Consuming OData from Eclipse - sapui5

I've been practicing SAPUI5 with the documentation but they use SAP Web IDE to consume OData services. However, because my company won't expose their server to the cloud, I can't use SAP Web IDE so I need to use eclipse. I need a tutorial step by step (for dummies) for consuming OData with SAPUI5 from eclipse. I already know how to create them but not how to use them from eclipse.
I use the OData service from Northwind but with SAP, I'll need credentials and other things.
"dataSources": {
"invoiceRemote": {
"uri": "",
"type": "OData",
"settings": {
"odataVersion": "2.0"

[...] because they won't expose their server to the cloud, I can't use SAP Web IDE
An alternative to the clould based Web IDE is the Web IDE Personal Edition which you can deploy on your local machine but still runs in the browser (localhost). Create a corresponding destination file to connect to remote systems and the rest is pretty much the same as the old Orion-based Web IDE on the cloud.
Here is the destination file for the services from (e.g. Northwind)
Description=OData service from for testing, tutorials, demos, etc.
Otherwise, if you want to stick with eclipse, take a look at the documentation topic
App Development Using SAPUI5 Tools for Eclipse
and its underlying topic Use a SimpleProxyServlet for Testing to
Avoid Cross-domain Requests

An exmaple using th OData of northwind: (this i made it in eclipse but the only differece with sap web ide personal edition (i haven't try this yet but it should work) you must configure the destination file for the services)
//between key you put this:
"dataSources": {
"mainService": {
"uri": "/northwind/V2/OData/OData.svc/",
"type": "OData",
"settings": {
"odataVersion": "2.0",
"localUri": "localService/metadata.xml"
// this can be empty the if your using more than two just one can be empty
"": {
"dataSource": "mainService",
"preload": true
In my view that i'm going to use the data:
path: '/Categories',
sorter: {
path: 'Name',
descending: false
groupHeaderFactory: '.createGroupHeader'
mode="{= ${device>/system/phone} ? 'None' : 'SingleSelectMaster'}"
text="{masterView>/filterBarLabel}" />
If you're going to use and odata made for you or consume just paste the url in the propertie "uri" of yo key dataSource (something like this: "https://proxy/name:port/sap/opu/odata/SAP/ZNAME_OF_YOUR_CREATED_ODATA_SRV" don't worry this url is you could see it when yo /IWFND/MAINT_SERVICE ) and when is already to deploy it just leave the uri like this /sap/opu/odata/SAP/ZNAME_OF_YOUR_CREATED_ODATA_SRV

I'll give you some lights, but not a full tutorial.
Working in eclipse is not that different from working with WEB IDE.
First you need to use JSONModel(). You can find reference here.
Create a JSONModel object and then use the method loadData.
For the sURL use (in your example):
Then, you will have your oData in your front end. Now you just need to learn how to use it in your view elements. That you can learn it here.
If you want further explanations, please make small and specific questions, so it is easier to answer directed to your needs.


Unable to consume OData in my SAPUI5 app - initial loading of metadata failed

I am facing an issue while trying to consume OData and binding (aggregation binding) it with list item in my demo app.
The webpage is showing "No Data".. I referred other threads, but not similar to my issue. Even posted the thread in SAP QA forum.. no help.
The destination ES5 has been configured in the backend (SAP HANA CLOUD PLATFORM COCKPIT) also. Tried with no authentication and basic authentication. Still no data is displayed.
Connection testing was successful with message "Connection to "ES5" established. Response returned: 307: Temporary Redirect"
[ODataMetadata] initial loading of metadata failed
Error: HTTP request failed
<IconTabFilter text="Data Binding" key="db">
<List headerText="Products" items="{/ProductSet}">
<ObjectListItem title="{Name}" number="{Price}" intro="{ProductID}"/>
"": {
"dataSources": {
"ES5": {
"uri": "/destinations/ES5/sap/opu/odata/IWBEP/GWSAMPLE_BASIC/",
"type": "OData",
"settings": {
"odataVersion": "2.0"
"sap.ui5": {
"models": {
.......other models
"" : {
"dataSource": "ES5"
"path": "/destinations/ES5",
"target": {
"type": "destination",
"name": "ES5"
"description": "ES5 Demo Service"
The issue with my OData consumption was the creation of ES5 destination in Cloud Foundry Trial. If the app should be developed in SAP Web IDE which is available only in the Neo environment, we have to create the Neo Trial account from the SAP Cloud Platform Cockpit and create the same ES5 destination there. Now I am able to consume the products list in the OData.

