How to write "like '%ABC%' " in Spark [duplicate] - scala

How do I write SQL statement to reach the goal like the following statement:
SELECT * FROM table t WHERE t.a LIKE '%'||t.b||'%';

spark.sql.Column provides like method but as for now (Spark 1.6.0 / 2.0.0) it works only with string literals. Still you can use raw SQL:
import org.apache.spark.sql.hive.HiveContext
val sqlContext = new HiveContext(sc) // Make sure you use HiveContext
import sqlContext.implicits._ // Optional, just to be able to use toDF
val df = Seq(("foo", "bar"), ("foobar", "foo"), ("foobar", "bar")).toDF("a", "b")
sqlContext.sql("SELECT * FROM df WHERE a LIKE CONCAT('%', b, '%')")
// +------+---+
// | a| b|
// +------+---+
// |foobar|foo|
// |foobar|bar|
// +------+---+
or expr / selectExpr:
df.selectExpr("a like CONCAT('%', b, '%')")
In Spark 1.5 it will requireHiveContext. If for some reason Hive context is not an option you can use custom udf:
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions.udf
val simple_like = udf((s: String, p: String) => s.contains(p))
df.where(simple_like($"a", $"b"))
val regex_like = udf((s: String, p: String) =>
new scala.util.matching.Regex(p).findFirstIn(s).nonEmpty)
df.where(regex_like($"a", $"b"))


spark Scala RDD to DataFrame Date format

Would you be able to help in this spark prob statement
Data -
val rawrdd = spark.sparkContext.textFile("C:\\Users\\cmohamma\\data\\delta scenarios\\emp_20191010.txt")
val refinedRDD = lines => {
val fields = lines.split("\\|") (fields(0).toInt,fields(1),fields(2),fields(3).toInt,fields(4).toDate,fields(5).toFloat,fields(6).toInt)
Problem Statement - This is not working -fields(4).toDate , whats is the alternative or what is the usage ?
What i have tried ?
tried replacing it to - to_date(col(fields(4)) , "yyy-MM-dd") - Not working
Step 1.
val refinedRDD = lines => {
val fields = lines.split("\\|")
Now this tuples are all strings
Step 2.
mySchema = StructType(StructField(empno,IntegerType,true), StructField(ename,StringType,true), StructField(designation,StringType,true), StructField(manager,IntegerType,true), StructField(hire_date,DateType,true), StructField(sal,DoubleType,true), StructField(deptno,IntegerType,true))
Step 3. converting the string tuples to Rows
val rowRDD = => Row(attributes._1, attributes._2, attributes._3, attributes._4, attributes._5 , attributes._6, attributes._7))
Step 4.
val empDF = spark.createDataFrame(rowRDD, mySchema)
This is also not working and gives error related to types. to solve this i changed the step 1 as
Now this is giving error for the date type column and i am again at the main problem.
Use Case - use textFile Api, convert this to a dataframe using custom schema (StructType) on top of it.
This can be done using the case class but in case class also i would be stuck where i would need to do a fields(4).toDate (i know i can cast string to date later in code but if the above problem solutionis possible)
You can use the following code snippet
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions.to_timestamp
scala> val df ="csv").option("header", "true").option("delimiter", "|").load("gs://otif-etl-input/test.csv")
df: org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrame = [empno: string, ename: string ... 5 more fields]
scala> val ts = to_timestamp($"hire_date", "yyyy-MM-dd")
ts: org.apache.spark.sql.Column = to_timestamp(`hire_date`, 'yyyy-MM-dd')
scala> val enriched_df = df.withColumn("ts", ts).show(2, false)
|empno|ename|designation|manager|hire_date |sal |deptno |ts |
|7369 |SMITH|CLERK |9902 |2010-12-17|800.00 |20 |2010-12-17 00:00:00|
|7499 |ALLEN|SALESMAN |9698 |2011-02-20|1600.00|30 |2011-02-20 00:00:00|
enriched_df: Unit = ()
There are multiple ways to cast your data to proper data types.
First : use InferSchema
val df = .option("delimiter", "\\|").option("header", true) .option("inferSchema", "true").csv(path)
Some time it doesn't work as expected. see details here
Second : provide your own Datatype conversion template
val rawDF = Seq(("7369", "SMITH" , "2010-12-17", "800.00"), ("7499", "ALLEN","2011-02-20", "1600.00")).toDF("empno", "ename","hire_date", "sal")
//define schema in DF , hire_date as Date
val schemaDF = Seq(("empno", "INT"), ("ename", "STRING"), (**"hire_date", "date"**) , ("sal", "double")).toDF("columnName", "columnType")
//fetch schema details
val dataTypes ="columnName", "columnType")
val listOfElements =
//creating a map friendly template
val validationTemplate = (c: Any, t: Any) => {
val column = c.asInstanceOf[String]
val typ = t.asInstanceOf[String]
//Apply datatype conversion template on rawDF
val convertedDF = => validationTemplate(element(0), element(1))): _*)
println("Conversion done!")
Third : Case Class
Create schema from caseclass with ScalaReflection and provide this customized schema while loading DF.
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.ScalaReflection
import org.apache.spark.sql.types._
case class MySchema(empno: int, ename: String, hire_date: Date, sal: Double)
val schema = ScalaReflection.schemaFor[MySchema].dataType.asInstanceOf[StructType]
val rawDF ="header", "true").load(path)
Hope this will help.

