Deployed Keycloak Script Mapper does not show up in the GUI - keycloak

I'm using the docker image of Keycloak 10.0.2. I want Keycloak to supply access_tokens that can be used by Hasura. Hasura requires custom claims like this:
"sub": "1234567890",
"name": "John Doe",
"admin": true,
"iat": 1516239022,
"": {
"x-hasura-allowed-roles": ["editor","user", "mod"],
"x-hasura-default-role": "user",
"x-hasura-user-id": "1234567890",
"x-hasura-org-id": "123",
"x-hasura-custom": "custom-value"
Following the documentation, and using a script I found online, (See this gist) I created a Script Mapper jar with this script (copied verbatim from the gist), in hasura-mapper.js:
var roles = [];
for each (var role in user.getRoleMappings()) roles.push(role.getName());
token.setOtherClaims("", {
"x-hasura-user-id": user.getId(),
"x-hasura-allowed-roles":, "java.lang.String[]"),
"x-hasura-default-role": "user",
and the following keycloak-scripts.json in META-INF/:
"mappers": [
"name": "Hasura",
"fileName": "hasura-mapper.js",
"description": "Create Hasura Namespaces and roles"
Keycloak debug log indicates it found the jar, and successfully deployed it.
But what's the next step? I can't find the deployed mapper anywhere in the GUI, so how do I activate it? I tried creating a protocol Mapper, but the option 'Script Mapper' is not available. And Scopes -> Evaluate generates a standard access token.
How do I activate my deployed protocol mapper?

Of course after you put up a question on SO you still keep searching, and I finally found the answer in this JIRA issue. The scripts feature has been a preview feature since (I think) version 8.
So when starting Keycloak you need to provide:
and after that your Script Mapper will show up in the Mapper Type dropdown on the Create Mapper screen, and everything works.


Dynamically create Step Function state machines locally from CFN template

I am trying to dynamically create state machines locally from generated Cloud Formation (CFN) templates. I need to be able to do so without deploying to an AWS account or creating the definition strings manually.
How do I "build" a CFN template into a definition string that can be used locally?
Is it possible to achieve my original goal? If not, how are others successfully testing SFN locally?
I am using Cloud Development Kit (CDK) to write my state machine definitions and generating CFN json templates using cdk synth. I have followed the instructions from AWS here to create a local Docker container to host Step Functions (SFN). I am able to use the AWS CLI to create, run, etc. state machines successfully on my local SFN Docker instance. I am also hosting a DynamoDB Docker instance and using sam local start-lambda to host my lambdas. This all works as expected.
To make local testing easier, I have written a series of bash scripts to dynamically parse the CFN templates and create json input files by calling the AWS CLI. This works sucessfully when writing simple state machines with no references (no lambdas, resources from other stacks, etc.). The issue arises when I want to create and test a more complicated state machine. A state machine DefinitionString in my generated CFN templates looks something like:
{'Fn::Join': ['', ['{
"StartAt": "Step1",
"States": {
"StartAt": "Step1",
"States": {
"Step1": {
"Next": "Step2",
"Retry": [
"ErrorEquals": [
"IntervalSeconds": 2,
"MaxAttempts": 6,
"BackoffRate": 2
"Type": "Task",
"Resource": "arn:', {'Ref': 'AWS::Partition'}, ':states:::lambda:invoke",
"Parameters": {
"FunctionName": "', {'Fn::ImportValue': 'OtherStackE9E150CFArn77689D69'}, '",
"Payload.$": "$"
"Step2": {
"Next": "Step3",
"Retry": [
"ErrorEquals": [
"IntervalSeconds": 2,
"MaxAttempts": 6,
"BackoffRate": 2
"Type": "Task",
"Resource": "arn:', {'Ref': 'AWS::Partition'}, ':states:::lambda:invoke",
"Parameters": {
"FunctionName": "', {'Fn::ImportValue': 'OtherStackE9E150CFArn77689D69'}, '",
"Payload.$": "$"
"TimeoutSeconds": 10800
The AWS CLI does not support json objects, the CFN functions like 'Fn::Join' are not supported, and there are no references allowed ({'Ref': 'AWS::Partition'}) in the definition string.
There is not going to be any magic here to get this done. The CDK renders CloudFormation and that CloudFormation is not truly ASL, as it contains references to other resources, as you pointed out.
One direction you could go would to be to deploy the SFN to a sandbox stack, and allow CFN to dereference all the values and produce the SFN ASL in the service, then re-extract that ASL for local testing.
It's hacky, but I don't know any other way to do it, unless you want to start writing parses that turn all those JSON intrinsics (like Fn:Join) into static strings.