Deployed Keycloak Script Mapper does not show up in the GUI

I'm using the docker image of Keycloak 10.0.2. I want Keycloak to supply access_tokens that can be used by Hasura. Hasura requires custom claims like this:
"sub": "1234567890",
"name": "John Doe",
"admin": true,
"iat": 1516239022,
"": {
"x-hasura-allowed-roles": ["editor","user", "mod"],
"x-hasura-default-role": "user",
"x-hasura-user-id": "1234567890",
"x-hasura-org-id": "123",
"x-hasura-custom": "custom-value"
Following the documentation, and using a script I found online, (See this gist) I created a Script Mapper jar with this script (copied verbatim from the gist), in hasura-mapper.js:
var roles = [];
for each (var role in user.getRoleMappings()) roles.push(role.getName());
token.setOtherClaims("", {
"x-hasura-user-id": user.getId(),
"x-hasura-allowed-roles":, "java.lang.String[]"),
"x-hasura-default-role": "user",
and the following keycloak-scripts.json in META-INF/:
"mappers": [
"name": "Hasura",
"fileName": "hasura-mapper.js",
"description": "Create Hasura Namespaces and roles"
Keycloak debug log indicates it found the jar, and successfully deployed it.
But what's the next step? I can't find the deployed mapper anywhere in the GUI, so how do I activate it? I tried creating a protocol Mapper, but the option 'Script Mapper' is not available. And Scopes -> Evaluate generates a standard access token.
How do I activate my deployed protocol mapper?
Of course after you put up a question on SO you still keep searching, and I finally found the answer in this JIRA issue. The scripts feature has been a preview feature since (I think) version 8.
So when starting Keycloak you need to provide:
and after that your Script Mapper will show up in the Mapper Type dropdown on the Create Mapper screen, and everything works.

SailsJs self is not defined in production.min.js

I created a small Application using SailsJs Framework v1.2.3.
There is no issue in debug mode (sails lift). However when I lift the solution in production, the layout is displayed as well as pages with pure text (e.g. default FAQ page) but login page cannot be rendered (I still see the layout). My production is on port 80 at the moment as I'm trying to have a fully working production on my local machine before deploying it.
The browser console has the following error:
production.min.js:1 Uncaught ReferenceError: self is not defined
at production.min.js:1
at production.min.js:1
I'm using the following dependencies in my project, the rest is from the sails new project WebApp option.
"dependencies": {
"#sailshq/connect-redis": "^3.2.1",
"#sailshq/lodash": "^3.10.3",
"#sailshq/": "^5.2.0",
"chart.js": "^2.9.3",
"csv-parser": "^2.3.2",
"sails": "^1.2.3",
"sails-hook-apianalytics": "^2.0.3",
"sails-hook-organics": "^0.16.0",
"sails-hook-orm": "^2.1.1",
"sails-hook-sockets": "^2.0.0",
"sails-hook-uploads": "^0.4.3"
Anyone could help me understanding what is wrong?
you may wanna take a look at .sailsrc the original file must be
"generators": {
"modules": {}
"_generatedWith": {
"sails": "1.2.3",
"sails-generate": "1.16.13"
last time i config this file to make another folder public and i have a same problem

How to implement a serviceworker in SFCC (Demandware)

I was wondering if anyone here has experience with implementing a service worker in SFCC/Demandware.
I generate a service worker with Webpack with sw-precache-webpack-plugin
The problem is: a service worker should be available from the root of the domain. so
JS files will come normally in the static/ folder.
Anyone an idea how to serve this JS file from the root of the project in Demandware/SFCC?
Unfortunately, registering a service worker under an scope that is in an upper path than the service worker file itself does not work (as stated in MDN):
The service worker will only catch requests from clients under the service worker's scope.
The max scope for a service worker is the location of the worker.
Here is a suggestion for a working approach for serving "/sw.js" in Demandware (Sales Force):
Create a new controller (or pipeline), e.g. "ServiceWorker-GetFile"; the response should be a file content, which can be read from whatever source you wish:
Content asset (dw.content.ContentMgr.getContent());
Library file (dw.content.ContentMgr.getContent() or directly reading a file with /;
even Site preference (although I wouldn't recommend it);
Create an entry in Business Manager / Merchant Tools / SEO / Aliases to route "/sw.js" to "ServiceWorker-GetFile", i.e. use something along:
"your-host" : [
"if-site-path": "/sw.js",
"pipeline": "ServiceWorker-GetFile"
This may seem like an unnecessary overhead, but it was the only way I could findfor serving files with root path in the URI.
Serving other root files as well
By expanding the controller (renaming it to, say, "Content-GetFile" and adding GET/POST parameters like "name" and/or "source") this could be conveniently used for other files as well ("/manifest.json", "/.well-known/assetlinks.json" etc.). In the next example of Business Manager / ... / Aliases, let Content-GetFile accept two parameters: "name" (which would be a file name in the content library or a content asset ID) and "source" (which would be "file" or "asset"):
"if-site-path": "/sw.js",
"pipeline": "Content-GetFile",
"params": {
"name": "/ServiceWorker/sw.js",
"source": "file"
"if-site-path": "/manifest.json",
"pipeline": "Content-GetFile",
"params": {
"name": "MANIFEST_JSON",
"source": "asset"
Note that your code should handle appropriately the base paths of the resources (e.g. "/ServiceWorker/sw.js" from the above example does not speak much; you should know whether this is a path in a content library or a path relative to "cartridges//static/default/js/").
Dynamic content
Since the suggested approach uses a controller, you can dynamically process the content before serving it to the user (e.g. if you need to add/remove the "/v12435145145/" part from DMW links). Sky is your limits. :)
I'm currently messing around with the service workers on DW as well.
In my case I have directly added the script inside a footer.isml file like this:
//init service worker
if ('serviceWorker' in navigator) {
window.addEventListener('load', () => {
.then(registration => {
`Service Worker registered! Scope: ${registration.scope}`
.catch(err => {
console.log(`Service Worker registration failed: ${err}`);
This works for me, well at least I can see the Service Worker registered message.
I also had some issues due to the SSL certificate since my development environment doesn't have a proper SSL but it's using HTTPs routes, so chrome was complaining about it, I needed to run chrome via terminal using this command:
/Applications/Google\\ Chrome --user-data-dir=/tmp/foo --ignore-certificate-errors --unsafely-treat-insecure-origin-as-secure=[YOUR DOMAIN]
Unfortunately I'm not able to make work any line of code inside that service worker file, even I tried on Safari, since it has a Service Workers option in the develop menu, but it's not showing any service worker running.
I Hope it will helps you.