Pass Spark SQL function name as parameter in Scala

I am trying to pass a Spark SQL function name to my defined function in Scala.
I am trying to get same functionality as:
my attempt doesn't work:
def myFunc(myDf: DataFrame, myParameter: String): Dataframe = {
Obviously it shouldn't work as I'm providing a string type I am unable to find a way to make it work.
Is it even possible?
I have to provide sql function name (and it can be other aggregate function) as parameter when calling my function.
myFunc(anyDf, max) or myFunc(anyDf, "max")
agg also takes a Map[String,String] which allows to do what you want:
def myFunc(myDf: DataFrame, myParameter: String): DataFrame = {
val df = Seq(1.0,2.0,3.0).toDF("myColumn")
| 2.0|
Try this:
import org.apache.spark.sql.{Column, DataFrame}
val df = Seq((1, 2, 12),(2, 1, 21),(1, 5, 10),(5, 3, 9),(2, 5, 4)).toDF("a","b","c")
def myFunc(df: DataFrame, f: Column): DataFrame = {
myFunc(df, max(col("a"))).show
| 5|
Hope it helps!

Conditional aggregation in scala based on data type

How do you aggregate dynamically in scala spark based on data types?
For example:
from tbl
Sample data
You can do this by getting the runtime schema matching on the datatype, example :
import org.apache.spark.sql._
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions._
import org.apache.spark.sql.types._
import spark.implicits._
val df =Seq(
(1, 1.0, true, "a"),
(1, 2.0, false, "b")
val dataTypes: Map[String, DataType] = => (,sf.dataType)).toMap
def genericAgg(c:String) = {
dataTypes(c) match {
case DoubleType => sum(col(c))
case StringType => concat_ws(",",collect_list(col(c))) // "append"
case BooleanType => max(col(c))
val aggExprs: Seq[Column] = df.columns.filterNot(_=="id") // use all
.map(c => genericAgg(c))
| id|sum(d)|max(b)|concat_ws(,, collect_list(s))|
| 1| 3.0| true| a,b|

