Change UICollectionView cell size on press - Xcode Swift - swift

I am trying to build this view:
We can see that when the user swipes up on a cell, rather than displaying a new view, the cell expands and displays more information. How can I achieve this in Swift? I use a UICollectionView to house all the cells. Thank you for your time!

So far I haven’t been able to find an answer on StackOverflow that helps with advanced animations like this. However, I think that once the cell is clicked/swiped up on, the cell expands and then a new UIViewController is presented.
There’s a handy CocoaPods library that may help you with this. You can check it out here. (


UitableView image to fullscreen

I am writing a program in Xcode in which i work with a tableview. In this tableview in every cell there is a small image. Now i would like this image to become full screen when the user taps it. I know this question was already asked several times but either the answer was in objective c (I'm writing in Swift) or when explain in Swift it swift. If someone could help me and give me a other solution or translate the working answers to Swift I'd be so so grateful. That would be awesome.
Thanks a lot.
Here are the links to the answers which seem to work (regarding the number of upvotes or checks ):
Expand UIImageView to full screen from within UITableViewCell
FullScreen image through tap on TableCell's image
Make a new View in your storyboard. Make a segue from the cell to the new view then in the viewcontroller overwrite the prepareForSegue method. you have to pass the image to the new view.
This link could help:

UIImageView and UItextView inside TableView

I'm working on iOS RSS app, and my last view, which is a UIViewController, is similar to the attached image. I inserted in my DetailView.xib, one Image View to pass the images of the RSS feeds and two Text View to pass the title and summary respectively.
The question is, how can i make the same, but inside a UITableview?
you can use custom cells for it and can add this custom cell at particular index. At first index you just add image view and at second index you just add textview.
Check out this pretty good tutorial Custom UITableViewCell Using Interface Builder.
i hope it helps you.
You can achieve this particular thing by using Custom Table View Cell.
Table View gets created using single Table View Cell again and again. It is much more efficient and uses less memory.
You should check this tutorial.
I hope it will help you.
You can make TableView height UITableView.automaticDimension and make sure UITextView autoscroll is disabled and constraint should be leading, trailing, bottom and top.
Here's the link this might work for you:
How to make a UITextView Expand with the text like the Notes app

Mimic ABNewPersonViewController UI

I'd like to replicate the iOS 4.x ABNewPersonViewController UI layout (see link text) in a custom view but I'm unsure about the best way to achieve this. I was thinking of a single grouped UITableView, but what about the first section? How do I achieve the smaller cells (first,last,company)? And finally the "add photo canvas" is it just a sub UIView with a background image for the shadow and the rounded border or can this be done programmatically?
Many thanks in advance!
your idea about a single grouped UITableView could work. The way to get the smaller cells as well as the photo cell would be to subclass UITableViewCell and create it like that. and yes the photo canvus is just a custom UIView added on top of the UITableView. I'm not sure i see the point of rolling your own here, but thats how i'd start. Also i think i recall seeing a tutorial on how to build this page..try googling for it.

Left area of section in iPhone TableView

I have a section where I would like to customize the left area of a section a TableView - a bit like viewForHeaderInSection.
I have thought at using a cell for the section instead, but it would be a lot of nitty-gritty.
If I understand your question correctly, you want to customise the left-hand-side of some, or every cell in a UITableView? Then you need to make create your own custom table view cells. I normally make these cells in Interface Builder; this post helped me out. See also the Customizing Cells section of Apple's Table View Programming Guide for iOS.
I read your question to mean that there is one custom element to the left of a bunch of cells. The only way I know of offhand is to use a cell as you describe and then have a left view and a tableview inside of it.

sticky selected cell in UITableView like the new twitter ipad app?

any idea how to have the selected cell in UITableView sticky and remain visible while scrolling? like how the twitter ipad app works. i would like it on my splitview's uitableview.
You are probably using a UITableViewController right? This automatically deselects a selected row. To avoid this, the best option would be to use a normal UIViewController with the protocols UITableViewDelegate and UITableViewDataSource.
Building from a comment Vince made on my previous answer (since deleted since it was more of an explanation of how long and how much effort a feature like this would take rather than an attempt at answering the question).
You could store the index path of a cell when it becomes selected, and then as the cell is about to scroll offscreen (you'll need some trickery to detect this) you could retrieve the cell view returned from cellForRowAtIndexPath and set a section header view to use this cell view.
This would be a pretty monstrous hack though, and you'd need to find a way to elegantly split the table into sections in order to use the section header.
I wouldn't recommend this approach, although its a step in the right direction.