Extended application descriptor file and invalid datasource

I have two applications:
hrportalcore: The core application with BaseController, ...
hrportalrequestleave: A sample application extended from the hrportalcore application
The hrportalcore has the namespace de.example.core and there are the dataSources also maintained. ( in manifest.json). The datasource is:
"HRPOJavaLeave": {
"uri": "<path>",
"type": "OData",
"settings": {
"annotations": [],
"odataVersion": "2.0",
"localUri": ""
The datasources can be used without any problems in the extended application but the console brings the following errors:
It says the datasource contains errors, but it can be used (strange?).
Another thing is, that the Component-preload.js file is loaded from a wrong place once a time. The application works without problems, but it is - as said - loaded once from a wrong location?
My manifest.json of the hrportalrequestleave looks like in the extension part (sap.ui5.extends):
"extends": {
"component": "de.example.core",
"extensions": {}
The parent is defined rightly in the neo-app.json as /parent to show to hrportalcore."de.example.request.leave.Component");
// use the load function for getting the optimized preload file if present
if (!"de.example.core.Component")) {
name: "de.example.core",
// Use the below URL to run the extended application when SAP-delivered application is deployed on cloud
url:"de.example.request.leave") + "/parent"
// we use a URL relative to our own component
// extension application is deployed with customer namespace
}"de.example.request.leave.Component", {
metadata: {
manifest: "json"
This all happens in the Fiori Launchpad of HANA Cloud Platform
manifest.json of hrportalcore: Always use the up-to-date version which you have deployed on your HCP in the applicationVersion property:
"_version": "1.2.0",
"": {
"_version": "1.2.0",
"applicationVersion": {
"version": "1.6.2"
manifest.json of hrportalrequestleave (Extension project): As above, always use the up-to-date version which you have deployed on your HCP in the applicationVersion property.
DataSource not found?!
If you have a extension project (like hrportalrequestleave < hrportalcore), then the manifest.json of both applications are merged like jQuery.extend(...). All properties, expect the tree, because it describes really the application and can not be copied from parent extension.
Now, when you use a dataSource from the parent extension, it will not be found. That means for you, you must define the in the extension project manifest.json.
The error in the log
"Error in application dependency de.example.core.Component: No descriptor was found"
suggests that the manifest.json contains a dependency to "de.example.core.Component" instead of "de.example.core". According to your code snippets, the "extends" dependency is correct. Do you have other dependencies?
The AppIndex in the backend calculates the transitive closure of dependencies and if it can't find an installation with that ID, the above error is created and logged on the client side.
If your manifest.json looks okay but might have contained a wrong dependency in the past, then it might be necessary to re-run the AppIndex (or schedule it for a regular run).
The fact that the app works despite the config error is caused by the code that you've shown above. It explicitly loads the de.example.core component from an explicitly calculated URL. But before that step, the framework already tries to load it, based on the information in the manifest.json and there the information about the explicit URL is missing.
BTW: the code that calculates the URL suggests that even after fixing the manifest.json, the AppIndex might not find the component as it seems to be stored in a sub package of the de.example.request.leave app. Not sure if the AppIndex can handle this (it can handle nested components if they are listed as embedded components in the top level manifest.json, but I'm not sure if it recognizes such embedded components in the dependencies section. As a result it might try to load the embedded component although it has been loaded together with the enclosing component already.