error: value show is not a member of String

If in this case I want to show the header . Why I cannot write in the third line
What I have to do to view the content of the header variable?
val hospitalDataText = sc.textFile("/Users/bhaskar/Desktop/services.csv")
val header = hospitalDataText.first() //Remove the header
If you want a DataFrame use DataFrameReader and limit:
otherwise just println
Unless of course you want to use cats Show. With cats add package to spark.jars.packages and
import cats.instances.string._
If you use sparkContext (sc.textFile), you get an RDD. You are getting the error because header is not a dataframe but a rdd. And show is applicable on dataframe or dataset only.
You will have to read the textfile with sqlContext and not sparkContext.
What you can do is use sqlContext and show(1) as
val hospitalDataText ="/Users/bhaskar/Desktop/services.csv"), false)
Updated for more clarification
sparkContext would create rdd which can be seen in
scala> val hospitalDataText = sc.textFile("file:/test/resources/t1.csv")
hospitalDataText: org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD[String] = file:/test/resources/t1.csv MapPartitionsRDD[5] at textFile at <console>:25
And if you use .first() then the first string of the RDD[String] is extracted as
scala> val header = hospitalDataText.first()
header: String = test1,26,BigData,test1
Now answering your comment below, yes you can create dataframe from header string just created
Following will put the string in one column
scala> val sqlContext = spark.sqlContext
sqlContext: org.apache.spark.sql.SQLContext = org.apache.spark.sql.SQLContext#3fc736c4
scala> import sqlContext.implicits._
import sqlContext.implicits._
scala> Seq(header)
|value |
If you want each string in separate columns you can do
scala> val array = header.split(",")
array: Array[String] = Array(test1, 26, BigData, test1)
scala> Seq((array(0), array(1), array(2), array(3))).toDF().show(false)
|_1 |_2 |_3 |_4 |
|test1|26 |BigData|test1|
You can even define the header names as
scala> Seq((array(0), array(1), array(2), array(3))).toDF("col1", "number", "text2", "col4").show(false)
|col1 |number|text2 |col4 |
|test1|26 |BigData|test1|
More advanced approach would be to use sqlContext.createDataFrame with Schema defined

How to define and use a User-Defined Aggregate Function in Spark SQL?