Unable to Access SAP Fiori Application - Error: 403 Forbidden

I have been trying out the Freestyle SAP Fiori Project and Deployed it to my Sub Account Space. It is Deployed Successfully and it is in a running state. However, when I try to access it, it says "403 Forbidden".
Screenshot 1: Error Message while Accessing the App
Screenshot 2: App Status
#Update 1: Roles, Scope, Role Templates are Empty
I went inside the deployed Application to see its Roles, Scopes & Role Templates. But all of them are empty. Can this be the reason? If yes, how do we assign them?
#Update 2: Roles, Scope, Role Templates are Empty
I have verified the MTAR Archive to see whether xs-security.json file is getting included and I can confirm it is getting included. For example, below is the content of that file.
"xsappname": "demofiori",
"tenant-mode": "dedicated",
"description": "Security profile of called application",
"scopes": [
"name": "uaa.user",
"description": "UAA"
"role-templates": [
"name": "Token_Exchange",
"description": "UAA",
"scope-references": [

Need to report on data from Retrospectives - Azure Dev Ops

We need a way to access data through an automated way (either Rest API or some SDK) that is contained within the Retrospective Azure Dev Ops extension. Currently, there is an option to export CSV but the process is manual and limited to each Retrospective. Any ideas/thoughts?
You can try like as the following steps:
Run the API to get the information of project teams in a project.
Request URL
Request Body
"contributionIds": [""],
"dataProviderContext": {
"properties": {
"teamsFlag": true,
"sourcePage": {
"url": "{organization_Name}/{project_Name}/_settings/teams",
"routeId": "ms.vss-admin-web.project-admin-hub-route",
"routeValues": {
"project": "{project_Name}",
"adminPivot": "teams",
"controller": "ContributedPage",
"action": "Execute",
"serviceHost": "{organization_Id} ({organization_Name})"
Run the API to list the retrospectives for a specified project team in the project.
Run the API to get more details about a specified retrospective.
However, we have not any available interface (API or CLI) to Export CSV content.

Attempting to add custom roles to Azure AD application

I am using the Microsoft Graph Editor to add application roles to a SAML SSO enabled application in Azure AD. I copied out the existing appRoles stanza using Get and have edited it to include two new roles.<objectID>
in this case is the objectID of my application.
However, when I run a Patch call to update the servicePrincipals data it throws a very generic error (One or more properties contains invalid values).
I have validated the JSON and am unable to determine what is causing the error.
My JSON is as follows:
"appRoles": [{
"allowedMemberTypes": ["User"],
"description": "msiam_access",
"displayName": "msiam_access",
"id": "b9632174-c057-4f7e-951b-be3adc52bfe6",
"isEnabled": true,
"origin": "Application",
"value": null
"allowedMemberTypes": ["User"],
"description": "Administrator",
"displayName": "Administrator",
"id": "b45591dd-c1f4-404e-9554-18fea972c3e4",
"isEnabled": true,
"origin": "ServicePrincipal",
"value": "SAML_Admin"
"allowedMemberTypes": ["User"],
"description": "ReadOnlyUsers",
"displayName": "ReadOnlyUsers",
"id": "e3c19ea4-e86a-4897-9bb5-3d2d115fed80",
"isEnabled": true,
"origin": "ServicePrincipal",
"value": "SAML_RO"
I also used a GUID generator to generate the GUIDs. If and when they are not unique I get an error to that effect. So, I am ruling that out for now.
You need to update the application, not the service principal.
Custom permissions are defined on the Application object, and are only reflected in the Service principal.
So you'll need to do a PATCH on:<objectID>
Where objectID is the object id for the Application object (note this is different from the service principal's object id).
You may then have to re-create the service principal.
Thanks to #juunas for helpful feedback.
The only solution that worked for me was to edit the Enterprise Application manifest directly with the new roles. I used a GUID creator web application to create the GUIDs and everything is working as expected.

How to initiate a workflow in Activiti using REST API

I have created a Activit Process using Service Tasks etc with eclipse and deployed the .bar to Activiti which is running on tomcat. It was successfully deployed I can start my process using activiti-explorer without any issue. The deployed process name is "My process" and it is listed under Processes->Deployed Process Definitions in the Activiti-Explorer as well. In the diagram it has the name "myProcess:1:1473"
But I have two questions.
I need to start my process using REST call. (i.e. Without using Activiti-explorer) . What is the URL for that? I tried several variations of (http://localhost:8080/activiti-rest/service/runtime/process-instances) but none of them working.
When I restart the tomcat my process instance is not shown in the Activit -explorer. Each time I restart I need to redeploy the process .bar file. Is that the natural behavior of the engine?
For your first question check this guide for further details:
POST runtime/process-instances should be your endpoint (Be sure to make a POST request, with application/jsonas your content type)
The payload on the other hand should be formatted in one of three templates:
Request body (start by process definition id):
"variables": [
"value":"This is a variable",
Request body (start by process definition key):
"tenantId": "tenant1",
"variables": [
"value":"This is a variable",
Request body (start by message):
"tenantId": "tenant1",
"variables": [
"value":"This is a variable",
As for your second issue, you should be aware that the OOTB (Out Of The Box) config may involve automatic DB cleaning upon each and every restart, you need to locate that config and override it with values of your choice! Check this section for further info, the databaseSchemaUpdate param might be exactly what you are looking for!