3f",$probpart1 * $probpart2 *$probpart3);
print "$base_part1-$base_part2-$base_part3 \t";
print "$probpart1 x $probpart2 x $probpart3 = $prob_prod\n";
I would recommend Set::CrossProduct, which will create an iterator to yield the cross product of all of your sets. Because it uses an iterator, it does not need to generate every combination in advance; rather, it yields each one on demand.
use strict;
use warnings;
use Set::CrossProduct;
my #homopol = (
[qw(T C CC G)],
[qw(T TT C G A)],
[qw(C CCC G)],
my #prob = (
[0.72,0.03,1.00, 0.85,1.00],
# Prepare by storing the data in a list of lists of pairs.
my #combined;
for my $i (0 .. $#homopol){
push #combined, [];
push #{$combined[-1]}, [$homopol[$i][$_], $prob[$i][$_]]
for 0 .. #{$homopol[$i]} - 1;
my $iterator = Set::CrossProduct->new([ #combined ]);
while( my $tuple = $iterator->get ){
my #h = map { $_->[0] } #$tuple;
my #p = map { $_->[1] } #$tuple;
my $product = 1;
$product *= $_ for #p;
print join('-', #h), ' ', join(' x ', #p), ' = ', $product, "\n";
A solution using Algorithm::Loops without changing the input data would look something like:
use Algorithm::Loops;
# Turns ([a, b, c], [d, e], ...) into ([0, 1, 2], [0, 1], ...)
my #lists_of_indices = map { [ 0 .. #$_ ] } #homopol;
NestedLoops( [ #lists_of_indices ], sub {
my #indices = #_;
my $prob_prod = 1; # Multiplicative identity
my #base_string;
my #prob_string;
for my $n (0 .. $#indices) {
push #base_string, $hompol[$n][ $indices[$n] ];
push #prob_string, sprintf("%.3f", $prob[$n][ $indices[$n] ]);
$prob_prod *= $prob[$n][ $indices[$n] ];
print join "-", #base_string; print "\t";
print join "x", #prob_string; print " = ";
printf "%.3f\n", $prob_prod;
But I think that you could actually make the code clearer by changing the structure to one more like
{ T => 1.00, C => 0.63, CC => 0.002, G => 0.83 },
{ T => 0.72, TT => 0.03, ... },
because without the parallel data structures you can simply iterate over the available base sequences, instead of iterating over indices and then looking up those indices in two different places.
Why don't you use recursion? Pass the depth as a parameter and let the function call itself with depth+1 inside the loop.
you could do it by creating an array of indicies the same length as the #homopol array (N say), to keep track of which combination you are looking at. In fact this array is just like a
number in base N, with the elements being the digits. Iterate in the same way as you would write down consectutive numbers in base N, e.g (0 0 0 ... 0), (0 0 0 ... 1), ...,(0 0 0 ... N-1), (0 0 0 ... 1 0), ....
Approach 1: Calculation from indices
Compute the product of lengths in homopol (length1 * length2 * ... * lengthN). Then, iterate i from zero to the product. Now, the indices you want are i % length1, (i / length1)%length2, (i / length1 / length2) % length3, ...
Approach 2: Recursion
I got beaten to it, see nikie's answer. :-)