I know how to write a UDF in Spark SQL:
def belowThreshold(power: Int): Boolean = {
return power < -40
sqlContext.udf.register("belowThreshold", belowThreshold _)
Can I do something similar to define an aggregate function? How is this done?
For context, I want to run the following SQL query:
val aggDF = sqlContext.sql("""SELECT span, belowThreshold(opticalReceivePower), timestamp
WHERE opticalReceivePower IS NOT null
GROUP BY span, timestamp
ORDER BY span""")
It should return something like
Row(span1, false, T0)
I want the aggregate function to tell me if there's any values for opticalReceivePower in the groups defined by span and timestamp which are below the threshold. Do I need to write my UDAF differently to the UDF I pasted above?
Supported methods
Spark >= 3.0
Scala UserDefinedAggregateFunction is being deprecated (SPARK-30423 Deprecate UserDefinedAggregateFunction) in favor of registered Aggregator.
Spark >= 2.3
Vectorized udf (Python only):
from pyspark.sql.functions import pandas_udf
from pyspark.sql.functions import PandasUDFType
from pyspark.sql.types import *
import pandas as pd
df = sc.parallelize([
("a", 0), ("a", 1), ("b", 30), ("b", -50)
]).toDF(["group", "power"])
def below_threshold(threshold, group="group", power="power"):
#pandas_udf("struct<group: string, below_threshold: boolean>", PandasUDFType.GROUPED_MAP)
def below_threshold_(df):
df = pd.DataFrame(
df.groupby(group).apply(lambda x: (x[power] < threshold).any()))
df.reset_index(inplace=True, drop=False)
return df
return below_threshold_
Example usage:
## +-----+---------------+
## |group|below_threshold|
## +-----+---------------+
## | b| true|
## | a| false|
## +-----+---------------+
See also Applying UDFs on GroupedData in PySpark (with functioning python example)
Spark >= 2.0 (optionally 1.6 but with slightly different API):
It is possible to use Aggregators on typed Datasets:
import org.apache.spark.sql.expressions.Aggregator
import org.apache.spark.sql.{Encoder, Encoders}
class BelowThreshold[I](f: I => Boolean) extends Aggregator[I, Boolean, Boolean]
with Serializable {
def zero = false
def reduce(acc: Boolean, x: I) = acc | f(x)
def merge(acc1: Boolean, acc2: Boolean) = acc1 | acc2
def finish(acc: Boolean) = acc
def bufferEncoder: Encoder[Boolean] = Encoders.scalaBoolean
def outputEncoder: Encoder[Boolean] = Encoders.scalaBoolean
val belowThreshold = new BelowThreshold[(String, Int)](_._2 < - 40).toColumn[(String, Int)].groupByKey(_._1).agg(belowThreshold)
Spark >= 1.5:
In Spark 1.5 you can create UDAF like this although it is most likely an overkill:
import org.apache.spark.sql.expressions._
import org.apache.spark.sql.types._
import org.apache.spark.sql.Row
object belowThreshold extends UserDefinedAggregateFunction {
// Schema you get as an input
def inputSchema = new StructType().add("power", IntegerType)
// Schema of the row which is used for aggregation
def bufferSchema = new StructType().add("ind", BooleanType)
// Returned type
def dataType = BooleanType
// Self-explaining
def deterministic = true
// zero value
def initialize(buffer: MutableAggregationBuffer) = buffer.update(0, false)
// Similar to seqOp in aggregate
def update(buffer: MutableAggregationBuffer, input: Row) = {
if (!input.isNullAt(0))
buffer.update(0, buffer.getBoolean(0) | input.getInt(0) < -40)
// Similar to combOp in aggregate
def merge(buffer1: MutableAggregationBuffer, buffer2: Row) = {
buffer1.update(0, buffer1.getBoolean(0) | buffer2.getBoolean(0))
// Called on exit to get return value
def evaluate(buffer: Row) = buffer.getBoolean(0)
Example usage:
// +-----+--------------+
// |group|belowThreshold|
// +-----+--------------+
// | a| false|
// | b| true|
// +-----+--------------+
Spark 1.4 workaround:
I am not sure if I correctly understand your requirements but as far as I can tell plain old aggregation should be enough here:
val df = sc.parallelize(Seq(
("a", 0), ("a", 1), ("b", 30), ("b", -50))).toDF("group", "power")
.withColumn("belowThreshold", ($"power".lt(-40)).cast(IntegerType))
// +-----+--------------+
// |group|belowThreshold|
// +-----+--------------+
// | a| false|
// | b| true|
// +-----+--------------+
Spark <= 1.4:
As far I know, at this moment (Spark 1.4.1), there is no support for UDAF, other than the Hive ones. It should be possible with Spark 1.5 (see SPARK-3947).
Unsupported / internal methods
Internally Spark uses a number of classes including ImperativeAggregates and DeclarativeAggregates.
There are intended for internal usage and may change without further notice, so it is probably not something you want to use in your production code, but just for completeness BelowThreshold with DeclarativeAggregate could be implemented like this (tested with Spark 2.2-SNAPSHOT):
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.aggregate.DeclarativeAggregate
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions._
import org.apache.spark.sql.types._
case class BelowThreshold(child: Expression, threshold: Expression)
extends DeclarativeAggregate {
override def children: Seq[Expression] = Seq(child, threshold)
override def nullable: Boolean = false
override def dataType: DataType = BooleanType
private lazy val belowThreshold = AttributeReference(
"belowThreshold", BooleanType, nullable = false
// Used to derive schema
override lazy val aggBufferAttributes = belowThreshold :: Nil
override lazy val initialValues = Seq(
override lazy val updateExpressions = Seq(Or(
If(IsNull(child), Literal(false), LessThan(child, threshold))
override lazy val mergeExpressions = Seq(
Or(belowThreshold.left, belowThreshold.right)
override lazy val evaluateExpression = belowThreshold
override def defaultResult: Option[Literal] = Option(Literal(false))
It should be further wrapped with an equivalent of withAggregateFunction.
To define and Use UDF in Spark(3.0+) Java:
private static UDF1<Integer, Boolean> belowThreshold = (power) -> power < -40;
Registering the UDF:
.getOrCreate().udf().register("belowThreshold", belowThreshold, BooleanType);
Using the UDF by Spark SQL:
spark.sql("SELECT belowThreshold('50')");